A critical, collaborative, and independent Audio Journal (with plans to increase frequency) combining analysis, reporting, and satire, comprised mainly of hard-hitting interviews/conversations, on-the-scene reports, reviews, informed commentary, and readings. Interviews from the region beyond will feature activists, journalists, scholars, artists, unusual conduits, and ordinary people. We will hig
hlight movers and shakers in “civil society” and beyond, who animate the new spaces, places, and modes of action that the uprisings engendered. Status, configured as a sophisticated podcast and potentially a streaming internet radio, will address salient matters in the political, economic, and social spheres, academia and the media, and in the hitherto underworld within the relevant countries. Beyond addressing events and developments, a distinct flavor of this Journal will be its attention to cultural production and the various processes of knowledge production and information dissemination for public consumption, via social or traditional media. statushour.com
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/status-alwd/id941361511?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4