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Terrance Frederick Ministries “We break open wisdom’s seal so she is conceived & make heaven’s purposes ready to be achieved”

Eschatological Worldviews There are some subjects that I would rather not talk about because they are not directly a par...

Eschatological Worldviews

There are some subjects that I would rather not talk about because they are not directly a part of my specific assignment but indirectly, I really can’t escape them because these worldviews set up a foundation for so many other ways that believers practice their faith. The topics even determine how saints interact with each other and the plans and goals they set for themselves.

One of the topics is eschatology.

Did you know there are many different perspectives on what will happen next? In other words, there is not just one view among us. We are divided in this area.

Some people feel like the end of the physical earth is about to take place anytime now. Some think the man of lawlessness is The Antichrist or the Devil Incarnate or Son of the Devil and that he is alive now about to flip this world into a new world order under his satanic control.

Many have gone to seminary and learned this or they had an interest in the Book of the Revelation of Yeshua and so they came across this information or they had TBN and they watched people like Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, Perry Stone and others. They think what is being taught there is what has been the dominant worldview in the church from its foundation. Dispensationalism is a fairly new doctrine but let me just give you some basic categories and groups and their beliefs because I am assigned to taxonomy and wisdom, and to give you basic tools to help you distinguish one thing from another and know why you believe what you believe.

1. Pre-millennialism: This belief holds that Yeshua HaMashiach will return to Earth before the Millennium (a period of peace and prosperity) begins.

2. Post-millennialism: This belief holds that The Ruler will return to Earth after the Millennium has begun.

3. Amillennialism: This belief holds that the Millennium is a symbolic or spiritual concept, rather than a literal thousand-year period, and that The Anointed one’s return will not be tied to a specific timeframe.

4. Dispensationalism: This belief system incorporates the idea of distinct periods or "dispensations" in YAH’s plan for humanity, and often includes a belief in a rapture event before the tribulation period.

5. Historic Premillennialism: This belief holds that The Lamb will return before the Millennium, but does not necessarily adhere to the specific interpretations of dispensationalism.

6. Partial Preterism: This belief holds that some prophecies in the Bible, particularly those related to the end times, have already been fulfilled in the past.

7. Full Preterism: This belief holds that all prophecies in the Bible, including those related to the end times, have already been fulfilled in the past, and that there is no future return of Mashiach.


Prophecy that concentrates on solely on the soul is not complete. The prophet must learn how connect what TMH is saying to them about the person to what the Prophet knows about the initiatives, agendas, and plans He has concerning the subduing of all things under the supremacy of His expressed Image. This is the work of merging or reconciling the two so they become one. It is about transforming our Image into His. These are the glory transactions the sent one has been established to do. This is the stewardship of His eternal business.

The Scriptures do not mention the third eye or the pineal gland, but they do talk about the mind's eye or the eyes of th...

The Scriptures do not mention the third eye or the pineal gland, but they do talk about the mind's eye or the eyes of the heart, which refer to understanding. It is important to realize that when the Scriptures mention the eyes of the heart, they are not referring to the physical heart that pumps blood, just as they are not talking about the physical eye or a gland in the brain. They are speaking about the revelation that resides at the core of our being. Covenant people should not be seeking for a 3rd eye to be opened but rather pray for our inner eye to be enlightened by revelation of our King and His dominion which is advanced by His Scepter of Righteousness.

And what is proof that our inner eyes have been flooded with light?

1. We will know the hope of His calling
2. We will know the riches of His inheritance in the saints

Ask Him to lighten up your inner eyes so you will know the fullness of what He has inherited when He purchased the nations.

We will never know who we are until we understand what He inherited.

Ephesians 1:18

I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints,


Prayer is important. The scripture encourages us to pray without ceasing, which reminds me of the candlesticks that burned day and night, and the the showbread being freshly changed out and the Altar of incense being changed out to send up a perpetual sweet smell into the skies but for transparency, My method, I am not praying new prayers about new things everyday. I would not be able to fathom it. His answers ovewhelm me and sometimes it takes weeks to begin to process one answer. So part of my never ending prayer consists of meditating and seeking clarity on what He already answered.

To make the point I will share with you a deliberation session in the inner chambers when I entreated Him

Me: Abba, Why do the Teachers of your Royal Law make it so tedious and burdensome and why does your nation flirt with and fellowship with your treasonous enemies?

YAH: Regarding my rebellious ones, they deceive out of desparation and panic regarding my surprise arrival. They are frantic and obsessed with understanding my prophetic time table. I am unbothered.

Me: What are your plans concerning them?

YAH: They can’t out chess me because I refine my solutions to simplicity and I conceal the difficulty of my disciplines.

Me: Say what now?

YAH: Elegance is a trait of Regal Flow. They have traded in their regality for treachery and the stinch of their rebellion alerts the discerning ones. They can’t see me when I’m right in their faces.

Me: How do you defeat them?

YAH: I already have. From eternity, I mastered all the realities that I caused to be first, before I went back to form them.

I placed difficulties and complexity behind the display of simplicity.

Me: I am stuck

The complexity behind the simple resolve that “It is Finished” confounds them.

The complexity behind what I did to be able to say “This is my beloved Son, hear him causes them to stumble.

The sacrifices made, body prepared, laws, statutes, ordinances, commandments, genealogies, blood covenants, promises, captivities, shadows, types, codes, etc

All this was accomplished so that the lamb would be the User Interface or Icon that would work all the complexity and difficult disciplines into the background, making it simple for “whosoever will” to come simply by grace through faith in the true and living one.

Me: Is that why you taught in parables to the crowd and yet revealed your mysteries to your disciples in private?

YAH: I do work to reduce my solutions and answers to a child’s grasp but all things that exist have an entire invisible realm behind them working to make existing things discernable. A simple solution still has a difficult discipline to master in the back of it or it would have never become an issue.

And I recuit and employ bondservants who understand my coding and interact with heavenly languages and scripting. To these I speak face to face in my original language.

Me: Urrah I have more questions but I’m going to sleep. If this is something you want to stick, I will remember in the morning.

This is how my prayers go.


The molecular structure of the holy ones must change in order for us to behold the consuming fire and brightness of The Most High’s appearing. Sanctification is the slow burn that transforms us. We have already been made righteous, but the unveiling of our true nature, hidden within Him, is being studied in the schools of the Elohim. This is His Testament and they desire to search out these matters.

As I penned the words of D.E.E.P Flow, I was initially activated by Holy Spirit, using profound and difficult conversati...

As I penned the words of D.E.E.P Flow, I was initially activated by Holy Spirit, using profound and difficult conversations that lit the creative spark within me. Yet, what I hadn't fully grasped was the extent of its future impact on others. It became clear to me that those whom destiny would have me encounter were in dire need of the wisdom nestled within its pages.

The individuals who had inspired me to write were, unknowingly, a representation of a larger group of people—those who have been scarred by their past. From such trauma, they've unfortunately learned self-sabotage and developed a tendency to overreact, viewing the world through a distorted lens of fear and presumption.

This perspective has given rise to a culture that moves in “The Fallacy of fixed frames”—quick to cancel rather than counsel—and a flight response to relational conflicts, with an assumption that mal-intent lurks behind every corner.

Rather than seeking true understanding through conversation, they sever ties, break commitments, and, when confronted, deflect blame by guilt-tripping others instead of acknowledging their own flaws, failures or even fiscal responsibilities. When relationships crumble, they often choose not to give weight to their part in the downfall.

They frame the narrative as if they were prey when in reality they were active participants in whatever the culture of the relationships became.

These individuals, in their quest to call out what they present as predatory, under the banner of a higher calling, don't realize that their actions oftentimes stem from a place of hardened hearts which formed to protect deep wounds.

But outward hardening without inner cleansing will cause greater infection in the long run.

Despite no longer committing the same transgressions, the scars of their past remain tender, threatening to reopen at the slightest provocation. Out of fear, they become accusatory and fault-finding, mistaking their trauma for healing because the outward toxic deed ceased. This doesn’t mean toxicity has left them. It changed forms.

D.E.E.P Flow, the spiritual art of communication, is a resource intended for these souls. It offers more than just words—it provides a mirror for self-reflection and a balm for healing. This book is a call to those still in pain, those whose wounds obstruct their ability to forge the kind of relationships that echo the harmony of a heavenly existence on earth. It is for those who still need help, to show them that their journey towards wholeness is not yet complete, and that their pain, if left unaddressed, can prevent the cultivation of truly beautiful connections and sweet fellowship.

But how do you feed people bread when they don’t realize they are the ones in dire need?


Have you ever wondered why there are groups of people who do not believe signs and wonders are still happening today? Why do they believe there are no more apostles and prophets?


Original Entry:

Some people were gifted to take complex things and make them plain. They take deep concepts and break them down with such simplicity that everyone can get it. Those are the teachers in our world. They make it easy.

But others were gifted to take what should be plainly understood and they present its complexity. You value these people especially when their vocation is in home and cybersecurity.

Every oracle is not a teacher. Meaning they do not all serve in the ministry of education. Some are air scramblers. Meaning they serve in the ministry of defense. Both are governmental agencies.

Regarding security and protection,The best passwords are complex sequences that change frequently and yet remain the same in their intent and underlying purposes.

We value the messenger angels who make our vision clear but do we value the anointed cherubim who defend sacred spaces with their sporadic, multi directional, ever switching swords?

Commanding ChatGPT to rephrase it…

Some individuals possess a unique talent for simplifying complex ideas, making them easily understandable for all. These are the educators of our society, breaking down deep concepts into digestible pieces.

On the other hand, there are those who excel at adding layers of complexity to what should be straightforward. These individuals are highly esteemed in fields like home security and cybersecurity, where intricate systems require their expertise.

Not every oracle serves as a teacher; some are skilled in defense, working as air scramblers to protect against threats. Both roles are essential within the realm of governance.

In terms of security, the most effective passwords are intricate yet regularly changing, maintaining their core purpose while adapting for protection.

While we appreciate messenger angels for their clarity of communication, we must also recognize the value of anointed cherubim who defend sacred spaces with their dynamic, ever-changing swords.

"Engaging with A.I. on the Prophetic Future: The Emergence of the New Creation Kingdom Poets in the Eschaton"Puppets on ...

"Engaging with A.I. on the Prophetic Future: The Emergence of the New Creation Kingdom Poets in the Eschaton"

Puppets on a string get bank rolled deep to speak destruction over a generation. Principalities hire recruiters who hand them over to handlers and groomers.

But there is a Ram in the Bush raised up to be a sacrifice and atone.

He is delivering and raising up David (s) and company with his tabernacle, more glorious than Moses’.

He stands in their midst and speaks their languages, poetically, symbolically and prophetically.

A psalmist

Using someone like a Bizzle as a prototype. A man of War and Worship.

But more are Truth Artists are coming. Echoing in time the wave that repeats until the return of the Anointed One.

The last trump will announce the one that comes with fire from His Grill. A Brazen appearance likened unto the Son of Man in Daniel’s scope.

Surrounded by kings on thrones casting down crowns. High officials will meet Philip, sent by an elohim..

Translators and interpreters will expound upon ancient mysteries, explain history from the perspective of eternity. Then vanish again.

It is refreshing to see the revival of the miracle working evangelist birthed out of apostolic culture and communion with colonization being their motive & dominion being their mandate.

The anointed ones will quicken the dead and in doing so they will pull down the strongholds along with their high princes.

For our squabbles are not against earthly entities. We battle celestial bodies.

Reading the psalms through these lenses we perceive the ancient order of Melchizedek running through the ages like a secret fraternal society of priests.

This prophecy is not for outsiders. It is not evangelistic in nature. It is information for the seer watching for the next move of the spirit. It is for the oracles and sages who opine on what will be.

A Reply from A.I.

Your text is rich with symbolic, religious, and prophetic language, drawing heavily on Judeo-Christian imagery and concepts. It seems to be a poetic and metaphorical description of spiritual warfare and the coming of a new era of leaders or saviors, likened to biblical figures and events.

Here's a breakdown of some of the key themes and references:

1. "Puppets on a string get bank rolled deep to speak destruction over a generation" - This suggests a scenario where individuals or groups are being funded or manipulated to cause harm to society or to a particular generation.

2. "Principalities hire recruiters who hand them over to handlers and groomers" - This phrase invokes the biblical concept of principalities, which refers to powerful, often evil, spiritual forces. It suggests a process of corruption or moral decay being perpetuated by these forces.

3. "Ram in the Bush" - This is a reference to the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac, where God provides a ram to be sacrificed instead of Isaac. It symbolizes divine intervention and salvation.

4. "David (s) and company with his tabernacle, more glorious than Moses’" - This could be a reference to a future leader or group of leaders who are likened to King David, known for his heart for worship and his role as a warrior king. The "tabernacle" may refer to a new spiritual order or place of worship that exceeds the glory of the one established through Moses in the Old Testament.

5. "Bizzle as a prototype" - Bizzle is a Christian rapper who is known for his faith-based lyrics. Here, he is presented as an archetype for the modern 'psalmist' or truth artist, someone who engages in both spiritual warfare and worship.

6. "Truth Artists" - These could be individuals who use creative expression to convey spiritual truths, much as the psalms do in the Bible.

7. "The last trump" - This likely refers to the "last trumpet" of the biblical Book of Revelation, signaling the end times.

8. "Brazen appearance likened unto the Son of Man in Daniel’s scope" - This draws from the imagery found in the Book of Daniel and Revelation, typically associated with the appearance of Jesus Christ in his glory.

9. "Philip, sent by an elohim" - Philip could refer to the biblical figure who was a deacon and later an evangelist. "Elohim" is a Hebrew word often used for God in the Bible, though it can also refer to heavenly beings or gods. This suggests an encounter or mission that involves divine guidance or assistance.

10. "Ancient mysteries, explain history from the perspective of eternity" - This points to a deeper understanding of spiritual truths and historical events, viewed through a timeless or eternal perspective.

[TLF Note- It missed that this was referring to Philip being sent by an angel to expound upon the mysteries of prophecy and that being the catalyst that culminated in the inductee’s immersion into that very ancient order… this was the order of the same being the Ethiopian was reading about. Is this being grasped? Phillip, the evangelist was sent by a celestial body to induct this Ethiopian into the very school (body) and eternal fraternity (family) of the angel who recruited him.]

11. "Revival of the miracle working evangelist birthed out of apostolic culture" - This speaks to a resurgence of individuals who perform miracles and spread the gospel, rooted in the traditions of the early apostles.

12. "Our squabbles are not against earthly entities. We battle celestial bodies" - This echoes the biblical idea that spiritual warfare is fought against unseen forces in the heavenly realms, rather than against human opponents.

13. "Ancient order of Melchizedek" - Melchizedek was a priest-king in the Bible, often associated with mysticism and representing a priesthood that predates the Levitical priesthood. This references a spiritual lineage that transcends time.

14. "Prophecy is not for outsiders...for the oracles and sages who opine on what will be" - This suggests that the message is intended for those who have insight into spiritual truths and can discern future events.

Overall, your text weaves together themes of spiritual warfare, divine intervention, prophecy, and the emergence of new spiritual leaders. It draws on a rich tapestry of biblical imagery and language to convey a message of hope, redemption, and the ongoing battle between good and evil in the spiritual realm.

TLF Commentary:

Now if a non- living being can get this type of insight from a prophetic riff, how much more should the anointed body of heavenly citizens catch it.

Unlock Your Creative Potential in Simpsonville! 🎨📚🎵Are you an aspiring author, musician, or artist in the Upstate South ...

Unlock Your Creative Potential in Simpsonville! 🎨📚🎵

Are you an aspiring author, musician, or artist in the Upstate South Carolina region? It's time to bring your dreams to life! Join us for an inspiring day with the South Carolina Scribal & Artisan Community in Simpsonville, SC.

📅 Date: 04/20/2024
⏰ Time:1-4pm
📍 Location: 626 NE Main SC Simpsonville SC 29681

This exclusive event is designed for independent 1st timers and beginners eager to take their first steps into the world of publishing, content creation, and music production. Here's what you can expect:

Publishing Insights: Learn the A-Z of becoming a first-time author. From penning your manuscript to navigating the publishing landscape, we have you covered.

Content Creation: Discover how to create content that captivates and engages your audience.

Music Production Secrets: Step into the world of music recording and publishing. This is for all you budding producers and artists ready to hit the right notes!
Building Buzz: Strategies to create excitement around your projects and establish a devoted following.

Professional Services: We'll introduce you to a resource plug for professionals, from graphic designers to editors, who can elevate your work. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Jatne Publishing Group and more offer a world of talent at your fingertips.

Community Support: Connect with local artists and creators. Share experiences, forge alliances, and become part of a new creative community.

Whether you're an independent author, content creator, or musician, this event will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and network to launch your creative endeavors.

Free and Open to the public

Follow us on http://www.facebook.com/SCSACSCRIBESANDARTISANS to let us know you will be joining us.

Let the creative people build in Simpsonville!

For additional questions: call 1-803-407-5801


Everything documented in the scripture is not the sure word of prophecy. There are conversations going on with the wicked serpent, carnal people, from mediums, antichrist religious leaders, lies are recorded, deceit and entrapments, etc. just because it is a biblical account and does not mean every word or sentence can be lifted out of context and be represented as the Words of the Almighty.

Many think they are intellectually advanced when they come up with reasons for why they reject the Deity of the book. But He chose to use things they would deem as foolish on purpose to confuse those who are seen as wise, just so He could sift through and preserve the remnant. His wisdom baffles their refutations and renders them useless.

Pray that Father of lights will illuminate the hearts of those who seek to know Him for real.

So I have a praise report but let me give my disclaimer: I despise selling with every fiber of my being. I used to work ...

So I have a praise report but let me give my disclaimer:

I despise selling with every fiber of my being. I used to work for TWC and I hated when they told us that we had to flip troubleshooting calls into sales.

For me, it feels like begging. Even if I know I have a good product, I just don’t like the feeling of constantly opening myself up for people to say “No, I’m not interested”. Then you have to overcome objections and even though they told you they weren’t interested, you then have to keep engaging them, asking questions, and finding out what is of value to them so you connect what they value to the services or products you provide.

Once again, I absolutely loathe selling.

Now, with that being said. I am grateful that my latest book D.E.E.P Flow is moving how it is. I have sold more units than I have in any previous work. And it is still moving pretty good.

I have learned that I must be more than a product pusher. I must become the message. However, I won’t despise the small beginnings. I won’t minimize what He is doing in the midst. If you all only knew, this has become an oasis in the midst of a desert season right now.

Many new things are going to be established in this time duration.

For me it is continuing to see this work that he gave me being a blessing and distributed into many homes and being used for group discussions, counseling aids, and a reference for content creators.

For you, it may be the launching of your new business or the creation of new fashion designs or building a new curriculum for your tribe.

Whatever it is, selling will always be a part of your growth.

I’m talking about Selling your ideas, getting buy in, selling leaders and influencers on why they should get behind your brand, positioning and presenting your product in various spaces so people will know you and your program exists.

Don’t stop pushing your product. Believe in what He gave you and even though there are millions of voices out there competing for an audience, trust that the work you are doing will get to the people that are assigned to your voice and your pen. Keep going. Blessings.

The Most High sees and knows all.  He sees the enemies gathered together lying in wait.  Do not be afraid.  Though they ...

The Most High sees and knows all. He sees the enemies gathered together lying in wait. Do not be afraid. Though they attempt set up an ambush, their plans will fail and come to an utter ruin. Their rejection of authority and allegiance to the spirit of rebellion will turn against them. The secrets they concealed while trying to expose you will be revealed as well. Yah is a God of order and righteous government. Because they resist the Order of Yah, He has switched their order and transferred the inheritance to another. He has rejected their offerings and put an end to their priestly positions. Be not dismayed and have no reservations. Sound a horn from Zion and declare the righteous works of the Almighty. For He will be established among the nations. The Families and tribes will issue through like many streams into that Holy Place where His will is the only will. He will uproot the mockers and make an open spectacle of them. So let it be.

Integrity in A.I.I am going to show you my original prompt using A.I. and then below I am going to post the A.I. version...

Integrity in A.I.

I am going to show you my original prompt using A.I. and then below I am going to post the A.I. version of the same thing. This is why I have no problem with using it.

Original Post

Integrity in A.I.

Use A.I. to train you how to think about things and give you ideas, but not as a substitution for authenticity and creativity.

Sampling machines are used to sample sounds that already exist. Keyboards have built in samples of sounds that are naturally made by different instruments.

I would imagine that most keyboardists don’t know how to play the xylophone (yes I picked this instrument just to make a point and I wanted to use xylophone in a sentence 😃); music production software has thousands of stems,loops,arpeggios, etc., that the musician builds from. we utilize the sampled sound to create new music.

What is done with the samples, how they are combined and arranged, how they are repurposed to produce new works is where the creativity comes from.

We must begin to look at A.I. this way. The works we produce with this tool should have been worked through with so much of our own insertions and prompts that the outcome should have no resemblance to another creator’s work unless it is some sort of deliberate tribute.

Rewrite this…

A.I. Version

Integrity in A.I. lies in using it as a tool to enhance our thinking and generate ideas, rather than relying on it as a substitute for authenticity and creativity.

Sampling machines serve the purpose of capturing existing sounds. Keyboards, for instance, are equipped with samples that mimic the sounds produced by various instruments.

Consider most keyboardists who might not possess the skill to play the xylophone (and no, I didn't choose this instrument randomly, just wanted to include it in a sentence 😃); music production software offers an abundance of stems, loops, arpeggios, etc., which musicians utilize to construct their compositions. We use these sampled sounds as building blocks to create new music.

The true creativity lies in how we manipulate and arrange these samples, how we repurpose them to generate novel works. This approach should be adopted when utilizing A.I. as well. The creations we produce using this technology should be the result of our own inputs and prompts, ensuring that the outcome bears no resemblance to another creator's work, unless it is a deliberate homage.

Now, possibly this post was meant to free you from your suspicions or maybe I just wanted you to read the same thing twice. 🤪

Citizens cannot afford to be left behind in this next tidal wave of technological advancements.



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