Living Out LAOD

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Living Out LAOD Just an ordinary food feasting, life loving, courageous cook & passionate person who enjoys trying t


I love it when my daughter tells me exactly what she craves for. It makes cooking easier when I don't have to think about what to cook for dinner. I haven't had a chance to go to Costco yet so I made chicken curry with whatever I had in the kitchen. My pak b**g (Asian water spinach) and basil from my garden is a lifesaver cause I had zero green in the fridge! Those one dish dinners are sometimes the best tasting. We both had two big heapings of jasmine rice with the chicken red curry.

Congratulations 🎉🍾🎈🎊 Jai Lao Foundation scholarship recipients!!!  It's so wonderful and heartwarming to see our youths ...

Congratulations 🎉🍾🎈🎊 Jai Lao Foundation scholarship recipients!!! It's so wonderful and heartwarming to see our youths succeeding and thriving!! Jai Lao awarded $25,000 to students from USA and Canada this year!

When everyone else brings flowers for the host and you're the only one bearing the gift of bamboo shoots you freshly pic...

When everyone else brings flowers for the host and you're the only one bearing the gift of bamboo shoots you freshly picked from your garden. I'm Lao and I'm proud of who I am and where I came from. I come from very country aka barnok beginnings in a quaint village along the Mekong River. I don't have memories of my first six years of life in southern Laos. My hubby Tui believes it was probably because of a traumatic escape that I suppressed any other childhood memories I had. What I know is that even if I have no memories of my own but the feelings of connection and attachment to a land and past I once belonged to is real and felt. I have been visiting Laos annually since 2008 when I went back to do a memorial baci blessing for my parents and saw the kindness and generosity of villagers who came to show respect to my Mae and Pa. In Laos you will never really go hungry as you can forage for food in the forests. Bamboo shoots grows wildly and you can cook and preserve it. My small bamboo garden is my piece of Laos. I got about 30 shoots from my bamboo garden this season and it is so rewarding to share these special shoots with others. XO

Congratulations Jai Lao Foundation Scholarship recipients!!!

Congratulations Jai Lao Foundation Scholarship recipients!!!

It all started in the playground in 2008 when a little 8 year old girl from America saw that the village school she was ...

It all started in the playground in 2008 when a little 8 year old girl from America saw that the village school she was visiting didn't have a playground like it her school in the USA. She believed that having a place to play during recess helps them enjoy school more. Even at her young age she realized that education is important in the classroom as well as outside.

A community that supports our children's future through education is our playground today! Through the belief that we can help make a difference by giving back to organizations that endeavors to impact our youths future. Thenk you for believing in Jai Lao Foundation's cause and its mission in supporting education to help empower students of Laos descent. I'm so proud to support this beautiful cause!


"We brought over chocolates just as a mutual sign of respect since you guys are having us over for dinner so just to be nice" was what foreign students from Israel and Germany both expressed about why they brought chocolates for me at dinner. My heart and jaw dropped when Champa and Eva's friends shared how in both their cultures it would be impolite not to bring something for the host. A few days ago when I first met them both at our home for an end of school party, they came to introduce themselves and say thank you for having them at the party. They said it would be considered rude in their culture if they didn't come say hello to the host. I was so touched by how polite and thoughtful they were that I invited them to come over for dinner. These are things I try to instill in my children as well and it makes my heart so happy that these kind of things are important and practiced in other cultures too. These sweet teens melted my heart so much that I felt inspired to host international exchange students in my home in the near future. Thank you to my sis for cooking dinner tonight cause I got so sidetracked gardening today.


It's been my bucket list to travel and see as much as I can of this big beautiful world we live in and included in that list is to be able to thum (make papaya salad) everywhere I go. Doing this gives me a chance to share about Lao culture and to connect with other fodies in the local area. Food has a magnetic way to bring people together and preparing a dish together has a specialness about our deeper connection with others. I'm truly grateful for my Aussie Lao foodie friends who've reached out to show me a slice of Sydney and importantly giving me a generous piece of their hearts and time. I'm very excited to meet you guys for some thum picnic and catching the sunset together. Let's make the most delicious Aussie Thum Taad (Papaya Platter) the world has ever known together as a community of Lao food lovers! Please meet me here tomorrow!
Sunday 5/28 at 3:30 pm
Mrs. Macquaries Chair
1d Mrs. Macquaries Road
Sydney NSW 2000

I'm sharing a video of Sydney's Vivid Light Festival opening fireworks (on 1.5 speed) and last night was opening night. I'm so lucky to happen to be here during this festive time of year.


Before packing for my trip to Sydney tomorrow I still need to plant some long green bean seeds tonight cause I couldn't find any plants at the Asian market. Perhaps it's so late in the growing season? Long green beans is a veggie I always add to my thum makhoong but it was not fresh at the store so hence why my thum today only has eggplants. I still also need to pack my "essentials" so I can have my comfort flavors at the hotel for ten days. If I have time I will do a video of how I pack Asian stuff in my suitcase. I've no set in stone plans for my time there but I do hope I get to connect with and hang out with my fellow foodie friends! Please tell me some of the places I should visit or restaurants I should check out in Sydney... 🙏🏽🙏🏽


When your daughter tells you she's not hungry but ends up stealing your bowl of khaopoon curry noodle soup.🤣 My heart has been full all day but my tummy was feeling hungry tonight. Words can't express how happy and humbled I am at the amazing response to preorder Padaq Mae Kesone that was dropped via story at 1 pm Pacific time Wednesday May 10. Within 40 minutes all 72 jars were quickly sold out but leaving so many not able to place orders. I'm beyond grateful for the incredible support and love! My daughter Lela helped create a new method of purchasing and it was a super easy and efficient process. THANK YOU so much guys for being supportive and I'm truly sorry to those of you who missed this batch. I promise I'll brew a June batch after these jars are shipped off and when I come back from my trip to Australia. It's been a fun day as I reflected on where I got my Hmong textiles over the years when I traveled throughout Laos.


I grew up in the Central Valley where there was a large Hmong community and some of my closest friends were Hmong who taught me words I probably shouldn't say as an adult.🤣 Some of my most warm memories when I visit Laos are the ones I travel to the mountains of Laos. Life there may seem hard to us but at the same time I find so much peace and happiness in the simple and beautiful way of living up high where you can almost touch the clouds. I collect pieces of textiles and Hmong clothes in every village I visit and these colorful and unique pieces are memories of my time with the sweet and kind Hmong families. I'm so humbled and happy to wrap Padaq Mae Kesone in the textile that tells the story of our Hmong brothers and sisters. I have so much I can write but I have 75 more jars I need to work on today. Presale link will drop today at 1 pm on my story. Thanks so very much for your love and support and making my passionate hobby even more special to me.


Proud Mamma La Moment... When my daughters were little they used to make home videos with my older one Lela directing her younger sister Champa on their videos. It was the way they both played house together and had fun doing it. From time to time I'll go watch their videos that older brother MJ had uploaded on his YouTube channel that tech illiterate mom took over and called it Living Out LAOD. 🤣 Years later they're still being cute and making sweet videos and are best friends even with being 7 years apart. We flew Lela from Utah to help us with this special event. Both of them are missing school to be a part of this papaya pop up fundraising effort. But sometimes, lessons learned outside of the classroom are more important and can only be taught from experiencing it themselves.


The story of how I met your father... 😂🥰 Tui came into my family's grocery store in Merced, CA to buy Lao food (oua sausage, sticky rice, laab) that my parents prepared every morning and Thai CDs. I was the cashier girl and also making papaya salad to sell after school. Back than it was only $1 a Koke (mortar) and that was good money in the early 90's. He ordered spicy thum makhoung in Lao and my family was impressed he could speak Lao really good so my dad quizzed him on a bunch of hard words and he passed them all. He said he has tasted a lot of papaya salad in the almost two years he had been serving the Lao community throughout the Central Valley but ours at K & K Market was the best he's ever had. Since then he's been hooked on Padaq Mae Kesone and her daughter.😂🔥💕


I've been jarring Padaq Mae Kesone all day and haven't had a chance to sit down to answer all of your comments and DM about PMK. The amount of inquiries from you guys is overwhelming in the best way possible. I didn't expect this kind of feedback since I just sold a batch last month already. But I'm really very happy and grateful for your amazing support and love!! I told my husband the other day that we truly have the best followers. I feel nothing but positive vibe and light from everyone. Rarely do I experience negative energy from someone. Again and always, thank you kindly for following me and my family's cultural journey!


Padaq Mae Kesone ASMR 😂 Last night I finally was able to take a shower close to midnight and shampooed three times. Hehe! It felt like the best shower of my life. Honestly though brewing doesn't make me tired. Rather I feel so energized with motivation and connection. I feel connected to my late Mae, to my Lao culture and to my supporters who love and appreciate my time and effort in making PMK. I handcraft each and every jar myself from brewing to packaging to shipping. I don't do PMK as a side hustle so please forgive me that I'm not professional at it. I do it out of my love and passion for the culture and mainly to preserve my Mae's legacy. She was such a sweet and big hearted woman who always taught me to serve and give from your heart. She reminded me that while we may be poor someone else is more poor than us and we should help them. I'll never forgot some of her random acts of kindness even to those who didn't treat her kindly. I didn't mean to get sentimental but when talking about my Mae I can't help it. If only she was here to watch me be so Lao and Proud now.

Hey Bay Area and Central  Valley Friends I am looking for a seamstress who is experienced with silk textiles and can mak...

Hey Bay Area and Central Valley Friends I am looking for a seamstress who is experienced with silk textiles and can make modern Lao outfits similar to the ones pictured. I need to make about 12 outfits for a Lao wedding baci ceremony/reception in June. I would really appreciate any leads you have. I generally have my clothes custom made in Laos but I want to find a good local seamstress nearby. Thanks so much in advance for your help.

My heart is full of happiness to have children who all have embraced our beautiful Lao cultural heritage. I grew up in a...

My heart is full of happiness to have children who all have embraced our beautiful Lao cultural heritage. I grew up in a different era where cultural diversity wasn't celebrated and accepted the way they are today. I believe that has a lot to do with why as a kid I didn't have pride in my root like my children does. Today, ethnic culture and cuisine are things of beauty that people are more open minded and heart to. Cheers to all the beautiful Asian cultures that make the melting pot of America so marvelous!

Today marks the start of Asian Pacific American Heritage month! Let’s take the time to reflect on and celebrate our beautiful cultures & share our vibrant histories with others!

I am so proud to be Lao and walk in the footsteps of my grandparents who paved the way for my family to have a wonderful life in the US. I am grateful for how they instilled the value of Lao culture, food, and community in their children, who have passed it down to me. ~Lela


Sabaidee Jai Lao Supporters 💕 We hope you all had a fun and festive Lao, Thai and Khmer New Year month long celebration! Our Jai Lao team kicked off the new year and fundraising efforts at the Lao New Year in Louisiana. We had a wonderful time connecting with young adults and parents as we shared with them about our scholarship program awarding $25,000 this year to college students of Laos descent which includes lowland Laotians, Hmong, Mien, Khmu, Lue, Tai Dum, and other ethnic groups. While we didn't raise a lot of funds (so many other papaya salad vendors) we sure had plenty of fun being a part of the friendly and kind Lao community of Louisiana and many other states. We achieved our greatest goal in raising awareness about Jai Lao's cause and to let people know we are here to serve and help our community at large. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth to show your support and love. If you want to support Jai Lao's next fundraiser it will be May 8 at Ramen vs Pho in Fresno, California. Come eat yummy food for a good cause.


Thum makhoung (papaya salad) and hotdog with mustard and ketchup? 😂 I've made it before without the condiments but I draw the line with the extra American sauce on top. But hubby is white and loves it fusion like this. If you're in the Central Valley of California and would like to try my thum makhoung with Padaq Mae Kesone and maybe with hotdogs like Tui, then please join me on Monday May 8th in Fresno at as the owner is generously is hosting a fundraiser for the
I'll be thumming until the cows come home or till the papaya runs out. Hehe. Come out for some delicious ramen or pho soup or both cause it's all going towards a good cause to help the educational needs of college students of all ethnicities who are of Laos descent! Let me know if you're coming cause I'd love to connect and meet you!

Do you want a place with touches of Thai beauty, charm, and hospitality right here in the USA?  Located in the heart of ...

Do you want a place with touches of Thai beauty, charm, and hospitality right here in the USA? Located in the heart of wine country Bann at Oak Knoll in Napa valley transports you back to a timeless and enchanting place where you'll feel pampered at this quaintly picturesque 5 room bed and breakfast resort surrounded by vast vineyards. It's great for girls weekend rejuvenation or a couples romantic getaway.

Thank you my dearest friends for surprising and spoiling me with the most magical time at Bann, our home away from home in the Bay Area. Chef and owner P Lalita's creations were not only beautiful but so yummy in our tummies. These photos below was only dinner. You should have seen our brunch photos!


When you're married to a food content creator... 😂😅😁


Finally Padaq Mae Kesone (PMK) is off today! I'm sorry it took me a couple of days to get PMK to the post office. There was some technical issues online with shipping and it took a while to get it squared out. But I'm so happy it's out the door so I can get ready to garden!!!


Does any of my sour and spicy snack loving friends remember eating lime with jeo when we were younger? And who's still snacking on these classic sour snacks? Back then we didn't have green mangos or tamarinds to choose from. Spring time was my favorite especially if you're in the Central Valley of California cause we'd be able to get almonds when it's still green and plums that are unripe. This evening I found my Champa had sliced some lemon and drenched it with the Jeo Padaq she made yesterday. Her Lao palate makes this parent proud. Look at what you got Champa craving bro!


Almost ready to ship off Padaq Mae Kesone (PMK) but first... I'm so humbled and grateful for the outpouring of love and support of PMK and the demand for more from all 50 states keeps me passionately motivated. One of the biggest compliment is when daughters tell me their mom loves it and asks for more, but they said they can't tell their moms the price cause they just won't understand.😂 I'm overcome with so much joy to have non-Laotians who said they can't live without it, cause this special sauce is very different and has that unique funk which many find takes time to acquire its taste. I'm ecstatic to have Hispanic PMK lovers getting their Filipino friends hooked on it that they buy their own jars. When a nonLao UFC fighter loves PMK it just makes my hubby Tui happy cause he loves UFC. I don't think in my or my Mae's wildest imagination would we ever think PMK would be sought after by a Caucasian judge in Los Angeles who was also a former actor of a show from back in the day. I was finally able to send a jar to him of this batch after several of his failed attempts to get one and only because I had two jars available from an order that didn't pay. And I am so proud of white wives who buys PMK cause they want their Lao hubbies to enjoy authentic tasting papaya salads. This is why I am dedicated to bringing more people the traditional flavors of Laos.


Sharing authentic tasting thum makhoung (papaya salad) with others is my passion and joy. Thank you Louisiana Lao New Year Festival for having me showcase our traditional and signature dish. It's fun for me especially when the audience is open minded and interested in the Lao culture. Louisiana folks are so warm and friendly and I felt a strong sense of community and love. This past weekend was a great start to ring in the month long Lao Thai and Khmer New Year celebrations!



❗️The JLF Scholarship Application is now OPEN for students in the US and Canada! ❗️

Learn about the requirements and fill out an application at The deadline is June 1st!


My husband calls me to come over to take some pictures of my daughter and her friends before they go off to their junior...

My husband calls me to come over to take some pictures of my daughter and her friends before they go off to their junior prom. I was like we better not do it outside because it smells out here. Lol! Their group of 25 teens are going to go take pictures somewhere else and then coming back to our home to have the party bus pick them up from our home. I am wondering if they're going to smell anything from the backyard. 😅😂



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