Development Expert, Humanitarian, Public Speaker, CEO-United Global Volunteers Int'l(NGO)-Founder Kollywood Horizons-Film Co
Nicholas Jimmy has over twelve years of experience working directly with communities focusing on volunteerism towards career and community development for minority groups. After working for five years as a volunteer to different CBOs and Children Homes, He developed volun
teer knowledge on network, exchange of information and the diverse links to solving community issues, eventually founding Director of United Global Volunteers International, where He overseer’s community projects targeting CBOs, slums and interior communities through help of a team of professionals hence networking student interns and skilled volunteers as experts on different fields to community projects. His access to media programs has created interest of other stake holders and the network has created opportunities in universities where he often speak to audiences on need for volunteerism-both local and international. He also organizes World Volunteer Day (WVD) every 5th of December, hence create awareness on the need to grow volunteer culture as a means of exchanging service and experience while sorting community issues. Having been educated on Community Development, He now helps community foundations to get free experts as volunteers to assist solve community problems from across the globe while giving those experts opportunity to re-learn and get exposure.He holds several awards and runs open forums serving over one million across the globe that helps network graduates with jobs and opportunities. He is skilled in proposal writing, mobilizing resources and people, communication, online networking, volunteerism towards career and Community Development. where he is not only film director but mentoring talents, branding artist, nurturing film in Kenya