You know what is so underrated? Sleep! Sleep is good... So we managed to SMASH our £500 target, raising a wonderful £1,288 for the Freeman Heart & Lung Transplant Association (FHLTA) Charity.
Thank you everyone that sent us messages of encouragement, the banter and generally tried to keep us awake 😂.
A big thank you once again to Turtle Beach for their part in supplying us with their latest bit of kit, the winner of which was Lesley Mary!
Also a big thank you to Iain McParland for adding to our giveaway with a genuine McParland, the winner of this was Rachel Broadhead! Please would you all check out his insta - https://www.instagram.com/awfuldrawingsmostly/ he is continually adding to it, we feel he has a real gift of capturing the essence of various films…via MSPaint :D
Lesley Mary and Rachel Broadhead we will get in touch with regards the next steps.
Thanks to Katie Byrne my niece, founder of Caking Off for supplying us with the Beta stages of her newest addition, BroNuts! They were really quite tasty in our mouths! Should anyone feel the need to address their own sweet tooth then please head on over to - https://www.facebook.com/Cakingoff *It’s mostly a local service, so sorry America!
Once again thanks to everyone that helped out whether it was through donations, messages, the games or just tuning in. We are really grateful for all of the support, including the morning breakie supply drop from Verity 'V' Hughes. Apparently only getting 2 x Pizzas in was a slight oversight given the hours we’d be gaming for!
We’d also like to say a massive thank you to Amanda Teece, Chris Teece & Michele McGarry. Thank you for agreeing to and sharing your own very personal accounts of the whole Transplant process. You guys are the true warriors here, well Amanda and Michele are, Chris you were just a glorified chauffeur :P
The last massive thank you is to the real rat here, Samuel Thompson. Without him I probably wouldn’t have bothered suggesting this as an idea. But he really put the work in and I think we managed to pull it off. It doesn’t take much to convince me to partake in a major gaming session, but the organisation behind the scenes, contacting the various companies for help, speaking with various mods, raising some interest from the larger streaming community (Shout outs to Vahalla Gaming, Holysnoop Gaming, ItsTurk, LouLemonz & Figure Twelve Gaming ), the setting up of the main streaming set up itself, the time, effort and energy required… *hats off lad*. Plus you weren’t too bad company for the ”marathon” itself, well at least be parts whilst you remained AWAKE. But seriously thank you.
Finally, to Rebecca Louise. The irony of us doing this to mark your 3rd year transplant anniversary is not lost on me. Rebecca hated Warzone, but not just WZ, she was never a massive fan of gaming in the first place. Go back years she considered it a massive waste of time/life. I’m currently at 945 Hours of Warzone play alone… maybe she had a point you’d think I’d be pro by now!... But she also knew that when things got tough, I would turn to gaming as a form of escapism. Things have been very hard over the last few years, but without the gaming I wouldn’t have ended up having such very close friends that I truly cherish and have helped me get through so much of the pain.
I hope she’s just a little proud that we managed to turn the thing that she didn’t agree with, into something that will hopefully help others during their own transplant journeys. x
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