"The exact reason these molecular changes cluster at the mid-40s and 60s is unclear. But the study’s authors say their findings show that from your 40s, people stand to gain particular benefits from taking care of their health. This includes getting regular medical checkups — at least twice a year once you hit your 40s, Shen suggested — as well as making lifestyle adjustments.........................Researchers hope to better understand the factors driving these molecular changes, Shen said. “If we can find the drivers of these changes, we may even be able to find ways to slow or even reverse the drivers of the aging at these two time points.”
Take this for what it is: More informatoin on how we age, and how we can better age, not some window into the ludicrous anti-aging/immortality "theories" that are circulating now. We are, still, all going to die. It's how best to live until that happens.
Scientists observed two massive molecular shifts during midlife in the human body. They say it underscores how uneven the aging process can be.