Bountiful Blessings of Health and Wellness shall be your portion. Ridding yourself of your worst enemy… “your inner me.” This is major ground breaking process that is absolutely necessary in becoming all that you were created to be. This journey begins with trusting God to breakdown and rebuild your life. Throughout our journey together you will hear me talk about “The Me I Couldn’t See” this is i
n reference to my discovering that there was two of me. There’s the me I pretended to be to hid the me I’d silently become over the years… the me I really was… “The Me I Couldn’t See.” This was the deepest and most scared parts of my being. The me that longed to be healed… longed to be made whole. One day I discovered that God desired healing for me more than I did. So my confidence is not in my own ability to say or do anything to make my way prosperous. My unshakable confidence is in my God who before the foundation of the world decided on Robyn! He wrote the path of my journey from the finish line back. He’s unmoved even when I mess up and miss the mark (so thought in my mind). His mind remains unchanged concerning me. When in the heat of the match I retreat to my corner, His confidence in me sends me back into the fight refortified, revitalized, and re-energized with my eyes set on the win! When it seems to me to be the worst of times, He responds “Situation Excellent!”
My Brother My Sister just as you are, right where you are, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has a divine purpose and destiny for your lives. I’m honored to be able to share my journey with you and Thank You in advance for sharing yours with me. As we journey together know that I’m in your corner cheering you on. I’m praying and warring with and for you. Bountiful Blessings of Health and Wholeness shall forever be your portion,
Elder Rob
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