What makes a biblical interpretation valid or invalid? Dr. Sokolow explored this question at the Lincoln Square Synagogue book launch for his newest release, "Pursuing Peshat." Grab a copy and read the curated answers yourself!
Concerned where you are going to do your book shopping? Look no further than KodeshPress.com!
It's almost here! Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, zt"l, has had his Hebrew articles collected for publication under the title על הראשונים ועל האחרונים. The printer just sent us this awesome video of the final product. The books are being shipped from Europe now and should be here in a few weeks.
The sefer is available for pre-order now! https://kodeshpress.com/product/al-harishonim/
What makes Articles of Faith, the newest release by Gil Student different? Keep watching to find out!
Is it possible to be happy and repent? Hear Rabbi Steven Pruzansky’s thoughts, and read more in his book “Repentance for Life!”
Hear Rabbi Steven Pruzansky discuss the unique aspects of his book "Redemption for Life." Check back tomorrow to find out: Is it possible to repent and be happy?
Come behind the scenes with us!
Author of “Reimagining Repentance,” Rabbi Dr. Matisyahu Shulman, shares an important concept to keep in mind during the Yamim Noraim: for us to come together as a unified nation. Read these ideas and more in “Reimagining Repentance!”
We all know the best way to a man’s heart is through curated, thoughtful books, and Kodesh Press has got you covered!
Repentance for Life explores eighteen different dimensions of repentance – as it relates to happiness, suffering, peace, children, tzedakah, free will, forgiveness, fear of sin, the World to Come, the hidden things in life, humility, the land of Israel, love of Jews, and many others. Get yours for this Rosh Hashana!
Remembering 9/11, in solemn memory of the lives lost.