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From my most recent book. I take three of the most well-known authors on the changing world order. Dalio, Huntington and...

From my most recent book. I take three of the most well-known authors on the changing world order. Dalio, Huntington and Dugin -- bring their data up to date -- and analyze and critique each view from a biblical perspective. This is from Huntington's section on "The Revenge of God."

The Clash of Civilizations does in fact deal a lot with Christianity along with other world religions. Huntington indeed recognizes significant differences between Muslim sects. He sees Islam as a growing mainstream religion, with only a small percentage gravitating toward radical jihadism. Huntington writes of the fact that there is an “unsecularization of the world,” which has been going on since the mid-20th century and has been increasing with vengeance “from Albania to Vietnam” (96).

Huntington begins this section by quoting one visitor to Russia in 1993.

"The sound of church bells once again fills the air. Newly gilded cupolas gleam in the sun. Churches only recently in ruins reverberate again with magnificent song. Churches are the busiest place in town."

Huntington mentions that the number of churches in the Moscow area grew from 50 in 1988 to 250 in 1993. By 2024, there were more than 900 churches and more than 40 Christian denominations in Moscow. The Russian Orthodox Church now has 320 parishes. The number of evangelicals Christians in the world was growing dramatically in 1996, but have only continued to explode into a World Awakening in the 21st century. I have updated a few of Huntington’s statistics because they are dwarfed by what is happening today.

* South Korea, a traditionally Buddhist country prior to 1950, had a Christian population numbering no more than three percent. By 2024, South Korea had a 31 percent Christian population.

* Christianity has grown faster in China than anywhere else in the world. Daryl Ireland, a Boston University School of Theology research assistant professor of missions, estimates that the Christian community has grown from about 1 million to 100 million since the 1980s.

* The number of evangelical Protestants in Catholic Latin America increased from roughly seven million in 1960 to about 50 million in the 1990s at the time of Huntington’s research. By 2024, about 19 percent of Latin Americans identify as evangelical – or 126 million – which is much larger than the evangelical population of traditionally Protestant United States and Canada.

* According to a study, which was conducted by CID Gallup – a Costa Rican-based institute with branches all over Central America – the proportion of evangelicals is now larger in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador than the share of Catholics (with 44, 43, and 40 percent evangelicals respectively, against 36, 41, and 38 percent Catholics). In Nicaragua, the proportion of evangelicals (38 percent) and Catholics (41 percent) is almost the same. In Panama and Costa Rica, the difference between Catholics and evangelicals is still larger than 20 points, but there is an equal trend of Catholic decline and evangelical growth.

* South American countries with a large number of evangelicals include Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia.

* In Brazil, experts have predicted that evangelicals will outnumber Catholics by 2032. The revival of Christianity has had a dramatic impact on the culture and politics of the country. For example, Jair Bolsonaro, a Christian with ties to both Pentecostals and conservative Catholics, was able to oust a long entrenched and corrupt socialist government by building a political coalition between the two groups. Although Bolsonaro lost the next election amid claims of voter fraud, and was effectively barred by the socialists from running again, the coalition he built changed the national government and promises to be influential for years to come in Brazil.

* Formerly atheistic Russia has the largest number of evangelicals in Europe. Ukraine has the largest number of evangelicals per capita. Between 1991 and 2008, the share of Russian adults identifying as Orthodox Christian rose from 31 percent to 72 percent. Ukraine’s population has 81.9 percent who identify as Christian, most belonging to a branch of the Orthodox Church.

* Africa is home to over 685 million Christians. Africans exult in the fact that although the awakening of Christianity is not a “white man’s religion.” but has its roots in ancient African culture. A strong base for Christianity was established in Alexandria, Egypt, in the first century. Eusebius even wrote that the Gospel writer, Mark, came to Alexandria as early as AD 43. In 330, King Ezana of Ethiopia declared Christianity its national religion. Ethiopia is one of the world’s oldest continuous Christian civilizations.

Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in the world – one-third of the global population. In 2023, it was reported: “There will be over 2.6 billion Christians worldwide by the middle of 2023 and around 3.3 billion by 2050, according to a report published in early January by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.”

Although Christianity declined in Western Europe during the past century, 61 of the world’s 195 countries have large and growing Christian populations of over 80 percent – most of these are in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, and the South Pacific Islands. The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, but not the highest percentage of Christians per capita. In fact, the U.S. is about 71 percent Christian according to the US State Department ranks in 85th place worldwide.

There will be over 2.6 billion Christians worldwide by the middle of 2023 and around 3.3 billion by 2050, according to a report published in early January by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. MARX, then 76, appeared in an interview on William F. Buckley Jr...

GROUCHO MARX, then 76, appeared in an interview on William F. Buckley Jr.'s "Firing Line" program, broadcast 07/07/1967 (during the "Summer Of Love").When asked the theme question for the discussion, "Is the world funny?", Groucho's initial reply was:

"No, I don't think it's terribly funny, no... I don't think it's ever *terribly* funny; sometimes there are isolated pieces of the world that are funny, but generally it's a pretty serious world, it always has been... People struggling for a living, and starving, and all kinds of riots, particularly a couple of weeks ago...
No, I don't think the world is funny; that's like saying is a man funny... Even a professional comedian can be funny, perhaps, 8 minutes out of 24 hours, but a comedian is... they're the dreariest people in the world... You should talk to my wife sometime -- which is more than I do!"

He then proceeded to take everything Buckley said woodenly literally, and gave a serious interview, but people laughed at everything.

Episode 064, Recorded on July 7, 1967Guest: Groucho MarxFor more information about this program, see: m...

Free shipping if you have Prime. => Napotnik5.0 out of 5 stars Important Conclusions about ...

Free shipping if you have Prime. =>

August Napotnik
5.0 out of 5 stars Important Conclusions about the 1st Century
Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2024
Verified Purchase

Jay Rogers writes what I consider a primer on the topic of preterism. The notes and bibliography provide a great springboard into further research. Additionally, his arguments for a 1st century fulfillment are bulletproof. The book is concise and easy to get through. The book is by no means exhaustive and there are multiple first century events mentioned by Josephus and Tacitus that aren’t mentioned. All in all, Jay Roger’s book is an essential work to include in your library and share with your family and friends.


5.0 out of 5 stars Bringing clarity to such a misunderstood book like Daniel is exciting!
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2023
Verified Purchase

First, let me say that the idea of a different approach to eschatology is refreshing! A preterist view of eschatology should a least be offered in seminaries across the country and around the world and I can assure you it isn’t. Using this understanding, pieces almost fall together like never before. Sure questions still arise however, a new approach, at the least, gives the world a fighting chance at understanding and reconciling eschatology as a whole.


5.0 out of 5 stars Good Understanding
Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2023
Verified Purchase

I have Jay Rogers, thick book, but this summary of the book of Daniel is very good. I’ve used it in teaching a class on eschatology.


Russell Boates
5.0 out of 5 stars Finally the book of Daniel gets thoughtful interpretation!!
Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2022

Instead of parroting other "scholars", Rogers presents a fresh, clear and thought provoking interpretation of Daniel similar to the way that Kenneth Gentry digs through the book of Revelation and Matthew 24. I'm so tempted to get Rogers' larger volume, "In the Days of These Kings". The preterist/postmillenial position is biblical and makes a lot more sense than other views. Jesus is still the Lord of history and will ensure the victory of His church before He returns.


Byron Loyd
5.0 out of 5 stars Powerful reading!
Reviewed in the United States on June 16, 2022

This book is one of the most interesting, enjoyable, and thought-provoking books I have ever read. I was raised in the Futurist view of Daniel and Revelation, but have been studying the Preterist/Modified position for some time now, reading books by Kenneth L. Gentry. Jay Rogers' book stays in that same lane and was a pleasure to read. I am looking forward to reading his book, "In the Days of These Kings." Thank you Jay for such a challenging and inspiring book. I recommend Jay's material to anyone who wants to go further in their studies of the Word of God. ~ Byron Loyd

The great expositor of Scripture, John Calvin, once exclaimed in exasperation about the numerous speculations on controversial passages in the Book of Daniel, such as the identity of the “Little Horn” of chapter 7. Calvin preached, “They are all wrong.” This book provides a preterist view of...

Karl Marx believed that capitalism was a necessary bridge from feudalism and mercantilism into the communist utopia. Alt...

Karl Marx believed that capitalism was a necessary bridge from feudalism and mercantilism into the communist utopia. Although this did not come to pass, we can similarly view postmodernity as a necessary stage toward the multipolar world. I have been looking for something like this to occur for over 30 years. I believe we are seeing the shift right now in real time.

In 2011, I wrote an article for The Forerunner, “The Occupy Movement: The Death Scream of Western Humanism?”

* The Occupy Movement: The Death Scream of Western Humanism?” The Forerunner, 10/20/2011.

I began by listing some of the accurate predictions The Forerunner newspaper had made since the 1980s. These included a prediction in the summer of 1989 of the total breakup of the Soviet Union and the re-Christianization of the Russian world.

* “The Coming Transformation of the USSR.” The Forerunner, 9/2/1989.

I do not know of any other writing that predicted the total break-up of the USSR prior to this date.

In 1991, I wrote on the West’s coming long war with Islamic civilization, which I saw as necessary for the evangelization of Muslims worldwide. Since that time, I have changed my views on what America’s response to Islamic jihad should be. Conflict is unavoidable between Christian and Islamic nations, but I also insist that not one penny should be paid by the American people toward foreign wars in these regions.

I also predicted in 1992 that the “Fiber Optics Revolution” would lead to the invention of writable discs containing many gigabytes of information, while the ease of video streaming would give each person a TV channel. I wrote that “television networks will not be run by the media elite, but more and more by ordinary people. Soon public television networks will form to produce more viewer supported productions.” Although the World Wide Web emerged in 1993 and most of what we predicted was fulfilled with a vengeance, the decentralizing and politically empowering effects of the Internet are yet to be seen. As Gary North put it, “The gatekeepers are still in place, but the walls are down.”

* “The Fiber Optics Revolution: How it will change your life,” The Forerunner, 12/1/1992.

In 1995, I wrote that, “We are seeing the downfall of secularism in postmodern history. The sweeping changes we see in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and China, are a natural fruition of the principles laid down at the time of the Reformation. In the West, we will see a complete breakdown of secularism.… The preaching of the Gospel coupled with the collapse of the secularist state under the weight of its own lawlessness is preparing the way for the most significant paradigm shift since the first coming of Jesus Christ.”

“Paradigm Shift 2000: Covenantal Blessings and Curses in History,” The Champion - Volume 2, 4/26/1995.

This last prediction might seem like hubris, but this "End Stage of Empire" actually began with the worldwide financial market collapse in 2008 and has continued to unravel with fits and starts until today.

Islamic jihadism, Marxist communism, and Western egalitarian humanism each have inherent contradictions in their foundations. In the article, “The Death Scream of Western Humanism?” I interpreted the Occupy Movement and subsequent street protest movements (from the Tea Party rallies to BLM – from Antifa protests to the student-led Free Palestine movement) as an emotional flailing about with no set goal. This is due to a frustrated intuition that our fallen Western Liberal worldview is a massive contradiction. Since we are fallen creatures, our initial reaction to mental dissonance is prideful emotional outbursts and finger pointing instead of calm analysis of why this house built on shifting sand has collapsed.

Man as a Function of PoliticsWhat is politics?The Greek words, polis, “the city,” gives politics its name. In biblical H...

Man as a Function of Politics

What is politics?

The Greek words, polis, “the city,” gives politics its name. In biblical Hebrew, the word for city means a “fortress.” Urban life is associated with warfare. Politics is the realm of power and violence. As Mao Tse Tung understood, “Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.”

[In] the United States … in 1900, about 60 percent of the population lived on farms or in rural areas. Life expectancy for white Americans was just 48 years and just 33 years for African Americans – about the same as a peasant in early 19th century India…. [I]f a mother had four children, there was a fifty-fifty chance that one would die before the age of five. At the same time, half of all young people lost a parent before they reached the age of 21…. [T]he average family had an annual income of $3,000 (in today’s dollars). The family had no indoor plumbing, no phone, and no car. About half of all American children lived in poverty. Most teens did not attend high school; instead, they labored in factories or fields.

In 2019, the CDC estimated life expectancy from the time of birth increased to 78.8 years. The average family household income was $74,755 in 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by far the most for a country with a large population. Urban and suburban areas now account for about 80 percent of the US population.

What brought the US from being a country with a Third World existence to the most powerful and wealthy nation in history?

The Liberal’s answer is politics – with and without bloodshed. Politics has led to greater health, prosperity, and individual autonomy, but Liberal Modernism has also produced greater alienation from God and each other.

To answer the question, “What is politics?” we should also ask, “What is man?”

Man is the political man – Homo politicus. Man is a function of politics. It has been this way since the time of the first city, the “City of Man,” which was the city founded by Cain’s son, Enoch (Genesis 4:17). The Christian view is that we must be transformed into the City of God. All Modernist political systems resist this transformation in favor of human autonomy.

[T]he political system has an intellectual and conceptual power, as well as a transformative potential without limitations. The answer to the anthropological question rests on the configuration of power in society. Power itself consists of two elements: first is the power to shape the paradigm, integrated in society through state institutions, and second is power as the dispositive of violence, which serves as a means to integrate the paradigm into the society.( #)

On one hand, we might be astonished by the observation of progress. Just look at how tremendous the shift from traditional man to Modern man in just 100 years! Man himself has been transformed at the most fundamental level. We have been shifting from the traditional man, to the Modern political man, to the postmodern post-political man. In Modernity, we had the rational, autonomous individual in opposition to tradition. In postmodernity, traditional and modern society flow into each other. There is no difference between the two.

The transformation took place because Modern Liberalism at one time saw our individual rights as generated within ourselves as we existed in the natural world. Then it became the job of politics to give us our own rights and therefore a political status. It is the political system itself that installs the concept of individual rights in us and then assumes the power to either grant or take away our rights. In both cases, traditional and Liberal, we had political man.

However, postmodernity has declared that it does not matter whether we have political man in his essential, organic state bound by God, ritual, hierarchy, culture, and a sense of destiny – or political man who seeks to govern himself as an autonomous individual, but paradoxically looks to the Hegelian state-god as the source of his rights. Instead, we have an autonomous man without any accountability to the polis – neither to the City of God or the City of Man. This has led us to post-politics and post-humanism.

“Twentieth Century Man”

This is the age of machinery
A mechanical nightmare
The wonderful world of technology
Na**lm hydrogen bombs biological warfare

This is the twentieth century
But too much aggravation
It’s the age of insanity
What has become of the green pleasant fields of Jerusalem?
Ain’t got no ambition
I’m just disillusioned
I’m a twentieth century man but I don’t want, I don’t want to be here

My mama said she can’t understand me
She can’t see my motivation
Just give me some security
I’m a paranoid schizoid product of the twentieth century

You keep all your smart modern writers
Give me William Shakespeare
You keep all your smart modern painters
I'll take Rembrandt, Titian, Da Vinci and Gainsborough

Girl we gotta get out of here
We gotta find a solution
I’m a twentieth century man but I don’t want, I don’t want to die here ….

I was born in a welfare state
Ruled by bureaucracy
Controlled by civil servants
And people dressed in grey
Got no privacy, got no liberty
Cause the twentieth century people
Took it all away from me …

~ Ray Davies, “20th Century Man,” Muswell Hillbillies (1971), song by The Kinks A summary of what has happened in the Russia Ukraine conflict in the past two months.WESTER...

A summary of what has happened in the Russia Ukraine conflict in the past two months.

WESTERN UNIVERSALISM is the cause of the dominant division in the world. The following sentence could be understood as the central thesis of Samuel P. Huntington's book, The Clash of Civilizations. Published in 1996, it is strikingly prophetic.

"The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the interaction of Western arrogance, Islamic intolerance, and Sinic assertiveness...."

“... the situation between Ukraine and Russia is ripe for the outbreak of security competition between them. Great powers that share a long and unprotected common border, like that between Russia and Ukraine, often lapse into competition driven by security fears. Russia and Ukraine might overcome this dynamic and learn to live together in harmony, but it would be unusual if they do” (Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations)

If we add to that the arrogance of attempted NATO expansion into Ukraine and Georgia and the resulting backlash from the Slavic Civilization of Eastern Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, then we see the growing Clash of Civilizations as the West vs. the Rest. The Western alliance led by the US attempted to secure its preeminent position. By 2022, it became obvious that multipolarism was inevitable. Predictably, Western leaders acted badly.

Website: https://www.forerunner.comA summary of what has happened in the Russia Ukraine conflict in the past two months.WESTERN UNIVERSALISM is the cause of ...

A good friend of mine here in Orlando died yesterday-- John Barros. Some of you might know him or of him. He was a sidew...

A good friend of mine here in Orlando died yesterday-- John Barros. Some of you might know him or of him. He was a sidewalk evangelist at a death mill here for about 20 years almost every day. His story is awe inspiring. He should have been dead many times from cancers, stroke, brain aneurysm, and so on, but every time God healed him and put him back in the fight. This past past year, he told me he was dying of three different chronic conditions.

In the meantime, it has been estimated that over 3000 women chose life (that we know of) for their babies. John always came out to preach even in his suffering, sometimes all day in 95 degree Florida heat.

For the past few decades, I've tried to do at least one event per month to help with this battle in some way, but John was out everyday preaching the Gospel to the hopeless.

I know MANY sidewalk counselors and that is an unusual number. John never took credit and always said it was the Lord who did it. He had a special gift that came from brokenness. John struggled with many painful conditions and heartaches throughout his life. But he was always full of the joy of the Lord.

A few years ago, I taught at a school in Kissimmee for "drop out prevention" (kids behind on credits that could not succeed in a traditional high school), I was with John one day at the death mill. And a student of mine came by with her mother. They told us her mom was there for "birth control." John talked to them and told them in no uncertain terms that this is not the place to got to. He told them to look up the horror stories in the news about that place online.

Long story short, I found out a few months later the girl was pregnant and had left school to have the baby. I had no idea if she had considered +ion or not, but I thought so. Then 13 years later, a man pulled up to the sidewalk at an +ion mill in St. Pete. My friend Scott Mahurin was there and this man thanked him for his ministry and said that if weren't for his girlfriend's high school teacher who talked to her in Orlando, that his 13 year old son would not be alive today. That so amazed me, but John saw miracles like that almost every day.

There are thousands of stories just like that one, but John NEVER took any credit.

God doesn't need you ability. He needs you availability.

Here is John's testimony and a podcast he did a few years ago.

John Barros has suffered through cancer, brain aneurysms, chronic pain, and more. In the world’s eyes he would be considered a “broken man”. Yet God has used John to save countless unborn lives from abortion. The following is a summary of the podcast interview above with John Barros. Many more...’s Historical Revisionism?If you caught any of the Putin interview ...

Putin’s Historical Revisionism?

If you caught any of the Putin interview last night, you were treated first to a 20-minute dissertation on the history of Rus over a period of twelve centuries. Putin asked Tucker if he thought it was boring at one point. It was actually funny to see Tucker’s face as he struggled to see how this history related to the Ukraine war.

Within minutes, Liberal commentators accused Putin of propagandizing with a “revisionist history.”

Well, of course! All historians are revisionists. All politicians and news commentators are propagandists. At one point, Putin pointed out that American media are such masters of propaganda that he could hardly compete. It is most odd for Americans to hear a statesman who is a historian. All should be, but modernism hates history.

In a nutshell, Putin said that there was originally one people, the eastern Slavs, ruled over by the Rurik dynasty that were Scandinavians. But after the 1300s. it got very complicated because the principalities were divided among princes. Then the Mongolian Tatars invaded from the east and south while the Lithuanian Polish Empire took advantage of this weakness and invaded from the west. Different regions had various levels of autonomy. Some just paid a tribute to their eastern rulers and carried on trading with them.

That is an oversimplification of a complex history of course. But it is accurate.

Even the Lithuanians spoke a language very similar to eastern Slavic — which was western Slavic. Gradually the northern principalities consolidated around Vladimir and then Moscow. They created cities ringed with multiple walls and built those cities into a Golden Ring. In the far flung regions, the Slavs spoke different dialects that came from Old Slavic (or Slavonic). In the southern regions dominated by Byzantium people spoke Greek. Ethnic groups arose on the bordering regions that spoke Turkic dialects among the Tatars.

I wrote an article on this in 1991. It matches Putin’s version. It is called the Providential History of Russia. I didn’t get it from Russian propaganda, I got it out of English language history textbooks. I also made a short video of this article.

What I’ve described above is very similar to the history of all of Europe and most of the civilized world in the Middle Ages.

There was no one German language, no one Spanish language, no one English language, no one Italian language. There were dialects among folk groups. There were no “countries,” but empires, kingdoms and smaller principalities within those regions. Within a civilization some groups spoke foreign languages that influenced the common tongue. In many regions, it was this way up until the 20th century. Then autocratic rulers and public education systems devised programs to standardize the language, spelling and alphabets of national languages. This unified regional kingdoms into modern nation-states.

Up to this point, if you spoke a common dialect you were of that tribe. If you spoke the common national language you were of that nation. But in the Middle Ages, there was no such thing as what we think of as countries or nation-states.

What united Europe throughout history was not language, but Christianity. Roman Catholicism and (later) Reformed Protestantism in the west; and Greek Catholicism and Greek Orthodox Christianity in the east.

Nation-states by the 20th century were based on ideologies, “Whose side are you on? Are you a nationalist, a liberal democrat, or a communist?”

Now in 2024, those ideological distinctions are disappearing worldwide. Now it is, “Who are we as a people?”

Populism is rising. Ideology driven politics is declining. We are back where we started.

Putin outlined a vision in which all who speak an eastern Slavic language are Russians.

They are part of historic Rus and the Russian Orthodox culture. If you want to be something else you can be that. No problem. It has always been that way. But you can’t use nationalism and violent militias to force others within our Russian world to be that way too.

In some ways, in trying to become modern, we’ve become barbarians. In trying to be Liberal, we’ve become more brutal in forcing others to be free like us.

Our leaders say, “Those barbarians, those subhumans hate us because they hate our way of life because we love freedom. They are bad actors, pariah states, They are isolated from humanity. We’ve got to bomb them off the face of the map.”

Literally, they say that.

I liked how Putin stressed how European borders were drawn around countries sometimes by two or three leaders after World Wars. Lands were taken, genocides of peoples in the regions were committed, and political ideologies were enforced. All this was done sometimes in a closed meeting between a Churchill, a Stalin and a Roosevelt — or whichever alliance won a war. This is how maps of Europe were drawn since the 1600s.

Today, people living within a nation-state in Europe still haven’t given up on their national identities because they are based on a thousand years of history.

Now Putin is saying that the world is changing. The power is shifting from the Liberal nations to the rest of the world. Civilizations are aligning according to more organic processes as they were since ancient times. To Putin, Russia is ancient Kievan Rus. That is the root of their culture and civilization.

Some may not agree, but this is the way it was and the way it is going to be. We need to be realists about the situation.

If you speak that language, you are part of that tribe. This is the way it has always been. Putin tells a story about the earlier Donbass conflict, when a militia troop of Russians in Donbass had a Ukrainian militia troop surrounded. The Russians said, “Surrender! You are surrounded!” The other militia troop said, “Never! Russians never surrender!” And they were destroyed by their Russian brothers.

So to speak of a Ukrainian a “nation” — we are speaking of an ethno-linguistic group that has the right to exist and the right to self-determination. Ukraine was never a political nation-state until 1991. They have a right to stay that way as a political union based on an ethnolinguistic group, just as Israel has a right to exist, just as Armenia has a right to exist. And so on. What Ukrainians don’t have a right to do is suppress ethnic minorities, such as Russians and Hungarians, and prohibit them from their right to self-determination.

Any view of the Ukraine conflict of February 2022 onward that does not take into account the civil war in Donbass, and the long history of Kievan Rus since the 800s, is dishonest and hypocritical. The Russian people in this region don’t want to be “liberated” by Ukraine and NATO. They won’t be. As Putin says, “This is impossible.” Western leaders need to accept this reality.

This will become an issue in our own “nation” as secession movements inevitably arise in the future. Is Miami Cuban? Is southern California Mexican. Is Western Canada American?

Is any of that a bad thing?

Watch Tucker's immediate reaction to the interview here: interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024.Follow ...



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