
Ez3728 One man's thoughts about the King and His Kingdom

Differing scripture-based opinions/interpretations of the controversial Dan 9:24-27 verses may well be part of THE divin...

Differing scripture-based opinions/interpretations of the controversial Dan 9:24-27 verses may well be part of THE divine plan to draw us into true Spirit living - for our success and our intimacy with our Lord. We conclude Daniel 9.

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Differing scripture-based opinions/interpretations of the controversial Dan 9:24-27 verses may well be part of THE divine plan to draw us into true Spirit living - for our success and our intimacy with our Lord. We conclude Daniel 9.

Book of Daniel – session 15 - The 70-Week ProphecyFaithful and beloved Daniel receives angelic revelation for him and fo...

Book of Daniel – session 15 - The 70-Week Prophecy

Faithful and beloved Daniel receives angelic revelation for him and for all of mankind. WHAT and HOW our great God chooses to speak to Daniel and to all who would care to press into understanding – these four often-disputed verses are spoken by the angel Gabriel to inform, revelate, equip and at the same time mystify us – all for divine purpose.. We’ll be in these verses next session as well, considering some of the mystery surrounding wording and timing of events in history that are worthy of discussion and consideration.

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Faithful and beloved Daniel receives angelic revelation for him and for all of mankind. WHAT and HOW our great God chooses to speak to Daniel and to all who would care to press into understanding – these four often-disputed verses are spoken by the angel Gabriel to inform, revelate, equip and at t...

The mysteries of God - including prophecies of the Word (ex: Dan 9:24-27) are divinely intended to require a surrendered...

The mysteries of God - including prophecies of the Word (ex: Dan 9:24-27) are divinely intended to require a surrendered, Spirit-filled life. By His grace, we can believe to accomplish the great exploits we're being invited as well as called into both now and in the upcoming days. For His glory.

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The mysteries of God - including prophecies of the Word (ex: Dan 9:24-27) are divinely intended to require a surrendered, Spirit-filled life. By His grace, we can believe to accomplish the great exploits we're being invited as well as called into both now and in the upcoming days. For His glory.

Book of Daniel - session 13 - Holy Spirit infilling for our understanding and God's gloryCritical and ongoing revelation...

Book of Daniel - session 13 - Holy Spirit infilling for our understanding and God's glory

Critical and ongoing revelation from heaven, by way of Holy Spirit infilling, can assure success in our walks and our lives during these challenging days. "Having done all, to stand..." points us to desiring and positioning ourselves for everything God has intended for us to walk in. We're called to be gates for the supernatural here on earth.




Critical and ongoing revelation from heaven, by way of Holy Spirit infilling, can assure success in our walks and our lives during these challenging days. "Having done all, to stand..." points us to desiring and positioning ourselves for everything God has intended for us to walk in. We're called to...

Book of Daniel - session 12 - The 70-week Prophecy - understanding via Holy Spirit revelationIntensifying situations on ...

Book of Daniel - session 12 - The 70-week Prophecy - understanding via Holy Spirit revelation
Intensifying situations on earth draw us and also drive us into Holy Spirit intimacy, and it is in that place that we will be best equipped to successfully discern the prophetic plans of God. The controversial 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 is a perfect launchpad for us to consider the call of God upon praying saints to be filled with the Spirit of God so that we might know the mind of God, as it is revealed to us, as promised.


Intensifying situations on earth draw us and also drive us into Holy Spirit intimacy, and it is in that place that we will be best equipped to successfully discern the prophetic plans of God. The controversial 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9 is a perfect launchpad for us to consider the call of God upo...

Book of Daniel - session 11 - The Prayer initiating the 70 Week ProphecyThe critical 70-Week Prophecy is revealed to Dan...

Book of Daniel - session 11 - The Prayer initiating the 70 Week Prophecy
The critical 70-Week Prophecy is revealed to Daniel by the angel Gabriel. It is one of the most profound portions of eschatological revelation in the bible. The prophet and his sober and honest prayer to God positions us for our own holy success in these challenging days of both trial and glory.
Links to this AM’s podcast:

The critical 70-Week Prophecy is revealed to Daniel by the angel Gabriel. It is one of the most profound portions of eschatological revelation in the bible. The prophet and his sober and honest prayer to God positions us for our own holy success in these challenging days of both trial and glory.

God's end-of-age outpouring: Opportunity and Accountability The timing of God for His release of understanding, the unse...

God's end-of-age outpouring: Opportunity and Accountability

The timing of God for His release of understanding, the unsealing of awaiting prophecies and the promised end-days outpouring all point to great opportunity and great accountability for the people of God.

Links to this AM'S PODCAST:



The timing of God for His release of understanding, the unsealing of awaiting prophecies and the promised end-days outpouring all point to great opportunity and great accountability for the people of God.

Book of Daniel - session 09 - A vision takes us from Daniel's time to the upcoming daysDaniel's own second vision is so ...

Book of Daniel - session 09 - A vision takes us from Daniel's time to the upcoming days

Daniel's own second vision is so profound it leaves him ill for a while. Angelic messengers explain to him (and to us) the symbolism of demonic realms that will war against God and His people until the end of the age, when the Ancient of Days is seated in place and the books are opened.

To listen to this podcast go to podbean or itunes or spotify and search for EZ3728 Daniel session 9, chapter 8.

Daniel is grieved and troubled at the vision he personally receives. The prophet asks an angelic guide about four beasts...

Daniel is grieved and troubled at the vision he personally receives. The prophet asks an angelic guide about four beasts he's just been shown, particularly the most terrible fourth beast out of which 10 horns, and then a smaller horn, appear.




Daniel is grieved and troubled at the vision he personally receives. The prophet asks an angelic guide about four beasts he's just been shown, particularly the most terrible fourth beast out of which 10 horns, and then a smaller horn, appear.

The prophet’s own prayer for Israel – a model for the Church, right now. We look ahead (with a current-event lens) to th...

The prophet’s own prayer for Israel – a model for the Church, right now.

We look ahead (with a current-event lens) to the Daniel chapter 9 prayer and then return to our progressive study of chapter 06.

Daniel Chapter 9 is Daniel's own prayer for a troubled Israel. Troubles (70-year national captivity) back THEN were different from Israel's troubles (attacks and captivity) RIGHT NOW - but his prayer remains soberly accurate and pertinent in that God's covenant nation is still dealing with much of the same spiritually rebellious climate. Daniel the prophet cries out for God's mercy, as we should, for Israel, in these days. And we read chapter 6: Daniel facing the lions (in his faithful stance) and finding deliverance in his faithful God.

Links to this AM's podcast:



Daniel Chapter 9 is Daniel's own prayer for a troubled Israel. Troubles (70-year national captivity) back THEN were different from Israel's troubles (attacks and captivity) RIGHT NOW - but his prayer remains soberly accurate and pertinent in that God's covenant nation is still dealing with much of t...

Israel at war. What Israel needs. The conflict in the Middle East is ongoing, and is in accordance with biblical prophec...

Israel at war. What Israel needs.

The conflict in the Middle East is ongoing, and is in accordance with biblical prophecy. The covenant nation of Israel needs something very specific and critical to its survival and its success. The saints are to be praying for that to occur. It's a truth of scripture. Rabbi Paul speaks of it, and we know it. The saints are purposely here on earth, and anointed to proclaim that truth.




The conflict in the Middle East is ongoing, and is in accordance with biblical prophecy. The covenant nation of Israel needs something very specific and critical to its survival and its success. The saints are to be praying for that to occur. It's a truth of scripture. Rabbi Paul speaks of it, and w...

THE WRITING ON THE WALL AND THE FALL OF AN UNGODLY EMPIRE.Daniel is called into a godless and idolatrous banquet to inte...

Daniel is called into a godless and idolatrous banquet to interpret a supernatural omen written to a sinful ruler and his empire, on the night of their invasion and collapse. Our God sets kingdoms up and takes kingdoms down.

This week's podcast was refused by Facebook. I received this message: "Your content couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards".

If FB's refusal to post was the result of my standing with Israel and my mention of the invasion from Gaza, I am honored.

Every ungodly empire, corporation, website, or news-service that rages against the plans and purposes of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will eventually crumble. We're told our Lord sets up kingdoms and takes them down. It's prophetically ironic this refusal to post happens to be for this particular episode on this particular day when an/the evil empire is raging in the Middle East.

You can find the podcast at www.podbean.com. You can download the free podbean app and subscribe for free. It can also be found on spotify and itunes podcasts.

Daniel is called into a godless and idolatrous banquet to interpret a supernatural omen written to a sinful ruler and his empire, on the night of their invasion and collapse. Our God sets kingdoms up and takes kingdoms down.

Book of Daniel - Session 05 - A proud stubborn emperor encounters a holy and sovereign GodThe story of Nebuchadnezzar dr...

Book of Daniel - Session 05 - A proud stubborn emperor encounters a holy and sovereign God
The story of Nebuchadnezzar driven to live like an animal for lengthy season concludes with this statement, for all mankind to consider:
Daniel 4:34-35
34 And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever:
For His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
And His kingdom is from generation to generation.
35 All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing;
He does according to His will in the army of heaven
And among the inhabitants of the earth.
No one can restrain His hand
Or say to Him, "What have You done?"
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The story of Nebuchadnezzar driven to live like an animal for lengthy season concludes with this statement, for all mankind to consider: Daniel 4:34-3534 And at the end of the time I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me; and I blessed the Most High and prais...

Daniel Chapter 3. We look into the depth of wickedness permeating both Babylon and its king. We also see the faithfulnes...

Daniel Chapter 3.
We look into the depth of wickedness permeating both Babylon and its king. We also see the faithfulness of the people of God when confronted with compromise or potential death. And we see the fourth man in the furnace.




We look into the depth of wickedness permeating both Babylon and its king. We also see the faithfulness of the people of God when confronted with compromise or potential death. And we see the fourth man in the furnace.


Daniel both reveals and then interprets what is often referred to as "the mother of all prophecy" - Nebuchadnezzar's frightening dream about empire conquering empire conquering empire - taking us from ancient Babylon through the end of the age in which we are living. There's been misconceptions and speculative assumptions, and meanwhile history has been catching up to biblical context - pointing to the "difference" of the "empire" identified as the final-battle enemy of God's people and of God's purposes.




Daniel both reveals and then interprets what is often referred to as "the mother of all prophecy" - Nebuchadnezzar's fri...

Daniel both reveals and then interprets what is often referred to as "the mother of all prophecy" - Nebuchadnezzar's frightening dream about empire conquering empire conquering empire - taking us from ancient Babylon through the end of the age in which we are living. There's been misconceptions and speculative assumptions, and meanwhile history has been catching up to biblical context - pointing to the "difference" of the "empire" identified as the final-battle enemy of God's people and of God's purposes.




Daniel both reveals and then interprets what is often referred to as "the mother of all prophecy" - Nebuchadnezzar's frightening dream about empire conquering empire conquering empire - taking us from ancient Babylon through the end of the age in which we are living. There's been misconceptions and....


I've taken the liberty to repost Peter Robertson post - particularly of timely note in that we're in the book of Daniel at this moment, as you can see by the podcast links on the site.

Peter's post, with just one parenthetical comment, for clarification):

"In the first year of Darius son of Ahasuerus, who was of Median descent and who had been appointed king over the Babylonian empire- in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, came to understand from the sacred books that, according to the word of the LORD disclosed to the prophet Jeremiah, the years for the fulfilling of the desolation of Jerusalem were seventy in number. So I turned my attention to the Lord God to implore him by prayer and requests, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes."

In this passage, it is possible to see that an intersection in time was approaching, which Daniel clearly saw, between chronological time (what the Greeks called “chronos") and opportune timing (what the Greeks called “kairos"). The passage gives us a clear reference to enable us to locate the events within the historical framework of time, but highlights the fact that Daniel understood from the prophetic Scriptures (Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles) that a time was rapidly approaching for certain prophetic Scriptures to be fulfilled. Daniel understood the times in which he lived from a prophetic vantage point. But not only did he understand the timing, he had the wisdom to know what he needed to do to collaborate with the Lord for the fulfillment of the relevant prophecy. Some of this activity was prescribed within the prophetic passage itself. Daniel was not a mere prophetic prognosticator, endlessly studying prophecy, in order to satisfy some curiosity, but he was a partner with Yah in laboring toward its actual fulfillment. He set Himself to press into the face of Adonai concerning the things which he understood from the Scriptures.

There is presently a need for those who belong to Daniel’s spiritual tribe (figuratively speaking, as naturally Daniel was a Jew, likely from the family of David) to do likewise, to discern the times and labour towards the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. I am referring to those generally called intercessors. It isn't necessary to be in Jerusalem, in order to effectively pray for Jerusalem, as Daniel was far away in the eastern part of the fertile crescent, at the time. I believe that the days in which we live are akin to those of Daniel and we are fast approaching a time of almost unprecedented prophetic fulfillment (perhaps only the lifetime and ministry of Yeshua compares). The kingdom of heaven needs intercessors who will rightly discern the prophetic times and seasons and who will likewise press into the face of Adonai concerning what they perceive regarding the impending fulfillment of prophecy. How about you and I? Could we be called to such a place of understanding and intercession? Will we be willing to respond to this call? Time will tell, as it is said.

The mere act of being willing to heed this intercessory call might posture one to rightly discern and understand both the times and what is required by way of action.

If Messiah Yeshua is your rabbi and your Lord and you are one of His disciples, then it is given to you to know the secrets of the kingdom.

Do you and I have eyes that will see and ears that will hear? Or are we dull of understanding and having eyes do not see and ears that do not hear?

"A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, but when the sun rose they were scorched. And since they had no root, they withered away. Other seeds fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.”

Perhaps you might soon be able to write (though not as Holy Scripture of course, to be very clear, lest I am misunderstood):

“In the third year of Joe Biden the president of the USA (EZ3728: modeling Daniel's mention of Darius, Peter's mention of Joe Biden and the USA is a reference-example of time-dating, only), I understood from the Scriptures that the time of the salvation of all Israel, about which Paul wrote, was rapidly approaching and I set attention on the Lord, to implore Him with prayer and requests with fasting …”

Dare to be a Daniel in this timely season!

“Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known”

Book of Daniel - session 02 - The first wave of captives into Babylon. The test beginsPrior to reading chapter 1, we spe...

Book of Daniel - session 02 - The first wave of captives into Babylon. The test begins

Prior to reading chapter 1, we spend more time discussing the book itself - its critical position in the plan of God, its prophetic significance, the demonic resistance and accusations against the validity of the book, and the divine plan of God to transform His people (the readers) by way of opening the book to us. Then we get into and through chapter 1 to learn the character of Daniel and his friends, and the character of their captor nation, Babylon.




Prior to reading chapter 1, we spend more time discussing the book itself - its critical position in the plan of God, its prophetic significance, the demonic resistance and accusations against the validity of the book, and the divine plan of God to transform His people (the readers) by way of openin...

We begin a study into one of the most revelatory though challenging books of the bible. It is particularly timely in the...

We begin a study into one of the most revelatory though challenging books of the bible. It is particularly timely in these days. We lay part of the foundation for this study, addressing not only the book but also the man named Daniel, who lived well and finished well, being greatly beloved in the heavenly realms and therefore entrusted with prophetic revelation that has been 100% accurate up to these times, and will be accurate going forward in the plans of God.




We begin a study into one of the most revelatory though challenging books of the bible. It is particularly timely in these days. We lay part of the foundation for this study, addressing not only the book but also the man named Daniel, who lived well and finished well, being greatly beloved in the he...

The Battlefield of Truth and Lies - what the Word of Truth tells reveals for His glory, for our successAs the nations co...

The Battlefield of Truth and Lies - what the Word of Truth tells reveals for His glory, for our success
As the nations continue to rage against holiness, walking in the increasing darkness of deception - we find ourselves called to higher levels of understanding of the critical component of Truth. It comes down to one or the other.
And we know that the One who declared "I am the Way the Truth and The Life" will return for those walking according to the truths of heaven.
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As the nations continue to rage against holiness, walking in the increasing darkness of deception - we find ourselves called to higher levels of understanding of the critical component of Truth. It comes down to one or the other. And we know that the One who declared "I am the Way the Truth and The....


Living in the Spirit and in alignment with the word of God.
We're told to rise and shine as darkness covers the earth (Isa 60:1 and on). In the Spirit and with the Word we can live victoriously and for the glory of our faithful God.

Links to this AM’s podcast:



What is prophesied will occur on earth (and in the heavenlies) in these days. As a spiritually unaware world is being un...

What is prophesied will occur on earth (and in the heavenlies) in these days. As a spiritually unaware world is being uncomfortably shaken to attention by events and calamity, we look into what we're told will be the spiritual climate during the shaking days - so that we might be prepared and successful in the Lord's will.

Links to this AM's podcast:



What is prophesied will occur on earth (and in the heavenlies) in these days. As a spiritually unaware world is being uncomfortably shaken to attention by events and calamity, we look into what we're told will be the spiritual climate during the shaking days - so that we might be prepared and succes...

Pentecost and the Church - Anointed for divine purpose in these most critical daysThe scriptures, by instruction, by exa...

Pentecost and the Church - Anointed for divine purpose in these most critical days
The scriptures, by instruction, by examples even from the earliest times, and by prophetic declaration, point to the saints determining, by God's grace, to only live in the fullness of Spirit-filled, Spirit-led life.

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The scriptures, by instruction, by examples even from the earliest times, and by prophetic declaration, point to the saints determining, by God's grace, to only live in the fullness of Spirit-filled, Spirit-led life.

God's purpose for supernatural signs and wonders is both to direct and alert the people of God, and to awaken a lost wor...

God's purpose for supernatural signs and wonders is both to direct and alert the people of God, and to awaken a lost world to the salvation plan of a soon and coming King. The Holy Spirit outpouring was, is and will be accompanied by signs and wonders.

Apparently something mentioned in this podcast goes against the Community Standards of Facebook. For that, I am honored and invite you to download the free podbean app where you will be able to find all podcast posts.

God's purpose for supernatural signs and wonders is both to direct and alert the people of God, and to awaken a lost world to the salvation plan of a soon and coming King. The Holy Spirit outpouring was, is and will be accompanied by signs and wonders.

Pentecost and the Church - part 04 - walking in the OutpouringThe priority of the our Lord's Pentecost Outpouring Plan i...

Pentecost and the Church - part 04 - walking in the Outpouring

The priority of the our Lord's Pentecost Outpouring Plan is that the Spirit-filled and Spirit-led saints are living, breathing and walking in Spirit-led awareness and effectiveness during the most critical days of this Age.

Links to this AM’s podcast. Hey – we’re at more than 10,000 podcast downloads. Thanks all. Bless you all.




The priority of the our Lord's Pentecost Outpouring Plan is that the Spirit-filled and Spirit-led saints are living, breathing and walking in Spirit-led awareness and effectiveness during the most critical days of this Age.

Peter gets filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately declares the prophetic-fuse of Joel 2 getting lit. Later, Rabbi P...

Peter gets filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately declares the prophetic-fuse of Joel 2 getting lit.
Later, Rabbi Paul tells us he spoke in tongues "more than you all" and references Nebuchadnezzar sent by God as a sign of Kingdom-purpose invasion. What are we to do with that, as Spirit-filled saints?




Peter gets filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately declares the prophetic-fuse of Joel 2 getting lit. Later, Rabbi Paul tells us he spoke in tongues "more than you all" and references Nebuchadnezzar sent by God as a sign of Kingdom-purpose invasion. What are we to do with that, as Spirit-filled....

The Pentecost Purpose: An outpouring of power. Paul quotes Isaiah 28 to reveal the critical prophetic fulfillment of the...

The Pentecost Purpose: An outpouring of power. Paul quotes Isaiah 28 to reveal the critical prophetic fulfillment of the Holy Spirit anointing, divinely intended to be inseparably associated with prayer in tongues. The plan of God was and is for a Church to be walking in the fullness of the power of heaven for the purposes of Kingdom success on earth.

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Paul quotes Isaiah 28 to reveal the critical prophetic fulfillment of the Holy Spirit anointing associated with prayer in tongues. The plan of God was and is for a Church to be walking in the fullness of the power of heaven for the purposes of Kingdom success on earth.



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