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Full PreFrontal A Podcast About Exposing The Mysteries Of Executive Function with Sucheta Kamath. These are my conve How do I learn more about me? Life won’t be a puzzle anymore!

A Podcast About Exposing The Mysteries Of Executive Function with Sucheta Kamath

Are you interested in understanding how mental health, physical health, school readiness, and job success are inextricably linked? Curious about how training your brain can impact your quality of life? Want to know more about how to improve your focus, organization, working memory, decision-making, or self-control? W

elcome to my podcast, Full PreFrontal: Exposing the Mysteries of Executive Functions! You are tuning into my conversations with researchers, neuroscientists, learning experts, and thought leaders. Some have expertise in cognitive/educational/social psychology, social anthropology, learning and education, psychiatry, neurology, behavior economics, special education, while others are noted professionals in the field of leadership development and motivational speaking. This podcast is my effort to address the challenges and complexities of organizing one’s life. Life’s success is an intricate balance of orchestrating talent and effort. However, failing to uncover or to mobilize your inner tools and strategies can get you off path. Self-doubt presents itself and you begin to question your own capacity. How do I objectively investigate myself? or How do I tweak my thoughts, habits and attitudes to enhance my future thinking? What missing pieces of the puzzle, when properly placed, will connect the life successes I see in others to help me succeed in my own journey? We are not just in charge of our own life but are responsible for lives of many. Guiding others in hopes to see changes in them is how we mentor others, but what should we do when that doesn’t work? Is there a “secret sauce” to help others strive for excellence? Life has many moving parts; some create utter chaos while others bring sheer joy. To keep up with the moving parts, make listening to my podcast a new habit!

It’s human to crave connections. If there’s a silver bullet that comes closest to protecting kids, it’s the art of makin...

It’s human to crave connections. If there’s a silver bullet that comes closest to protecting kids, it’s the art of making meaningful connections with adults in their lives. This provides children with a sense of closeness and belonging ,which in return, contributes positively to their physical, social, psychological, and emotional health. Effective communication is the key ingredient to forming deep connections and parents, teachers and mentors need insights and tools to know ways to communicate that helps create a safe space for children to express themselves.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, neuropsychologist and coauthor of the books “What Do You Say? Talking with Kids to Build Motivation, Stress Tolerance, and a Happy Home” and “the Self-Driven Child”, William Stixrud, Ph.D. returns to discuss the parenting language of a consultant and ways in which kids benefit when their parents serve as a non-anxious presence in their lives. Family dynamics and effective modeling by parents can lead to cultivating strong Executive Function enabling questioning the validity of one’s decisions, rethinking positions or points of view, and changing one’s own mind with ease, persistence, and courage.


Reading comprehension is unequivocally the foundation of all other learning, not just during the formal years of educati...

Reading comprehension is unequivocally the foundation of all other learning, not just during the formal years of education, but in creating socially engaged communities and an inclusive world. The ‘Active View of Reading’ framework suggests that complex executive function skills such as goal setting, planning, organizing, and sequencing information critically supports goal completion, mental flexibility, and learning how to learn underneath the reading and writing processes. New findings suggest that despite having age-appropriate word reading, poor reading comprehension might be explained by executive function challenges in children, which is disrupting their learning success.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, author, director of READLab, and Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Teacher Preparation at Christopher Newport University, Dr. Kelly Cartwright, Ph.D., discusses how executive function infuses and supports human reading processes and how educators must consider remediating Executive Function as a means to promote literacy outcomes in K-12 education. Fortunately for us all, executive function skills can be explicitly taught and doing so will accentuate academic success for all learners.


Modern living means living with uncertainty. We are surrounded by progress, yet the things we are unsure of keeps growin...

Modern living means living with uncertainty. We are surrounded by progress, yet the things we are unsure of keeps growing, needing us to skillfully cope; hence, making hard decisions without all the answers requires skill and courage. On the other hand, the world measures certainty as the mark of expertise and celebrates those who exude the attitude of invincibility through a firm disposition of ”be fast, be right, and be without a doubt.” So, how do we widen our personal cognitive horizons and become more open and curious in spite of internal and external unpredictability?

On this episode, award-winning author, journalist and thought leader with a global reach, Maggie M. Jackson, returns to the Full PreFrontal Podcast with Sucheta Kamath to discuss her latest book Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure. Together, they explore the definition of uncertainty, the ties between executive function and the wisdom of uncertainty and finally, ways in which people can build a healthy relationship with the state of ‘not-knowing’. In times of flux, it’s strong Executive Function skills that enable everyone to question the validity of their decision, rethink their position or point of view, and change their own mind with ease, persistence, and courage.


The start of the New Year always rings in new possibilities. However, setting and achieving goals for yourself and by yo...

The start of the New Year always rings in new possibilities. However, setting and achieving goals for yourself and by yourself is harder than it seems. There are a multitude of obstacles including questions like knowing which tasks and ambitions to prioritize, where exactly to start, and how best to carry on when facing roadblocks and distractions. One truth remains though, we are likely to follow through with goals and pursuits that we are highly motivated about.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, behavioral scientist, Chicago Booth professor, and leading expert on motivation, Professor Ayelet Fishbach, Ph.D., discusses ways to think about and apply motivation to our lives and what people need to know about leveraging social support to stay motivated in our goal pursuit. Motivation is defined as a psychological force that enables action and a key to mastering Executive Function is to close the gap between one’s intentions and one’s actions.


How would you feel if during your trip to Agra, India, someone offers to sell you the Taj Mahal (one of the greatest won...

How would you feel if during your trip to Agra, India, someone offers to sell you the Taj Mahal (one of the greatest wonders of the world)? In its absurd glory you might question the offer as you read this, but not everyone did. One of the greatest con artists from India, Natwarlal aka Mithilesh Kumar Srivastava, not only sold the Taj Mahal to unsuspecting foreign tourists, but also made out selling a few other historical monuments ~ and not just once, but multiple times. No one likes to be conned, fooled or taken advantage of. However, everyone has fallen prey to someone else’s deceit at least once because we are wired for trust-bias and scammers use our own cognitive beliefs, habits, and assumptions against us.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, research neuroscientists, co-authors and collaborators Dr. Christopher Chabris and Dr. Daniel Simons discuss their most recent book, “Nobody’s Fool: Why we get taken and what we can do about it” and explain what classic and current research in cognitive psychology and the social sciences says about our vulnerabilities to fall prey to deception and fraud. Focus, critical thinking, discernment and questioning ourselves with criticality are some of the effective ways of managing our truth bias and activating our executive function to protect our future-selves.


200 episodes! The Full PreFrontal Podcast has reached a significant milestone, and what does that mean to us? We’re “in ...

200 episodes! The Full PreFrontal Podcast has reached a significant milestone, and what does that mean to us? We’re “in it for the long haul!” We find inspiration from Japanese artist, On Kawara, known for his work that illustrates the beauty, structure, and discipline in doing something over a long period of time with persistence and care. A milestone often not only marks the start of a new chapter, but also serves as a reward for past accomplishments, both big and small.

Achievements are precious and timeless, and what better way to commemorate them than with precious guests. On this episode, Kamath celebrates this 200th episode with her two sons who flip the script by taking a look back at the podcast’s journey through time. Sucheta would like to invite all listeners and followers of the podcast to join in on the celebrations as she continues to explore the mysteries of Executive Function while translating the art and science of self-regulated transformation for personal growth.



🎁Wrapping up with our 200th episode countdown, Full PreFrontal podcast guest Eduardo Briceño shares his favorite moment from the podcast with Sucheta Kamath. 🥳Check out his episode 179: Growth Mindset & Continuous Improvement https://www.fullprefrontal.com/1080614/10117080

Full PreFrontal podcast guest, Terrie Moffitt, had this to say to Sucheta Kamath about our upcoming ✨200th episode✨. Rev...

Full PreFrontal podcast guest, Terrie Moffitt, had this to say to Sucheta Kamath about our upcoming ✨200th episode✨. Revisit her episode 184: Executive Function, Stressful Lives, and Health Decisions https://www.fullprefrontal.com/1080614/10480754


🎉Continuing with our countdown to our 200th episode, here is a Full PreFrontal shout-out to Sucheta Kamath from guest Elaine Taylor-Klaus. Tune into her episode 125: Sideways Stories of Complex Kids. https://www.fullprefrontal.com/1080614/5587162


🥳 We are so excited to be coming up on our 200th episode of the PreFrontal podcast with Sucheta Kamath! It’s hard to believe that we’ve come so far! In honor of that momentous occasion, we will be posting some amazing shout-outs from previous guests! How awesome is that? We are so honored to have had such warm and wonderful guests and listeners as well! We would be here without you so, THANK YOU ALL! 🙏

First up is our guest, Doug Fisher! Be sure to check out his episode 113: Shifting from Surface Learning to Deep Learning. https://www.fullprefrontal.com/1080614/4413512

During the 2007 season of America’s Next Top Model, contestant Heather Kuzmich introduced American viewers to her diagno...

During the 2007 season of America’s Next Top Model, contestant Heather Kuzmich introduced American viewers to her diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and the challenges that go along with it. Having to live in a house with twelve strangers while navigating the social politics of housemates who were also her competitors proved to be quite a bit of challenge for Kuzmich and yet she won viewers’ hearts and ended up in the top five. While this success story offers inspiration and hope to many; for those with ASD diagnosis, the struggle is real and they need help and support from not just experts, but from communities as well.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, practicing clinical psychologist and co-author of two books “Is This Autism? A guide for clinicians and everyone else” and “Is This Autism? A companion guide for diagnosing”, Dr. Donna Henderson returns to discuss effective ways to manage the ASD condition as it poses many challenges including black-and-white thinking, rigid rule-following, obsessiveness, and perfectionism that can take a toll on one's quality of life.

If a boy has an odd affect, you might think he’s autistic. But if a girl has an odd affect, you’ll think she’s a drama q...

If a boy has an odd affect, you might think he’s autistic. But if a girl has an odd affect, you’ll think she’s a drama queen!…How does autism present itself? And what if it presents in a way you might not expect? The ordeal of connecting, communicating, and belonging to a neurotypical world while being neurodiverse is the same as navigating the right-handed world while being left-handed ~ it can cause angst and challenge.

On this episode of the Full PreFrontal podcast with Sucheta Kamath, practicing clinical psychologist and co-author of two books “Is This Autism? A guide for clinicians and everyone else” and “Is This Autism? A companion guide for diagnosing”, Dr. Donna Henderson discusses effective ways of identifying and supporting autistic individuals, particularly those with subtle presentation who experience life-long effects which are much more than subtle.


The process of educating children and growing as an educator in return requires everyone to acknowledge the bidirectiona...

The process of educating children and growing as an educator in return requires everyone to acknowledge the bidirectionality that is inherent to teaching and learning. The context and culture that invests in both the academic growth of a child and also in the process that honors the input from its learning community brings itself into a new realm of possibilities. By carefully creating time and space to hear the voices of student stakeholders, educators discover meaningful ways to act upon them with clarity and care.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, author, K-16 educator & administrator, motivational speaker, leadership expert and development coach, Dr. Mary Hemphill, discusses the framework of the One-Minute Meeting and the importance of an informative needs assessment that maximizes interactions with students to uncover their transformational potential. In effort to build self-reliant children, we need to build relationships with children so that they approach their own challenges and roadblocks with courage and trust; and as their brains grow, so does their Executive Function skills.


Culture in general plays an important role in human development and particularly childhood is shaped by culture. Not so ...

Culture in general plays an important role in human development and particularly childhood is shaped by culture. Not so long ago raising children was considered rather noisy, dirty, tedious and anything but pleasant. However, those living in WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) societies that make up about 12% of the world’s population have perpetuated over-protective child-rearing practices and principals while ignoring the cultural wisdom of the rest of the world. With this rise in parental hyper-vigilance in creating independent children, there is a growing trend that parents are turning everything in the child's life into a learning/teaching opportunity, which is a likely source of learned helplessness and a predictable path to a failure to launch.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, anthropologist, researcher, and author and Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Utah State University, David Lancy, discusses the loss of autonomy and freedom in WEIRD societies and the relationship between how we raise children and the eventual likelihood of a failure to launch and the insecurity, anxiety, and breakdown in executive function.

Culture encourages girls and women to exhibit both traditional “feminine” qualities, such as being empathic, good with r...

Culture encourages girls and women to exhibit both traditional “feminine” qualities, such as being empathic, good with relationships, nice, obedient, good mothers, and home-organizers, as well as traditional “masculine” qualities, such as being assertive, competitive, academically driven, and career-focused. However, when girls display disruptive, hyperactive, impulsive, or disorganized behavior, they are at risk of harsher social judgment compared to their male counterparts because they violate the feminine societal norms. For starters, ADHD and resulting Executive Dysfunction in girls and women can turn their lives upside down and in an attempt to avoid social sanctions, many of them spend excessive amounts of energy trying to hide their challenges, which in turn go unnoticed and hence untreated.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, psychotherapist, consultant and author, Sari Solden, MS, discusses why girls and women with ADHD get diagnosed much later than a typical child with ADHD and how best to help alleviate their personal shame and struggles with the unrelenting societal pressure of needing to “prove it to the world” that they are worthy to be given opportunities. An essential component of improving Executive Function skills is building self-knowledge and constructing a personal narrative of a wholesome self that recognizes the common humanity in all of our experiences. Instead of framing self-work or self-change as “fixing something that is broken”, the best therapeutic way to empower girls and women with ADHD is to help them invest in their own future-self.


Why is it that our resolve to lose weight, give up eating desserts, and start a new exercise regimen is bound to fail? B...

Why is it that our resolve to lose weight, give up eating desserts, and start a new exercise regimen is bound to fail? Because we all have bought into to the conventional wisdom that follow-through with a new decision is simply a matter of conscious choice and decision and ultimately this belief ends up leading us astray. Even though it’s a common human experience to want to overcome ill-desired habits and change our ways, simply chanting the mantra of the “Just Do it” or reading self-help books will not make it easy to get rid of our bad habits or make us better people.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at the University of Southern California and author of the book, Good Habits, Bad Habits, Wendy Wood, discusses how the psychological sciences of habit-making, habit-breaking, and habit-reshaping relies on the interplay of decisions and unconscious factors. She highlights that to make the changes we seek, we must first unlock our habitual mind. Since Executive Function skills pertain to forming goals and persisting through time to achieve them, the success of Executive Function training lies in discovering how to tolerate the drudgery of sticking to things over and over again.


Research shows that young children with stronger Executive Function skills present themselves far differently than their...

Research shows that young children with stronger Executive Function skills present themselves far differently than their peers and their behaviors and actions stand out a bit more. These children are more involved in their preschool classrooms, they interact more freely with their learning environment, and it’s less likely that they get put into “time out”. From there on, these students’ journeys puts them on the fast track to develop greater independence and self-sufficiently because they exhibit skills that allow them to maximize the learning opportunities in activities that are the building blocks of formal education.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, Assistant Researcher at the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Dr. Laura Rhinehart, discusses the nature of Executive Function and early development and ways in which children with ADHD or dyslexia differ in their reading, literacy, and executive functioning skills.



Raising children, which was always hard, has become harder; not because of the work that goes into changing diapers, pre...

Raising children, which was always hard, has become harder; not because of the work that goes into changing diapers, preparing meals, taking kids to soccer or piano, or all the laundry that one has to do; but because not everyone is good with children. On top of that, in modern times and in modern living, parents’ abilities to control what children have access to has fundamentally changed, requiring parents to deal with difficult information and ongoing conflict in motives between what the parents think is appropriate versus what children desire. All this amplifies the ongoing tension and erodes relationships between contemporary parents and their teens while the complex world never ceases to be complex.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, ADHD and parent-teen relationships expert, author, and clinical psychologist, Dr. Arthur Robin, discusses how to build better communication, problem solving, and realistic thinking in interpersonal relationships. A key ingredient to Executive Function development and mastery is effective interpersonal communication and self-initiated problems solving and hence, parents play a vital role in facilitating that for their children.


There is no impulse more natural than the desire to protect ourselves and our loved ones from pain. When we experience s...

There is no impulse more natural than the desire to protect ourselves and our loved ones from pain. When we experience social-emotional pain, we activate the same instincts as a mama bear who jumps to protect her cub as an effort to dial down emotions of distress. An unhealthy emotional pain management can lead to actively taking steps to inflict pain on others through the acts of withholding affection, interactions, or reciprocity. The “silent treatment” or social exclusion is one such powerful tool that delivers insurmountable distress to others providing individuals with only temporary relief.

On this episode of Full PreFrontal with Sucheta Kamath, a pioneer and world-leading expert on social and psychological dynamics of ostracism, author, and a distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University, Kipling Williams, discusses how the silent treatment can damage relationships, sometimes irreparably and provides effective and meaningful ways we can manage our own disappointments, let-downs, or hurt by engaging personal growth and emotional agility.



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