I'll post the past/present/future weather forecasts for Vincennes, IN and areas local to Vincennes, such as Bicknell, Loogootee, Washington, Mt. I will also post Doppler Radar pics when available! Clouds, sunrise/sunset images will also be posted, along with weather alerts for all things weather and more! And, if you want weather data for any town, Z.I.P. code or unofficial town, comment and/or me
ssage Local Vincennes Weather, and I will do the rest! *TOWN DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LOCAL!* My Update frequency can and probably will vary from time-to-time. More people are on Facebook than being weather savvy online, so why not combine. To anybody who's interested. Also, I'll try to back up the "Turn around, don't drown" slogan. Like my page, I would 'like' to see my likes and followers grow. I've worked hard on this page, so it's important to me. Even if you aren't nearby, 'like' my page, because on major weather events, I will post about it, even if it isn't local. If i haven't posted about a major weather event within 1 to 2 days, just message me, and I'll see what I can do. "Stay Weather Savvy!" (The phrase, "Stay Weather Savvy!!" came from Timothy M. Samaras, a veteran storm chaser who was a true hero! Look him up!) *Please share this page with friends & family!! It would really help me out more than you think!! Stay Weather Savvy!!