The Northern Ireland Health Bill threatens human medical freedom and basic human rights by extending already overbroad legislation permitting forced medical examinations, quarantine, forced (quasi) medical procedures and vaccinations. It purports to extend emergency powers, allowing unknown and uncertain authorities to impose severe restrictions without consent. These proposals contravene human rights and violate personal autonomy.
The consultation by its oblique nature, subterfuge and overbroad remit, constitutes an outright attack on the rule of law, nowhere answering the demands of a true public consultation.
The Public Health Bill to replace the current Public Health Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 at clause 143 of the proposals states "the regulations may impose a special restriction or requirement such as requiring a person to be vaccinated or to receive other prophylactic treatments".
Aside from its uncertain character, this is not a meaningful consultation. It was difficult to find, given little media attention and was merely sent out to a select few.
The format is designed to give a restricted rather than an informed response.
It potentially negates The Belfast Agreement in terms of devolved healthcare and borders.
The implications have not been presented in any capacity whatsoever, nor has a definitive list of notifiable diseases or the method of diagnosis, PCR or otherwise, been provided.
It has not been made clear to whom exactly authority can be given, or if the medical procedures mandates will be grounded in science, experiment, speculation or aggregated artificial intelligence. This makes any informed response impossible.
This government overreach, coercion and subterfuge is a gross violation of human rights, human autonomy, rule of law and international law. The changes involve a constitutional issue that require a referendum vote at the very least.
The Northern Ireland Public Health Bill, purports to open up a consultation giving unprecedented powers to the state in an alleged health emergency to mandate procedures and vaccines on individuals. In so doing, the legislation appears to be adopting a highly contentious, indeed totalitarian, interpretation of the WHO's potentially catastrophic amendments to the International Health Regulations.
Reach out online before the October 14th deadline. Demand transparency and accountability.
See also https://stopthenihealthbill.org/
The Department of Health has launched a consultation asking for views on new health protection measures, being implemented through a Public Health