I know I know.. I haven't posted in awhile but I'm still here and still slaying in siege.. well trying to! #imalive #stillstreaming #siege #bossg #twitch www.twitch.tv/that1rx7guy
It's time for SUNDAY SIEGE again! We are going live in 10 mins, lets warm up and slay out in ranked! twitch.tv/that1rx7guy #siege #ranked #yuhyeet
We have been learning and getting better at Siege thanks to watching alot of Bowski Jones and having some good Teammates like Payton Zeringue. Next Season the Sweat and Grind will be real! Make sure to stop by the Channel! #siege #r6s #proplays twitch.tv/that1rx7guy
Well Horrible day on Siege.. SoloQ'd all the way down to a Bronze 3. I don't wanna talk about it. #roadtocopper #r6s
BUT tomorrow is Deceit!! #lie
I also want to give a big Thanks to the amazing TWOOFF for the Fancy 1 Person Host from my Favorite Streaming Couple, :) #blessed
Had fun with the #blackout beta, but I'm ready to get back to CS and R6S grind comp and ranked! We had a fun stream today got some love from @DangerDadTV and threw it over to @DrunkPenguinTTV We are taking Monday off for the GF's Bday see you Tuesday morning! #priorities #csgo
CS: LETS GOOOO! Dual PC Stream is back up and Ready for another stream! We will be doing a short warm up then straight into ranked! Maybe try some surfing if that's still a thing? I'm new! 930 am central time! #csgo #dualpc #sniper #newpcgamer @csgo_dev http://twitch.tv/that1rx7guy Jake Latimer *cough cough*
2 days deep on PC and loving it! CS:GO has been lit... But I need some SKINS! and a Baller knife! Who wants to hook me up? hahaha jk jk Guys. Time to hop over to Fortnite tomorrow morning 10am Central and see the Trainwreck! #csgo #pcmr #pcmasterrace #pistolonly #noskin #gameop
Always have to take the good with the bad. R6S was a roller coaster today, but back to Fortnite tomorrow. Atleast we got a good clip out of it! Come hangout in 10 hours! 10am central. http://twitch.tv/that1rx7guy
#gameop #r6s #fortnite #siege #streamer #xbox #console #creationnation
Something about those Kobe grenade tosses that really make you smile! Had a little fun on PUBG today but it back to Fortnite tomorrow at 10am central! #pubg #fortnite #kobe #nades #gotem #twitch #xbox #console #wooo http://ow.ly/hKQP30lwhT3