Rejoice While Grieving During the Holidays
The holidays are here, and it is a joyous time to celebrate Jesus’ miraculous birth as the Savior of the world. Typically, the holiday season is festive and filled with signs of hope and wonder. Nativity scenes, family dinners, ministry plays, and serving those who are in need are just a few ways that we celebrate the holidays.
While the holidays invite us to be joyous, it is difficult when we are grieving. When we may not feel like singing “Emmanuel,” the good news is that God is still with us and there is still a reason to rejoice.
God will walk with us in our grief, comfort us, wipe our tears, listen to us, and remind us that we are not alone.
In a world where we are conditioned to move on quickly and not dwell for too long, Jesus gives us permission to weep. In John 11:35, Jesus wept for his friend Lazurus’ death. We can rejoice and weep at the same time. Rejoice and mourn for who or what we have lost, hold onto cherished memories or lessons, and be reminded that God is with us daily as we navigate our grief.
When we grieve, the “merry” in Christmas becomes difficult at times. Despite our grief, there is hope as we continue to lean on God to help us as we move forward. God is with us as we sit in our pain, hold onto memories, and take one day at a time. If you are grieving during this holiday season and are seeking hope.
Rejoice That God Is with You During Your Grief
Grieving can be difficult during the holidays, and we often become disconnected and detached from our routine holiday festivities. While we may feel isolated, God is with us as we grieve. We do not have to hold back our emotions or push them away; we can share our hurt, anger or frustration with God, and the good news is that He receives them all. God doesn’t want us to grieve in isolation, but He promises to comfort us in His Word.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).
Rejoice in the Memories
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, you can also rejoice in the memories that you shared, the lessons that were learned, and the experiences you had together. I invite you to pray to God on how you can keep the person’s memory alive in your own life or through future generations. Memories are sacred and God has blessed us with opportunities to continue to live them out daily.
During the holidays, you can fix your loved one’s favorite meal, listen to their favorite song, or reflect on your favorite times together. Rejoicing in our loved one’s favorite memories won’t lessen the sadness of the pain we may feel, but it is an encouraging way to stay connected in spirit with them and give thanks to God for the time that we did have.
When we celebrate memories, it also can encourage us to be inspired and live our lives to the fullest, living out our God-given purpose. Rejoicing with memories also helps us to remember God’s faithfulness and loving care for us.
Rejoice in Community
When we are grieving, it is easy to want to be left alone and not engage with those who want to offer support and care. When you are ready, I invite you to connect in community with those whom God has placed to encourage and speak life to you. It could be a family member, close friend, or church member whom God has sent to encourage your heart and remind you that you are not alone.
If you don’t want to go out, be open to someone coming over to sit with you or make your favorite meal or holiday treat.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
God provides us community to strengthen, support, and pray for us during grieving and difficult seasons. Depression, anxiety, and hopelessness often are real effects of grieving, but it is important to stay connected in community for a listening ear, sharing, and encouragement. Knowing that someone cares can help to lift our spirits and renew our perspective.
by Kyrsten Mayden