In my recent conversation with Colin Dawson of @haunted_horses I really enjoyed Colin’s response to what he pulled away from Nico’s Desertshore. I think it’s completely accurate when you consider what Haunted Horses sounds like. #influentialalbums #essentialrecords #vinylrecords #podcast #noiserock #interview #colindawson #hauntedhorses #dweller #threeoneg #nico #desertshore #avantegarde @daisyheroin @threeoneg
John Van Atta and Melvin Monroe, the two halves of @the_triceratops met as late teens working at @cbgbofficial and considering starting a @refused cover band, only to reacquaint years later and finally start working on music together. Only one small portion of a great talk I had getting to know this great new band. Plus, they’re coming to Rhode Island in March! Stay tuned! #thetriceratops #learningcurverecords #refused #theshapeofpunktocome #influentialalbums #essentialrecords #vinylrecords
@mkhrnc joined a while back to discuss @pjharveyofficial ‘s latest album, I Inside The Old Year Dying. I thought this was a pretty great fluid talk. What I like best about this talk was how I kept comparing Mike’s band Town of Lake’s new album, Lilac, to Pj and her’s. Great guy and great artist pushing himself constantly. Find it wherever you get your pods. #mikehranica #townoflake #lilac #noiserock #thedevilwearsprada #pjharvey #iinsidetheoldyeardying #influentialalbums #essentialrecords #podcast #interview
Kerry Jones of @deathdoulaband joined me to discuss @toriamos ‘ #fromthechoirgirlhotel which I was not familiar with. Here’s a brief moment where she shares with me one of her first observations about Tori’s music that she also happens to share with #sonicyouth . And don’t forget to pick up Death Doula’s debut album, Love Spells. It’s a great one! #kerryjones #deathdoula #deathdoulaband #lovespells #toriamos #podcast
Here’s a brief clip of my conversation with @djangofish of @theoldceremonyofficial . Listening back to this episode, I noticed it played very much like a masterclass on #songwriting . So many valuable tips and disciplines. This is just one short example of one of the insights Django was able to share with me. Is it any surprise he’s a great songwriter? Check out the whole conversation wherever you get podcasts. #influentialalbums #djangohaskins #theoldceremony #podcast
About a month ago I had @mttmrtnz of @commonwounds join me to speak about their new album, which is out now, and @dljband ‘s #yankcrime . Here’s Matt on how he found Drive Like Jehu and its lasting impact on him. #influentialalbums #essentialrecords #vinylrecords #punkrock #noiserock #drivelikejehu #commonwounds #allnightblood @thechainworld
Here’s the follow up for those who were concerned. Thanks to everyone who reached out. On the mend.
Here’s a brief clip of my conversation with Laura Larson of @ssscrunchiesss on her experience working with the now late Steve Albini. Their new album, Colossal, is amazing! You should pick it up from @learningcurverecords . It was very hard to choose one minute of this conversation to clip out because our talk was full of great moments speaking about the Minneapolis music scene, #feminism @theebikinikill #huggybear , great closing songs, the problem with media and this was a very candid one too. Really shot from the hip with a good portion of this one. Find the whole conversation wherever you get your pods! #lauralarson #scrunchies #learningcurverecords #vinylrecords #influentialalbums #bikinikill #interview #stevealbini #thankyoustevealbini
Here’s a short clip from my conversation with @atomacponk Mr. Adam MacGregor on his introduction to @vanhalen ‘s 1984 as a young impressionable kid. The full conversation goes into much further detail as to the lasting effect this album had on him as well as other inspirations. Find it wherever you get your pods! #influentialalbums #essentialalbums #vanhalen #1984 #vinylrecords #cassette in this case. #adammacgregor #brownangel #microwaves #softcorner #conelrad
Here’s a quick clip of my conversation with the lead singer of my band @gnarnia_pvd . My homie Chris @thesima Simonelli! Here Chris was telling me about how he finally found a copy of @sublime ‘s #40oztofreedom and how that album had a profound impact on his music journey. Find the full episode wherever you get podcasts! And don’t forget to pick up Gnarnia’s lathe cut vinyl. Link in the bio! #influentialalbums #essential records #vinylrecords #sublime #gnarnia #punkrock
Just recently got to meet @jonny_germ and see his band, @bangladeafy at @alchemy_providence opening for @hirs666 . Great show! And what a great guy. This one was a lot of fun. Here’s a brief moment where Jon explains to me his first listening experience of @nineinchnails #thedownwardspiral #vinylrecords in this case #tapes ! #influentialalbums #essentialrecords #nineinchnails #bangladeafy #nefariousindustries
New video for @gnarnia_pvd ‘s #babyhead premieres tomorrow at noon! Check our bio for links to our YouTube channel. Also we started a TikTok. Come see us dance. #gnarniapvd #gnarnia #punkrock #vinylrecords #psychicstaticproductions #thinice #crimetown @thesima @gnar_gtr @fmul3 @vinyl_and_vision @jimmydrab @xshedx @jameslastowski