The Media Association of Bhutan (MAB) along with private media houses, Editors and journalists held a meeting with the MoIC Minister, Lyonpo Karma Donnen Wangdi and the Department of Information and Media yesterday at 2.30 pm to highlight the critical issues facing the private media.
The MAB will be submitting a joint report from private media houses on the issue in the next two weeks.
This is in continuation of multiple submissions and sensitization efforts by the private media through MAB, since its formation in January 2015.
Please feel free to inbox any suggestions and ideas, though the report will be a consultative one among private media houses and employees and will also be based on past submissions.
President MAB
(The MAB is recognized under Chapter 4 section 74 subsection 2 of the ICM Act of Bhutan 2018.
Also Article 7 section 12 of the Constitution enabled the initial formation of the MAB. We, however, are not a CSO. MAB was formed in 2015 to represent the interests of private Media Houses and its employees)