Siddu's Safar

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Siddu's Safar You can never regret anything you do in life. You kind of have to learn the lesson from whatever the experience is and take it with you on your journey forward.

*KEEP FOCUSED ON WHAT YOU CAN BE..!* .It matters not how dark yesterday might have been, focus on the new day. The size ...


It matters not how dark yesterday might have been, focus on the new day. The size of criticism could have been unbearable but remain focused on where you are headed.

They will call you names and judge you on what you did ages ago. Never allow that to hinder your progress. In their minds, your story is a foregone conclusion, but keep to your lane and prove them otherwise.

It matters not the label they place on you, what you contain within is more powerful than what's visible to the physical eyes. The internal reality is more real than the external.

Focus on what you can be rather than what has been. Never live your past twice because the world is pulling you backwards to what has been. Instead, live your life in forward gear always.

Ever wondered why vehicles have more forward gears compared to the reverse?.. - food for thought. You can't afford to live your life backwards.

*Forward Ever and Backwards Never*

*YOUR SEASON IS COMING, KEEP TO YOUR GAME...!* Don't get down in the pit and start doubting what God showed you. Your dr...


Don't get down in the pit and start doubting what God showed you. Your dream is just as real as it is in the palace.

Many great personalities pass through the pit before they get to their palace experience. There are few if any world changers who started off in penury, reached positions of prominence later.

Don't despair if you find yourself in a pit of some sort. That is part and parcel of learning the ropes of life. The pit may be so unpleasant but it doesn't mean that you will always be in that place.

One of these days when you are ready to grace the high places, you will realise that you stand to be pulled miraculously from the pit and find yourself seated besides kings.

Be the best you can be. Compete with no one other than yourself. God has deposited seed of greatness in you, manifest it. Your time is truly coming.

...Life caught you unawares with harmful consequences but you are still here. Life knocked you down but you are not knoc...

...Life caught you unawares with harmful consequences but you are still here. Life knocked you down but you are not knocked out. Life has dealt with you but you are not dead.

Life gave you blows but you are not blown out. Life has battered you so bad but you are still breathing. Whatever life has done to you, you are still here. You can still put the pieces of your life together and start anew.

It doesn't matter how many times life has knocked you down, what matters is how many times you are able to get back up. Life is full of ups and downs.

Regardless of the difficult situations you have experienced in life, you must determine to live. You must decide to get to the peak of your career and stay there.

Being happy in life depends totally on you. Decide to be happy. How you start doesn't matter but what matters is how you end. Start small and grow with time. Make a decision to end well.

You deserve the best in life. You deserve success..💐

*"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work."*  -  Stephen King.This one speaks f...

*"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work."* - Stephen King.

This one speaks for itself! Position yourself for your blessings.

Did you know that pains often come with gains? Pay the Price to have the Prize. Your growth is determined by what you have been able to overcome. Face resistance, overcome your challenges!

Challenges come with elevation. Face it and move your life forward! Never you break up at the point of your breakthrough. Have a mindset of winning.

Think Big and don't listen to those who tell you it can't be done. Be assured that it would be done. Work on yourself, work on your goal to achieve greatness.

Sometimes the only hurdle you have to overcome to reach your goal is the success you have achieved so far. Eschew COMPLACENCY!

In this game called life, everybody can WIN if we play to the best of our abilities. Believe it, your harvest time is here! Go for it !

*KEEP TO YOUR GAME LONG ENOUGH..!* It is not over until its over. Persistence is power. Even though the average person w...


It is not over until its over. Persistence is power. Even though the average person would give up easily, the extraordinary you cannot afford to sit back.

The reason why many successful people ended up winning is because they didn’t know when to give up. How many winning goals do you know that came on the last minute of extra time? It is not game over until the final whistle.

Hold on a little bit longer. You are probably only three inches away from gold, strike five more times or six or seven. If you fall down eleven times, rise up a dozen.

Persistence remains one of the greatest qualities of the game changers. Your passage to success is tested in the furnace of persistence. The road to greatness is often filled with disappointments, setbacks and even temporary failures.

Quitting is never an option. It is always too early to quit.

*"You can't see the picture when you're in the frame"*.I'll never forget the first time i heard that. It struck me becau...

*"You can't see the picture when you're in the frame"*.

I'll never forget the first time i heard that. It struck me because it's so true. How can you see yourself...when you are yourself.⁠
The blindspots will always be there. You'll wander down paths that for one reason or another you think are good for you but then when you look back on it years down the road, you'll see where you went a bit off course. This is where you learn. Toss out all the judgements and look with eyes of wisdom.⁠
What does all this tell me? ⁠
What can i pull from this? ⁠
How has this shaped me into something far wiser?⁠
How do i course correct from this place?⁠
When you look at these things deeply, you'll see them in a whole new light. That's the gift. Perspective. Wisdom.⁠
Here's something i always want to keep in mind: the journey isn't a straight line. It's not even a squiggly one that would imply there's a start and an end. Instead, it's a constant unfolding. Think of a Lotus flower that opens layer after layer...unending...for infinite amounts of time.⁠
All it takes is connecting with your breath...slowing down the mind...and returning to a far deeper and wiser version that has always known which way to go.

*A BIG surprise loading...Just stay tuned...!* 😊Life is not always the way you want it. Sometimes you face trials and te...

*A BIG surprise loading...Just stay tuned...!* 😊

Life is not always the way you want it. Sometimes you face trials and temptations, suffer financial setbacks, challenges in your marriage or at the workplace.

It may even happen in succession! You may face rejection and criticisms just because you are trying to express your true self.

You may fall many times, sometimes, though no fault of yours! In the midst of all these, try to find a reason to keep going. Don't accept what life throws at you. You are bigger, harder and more powerful than all of that!

It may take long. The road may be rough. And the going may be tough. But you will get there. Hold on to your faith.

In the face of all the discouragements, obstacles and setbacks, tell yourself - 'I'm UNSTOPPABLE.' Use everything within you to go after your dreams. And don't worry about what people say.

Let me tell you one thing..If you do it, they will talk about you. If you don't do it, they will still talk about you! That's it! So, do it anyway.
You can do it.

It's interesting that as you continue on your path, you learn that it's far more about letting go than adding on. It's a...

It's interesting that as you continue on your path, you learn that it's far more about letting go than adding on.

It's about dissolving stories, habits, patterns, rituals, relationships that don't serve you. ⁠
The result ends up being a new sense of joy and peace coming into your life. The more and more you let go of, the more space you create for things you actually want to be there. ⁠
My mentor once told me that there are two really simple but significant rules on growth and development. One, continue doing what you've been doing well. Two, stop doing what hasn't been going so well. ⁠
I laughed when i heard it. Not because i thought it was a joke but because of how sophisticated that simple truth really is. ⁠
So i can pass that along to you at the beginning of this new year. Look at what you're doing well and take note of it. Look at what hasn't been going so well or what's been holding you back and begin to wind it down. ⁠
If you can take what you have in your life as it stands right now and modify it in ways that really serve you, you're going to grow like crazy. ⁠
Little by little. Piece by piece. Decision by decision. That's how you bloom.

*Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.* If you desparate to be successful...d...

*Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.*

If you desparate to be successful...develop attitude of building from scratch, embrace actions, remain focussed, rise up and show up, create opportunities for yourself and pursue your dream with passion.

You don't have to be great before getting started, you have to start before being great. You won't start at the top, but if you remain focussed with a strong belief in yourself, the top is where you will end.

Never allow your background to keep you back on the ground. It won't be easy when you start with no inheritance, no connections, no support and sometimes no education.

It won't be easy. But if you do what is easy, your life will be hard...and if you do what is hard your life will be easy.

Whatever choice you make, remember that there is no quick route to success. There is a price you have to pay to get the success you desire.

Stop waiting for a perfect time to start taking the actions that will improve your life. The time will never be perfect. Start now!

*ONE STEP AT A TIME, THE DESTINATION IS REACHED....* It's never about the sudden jump or the biggest chunk all at once. ...


It's never about the sudden jump or the biggest chunk all at once. lt is always from the seemingly little efforts that real greatness is birthed and realised.

Don't be afraid to take an unfamiliar path, sometimes, that is the one that takes you to the best place.

Be full of faith. Dare to step out in faith. Be prepared to take risk, nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. After all, rising up and going out there is a risk on its own.

Some have gone the same path to the journey of no return, you've passed through same place safe. Life itself is a risk, take your fair share out of it. Be full of faith that all will be well.

The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing! He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.

You shall not be stagnant in life neither shall you experience sorrow. Only those who risk going too far can find out how far one can go. Keep moving!

*Have the courage to go against the tide....!* . When you accept who you are, who cares what the world thinks..?Let them...

*Have the courage to go against the tide....!* .

When you accept who you are, who cares what the world thinks..?

Let them doubt you. Let them criticise you. Let them call you names. Let them laugh at you. Let them call you crazy. BUT NEVER LET THEM STOP YOU!

Don't quit on your dream because people says. Because, even if you quit, people will still say, 'you are a failure'.

Your dream is possible. Dare to go for it. Have faith in yourself. Believe you can do it. Because, you really can!

People waste so much time complaining about their circumstances. Use your energy to do what you can starting where you are. You will be amazed at the place that you will end up.

Don't let anybody or anything stop you from going after your dream.

*BREAK THE LIMITS - LIVE BEYOND LIMITATIONS....!* Deal with self imposed mental limitations before you break physical ba...


Deal with self imposed mental limitations before you break physical barriers. What we regard as impossible only exists in our mind.

When a Chick breaks the eggshell from within, that's the starting point of an encounter with DESTINY. If on the other hand, the egg is broken from without, that's catastrophic. Rather defy the limits and challenge your challenger than wait for another to push you.

As we are in the shadows of a new year, there is every reason to leave the past behind and embrace the new. Real progress rests with the person who defy the odds and live beyond limitations.

You have what it takes to fly high. You have the potential to enter new frontiers. Your future is bright if you so choose. It rests with you.

It is disastrous to hold on to the STATUS QUO; It is no longer STATELY. Establish the PROGRESS PATH in every PROBLEM. Develop the CONVICTION to face every CHALLENGE.

When BITTER situations crop up, establish BEST SOLUTIONS OUT. See the GAIN in every PAIN. Always remember that you are not Ordinary, you are ExtraOrdinary.

I thank each one of you for taking time every day to read my posts and reflecting upon as much as possible...😀

Be blessed and keep impacting positively..đŸ’«

You can't conquer what you don't confront. Your life won't move if you don't make a move.Pursue your dream. Yes, it's no...

You can't conquer what you don't confront. Your life won't move if you don't make a move.

Pursue your dream. Yes, it's not easy. But also, it's not impossible! You have the mind. You have talent. You have gifts. You have a dream. And you have the will.

Above everything else, you have a spirit that is hungry for greatness; ready to fight to make your dream to become a reality regardless of the circumstances.

What else is lacking? Nothing but fear! So, do not blame it on lack of resources but, your lack of resourcefulness!

It is time to harness your mind, to utilize your talents and gifts and to make that big dream to become a reality!

If you want your life to be meaningful, go out and do something about it. If you don't go after what you want, you will never have it.

You never know what you can do except you try. Make that move today and see the wonder of taking actions.

*I believe you can fly.....🩋* No matter your circumstances, i challenge you to rise above them and in fact use them to f...

*I believe you can fly.....🩋*

No matter your circumstances, i challenge you to rise above them and in fact use them to free yourself to get to the stratosphere where you belong.

If you allow yourself to remain perched on the edge of life's nest, afraid to test your wings, then you risk missing out on becoming the person God made you to be.

Chances are good that you will free - fall and struggle to get your feet before stretching your wings again. But if you're willing to keep trying, you will soon discover the exhilaration that comes from creating an enterprise that can soar.

Every condition, every experience of life is the result of our mental attitude. We can do only what we think we can do. We can only be what we think we can be.

We can only have only what we think we can have. What we do, what we are, what we have, all depend upon what we think. We can never express anything that we do not first have in mind.
Reserve this day for your mind expansion..! 💐

*CONTROL YOUR MIND....* You don’t choose which thoughts come into your mind. They will come invited or uninvited. But yo...


You don’t choose which thoughts come into your mind. They will come invited or uninvited. But you can choose which thoughts to focus on.

It's important that you learn to control your mind. Because if you don’t, your mind will control you. And it will take you to places you don’t want to be.

Negative thoughts are as injurious to the mind as acid is to the body. Cultivate the habit of positive thinking. You can't feed your mind on garbage and expect to grow. Never!

The things you grow in the garden of your mind are what manifest in your reality. So, make sure you always grow only the best of seeds in your mind.

Watch what goes into your mind. Because, you become what you constantly put into your mind.

Keep in mind.. your comfort zone will give you convenience but not growth. If you really want to grow, then you must be willing to push the boundaries.

*" The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate"...* —Oprah WinfreyKeep your thoughts pos...

*" The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate"...*
—Oprah Winfrey

Keep your thoughts positive. Let your focus be on that goal. It's not over till it's over. Keep your dream alive. It is true that the year 2021 is running out but it's not finished yet. Keep your focus on that dream.

Let the pains of your difficult situations be felt by you. Let the pains be a driving force for you to achieve great success.

One of the things that has made many successful people as strong, bold and hungry for enormous success in life is as a result of numerous difficult situations they had encountered and overcome with the will power.

As you are trusting God for the establishment of your dream coming to reality, start preparing for the new year 2022.

To fail to plan is planning to fail. You will not fail, you will not falter. Learn to do the needful now and stop procrastination! Let your actions and dispositions remain positive. You are just next to celebrate!

*IT'S NEVER ABOUT TOMORROW- IT'S ABOUT TODAY* It was on a day like this that great ideas that revolutionalized the world...


It was on a day like this that great ideas that revolutionalized the world were birthed. It was even on a day like this that mighty decisions that transformed civilization were made.

As simple as the day may appear, it contains within it the seeds of the future. It is on such a day like this that the first step to any place you want to reach must be taken.
Push not to tomorrow what you can do now. That date is 'now'.

The speciality of this day lies in the fact that you can use it as a springboard to any future you want.

Some people have big things they want to see in their lives, so they wait for these big things to happen. And then they wait...wait...nothing happens. Not knowing that every big thing, has little, little things that makes the whole.

To achieve anything in life faster, break it down to the smallest step and then start from there. With time those little,small steps compound to form that big thing.

Pay attention to how you spend the seconds, they compound into minutes, to hours, to days, weeks, months, year, years, lifetime. Don't underestimate the power of compounding.

*The perfect moment will never arrive. There's no such thing.* . It's not because the idea of perfection isn't seductive...

*The perfect moment will never arrive. There's no such thing.* .

It's not because the idea of perfection isn't seductive. It is. It has people chasing after it all the time.⁠
Rather, this idea of perfection is impossible to quantify. Turning the purely subjective into something objective is a task that leads to endless time being wasted.⁠
So instead, begin. Begin your journey wherever you are. This moment is as good as any. The thing you really do not want is, spending an entire lifetime waiting for that perfect moment and to be stuck idling on the side of the road.⁠
If you've found yourself delaying for days, years or decades, begin now. Reset your intentions and learn from what it means to be out of action.

The important part is that you actually start. Don't throw judgement on top of all the time that has already gone by. That will just make life worse.⁠
Courage is not about being completely fearless. It's about what we decide to do in the presence of fear.

That's how you grow.

*THE ONLY LIMITS IN LIFE ARE THE ONES YOU MAKE ! ...* Opportunities come to those who are READY to meet them halfway. Op...


Opportunities come to those who are READY to meet them halfway. Opportunities will always pass if you don't have the will, skills, knowledge and experience to match them.

You have the power to turn your struggle into an opportunity. Raise your OWN standard. Set an example. BEGIN the change!

The secret to excellence-- make it a STANDARD. Bring your 'A-game' to everything you do, every time. Keep your mind trained on your PURPOSE.

A big part of any goal or project you are working towards is learning to adapt. We must be willing to accept things that we have no control over and re-adjust our course to reach our goals .

When you have a solid WHY behind all your effort, no challenge will ever be enough to make you quit.

*IF EVERYTHING AROUND YOU SEEMS DARK...LOOK AGAIN, YOU MAY BE THE LIGHT..!* You are destined for greatness.You are creat...


You are destined for greatness.You are created to occupy space. Work your way to achieve greatly.

Be ready to be more productive with your skills, talents, your knowledge and experiences garnered over the years.

What is that hobby of yours you are undervaluing? It's time to be serious with it. Dare to take risks. Risk takers are high flyers.

When you have the courage and the preparedness to take on problems as if they're stepping stones to progress, you will find that every negative situation has the potential to be turned into positive!

People with the courage to face the unknown and embrace risk will always be several steps ahead of those too scared to even try.

Let go of fear and blaze the trail ahead!

*Learn to let go of the old to make room for the new...!* We are taught all our lives to hold on. Most of the time it's ...

*Learn to let go of the old to make room for the new...!*

We are taught all our lives to hold on. Most of the time it's out of fear. But when you hold onto things that are no longer for you, you prevent the new things that are actually supposed to show up.
The things in the past are gone. They’ve drifted off into the ether. You can’t go back and change them. You can’t redo them. Those moments cannot be touched. All you have is 'now', this moment...and what you do in this moment determines the story that would exist in the future. ⁠
It’s hard to let go. I know. It’s one of the greatest lessons i keep learning over and over again. But when you do, there’s so much room for fresh possibility.

You’re going to get hurt form time to time. It’s inevitable. But refusing to play it all because you’re scared delivers the greatest pain of all - regret. ⁠
You have to be willing to order to win. In everything. You only learn and grow when you put your heart on the line. It’s not the end of the world if you lose. It’s just a moment in time.

Get back out there and try again. Give it your all. Learn from the past and move forward with a deeper wisdom.

*RELEASE THE TRIGGER* Talent on it's own is not enough. Apply that talent. Even the sharpest arrow will never hit the ta...


Talent on it's own is not enough. Apply that talent. Even the sharpest arrow will never hit the target if the bow is not released.

The best you won't achieve as long as you continue to habour intentions not supported by action.

Worry not about tittle and positions ; Concentrate on your next assignment & the accolades will catch up with you !

Make your life a masterpiece! You possess what it takes to be, what you can be, what you can have. Imagine no limitations in achieving greatly. Conquer your fears! Ignite your passion! Fulfill purpose.

Your passion allows you to defy any form of opposition, disappointment, failure, adversity and any form of discouragement. Follow and achieve your noble cause.

What are you so passionate about? Go out this new day to use the innate abilities in you; your endowed resources (talents, skills potentials, gifts) to achieve greatly.

See you flourishing! 💐

*Stay on top of things and not people.* There will be people who will let you down, not follow through or totally go gho...

*Stay on top of things and not people.*

There will be people who will let you down, not follow through or totally go ghost on you.

But we are only responsible for what our obligations are to ourselves in the framework of building our better lives and businesses.

Yes..people can impede on your movements but do not try to control them. Only control your follow up and follow through on your actions.

This is how winning is done. This is how things get done. Remember that everyone has her, his or their own life. So do you.

You only have control over three things in your life—the thoughts you think, the images you visualize and the actions you take.

Make sure you are taking care of the things in your lane Champion!
Successful journey is ahead for you. Keep your eyes on the road.

As the year 2021 is going to its destined end, you will not end the year in shame. God will honour you severally.

*THE PROCESS IS CRUCIAL TO YOUR PROGRESS...* Pain to GainPressure to PleasureProcess to ProgressCross to CrownSweat to S...


Pain to Gain
Pressure to Pleasure
Process to Progress
Cross to Crown
Sweat to Sweet
Pit to Palace

It's something that can be nurtured every day, through commitment, passion and consistency!

A tree loses leaves continuously but does it stop producing them? Does it say "well I am a great tree, look at the leaves I produced"?

No! It keeps growing and producing.

Don’t spend all your energy focusing on the result because the cause and causes is what impacts your success.

Therefore success is an action. You must be of success before you can reach the target. Apply yourself passionately and you stand to be amazed at what will come out of you.

Your DNA is that of a Game Changer. You are a Difference Maker of repute. You are powerful beyond measure.

The seed of extraordinariness lies within you. Go out there in full force and be a trailblazer of positivity and impact. Believe the champion in you!

*It's pretty easy to feel like you're losing yourself in this world....* There are thousand things pulling you in every ...

*It's pretty easy to feel like you're losing yourself in this world....*

There are thousand things pulling you in every direction trying to tell you who you should be. Everyone is seeking attention in one way or another but forgetting to give each other love. ⁠
All of this can lead to this feeling of emptiness inside. Feeling like you're "doing it wrong" or 'need to change who you are for some unknown reason'.
Every day, I hope you become more and more of what makes you - You . You're never done. There's no 'there' to get to. But that's the point. That's the beautiful part of the journey.

It's just layer after layer after layer and it never ends. If you feel stuck right now, understand that will also pass and you have so much more left to see and become. ⁠
So stay wide open. Learn about yourself day after day. Put yourself into the mindset that life is a great mystery and you're here to explore it - one of the biggest mysteries being yourself. ⁠

Keep on unfolding. Great week ahead !

*REMAIN TEACHABLE...! KEEP IMPROVING YOUR GAME!* Focus on future goals rather than past trophies. There is no one who ha...


Focus on future goals rather than past trophies.

There is no one who has learnt so much that he cannot improve his game. Never be too comfortable and content with the status quo. Your growth and progress is dependent on how teachable you are.

It doesn't matter how successful you have been, if you stop learning, you are walking dead. If you are not growing through learning, you have entered into a state of mental decay and if you are a leader, you stop leading even though you might have a position.

The person with a teachable spirit focuses not so much on past accolades but on ways of managing present demands and focusing on the goals of the future.

Just admit you do not know everything and learn something new every day. It's not over, till you win! Go at it again and again...Its time to go back to your original design and purpose.

If you give attention to problems, problems increases around you. If you give attention to solutions, solutions increases around you.


*PLAY YOUR PART IN YOUR OWN WAY* !It is never about tomorrow but today. There are many tomorrows ahead but they are not ...


It is never about tomorrow but today. There are many tomorrows ahead but they are not all yours. Cry not over the missed opportunities of the past but pick yourself up and deal with what the present presents before you.

You are too superior to remain playing on the lower rungs of life. For how long are you going to produce the *mediocre results* you have produced all these years?

Why should you wait until it's too late before you start to make the impact in the world?

The people who are crying can have their tears wiped by you. The hungry souls require someone of your caliber to feed them. The un-preached lands are waiting for you to appear on the scene and do what you have been called upon to do.

If you don't do what you are supposed to, then Who will? If you fail to do it now, then When will it be done?. One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Do it now.

It's never about the Parent, Preacher, Professor, Politician or Philosopher; it is *always about the Person called 'you'.*
Stick to your assignment; Stick to your Lane. When you're finally done, they will understand Why !

" *You can't see the picture when you're in the frame*."  I'll never forget the first time I heard that. It struck me be...

" *You can't see the picture when you're in the frame*."

I'll never forget the first time I heard that. It struck me because it's so true. How can you see yourself...when you are yourself?⁠
The *blindspots* will always be there. You'll wander down paths that for one reason or another you think are good for you but then when you look back on it years down the road, you'll see where you went a bit off-course. This is where you learn. Toss out all the judgement and look with eyes of wisdom. ⁠
What does all this tell me? ⁠
What can I pull from this? ⁠
How has this shaped me into something far wiser?⁠
How do I course correct from this place? ⁠
When you look at these things deeply, you'll see them in a whole new light. That's the gift. Perspective. Wisdom. ⁠
Here's something I always want you to keep in mind: the journey isn't a straight line. It's not even a squiggly one that would imply there's a start and an end. Instead, it's a constant unfolding. Think of a *lotus flower* that opens layer after layer..unending...for infinite amounts of time. ⁠
There's always more to learn. Sometimes the same lessons come back around with a slight variety and you learn them all over again in a far deeper way.

Forget understanding 'why?' it all is happening. Instead, dig your heels into the ground and move forward with courage. No matter how far you may have wandered-off your path, you can always come back to what your heart knows to be true. ⁠
That's always available to you. All it takes is connecting with your breath...slowing down the mind...and returning to a far deeper and wiser version that has always known which way to go.

*You can end the last quarter of 2021 better than you started the first* Yes...YOU CAN! it all starts with a mental shif...

*You can end the last quarter of 2021 better than you started the first*

Yes...YOU CAN! it all starts with a mental shift.

As the curtain of the year 2021 gradually comes down, let's pause and ponder on this...

What's the difference between the old year 11:59 p.m and the new year 12:00 a.m?
Sixty seconds..! I can hear someone say 'one minute', you are absolutely right.

Do you know in less than a minute, God can step-in and change your life's story for the best?

Everyday you wake up is a new day, a new year! Don't wait for the early hours of January 1st to make resolutions, plans, goals that will move your life forward and better.

Resolve today, that it must be TODAY! not tomorrow and be disciplined to work at your goals till it becomes a reality. It's a new day full of opportunities and possibilities if you dare to believe.

TODAY may just be the day for your turnaround. Believe and seize it today! Remember it takes less than 60 seconds for God to change your story for the best. You've got one life, make it count!

*Refuse the mentality of failure || Think different ||* đŸ”„đŸ”„No matter how far away you've gone from your life's purpose, y...

*Refuse the mentality of failure || Think different ||* đŸ”„đŸ”„

No matter how far away you've gone from your life's purpose, you can still turn around to fulfil your purpose.

It is never too late to discover yourself, your talent, why you are here, envision greatness and begin to pursue it. Your circumstances or age shouldn't be what takes you away from living up to your potential in life.

Be what you want to be. Don't live a life of regrets. Be free! Be happy that you ever came to this world. Make things happen for yourself, parents, family and society. Find your true path.

No matter how far away you've gone from reality, there is always a chance for you to make a *u-turn* to do things right.

Don't give up yet ; Visulize success and hold on to it little more. The struggles ahead are not up to the ones you have been through .

*Under any circumstance, simply do your best* and you'll avoid self judgement, self abuse and regret.




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