Anglophone Country's Citizen Journalism

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Anglophone Country's Citizen Journalism Entertains, educate and delight in more of a gold standard conveyance of infos to the public for the Ebonyan movement.


FOREIGN NEWS HEADLINES: (1) Beijing and Moscow holds 3 days meeting starting 20th March 2023 with the world war on Ukraine expected to dominate talks. (2) Beleaguered UK govt suffer series of strikes. (3) The US strain economy poses danger with Biden as a big spender on rivalry for world supremacy. (4) The French States of CEMAC strives to contain austeritues and hyperinflation amid a worsening dynasty system.

FOREIN NEWS:  Nigeria is witnessing elections starting 25th Feb 2023, with

FOREIN NEWS: Nigeria is witnessing elections starting 25th Feb 2023, with

FOREIGN NEWS:  Nigeria will be witnessing elections starting 25th Feb 2023, with the presidential front runners Mr Peter...

FOREIGN NEWS: Nigeria will be witnessing elections starting 25th Feb 2023, with the presidential front runners Mr Peter Obi and the business tycoon Mr Atiku. However, the Buhari rule have repeated the act of the 1980s during his military regime, as prio the 2023 elections, he degreed the impoundings of the old notes introducing new notes of the Naira currency. Leading to banks suffering from cash-starved unto despicable austerities and miseries.


HOME NEWS HEADLINES: (1)NOWEFU remain in tatters. (2) Ndu tea plantation grows into forest. (3) A similarity of the Ngarbuh slaughter in SW CDC Sparks public denunciations. (4) The world expects Yaounde-Cameroun govt to the Canadian negotiating table with Southern Cameroons. (5) Many in Donga and Mantung subject to disappointment as rumoured tarring of the Bamenda ring road from Bui through Nkambe to Misaje and Menchum fails to materialize. (6) Diaspora TVs collected funds suffers siphonings amid tries to hijack otherwise exploit ground efforts. (7) The South African GSM network provider MTN Cameroun as if on assignment to secure submission, continue to interfer with persecuting services targeting Pastor NMS.


PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: Anglophone Country's CITIZEN JOURNALISM is a news page I created in 2017 to educate, entertain and inform the puby here and beyond with verifiable truth. However, doing this since 2017 have been a challenging burden without even a single financial supporter or partner to cover the costs involved. I herein thank the thousands of readers who joined this page to be reading this sacrificial work of mine, which have without doubt influenced lives and situations. I will also love to sadly notify that this news page shall be shutdown because of lack of finances and partnership, and only an event or article paid for will be published on a need-to-know basis . Moreover, whoever that wishes to financially support, otherwise partner with this news page for coverages should do well to contact me via [email protected] to discuss the ways and means that finances can reach me, as well as terms of the partnership or contact in demand. May God bless the good guys who will be truthful enough to recognize and appreciate my efforts through this news page and others for the well-being of humanity in my homeland and beyond. But cursed and divine visitations unto the bad guys the kingdom of satan is using to attribute my efforts on to others on the exploitative journey to starve me into their camp ( Prov 1:10:10-15). Pastor Nformi Malvin Shey, News Page owner, Reporter and Editor.

Preacher: Pastor Nformi Malvin Shey. Church: Carmel Free Church. Date: 29th Jan. 2023. Topic: A Divine Opendoor For Doub...

Preacher: Pastor Nformi Malvin Shey. Church: Carmel Free Church. Date: 29th Jan. 2023. Topic: A Divine Opendoor For Double Recovery. Text: Job 42:7-12. Ref: Highlight: God allowed Job to be tested with a reduced social status of miseries and rejection subject to guys who were turning swords in a wound to instill a sense of guilt, so as to attribute his predicaments to sin. And worst of all, a daunted wife used by Satan to gain compromise or backsliding , yet was jettisoned as a foolish woman ( Job 2:9-10 & 19:17a, Prov 14:1, Ecc 7:26). When the time came for God to reward Job for what he went through to glorify his righteous Kingdom, he urged his persecutors to submit with gifts which made him more richer than before, having the most pretty girls in the land of Uz( Is 49:16-26, 61:7, 66:5-16). Good enough that they repented and bowed to the divine command in favour of Job, because if they were stiff-necked and boastful sinners, the warning in Is 28:22 will have been necessary. Maybe followed by the divine sentence of a wilderness of draught and other scorches as punishment ( PS 68:6). Whoever wishes to support my ministry should contact me via [email protected] or Facebook Messenger to get directions on how his or her support can reach me. Names of
supporters will be published on the 27th of Dec. 2023, and failure to do so will mean none turn up. Or else becose of a request to remain anonymous. 💌

SOCIETAL CONCERN: Instead of seeking for a solution through the peaceful means of referendum which is the popular demand...

SOCIETAL CONCERN: Instead of seeking for a solution through the peaceful means of referendum which is the popular demand, what is prevailing is domineering, campaign of terror, scorched Earth policy and indimidation to achieve submission. As on the 1st of Jan 2023 at dawn, the people of Ngung village in Near district witnessed the raid of Cameroun military and her Fulani paramilitary. Ropes were tied on necks with bat least 40 guys in one line of a chain procession to the market, and the Cameroun military commander of Ntong bace who conducted the operation, and who is from South West province declaring to the victimized that " There will be a return of slave trade and slavery" . Untold pillage and torment was inflicted, then the question of the silent majority Nationwide is, if they with words deceived Foncha and others to take Southern Cameroon into a union which we are a marginalized drop of water in an ocean, what will become of us if captured with the gun in the battlefield? However, this is a repetition of what the entire village of Ngung suffered several times since the outbreak of the armed conflict in 2017. But the raid this time was a witch-hunt for a certain Amba commander nicknamed Black Snake and his boys who are suspected of using that village as a hideout, though none was seen or arrested. The pictures displayed is an example of the damages incurred in Ngung with many left homeless and in privations entering the New Year Day 2023 in grieve demanding for humanitarian support .


HISTORY:In 1858, James .S. created an Irish revolutionary movement of guest workers ( bush fallers) in the US, which expanded to Homeland referred to as the Fenian Brotherhood derived from Fianna the legendary Irish heroes. The American Fenian military launched an incursion on Canada in 1866, with the home Fenian attacking barracks, then attempted to capture Chester in 1867, and also tried blowing up Clerkenwell Jail killing 12. Differences between the leaders of it's various groups amid Catholic denunciation led her end in 1868. Following the famines from 1840-61 which brought about suffering, deads and the migration of over 2 million people due to the inability of the British admin to contain. 6 Dec. 1921, Michael Colins, Lioyd George, Arthur Graffith and other , Irish leaders championed the struggle on the ground, being signatories to the Dominion of freedom treaty, officially proclaimed in 1922. The Republicans gained control in 1923 deepening disconnection with Britain unto a disastrous tariff war in 1936, and Irish neutrality you in World War Two. The Republic of Ireland for was proclaimed the same in 1949, with the British parliament left with no option than to passed an Act of endorsement the very year for the Independence of Southern Ireland.

SOCIETAL CONCERN: It's almost seven years as the English-speaking Cameroon territory have been in wartime which have wre...

SOCIETAL CONCERN: It's almost seven years as the English-speaking Cameroon territory have been in wartime which have wreaked depredation and casualties. And normalcy is returning gradationally with a high demand for the blood thirsty powers that be perpetrating to pay out compensation to every victim for reconstruction, resettlement and reconciliation which makes a peaceful society, though witchcraft practices is a call for concern from 2023 henceforward. Thorough survey and investigations is ongoing and below is the picture of once a council hall situated in the market of Nkot-Gam village within Nwa district. It's one of the thousands of buildings subjected to arsonry in the land. The survived site is currently used as the Nkot-Gam Achaba Union meeting place...




World History: In the 15th century, and in 400 years, Switzerland existed as a loose federation without a central authority. Then 1798-1802, as a puppet Helvetic Republican state to the French colonialism under imperialist Napoleon. Yet during the Vienna Congress of 1815, the Great Powers agreed to the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland leading to a federal pact, reorganization and emergence for Independence. After the Sonderbund caused civil war, the Swiss adopted a new Constitution in 1848 through a democratic process which made provisions for a central government, while retaining the decentralized system enjoyed by the cantons. And it is this neutrality that provided Geneva in Switzerland as the favourable location for the League of Nation's HQ. The international organization which ended the World War One caused largely by the spread of nationalism in the Balkans, and Sarajevo assassination,etc.

Binka is the largest village in Donga Mantung in terms of land, enrished with ore mineral in Mayo-Binka quarter. However...

Binka is the largest village in Donga Mantung in terms of land, enrished with ore mineral in Mayo-Binka quarter. However, the inhabitants therein sadly lost their Fon ( headman) months ago, and the celebration of his departure from the Earth will start 10/12/2022. In a ceremony that partakers shall witness the enthronement of a new Fon (headman) , and cultural displays for solace.


PROPOSALS IN SEEK OF PEACE AND NORMALITY IN SOUTHERN WEST CAMEROON 8TH NOV. 2022. BY THE SLM AND EBONIAN PRESIDENT. Conscious of the fact that peace is the bedrock of normality and progress. And the fact christians working for peace and the well-being of humanity are the blessed ones ( Matt 5:9, Prov 31:8-9), I herein write as a victimized citizen and clergyman of the aforementioned territory consist of the now term North West and South West Regions with capitals Bamenda and Buea, in order to plainly suggest possible ways as preconditions through which an end to the almost seven years ongoing armed conflict wreaking shackles, depredation and sadly the lost of lives can be reached. This are (1) Formation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, TRC (a) to genuinely, as well as thoroughly investigate the depredation and death toll incurred, and also ensure the disbursement of compensation funding for reconstruction and resettlement of the displaced people, which I'm one with damages incurred estimated to billions. (b) Ensure a referendum to solve the polarization of the Southern West Cameroon body politic into pre-unionist and Nationalists camps locked in bitter antagonism. With an international body agreed by both sides to conduct and act as the oversight and main monitor of the proposed referendum which must not be prolonged or procrastinated beyond 2023, the result of which I must be a signatory to, and which will determine further moves. (2) Release all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners from the Southern West Cameroon before 12th January 2023. (3) Ensure the punishment of war-crimes.

SOCIETAL CONCERN: A survey conducted across the territory proved that the Cameroon Baptist Convention ( CBC) have land d...

SOCIETAL CONCERN: A survey conducted across the territory proved that the Cameroon Baptist Convention ( CBC) have land dispute in many villages, and mostly with people or families who gave them land to occupy just for gratis. However, the press reached Fuya ( Mbarse) in Ndu, meeting Pa Tamunyang Joseph Ndzi who related a touching story of an over 10 years case involving him and his friend Mr Nshukwi Henry vs the Ndu Field of CBC. He said as a landlord, he had always embraced civilization and development only to be subjected to an alien assault on the 24th March 2014 by the pastor of CBC church Fuya named Sule Tandap.This fateful day at about 5:30pm, he and others were digging a road to connect some families to the church and the main road, then this Sule man came and slapped me thrice unto blood spill, the Lost of a to and now partial blindness without compensation for treatment. Even though the case went to the state council, yet withdrawn by Field Pastor Nformi Godfrey Mangeh for amicable settlement on the 7th of May 2014 with Mayor Emmanuel Buhnyu as the arbitrator. He further said " The piece of land in dispute was not mapped within the land my late father sent I and some family members, as well as some village elders to demarcate for the CBC in the 1950s, but we were shocked that when I entered to develop this piece of land, they termed it encroachment leading to the ongoing case in which we have spent so much money that should have been used for my health and other things. Moreover, we received an injunction from the DO on the 9th of June 2022 forbidding usage of this piece of land in dispute until the matter is resolved. The traditional council of Ndu Palace will be visiting in days ahead to have their say. And as the landlord who gave a piece of land to the CBC and they're greedy enough to cause me this much suffering, I will not be wrong if I say they have bitten the fingers that fed them and therefore not preaching the gospel with such worldly moves." NB, picture displayed is that of Pa Tamunyang Joseph Ndzi


HOME NEWS HEADLINES: (1) Bible fulfils as loyals of the enemy kingdom of satan gadflies, demonizes,, ostracizes,marginalizes and strives to starve into the Southern Cameroons doyen clergyman Pastor NMS of the emerging CFC. (2) Majority on the ground welcomes the referendum suggestion saying they will be doubtful because Yaounde may reject. (3) Nationalists fighters in Donga Mantung down tools in protest of unpaid labours since 2016 preferring passive resistance . (4) Catholic hostages in Manfe gained freedom.

Public Awareness: Today is Monday, and passive resistance protest with slogan " Ghost Town" have been observed in most p...

Public Awareness: Today is Monday, and passive resistance protest with slogan " Ghost Town" have been observed in most parts of the Southern Cameroons territory amid sporadic fighting here and there. However, it's plain that both sides remain unbowed, and there is a polarization of the population into two opposing camps of Unionists and Nationalists with void of TV stations within Southern Cameroons giving disadvantages against a Cameroun having enough for propaganda and cover up, as the South African GSM network MTN play the criminal role of spying and targeting with persecuting services. With this dangerous signal of polarization, there is no doubt that a referendum is the only way to end the crisis and heal the deep divide and antagonism in existence through compensations, forgiveness, and reconciliation, otherwise vendetta may dominate subsequent events. In fact, a referendum to correct the British-UN wrong of 1961 have always been what Southern Cameroons advocated subject to domineering, but it seem they now wish e bow as info is reaching us that a Canadian group have indicated to arbitrate. Yet prominent leaders of Southern Cameroons have publicly refused to get involved terming it an ostracing move that marginalized the nonpareils , and therefore will be palliative. To get more info on the initiative of the Calgary based Canadian Global Affairs Institute ( CGAI), visit, then have your say.


FOREIGN NEWS HEADLINES: (1) The Russo-Western arms race on Ukraine plunges to global depression and inflation. (2) France seeks rescue from Algerian energy. (3) Cameroun like other AU states strive to sustain banana republic through influence peddling from the affluent West. (4) Nigeria prepares for general election with Mr Peter Obi emerging a big name in opinion polls.

HOME NEWS:The crisis which started 2016 in the form of lawyers and teachers protest, then escalated into a bloody armed ...

HOME NEWS:The crisis which started 2016 in the form of lawyers and teachers protest, then escalated into a bloody armed conflict have left the territory deprived of some basic public sevices. Among which is the power outage problem with the Cameroun supplier ENEO silent over the matter subjecting subscribers to simmering and wreak of stagnation on the economy. However,war and none payment of bills could likely be the reasons for the power outage, yet subscribers we carried a survey on says the supplier need to read metres and dish out bill papers to enable the subscribers know which amount to pay and when, then if there's default , power outage and other punitive measures can apply, with one of them asking "How can ENEO expect us to pay bills without knowing how much to pay?We even suspect a case of neocolonialism at work" Moreover,, the fallen polls displayed is that of the high tension in Binka and Nkambe, areas that have not withness Ed battles and with normal life got on smoothly. Then how can a factory like that of the Ndu Tea plantation operate without power supply?


Home News Headlines: (1) Ndu Tea plantation grows into bush after months of shutdown. (2) Banso Baptist Hospital (BBH) suffer arrests from the opposing armies. (3) The South African GSM network supplier MTM strives to cover up crimes with fugitive moves. (4) homes continue to in power out across the land. (5) Passive resistance gains victory with Mondays lockdown termed "Ghost Town" (6) Nkambe, Ntumbaw, and Sabongari in Donga and Mantung remains buffer areas for civilians safety.


FOREIGN NEWS HEADLINES: (1) Russo-Western strives threaten Change In Size of the Ukrainian territories adding to Crimea. (2) Tehran witnesses streets protest over an inmate departure from the Earth. (3) Burma junta wage bloody war with pro-western counter-revolutionary armed groups. (4) Prince Charles ascends the English Throne beleaguered by economic and world troubles. (5) Morocco emerged a promising Black Continent team in upcoming World Cup.


FOREIGN NEWS HEADLINES: (1) Russo-Western strives threaten Change In Size of the Ukrainian territories adding to Crimea. (2) Tehran witnesses streets protest over an inmate departure from the Earth(3) Burna junta wage bloody civil war with pro-western counter-revolutionary armed groups. (4) Prince Charles ascends the English Throne beleaguered by economic and world troubles. (5) Morocco emerged a promising Black Continent team in two friendly matches preparing for the upcoming World Cup.


HOME NEWS: Human efforts to resolve the ongoing armed conflict seem to be a Canute, thoughth the return of some of some normalcy features is gaining ground and improving lives. Yet the the latest trend of price control on food exportation enforced by the nationalist forces , especially in the North West bring panic. This have been precipitated by hyperinflation and what many view as disguised neocolonialism. As the price of big bag fertilizer from 18000frs skyrocketed to 50000frs in 2022 making it difficult to purchase, because a larger percentage of the population exist in deplorable conditions below the poverty line. Also, the Cameroun supplier of hydro electricity will keep power off for months and years ever since the crisis started in 2016. With the market for Chinese solar panels booming, though can't meet the demand of homeland. August until now in what some people described as Ugly August, the nationlist forces have imposed that if a pocket of beans will not be 10000frs, there shall be no sales, causing the widespread poverty, as farmers have what to sale, but can't sale. Expoiters buying in secret have instead reduced the price from 6000frs to 4000frs or 5000frs, thereby worsening the matter. The Scorched of the no-man's-land continues with civilians feeling the pinch, yet still loyal whether they like it or not...


SOCIETAL CONCERN: Pastor NMS revealed that since January 15, 2022, he does not have access to his helpmate and four kids for cordiality and care. Because of a religious instigated rift, through the hanky-panky of some clerics, namely Rev. Hycint Mbang of Njimnkang CBC church in Ndu, and Rev. Marcel Lunga, the CBC Field Pastor of Mbaw in Nwa amid the MTN Cameroun roles to defend the interest of the kingdom of satan. According to the info gathered, the mum ma Gladys Nyah protested against her conversion from CBC to CFC by visiting to take her daughter. Shey Comfort Ntalah away on the 18th of September. 2020 from Sehn. Then she took a backsliding moved by conniving to go to Yaounde without the hubby's knowledge and permission, taking with her three kids contrary to Eph 5:22-24. There she was communicating with and gain assistance from the hubby who later journeyed to Nigeria on the 25th of Dec. 2020. Early 2021, she ran mad in Yaounde and was rushed to Ndu being in a critical condition, but the family of the hubby and the hubby himself was not informed. In suspense and being a caring father without info as to what is happening because her line could not passed again, the hubby left Yola and arrived Ndu on the 1st of May 2021, on visiting Njimnkang with offers of assistance, the mum-in-law drove him away on three occasions coupled with his reaching the said clerics to no avail. Amid reports of her involved in unfaithfulness that could be subject to Matt 5:31-32, yet the hubby overlooked and visited Njimnkang again on the 31st of August 2022 on hearing that Comfort is undergoing treatment for a first-degree burnt on the right leg with risk of amputation as she have been bedridden for months and still behaving hostile to the hubby as if possessed with witchcraft and escaping from the man of God. Meeting F2F at health centre, the hubby demanded for unburdening and apologies before prayers... See comment



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