๐’œ๐“ƒ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐“Ž๐“‚๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ˆ ๐’ž๐“Ž๐’ท๐‘’๐“‡ ๐’ฉ๐‘’๐“Œ๐“ˆ

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๐’œ๐“ƒ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐“Ž๐“‚๐‘œ๐“Š๐“ˆ ๐’ž๐“Ž๐’ท๐‘’๐“‡ ๐’ฉ๐‘’๐“Œ๐“ˆ โœ” "WE ARE ANONYMOUS.WE ARE LEGION.WE DO NOT FORGIVE .WE DO NOT FORGET.EXPECT US."



Certainly! Here are revised lessons from Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil," accompanied by images that enhance their depth:

1. **Question Morality:** Morality isn't a fixed truth but a product of history and power. It's crucial to scrutinize our values and understand their origins.
![Questioning Morality](https://i.imgur.com/R7Bq3ch.jpg)

2. **Embrace the Will to Power:** The human drive, the "will to power," urges us to surpass ourselves and shape the world. Pursue your unique aspirations.
![Will to Power](https://i.imgur.com/TIehmWK.jpg)

3. **Beware of Slave Morality:** Recognize the dangers of slave morality that foster weakness and resentment. Embrace strength and self-reliance.
![Slave Morality](https://i.imgur.com/5mk0g07.jpg)

4. **Embrace Amor Fati:** Love fate in its entirety, including its adversities. Finding purpose in every experience is the path to contentment.
![Amor Fati](https://i.imgur.com/xSPSPXK.jpg)

5. **Overcome Nihilism:** Create your own values and live authentically to transcend the despair of nihilism.
![Overcoming Nihilism](https://i.imgur.com/ecllmBh.jpg)

6. **Become รœbermensch:** Strive to be the "overman," transcending conventional morality to create your unique values.

7. **Embrace Eternal Recurrence:** Live a life that you would gladly relive infinitely, finding meaning in every iteration.
![Eternal Recurrence](https://i.imgur.com/g6z00DM.jpg)

8. **Value Creativity and Self-Expression:** Express yourself freely through art, music, or writing to find fulfillment and overcome nihilism.

9. **Criticize Language and Truth:** Challenge the reliability of language and seek your truth beyond societal constructs.
![Language & Truth](https://i.imgur.com/5h38x96.jpg)

10. **Embrace Playfulness:** Approach life with curiosity and embrace spontaneity; life is an adventurous playground.

11. **Criticize Modernity:** Question conformity and materialism; embrace individualism and creativity in a world of mass culture.
![Modernity Critique](https://i.imgur.com/4oGZNX8.jpg)

12. **Value Individuality:** Celebrate your uniqueness and embrace your distinctiveness to live authentically.

13. **Question Authority:** Challenge established norms and think independently; don't let tradition stifle creativity.
![Questioning Authority](https://i.imgur.com/1rYw4Lb.jpg)

14. **Embrace the Dionysian Spirit:** Find balance between order and chaos, reason and passion, to live a rich and authentic life.
![Dionysian Spirit](https://i.imgur.com/ZHl0hwX.jpg)

15. **Live Dangerously:** Push boundaries, embrace uncertainty, and take risks to truly experience a fulfilling life.
![Living Dangerously](https://i.imgur.com/7r8W5VD.jpg)

These images aim to visually encapsulate the depth and essence of Nietzsche's profound teachings, enriching the understanding of each lesson.

https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/megan-mansfield-pryor-green-party-win-as-city-council-for-ba-1580709898197405697 Vot...


Voting for a third party can be a compelling choice for several reasons, especially when seeking meaningful change in the political landscape:

1. **Breaking the Two-Party Duopoly:** The dominance of two major parties can limit the diversity of ideas and stifle innovation in policies. By voting for a third party, individuals can challenge this duopoly, signaling a demand for a more inclusive political system where alternative perspectives are valued.

2. **Sending a Message:** Every vote for a third party communicates dissatisfaction with the status quo and sends a message to the established parties. It shows that voters are seeking alternatives and are not content with the current options available.

3. **Shifting the Overton Window:** Even if a third-party candidate doesnโ€™t win, their presence in the political sphere can influence the conversation. By introducing new ideas and perspectives, third parties can push the larger parties to adopt or at least consider these ideas in their platforms to remain relevant.

4. **Long-Term Change:** Building support for a third party is often a long-term strategy. While change might not be immediate, consistent support over elections can gradually increase the visibility and legitimacy of these alternative parties, eventually leading to a more diverse and representative political landscape.

5. **Voting Your Conscience:** Sometimes, both major parties may not fully represent an individualโ€™s beliefs or values. In such cases, voting for a third party aligns more closely with personal principles, allowing individuals to cast a vote that resonates with their own convictions.

6. **Encouraging Accountability:** When third parties gain traction, it forces the major parties to pay attention to issues they might have overlooked. The fear of losing votes to these alternative options can encourage accountability among the established parties to address a wider range of concerns.

Ultimately, voting for a third party can serve as a catalyst for change by challenging the existing political norms and encouraging a more diverse and responsive political landscape. While the immediate impact might not always be visible, it can contribute to shaping a more inclusive and representative democracy in the long run.

Megan Mansfield-Pryor Green Party win as City Council for Bath, ME.https://www.gpelections.org/greens-in-office/What inspired you to pursue ...

In the pursuit of a more enlightened and compassionate world, the unequivocal stance against war emerges not merely as a...

In the pursuit of a more enlightened and compassionate world, the unequivocal stance against war emerges not merely as a moral imperative but as a beacon of hope, resilience, and profound humanity. Every heartbeat lost in the cacophony of battle, every shattered dream amid the debris of conflict, resonates as a poignant reminder of the dire consequences that war relentlessly inflicts upon humanity.

At the core of this conviction lies an unwavering belief in the power of peace, dialogue, and understanding. To staunchly oppose war is to embrace the profound courage it takes to prioritize diplomacy over destruction, empathy over enmity, and unity over division. It is a commitment to nurturing the seeds of harmony that flourish amidst diversity, fostering a world where conflicts find resolution not through the might of arms but through the resilience of dialogue and reconciliation.

War, beyond its immediate toll on lives and land, casts an ominous shadow over generations. Its tendrils reach into the hearts of innocents, tearing apart families, rending communities, and leaving scars that transcend time. The resources poured into the machinery of war, colossal and exorbitant, stand as a stark testament to the opportunity cost of human potential lostโ€”funds that could have been harnessed to heal, educate, and uplift societies.

It is in the embrace of peaceful endeavors that we unveil the true essence of progress. Redirecting the vast reservoirs of resources away from the belligerent clamor of conflict opens pathways to transformative change. These funds can breathe life into education, healthcare, sustainable development, and poverty alleviation, laying the foundation for a future where humanity thrives, unshackled by the chains of war-induced devastation.

Choosing the path of peace does not diminish strength; rather, it celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. It champions the indomitable courage it takes to seek common ground amid differences, to listen with intent, and to forge connections that transcend boundaries. The resolve against war stands as a testament to our collective capacity to rise above animosity and conflict, to celebrate our shared humanity and envision a world where compassion triumphs over conflict.

In the tapestry of history, the chapters scripted by peace and unity stand as enduring monuments to human achievement. It is within our grasp, within our fervent dedication, to weave a narrative that reverberates with the symphony of cooperation, understanding, and global harmony.

The call to oppose war transcends political divides and geographical boundaries. It resonates as a universal anthem, inviting all humanity to stand in solidarity for a future where conflicts find resolution not in the thunder of cannons but in the whispers of dialogue, understanding, and peace. Embracing this cause, we pave the way for a world where every child grows up under the benevolent gaze of peace, where every dream takes flight, unfettered by the shackles of war's legacy.

...ing that extends far beyond the immediate conflict. Here are some rationale reasons why war should not be funded: 1. **Human Cost:** War causes immeasurable loss of life, displaces families, an...

What route are you taking to the polling station? Atwhat time are you planning to go? What bus will get you there?https:...

What route are you taking to the polling station? At
what time are you planning to go? What bus will get you there?


Voting for a third-party candidate can be a strategic and principled choice, driven by various reasons that stem from dissatisfaction with the existing political landscape, a desire for change, and the pursuit of alternative policies and perspectives. Hereโ€™s a detailed rationale advocating for voting third party:

1. **Break from the Two-Party Duopoly**: The dominance of the two major parties can limit diverse representation and stifle alternative viewpoints. By voting third party, individuals express discontent with this limited choice and encourage a more diverse political landscape.

2. **Policy Divergence**: Third-party candidates often introduce innovative policies that the major parties might overlook. These policies might address critical issues like climate change, electoral reform, or income inequality, offering fresh solutions that align more closely with your beliefs and values.

3. **Send a Message**: Voting for a third party can act as a signal to the major parties, indicating that a significant portion of the electorate demands change and is seeking alternatives. It puts pressure on established parties to reconsider their platforms and adapt to the evolving needs and preferences of the electorate.

4. **Long-Term Impact**: Even if a third-party candidate doesnโ€™t win, a significant voter turnout for them can influence future elections. It can prompt major parties to adopt some policies or cater to certain demographics that resonate with the third-party platform to secure those votes in the next election cycle.

5. **Conscious Voting**: Choosing a third-party candidate is a conscious decision to vote based on alignment with principles rather than strategic voting for the perceived "lesser evil." It reflects a commitment to support candidates whose values more closely match your own, contributing to a more principled and ethical political system.

6. **Support for Alternative Voices**: Third parties often represent marginalized or underrepresented voices, offering a platform for ideas and communities not adequately addressed by the major parties. By supporting them, you amplify these voices and promote greater inclusivity in political discourse.

7. **Encourage Debate and Dialogue**: Increased support for third-party candidates can foster healthy debates and discussions, moving away from the binary nature of political discourse. It encourages people to consider a wider range of ideas and solutions.

However, itโ€™s important to consider the context of each election and the potential consequences of a third-party vote. In some situations, the stakes might be high, and voting for a candidate outside of the major parties could inadvertently impact the election outcome. Itโ€™s a personal decision that requires weighing the importance of your principles against the practical implications in a particular election cycle.

Ultimately, voting third party is about exercising your democratic right, expressing your values, and contributing to the diversity and evolution of the political landscape.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_Partyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo,_New_YorkMichael Wood is a fifth generation Californian...

Rothschild Family: Known for their banking dynasty, the Rothschilds became influential during the Napoleonic Wars by fin...

Rothschild Family: Known for their banking dynasty, the Rothschilds became influential during the Napoleonic Wars by financing various warring factions. They expanded their wealth through lending to governments during conflicts.

Krupp Family: The Krupps were a German industrialist family that profited significantly from manufacturing steel and weapons, especially during the 19th and 20th centuries. They supplied arms to various sides in conflicts, including both World Wars.

Du Pont Family: The Du Ponts amassed a fortune through their involvement in munitions manufacturing, particularly during times of war, including the American Civil War and both World Wars.

Lockheed-Martin and Boeing Families: Though not traditional family dynasties, these modern corporations, founded by families or individuals, have gained immense wealth through defense contracts and the production of military aircraft and technologies.

The collapse of Iceland's banking system in 2008 was a significant event that led to widespread financial turmoil in the...

The collapse of Iceland's banking system in 2008 was a significant event that led to widespread financial turmoil in the country. Several key figures in the banking community faced legal action following the collapse, but the outcomes varied.

Some notable individuals faced legal proceedings or were found guilty of financial misconduct:

1. **Landsbanki Executives:** Sigurjรณn รrnason, the CEO of Landsbanki, along with other top executives, faced legal action. รrnason was sentenced to prison in 2014 for market manipulation and fraudulent activities related to the bank's collapse.

2. **Glitnir Bank Executives:** Several executives from Glitnir Bank faced charges as well. Lรกrus Welding, the former CEO, was convicted in 2019 for market manipulation and sentenced to prison.

3. **Kaupthing Bank Officials:** Some officials from Kaupthing Bank were investigated, but specific high-profile convictions related to the collapse were limited compared to the other banks.

While there were convictions, some argue that the legal outcomes didn't fully address the extent of responsibility or hold all accountable parties to justice.

The collapse of the Icelandic banking system was complex, involving various factors like high leverage, unsustainable growth, and regulatory issues. The legal process and investigations after the collapse were extensive, but the outcomes varied in terms of holding individuals accountable.


Voting for a third-party candidate can potentially influence current events in several ways:

1. **Break from Two-Party Dominance:** By voting for a third party, individuals signal a desire for more diverse political representation beyond the traditional two-party system. It challenges the dominance of established parties, promoting alternative perspectives and policies.

2. **Shift the Political Discourse:** Even if third-party candidates don't win, their presence can introduce new ideas and issues into the political conversation. These ideas might eventually be adopted or adapted by the major parties to appeal to a broader range of voters.

3. **Pressure for Change:** Significant support for a third-party candidate can pressure the major parties to pay attention to specific issues or voter demographics they might have previously overlooked. They might adopt certain policies or adjust their platforms to attract voters who are leaning towards third-party options.

4. **Building a Foundation for Future Elections:** Consistent support for third-party candidates can establish a base for future elections. Over time, it can lead to the growth of these parties, making them more viable contenders and potentially breaking the duopoly of the two major parties.

5. **Send a Message:** A substantial vote for a third-party candidate can act as a message of dissatisfaction with the current political system. It showcases a desire for change and signals to the major parties that voters are seeking different options and solutions.

However, it's essential to consider the broader context and challenges facing third-party candidates, such as limited media coverage, fundraising difficulties, and the winner-takes-all nature of many electoral systems. In some cases, a vote for a third party might be seen as a "protest vote" without a realistic chance of winning, potentially influencing the outcome indirectly rather than directly.

Anti-establishment group receives mandate for power-sharing pact after talks to build five-party coalition fail

United States Senate,Mittromney Info,north_texas@cruz.senate.gov,Rep. Brittany Pettersen,Congressman Tom McClintock,pres...

United States Senate,Mittromney Info,[email protected],Rep. Brittany Pettersen,Congressman Tom McClintock,[email protected],U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders,Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy (GOV sponsored),[email protected],Rep. Kathy Castor,[email protected],[email protected]

Dear [Senator/Representative],

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the reported use of chemical weapons, specifically Mustard gas and Sarin, in Gaza. The distressing reports of attacks targeting hospitals and international volunteer doctors with internationally banned gases demand urgent attention.

The alleged use of these substances not only violates international agreements and laws but also endangers the lives of innocent civilians and medical personnel in Gaza. The impact on the civilian population, particularly on medical facilities, is devastating and inhumane.

As a concerned citizen deeply troubled by these events, I implore you to take immediate action and use your influence to address this critical situation. I urge you to engage diplomatically and work towards ensuring the safety and protection of civilians in Gaza, especially those seeking medical assistance, as well as the safety of medical personnel providing crucial aid.

It is imperative that we collectively denounce the use of chemical weapons and push for an immediate cessation of such attacks. The international community must come together to prevent further harm and ensure accountability for any violations of international law.

I kindly request that you use your platform and authority to advocate for a swift and peaceful resolution to this crisis, emphasizing the importance of protecting innocent lives and upholding international humanitarian laws.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I hope that together we can work towards a peaceful resolution and prevent further suffering in Gaza.


While Kodama Systems' approach of burying dead trees is aimed at carbon sequestration and wildfire prevention, critics m...

While Kodama Systems' approach of burying dead trees is aimed at carbon sequestration and wildfire prevention, critics might argue that there's potential value in utilizing wood products rather than simply burying them. Here are some points critics might raise:

1. **Resource Utilization:** Wood from trees, even smaller ones not suitable for lumber, can be used for various purposes such as biofuels, building materials, or paper products. By not utilizing these resources, there might be a perception of wastefulness.

2. **Economic Potential:** Harvesting and processing wood into various products could contribute to the economy, providing jobs and supporting industries that rely on timber. Burying trees might be seen as a missed opportunity to generate economic value from forest resources.

3. **Sustainable Wood Products:** Sustainable harvesting practices ensure that forests remain healthy while allowing for the extraction of wood for various products. Utilizing wood from thinned trees in a sustainable manner might be perceived as a more environmentally friendly approach than burying them outright.

4. **Carbon Storage Alternatives:** While burying trees sequesters carbon, some argue that wood products can also store carbon for a significant period. Using wood in construction or furniture, for instance, can keep carbon locked away for many years, acting as a carbon sink.

Critics might advocate for a more comprehensive approach that considers both carbon sequestration and the utilization of wood resources. This could involve finding ways to balance the need for forest thinning to prevent wildfires with methods that maximize the use of harvested trees, ensuring that the carbon is stored or utilized effectively while supporting sustainable industries and economic growth.

Claims are circulating that Microsoft founder Bill Gates supports chopping down 70 million acres of trees, but the truth is more complicated.

In Japan, the concept of sustainability extends to innovative methods of collecting and utilizing rainwater, even from t...

In Japan, the concept of sustainability extends to innovative methods of collecting and utilizing rainwater, even from the streets. One fascinating technique involves the use of porous pavement and underground cisterns or tanks to gather and store rainwater for various purposes, including street cleaning.

Porous pavement, often made from permeable materials like porous concrete or asphalt, allows rainwater to seep through its surface instead of running off. Beneath this pavement lies a network of underground reservoirs or storage tanks designed to capture and store the rainwater that passes through.

As rain falls onto these specially constructed streets, the porous surface absorbs the water, channeling it through a filtration system into the underground storage units. These reservoirs collect and hold the rainwater until it's needed for different applications, one of which includes street cleaning.

When the time comes to clean the streets, the collected rainwater is pumped from these underground storage units. This water, which has been naturally filtered as it passed through the porous pavement, is then used for cleaning purposes. It's a sustainable approach that minimizes water wastage and reduces the demand on freshwater sources for activities like street maintenance.

The utilization of rainwater collected from streets not only contributes to water conservation efforts but also showcases Japan's commitment to innovative and eco-friendly solutions in urban infrastructure and resource management.


Warmongers are evil.
War is crazy.
They should lock anyone advocating war up as insane.
Remember the Maine a lie against Spain. https://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5470/
Remember the RMS Lusitania, a lie against Germany. https://janetpanic.com/was-the-lusitania-carrying-ammunition/
Remember Gulf of Tonken, a lie against Vietnam. https://allthatsinteresting.com/gulf-of-tonkin
Remember gassing of Syrian people a lie against Syria. https://www.manilatimes.net/2021/09/19/opinion/columns/bbc-admits-fake-news-syria-did-not-gas-its-people/1815246
Remember FDR policy against Japan in 1940, a lie against Japan. http://www.rationalrevolution.net/war/fdr_provoked_the_japanese_attack.htm
Remember Weapons of Destruction in Iraqi a lie against Iraqi. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7634313
Remember the World Trade center Saudis flew the plane. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijackers_in_the_September_11_attacks
A lie against Afghanistan.
Remember, please.
Anyone advocating nuclear war against Russia is insane.
Remember, anyone who advocates war is insane.
Remember, humanity dies in nuclear war not just the US.

https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/michael-wood-run-for-presidency-2024-1576564376800858126 Dear Voters,Today, I stand ...

Dear Voters,

Today, I stand before you not as a proponent of any specific party, but as an advocate for a cause that transcends the boundaries of traditional politicsโ€”a cause that concerns the very essence of humanity: the pursuit of peace and the end of unnecessary conflicts that plague our world.

In this current political landscape, we find ourselves caught in a seemingly unending cycle of partisan strife, where the lines between ideologies blur the urgency of certain fundamental issues. Among these critical matters, none weighs heavier on the conscience than the prevalence of war and conflict across the globe.

When we consider our role as voters, as individuals with the power to shape the future, it's essential to acknowledge the limitations and pitfalls of a binary political system. The entrenched structures of the two major parties often confine us to a choice that feels more like a compromise than a genuine expression of our values and beliefs.

But there exists an alternativeโ€”a path less traveled, yet one that holds the promise of true change: the third-party vote.

By casting our support for third-party candidates, we send a resounding messageโ€”a message that transcends the confines of traditional political affiliations. We declare that our voices will not be confined to the echo chambers of established parties. We refuse to accept the perpetuation of policies that lead us down the path of conflict and war.

Third-party candidates offer us a platform for change, an avenue to challenge the status quo, and most importantly, a voice for peace. They present us with alternative perspectives, free from the burdens of partisan agendas, allowing us to rally behind leaders who prioritize diplomacy over aggression, cooperation over confrontation.

History has shown us that change doesn't always emerge from within the confines of the established order. It often arises from the courage to step beyond the boundaries, to challenge the norm, and to demand a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

Voting third party is not about forfeiting powerโ€”it's about reclaiming our power as citizens. It's about demanding a political landscape where the pursuit of peace stands at the forefront of the agenda, where dialogue triumphs over conflict, and where the value of human life outweighs political gain.

Today, I urge you to consider the power of your voteโ€”to see it not as a mere tool for the perpetuation of the status quo, but as a catalyst for change. Embrace the possibility of a different future, one where the choice for peace stands firm, and the voices of reason echo through the chambers of power.

Let us, as conscientious citizens, stand united in our commitment to vote for a future free from the shackles of unnecessary wars and conflicts. Let our ballots be a beacon of hope for a world where diplomacy prevails, and where peace becomes not just an aspiration but a reality.

Thank you.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_Partyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo,_New_YorkMichael Wood is a fifth generation Californian...

Boycotting is a powerful tool for individuals and communities to express dissent, effect change, and advocate for justic...

Boycotting is a powerful tool for individuals and communities to express dissent, effect change, and advocate for justice. Whether in response to social injustices, unfair labor practices, environmental concerns, or ethical issues, boycotting allows people to voice their concerns by refusing to support or engage with certain products, services, or entities. Understanding how to effectively boycott involves strategic planning, collective action, and a clear understanding of the intended impact.

Firstly, identifying the target of the boycott is crucial. Whether it's a specific company, a product, or a policy, clarity on what you aim to change or challenge is essential. Researching the issue at hand and understanding the root causes is fundamental to crafting a focused and impactful boycott.

Next, spreading awareness is key. Educate others about the reasons behind the boycott and the desired outcomes. Social media, grassroots organizing, petitions, and public demonstrations can all serve as effective means to amplify the message and garner support.

Creating alternatives is another important aspect. Often, boycotting involves sacrificing a familiar product or service. Providing viable alternatives or supporting ethical alternatives is essential for the success of the boycott. This might involve supporting local businesses, ethical brands, or sustainable practices.

Maintaining persistence and commitment is crucial in the face of challenges. Boycotts might not yield immediate results, and there might be pushback or attempts to discredit the movement. Staying committed to the cause and remaining resilient in the face of adversity is essential for long-term success.

Furthermore, engaging with stakeholders and decision-makers can have a significant impact. Direct communication with the entities being boycotted, as well as government representatives or regulatory bodies, can supplement the boycott by applying pressure from various angles.

Lastly, measuring the impact of the boycott is vital. Tracking changes in sales, public perception, or policy shifts can indicate the effectiveness of the boycott. Celebrating victories, even small ones, can boost morale and demonstrate the power of collective action.

In conclusion, boycotting is a potent tool for advocating change and holding entities accountable. Its success relies on strategic planning, awareness-raising, persistence, and commitment. When undertaken thoughtfully and collectively, boycotts have the potential to catalyze meaningful and lasting change.ycott
How to boycott - Blackrock--
To acquire the habit of reading is to build a shelter from almost all the miseries of life."
REMOVE Microsoft from your life - USE free software -
TRY a different drink not coke or pepsi
Maybe move to Oklahoma

USE local stores such as Piggly Wiggly stores serving communities in 17 states. All Piggly Wiggly stores are independently owned and operated, and are located primarily throughout the Southeast and as far north as Wisconsin.
Boycott Amazon, and Walmart
Boycott Facebook use alternative platform not owned by blackrock

BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with over $9 trillion in holdings. Here are the company's top equity holdings.




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