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The Wanderer Press The Wanderer Press page is a place for sharing articles from and o With its founding in St. Paul, John Ireland.

The Wanderer, a national Catholic weekly journal of news, commentary, and analysis, has been publishing continually since 1867. Owned and operated by Catholic laymen, The Wanderer is independent of ecclesiastical oversight but maintains a fiercely loyal adherence to Catholic doctrine and discipline. The journal has published during the reigns of ten popes and has consistently looked to these ponti

ffs for teaching, guidance, and leadership. Paul, Minnesota, as Der Wanderer, and published in German, the paper was intended to inform and strengthen the faith of German immigrants in Minnesota and the Dakotas who were being attracted to and influenced by Masonic and quasiMasonic Germanlanguage newspapers and organizations.As the years progressed, Der Wanderer‘s circulation and influence spread across the nation. It was a major opponent of the “Americanizing” tendency within the Church led by the archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons, and the archbishop of St. That tendency was addressed by Pope Leo XIII in his 1899 apostolic letter, Testem benevolentiae.Under the editorship of Joseph Matt (the present writer’s grandfather), Der Wanderer was instrumental in promoting the principles of the Church’s social tjoeeaching as set forth in Pope Leo XIII’s great encyclical, Rerum Novarum. The paper was supportive of labor unions which organized with a sense of solidarity among their members, who usually belonged to a specific craft or trade. On the other hand, it was skeptical of the large industrial unions which often promoted their objectives with appeals to class conflict and ideology–an approach rejected in the social encyclicals.


After A Lifetime Of Lies . . . Aging Permissive Abortion Starts To Die Its Deserved Death
July 7, 2022

PHOENIX — What a difference nearly a half-century makes.
The story in Arizona isn’t unusual. Pro-lifers around the United States could tell their own personal versions of it. But I was on the ground here, so this is what I saw.
All was quiet at the Arizona Capitol complex the night after the U.S. Supreme Court announced its earthshaking permissive-abortion opinions on January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton.
Members of the emerging pro-life movement were shocked that a seven-justice majority waved a magic wand and transformed a serious criminal offense against human life into a fundamental constitutional right overnight, without giving any significant justification for their action. It was just “raw judicial power,” as dissenting Justice Byron White said.
Although most abortions hadn’t been legal in Arizona, pro-lifers had begun to get together here and in other states because they’d seen the national push under way to bless lawless abortion.
Before long in downtown Phoenix, Robert Tamis, MD, went on to open an abortuary, showing his in-your-face defiance with his location on the city’s main north-south street, Central Avenue. I covered one of the early pro-life pickets of his business. Unmarried young women and girls who picketed Tamis are grandmothers now.
His one-story clinic right along the sidewalk, with its up-high windows, was a little south and on the opposite side of Central from the Westward Ho Hotel, one of Phoenix’s best hostelries and site of many civic gatherings back then.
Eighteen years later, an article posted on October 9, 1991, by the alternative weekly Phoenix New Times said Tamis “estimates he has performed more than 50,000 abortions.”
Pro-lifers went to work in 1973 to respond to the High Court’s legal usurpation. Because the court itself took this stand, who could they appeal to? It was too proud to admit any error.
So pro-lifers started meeting in living rooms here to react. They didn’t control the offices at government bureaucracies.
One year later, in January 1974, pro-lifers staged a powerful rally in front of the Arizona State Capitol. Around 10,000 people marched west along Washington Street. In 12 months — a little longer than a normal pregnancy — they had formed from out of nowhere to demonstrate in numbers rarely seen here for political expression.
They listened peacefully to speakers on the sunny afternoon then returned to their daily life and homes to begin a longer march to respond to the High Court. Would they have felt appalled if they knew it would take nearly 50 full years? The babies at that rally would have become 50 years old. The middle-aged then likely had died by 2022.
They had the numbers but the other side had the social clout, which it would use to portray small pro-abortion cadres as larger than the traditional majority pro-life sentiment which long had prevailed in U.S. culture, custom, and law.
Media members didn’t care much to publicize the pro-life cause. Female news and feature writers already mainly were pro-abortion feminists.
Ironically, pro-abortion Sandra Day O’Connor served as a state senator at this very same Arizona Capitol in some of the 1970s, less than a decade before recently elected President Ronald Reagan picked her from out of the blue in 1981 to become the first female Supreme Court justice.
Reagan thus betrayed pro-lifers significantly early in his presidential term, insisting he would stand by his nomination even though Arizona pro-lifers familiar with her record warned Reagan’s administration that he was breaking his word to them about the type of justice he would choose.
Forty-eight years after 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court announced on June 24, 2022, that it was overturning its baseless Roe and Doe opinions and the subsequent 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey opinion and was returning the issue to legislators and voters in the states. That’s where it traditionally had been before the 1973 Court jumped in to impose a national pro-abortion dictatorship.
Unlike 1974, the Arizona Capitol complex didn’t have to wait a year for a major demonstration reacting to the Court’s 2022 opinion, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
That very same evening a raucous, threatening pro-abortion crowd gathered at the Capitol, with some of them yelling, pounding, and kicking at the first-floor exterior glass doors and windows of the Senate wing, where senators were at work on expanding the state’s education savings account program as their 2022 regular session was coming to a close.
The senators weren’t voting on anything to do with abortion at the time. In March Republican Gov. Doug Ducey already had signed a bill into law against abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
In a statement, the Arizona Department of Public Safety said that with an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people present, “What began as a peaceful protest evolved into anarchical and criminal actions by masses of splinter groups. As groups realized the state Legislature was in session, they attempted to breach the doors of the Arizona Senate and force their way into the building.”
The statement continued, “The violence of their efforts literally shook the building and terrified citizens and lawmakers who occupied the building. As the glass doors bowed from attempts of forced entry, the occupants of the building were instructed to move to secure locations.
“Due to the direct threat to the occupants of the Senate building and damage to the building itself, Arizona State Troopers took immediate action and utilized tactics including the deployment of field force teams and tear gas,” the DPS said, adding that there also was criminal damage to nearby state monuments and state buildings.
None of the monuments had anything to do with the Confederacy or slavery that had offended protesters thousands of miles east of here in 2020.
The following night some Arizona pro-abortion protesters pulled down some temporary fencing.
By the morning of June 27, local radio news announced that the state Capitol was surrounded by double fencing topped with razor wire.
Some conservative commentators observed that while national Democrats currently were denouncing the alleged Donald Trump “insurrection” of January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, Democrats and their allies were engaged in their own insurrections, such as in Phoenix.
On June 27 Republican State Sen. Kelly Townsend told KFYI radio talk host James T. Harris (550 AM, Phoenix), “It’s something I will never, ever forget,” adding that she saw two children of one of the legislators “sobbing in fear.”
As for what the pro-abortionists wanted? They often were ashamed to say. They’d chant or yell for “health care” or “reproductive access” or “reproductive justice.” But abortion? Not so much.
The whole point of every abortion — cruelly disposing of the defenseless preborn baby — seemed just too irrelevant, or frightening, to them to mention at all.
Pro-abortionists had been coddled by the elite for so long, and told that they were so wonderful and special, even if their consciences were hurting, that they threw a huge tantrum, like any spoiled kid, when they were told in effect to grow up.
Even though their reaction was disgusting, many of them had been duped by the elite into thinking this way, and they knew no other response. They might consider taking up the way their personalities had been twisted by the elite who did it to them.
For more than a half-century, pro-abortionists have mindlessly repeated the obvious lie that the issue is only “my body” when in fact there’s a second body they want to victimize. That they still can’t tell the truth about so plain a fact serves to discount anything else they chant.
Although Dobbs said states are free to legislate as they desire on abortion, even if they want to favor it, a strong media theme was that permissive abortion had suffered a crippling blow. Was this because media pro-abortionists realized that if the issue is fully and accurately debated, it loses?
KKNT radio talk host Seth Leibsohn (960 AM, Phoenix) told his listeners on June 27 about a couple of young people who kept up with the news, but they thought Dobbs made abortion illegal.
In 1974, the Arizona pro-lifers’ accomplishment was notable in drawing around 10,000 people for a demonstration when dominant media already opposed them.
However, by 2022 that biased media had had a half-century to poison people’s minds with pro-abortion propaganda — as well as Democrats funneling tax funding to pro-abortion causes over the decades — so it wasn’t surprising that some thousands of pro-abortionists could show up at the Arizona Capitol quickly.
Of course, they did have weeks to prepare for a turnout after the scandalous early May leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s Dobbs draft.
While the leak of an entire draft of a Supreme Court opinion apparently was unprecedented, it wasn’t the first Court leak, not even about abortion. Very shortly before Roe and Doe were announced in 1973, Time magazine went to press with that news. As it happened, the leak had gone to Time writer Dave Beckwith.
In one of those strange coincidences in my life, I had met Beckwith the previous summer at the Beverly Hills, Calif., bureau of Time, when I filled in for a week for a vacationing writer, and Beckwith, who was regarded as an up-and-comer for Time, happened to be there.
A story posted by The Washington Post on May 2, 2022, after the Dobbs leak, recalled the earlier one in 1973, and why the chief justice at that time, Warren Burger, was so angry about it.
Burger didn’t favor the extent of Roe but, because of the opinion’s importance, he thought that he, as chief justice, should join the majority. However, Burger futilely hoped to scale it back by declaring it didn’t amount to “abortion on demand.”
The May 2 Washington Post story said, “Burger had reason to be especially angry about the leak. He had reluctantly supported the decision in Roe, but he went to pains to write that the decision was not going to result in ‘abortion on demand’ — which had been the headline of Beckwith’s story.”
As the decades passed, pro-lifers here and elsewhere around the nation had their victories and defeats, triumphs and betrayals. Even my own modest national contributions to the pro-life cause were defamed by historian James Hitchcock, Ph.D., who refused to admit his falsehoods in his book Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics, which was promoted unrepentantly by some Catholic media.
But the pro-life cause was too important for anyone to give up. That’s why we finally achieved Dobbs, despite a furious national pro-abortion establishment whose power is all too apparent as it gnashes its teeth in agony over Samuel Alito’s majority opinion.
From dawn to dusk and east to west, the overriding, arrogant tone in most media coverage is how to avoid, undo, override, and reverse Dobbs. The fact that Roe was the mere assertion of nonsense somehow usually goes unmentioned.
The Grand Canyon State’s largest daily, The Arizona Republic, is one of the gang. However, Republic columnist Phil Boas sounded a rare contrary note on June 25 about Justice Harry Blackmun’s Roe opinion, writing: “American liberals have lived rent-free for 50 years on the Blackmun decision. They didn’t have to frame arguments. They didn’t have to persuade 50 legislatures. The Blackmun court handed them the ball, the game and the whistle when it was only just beginning. . . .
“Roe was an enormous head start for the left,” Boas added. His article was headlined, “Roe is history. The left is furious. They ought to be contrite — Instead of fuming, maybe Democrats should be remorseful about the unearned advantage they got from Roe v. Wade.”
Although the media’s police didn’t like it, many explanations of why national Democrats and their pro-abortionist allies’ extremism had driven people away from them popped up on social media.

Look In The Mirror

A notable example was commentator and author Naomi Wolf, who favors abortion, at her column at, “Outspoken with Dr. Naomi Wolf.” Posted June 26, it was headlined, “On Losing ‘Roe’ — How Could this Possibly have Happened? Easy. Pro-Choice Movement, Look in the Mirror.”
Wolf covered a number of considerations, including that women generally have more power in the law than they did 50 years ago so they don’t need abortion as an escape for the powerless, that it’s wrong to sneak minors into abortions that their parents don’t even know about when minors for good reasons generally can’t make important decisions on their own, and that the callous language of abortion advocacy drives people away.
It’s a powerful column worth your attention.
She wrote, “The organized feminist left were not content to use the language or policies that polls supported, of seeking a country in which abortion would be ‘safe, legal and rare.’ Rather, they pushed, in state after state, to enshrine that ‘right’ up until…the day of a baby’s birth. At what point does a ‘right’ become a murder?”
Shortly after Dobbs was announced, one conservative writer reflected the feelings of millions when he said that for the first time in his life, he awoke in the morning in a country where abortion wasn’t viewed in the law as a national constitutional right. And that was great.

See Mike Manno's "Guess What Happened at School Today" at

See Mike Manno's "Guess What Happened at School Today" at

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As Quiet Holidays Become History… It’s Back To The Loud Season Of Political Warfare
January 10, 2022
By DEXTER DUGGAN, The Wanderer

Along with the spiritual blessings of the year-end holidays was the godsend of an absence of many of the daily headlines of political warfare.
Nerves had been jangled through much of 2021 as Democrat leaders launched assault after assault upon U.S. citizens, from diluting their votes to overwhelming their cities.
Encouraging vote fraud, penalizing freedom to work, worship, educate and move about, confiscating money to inflation and proposed heavier taxation, weakening protection against criminals both domestic and from elsewhere, threatening health with the unauthorized entry of numerous sick aliens — the list was lengthier than the Christmas wishes of a covetous brat.
The cacophony had been almost unbearable. Then the holidays arrived and Congress adjourned for the year. The Advent of Christmas was accompanied by an advent of semi-silence. No hourly update on Joe Biden’s crippling Build Back nightmares, nor Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s dreams to debilitate and suffocate conservative and middle-class Americans.
It was as if kids’ screaming from dawn to midnight around the house suddenly fell silent. It was such a relief. On the other hand, the eye of a hurricane is quiet, although the awful storm still swirls nearby.
Ask a parent. If children’s noise suddenly stops, is that a good sign? Or is it time to check for whatever guilty mischief they may be up to?
Everyone knew that political bigwigs actually hadn’t lost interest in their skulduggery. They were just doing more than the usual amount of it in back rooms over the holidays.
When a football squad goes into a muted huddle, have they lost interest in advancing the ball? Or are they just preparing for the next play?
After the waiter clears away the big guys’ dinnerware, that doesn’t mean nefarious activity won’t progress beneath the tablecloth.
With the arrival of January, all the noise returns.
Big-city Democratic machines traditionally have been associated with fraud, voting and otherwise.
Tragically, Chicago mayor and boss Richard Daley, a Catholic, may have manufactured enough votes in 1960 to put U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy into the White House, and thereby unintentionally positioned the first Catholic president into a high profile that led to assassination in 1963.
The pandemic in 2020 was manipulated for sufficient chaos in key areas. Democratic strategists jumped in with both feet to shove election results their way.
Their favored tactics of widespread or universal mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, unmonitored public ballot drop-boxes, insufficient or nonexistent signature verification, unlawfully changed rules, prolonged late ballot acceptance, and billionaire funding of vote activity that should have been off-limits to private parties were important elements of an assault on voting integrity.
The Wall Street Journal posted an editorial on January 3 saying that although the November 2020 elections were more than a year in the past, “we’re still getting information about the huge private money that underwrote official government voting efforts in 49 states. Much is still unknown, but lawmakers already know enough to ban this practice.”
Whereas Americans otherwise could be subject to intense scrutiny in an evolving security state, verifying honest ballots was dismissed by the elite as something like bigotry or racism — the usual excuses when left-wingers’ demands are unjustified.
One of the reasons for Biden’s wild determination to rush as many illegal aliens into the U.S. as he could was their potential for casting votes. Conservative activist and radio talk host Charlie Kirk said on December 29, 2021, that so far in the expiring year, Biden’s open-borders strategy had added the population of two entire Montanas to the U.S.
The website lists the state’s population at 1,084,225 as of the 2020 census.
More than two million new voters in less than 12 full months, illegal or not, certainly could swing some elections. Especially when the Biden government was said to be sneaking many of them into Republican-voting areas.
You say that not all of the new aliens are of voting age? Did that ever stop fraud when the dead have cast ballots?
Normalizing the presence of illegal immigrants has been achieved in some ways in some areas including New York, such as giving them driver licenses. Another step is to start allowing non-citizens to vote with official blessing, which the Democrat-dominated New York City Council recently approved for local elections.
That means an estimated 800,000 to 900,000 additional voters there.
The New York Daily News posted on January 1 that the Big Apple’s new mayor, Democrat Eric Adams, expressed reservations about the bill becoming law. He soon would have to decide whether to sign it. In the November 2021 election, Adams had distanced himself from the left-wing extremism that often rules his party these days.
The Staten Island news site reported on December 22 that Republican state Assemblyman Michael Reilly was one of those planning opposition to the measure. It quoted Reilly:
“Allowing more than 800,000 non-citizens to participate in electing the leaders of America’s largest city not only threatens the integrity of our elections, but also sets a dangerous precedent that challenges the concept of citizenship, as well as the rights and responsibilities afforded to citizens of the United States of America.”

Mail-In Voting

In addition, New York’s left-wing Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul — who replaced scandal-ridden Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo — said she plans to go ahead with pressing for universal mail-in voting for the Empire State in the 2022 legislative session, despite the fact that New York State voters themselves rejected that idea in the 2021 November election.
Nationally, Democrats in Congress have been pressing to loosen voting requirements significantly, with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer vowing to push ahead with these efforts in January.
The Wanderer asked two conservative Republican observers about these Democrat efforts.
National pundit Quin Hillyer said on January 4: “These Democratic attempts have nothing to do with voting ‘rights,’ but everything to do with undermining voting integrity. They are nefarious, and they should be blocked.”
Conservative Republican political strategist Constantin Querard said on January 4: “Both parties seek advantages when they pursue voting legislation. Republicans believe they do better when there is more oversight and certainty, Democrats believe they do better when controls are loosened and there is less oversight.
“Both parties are correct — which is why the GOP wants to make it harder to cheat and Democrats want to bring as much chaos into the process as possible,” Querard said. “In that context, the push for certain types of reforms by Democrats at the local, state, and federal level makes perfect sense.”
The New York Post posted an opinion column by Democratic former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine on January 2 warning that his party has to change emphasis fast.
Levine wrote: “With President Joe Biden’s approval ratings at a record low, crime waves wreaking havoc in Democratic-controlled cities, inflation at a nearly four-decade high and myriad foreign-policy crises tarnishing America’s global reputation, my party’s chances of preventing an electoral wipeout in Florida and across the nation look slim at best.”
He said Democratic candidates have to give a strong yes, not a “Yes but” or “Maybe” to five questions. 1) Do you support well-funded professional police departments? 2) Are you in favor of securing and defending the integrity of our borders with reasonable restrictions on immigration? 3) Do you agree that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in U.S. elections including state and local?
Also: 4) Are you in favor of allowing parental participation in school curriculum and against Critical Race Theory in classrooms? 5) Do you disavow socialism and accept that America’s economic success is based on its capitalist system?
Even if New York City’s measure to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections were to become law, Levine said, “it will be struck down as patently unconstitutional.”
On the other hand, commentator Scott McKay warned at The American Spectator site on January 3 that proclaimed socialist U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has been denied the Democrats’ presidential nomination in the last two cycles only because powerbrokers got together to direct it to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020.
McKay pondered if the ever-lefter Democrats can deny Sanders’ ambitions yet again in 2024.
“If Bernie is fit enough to run, or if Bernie can find someone plausible to carry his standard,” McKay said, “they’re going to have a real problem on the Democrat side in 2024. They’re likely to lose their party.”
If enough Democrats think liberal columnist John M. Crisp is the way to go, they’ll be as ill-informed as ever in planning their strategies.
In a column posted January 3, Crisp was sure that Americans yearn for lots of permissive abortion and stern gun control, so he was perplexed why they vote for Republicans who don’t support these.
He might ask himself that if this is so, why do Democrat leaders keep cloaking their goals with risible euphemisms like “the right to reproductive health care.”


Language matters… Social Revolution Chooses Its Words To Assert Superiority Over Nation
January 5, 2022
By DEXTER DUGGAN, The Wanderer

PHOENIX — My sister and I were headed south back to San Diego one afternoon in the 1970s, she driving the car and my nose stuck in Time magazine journalist Otto Friedrich’s hefty acclaimed book Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s. The cover was illustrated with a picture of National Socialist Adolf Hitler’s baleful face on a kiosk.
It was a sunny day, with the sparkling Pacific Ocean to the right of the freeway, but the foreboding book set my mood. The U.S. Supreme Court already had shocked the legal system with its fabrication of permissive abortion in 1973, and it seemed this nation might descend into anything, as other nations had.
Social revolution arrives in different ways and at different speeds. A left-wing movement with no morals but lots of moral arrogance is cancerous. Its degeneracy certainly has spread in California even more since the 1970s. And, as the saying goes, California leads the nation.
Conservative commentator Jason Whitlock, hosting the Glenn Beck radio program on December 21, recalled getting his moral foundation at a small black church in Indianapolis when he was young, then studying journalism while playing football at Indiana’s Ball State University.
Whitlock said he fears that on the culture-war front, the nation is losing to the left in the work of a demonic movement, not a political one.
Of course, language means a lot. How often do you hear conservative politicians or legislation described by media as “controversial” merely because the left doesn’t like them — like “controversial anti-abortion” legislation — while the truly controversial other side supposedly only fights for “equity,” “justice,” “fairness,” whatever.
The Washington bureau chief of USA Today, Susan Page, fits in with the dominant media narrative and thus is the kind of journalist chosen to participate in and devise questions for U.S. presidential-campaign debates.
In a December 19 article, Page raised the possibility that Joe Biden was becoming another inept Jimmy Carter, but she managed to spin this in an astoundingly positive way — “a president respected as honorable and well-meaning but one who even some supporters fear is not quite up to the job, especially when buffeted by events beyond his control.”
Biden honorable? Well-meaning? Not quite up to the job? Simply caught up by events beyond his control? Maybe on Planet Page that’s the language to use, but “Let’s go, Brandon” is the entirely different evaluation of the hordes chanting it against the tale-telling, befuddled pro-abortion fanatic who dishonestly claims residence at the White House.
Or consider the December 19 story at the liberal Politico site acknowledging Biden has troubles but not mentioning major problems the cognitively impaired president has brought on himself, including throwing the Southwest border open, embracing pro-abortion militancy and racial hysteria, encouraging gender warfare and a woke military whose battle is against normalcy.
Dominant media support these aberrations as much as or even more than Biden, but know they’re too toxic to highlight to the public as reasons for Biden’s ills.
On December 20 a caller to talk host Seth Leibsohn’s daily program on Phoenix-based KKNT (960 AM) noted there was no major-media glee about a “Maverick Manchin” preventing the passage of Biden’s Build Back Better social-revolution legislation.
West Virginia U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin’s firm objection to parts of the massive-spending bill turned out to be the key factor that halted its approval in the evenly divided Senate as 2021 expired. But both left-wing Democrats and their media allies knit their brows about how they still might be able to shove through this socialist monstrosity in 2022.
The caller to Leibsohn’s program recalled that the late Arizona GOP U.S. Sen. John McCain had been dubbed “Maverick McCain” by an approving media that liked seeing the Grand Canyon State politician often helping Democrats and hurting his fellow Republicans.
Only a year before McCain died of cancer, he reprised this role in a major way by voting to kill the “skinny repeal” of truculent Obamacare in July 2017. The razor’s-edge vote was 49-51. Dominant media and their allies pronounced that their maverick truly had put an end to the repeal efforts and frustrated his enemy, GOP President Donald Trump.
However, they didn’t describe Manchin in 2021 as a delightful troublemaking maverick but as a troubling recalcitrant who had to be thwarted so Biden could lavish trillions more confiscated tax dollars on his immoral social revolution through what a foe described as a Frankenstein bill.
What actually needed to be thwarted, the majority of Americans would say, were the Biden administration’s fiercely adamant policies to force experimental coronavirus vaccinations on everyone — except illegal immigrants — and rush as many illegal entrants as possible across the border then secretly around the U.S.
In the name of fighting a virus, Biden and his enforcers had done all they could to, among various things, destroy thousands of businesses and have innocent people fired from jobs, close schools and churches, encourage drug use and su***de, tamper with honest elections, impair children’s social development, and hamper public transportation.
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Prof. Dr. Marty Makary told Fox News on December 27 that rather than mandate an unvarying national policy, “we need to custom-tailor the policies according to the individuals… We’ve never seen this level of martial law and paternalism to prevent mild infection in 300 million Americans.”
Even Russia’s tough president, Vladimir Putin, said mandatory vaccination wouldn’t be imposed on his population.
Meanwhile, although one hears confident speculation from Republican quarters that disastrous Democrat governance is persuading voters to give the GOP control of Congress in the upcoming November elections, a person has to ask why Democrats want literally millions more illegal aliens arriving here between Biden’s inauguration and November.
Every new arrival is a new pair of hands to mark a ballot, even if illegally.
This is a reminder of Democrat determination in 2020 to put mail-in ballots, subject to fraud, in everyone’s hands, as well as impermissibly change election laws and insert political partisans into sensitive ballot-tabulation work.
If mid-November 2022 arrives with the startling news that after a long count, Democrats maintained control of Congress, well, you were warned.
The left wing is dead serious about imposing its dominance on the U.S. — by whatever means.
Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said on December 18 that Biden’s border policy may be the most destructive thing any administration has done to this nation.
Someone else may argue that the elite’s imposing a half-century of permissive abortion has done immeasurable harm, but Carlson has a point.
It’s plain that Biden prefers lawbreaking aliens to the legal U.S. citizens that he wants to replace in hopes that Democrats can cement a new dictatorship here.
There’s nothing that adequately can describe the doublethink that Biden and his media allies engage in to treat the coronavirus as the most terrible disease that calls for utterly remaking America — while at the very same time intentionally spreading the disease as widely as possible by sneaking the aliens carrying it throughout the U.S.
The Wanderer asked two sources to comment on flooding the U.S. with the illegal entrants.
Conservative GOP political consultant Constantin Querard said: “Today’s Democrats want to fundamentally remake the country and they are also committed to a rather radical political position that any efforts to impede the flow of illegal aliens into the United States is inherently racist and inspired by hatred. Put those two things together and they both don’t want to stop the invasion and couldn’t, even if they wanted to.
“Of course it is the people at the lower ends of the economy who suffer the most from this lawlessness and those are the people the Democrats pretend to care about,” Querard said, “so it continues to be a political problem for them as Democrats slowly wake up to the reality that their own party is the cause of so many of their problems.”
KKNT radio talk host Seth Leibsohn said: “You can change a country quietly two ways: change its ideas and change its people. By perverting our country’s history, we have been on a generations-long effort to change our ideas and history, making aliens of our own people, born here, and sending them out into a country they do not know.
“By abandoning the protection of our sovereignty and ignoring basic immigration strictures and functions, we are now in the midst of an effort to change our population,” Leibsohn said. “We know little about those flowing in, and what we learn, piecemeal, is that many of them come here to succeed and many of them come here to succeed in harming us.
“The levels and numbers are staggering when we actually learn about them,” he said. “The administration in Washington, D.C., certainly knows all this, leading most of us to think, ‘This must be deliberate.’ We cannot long last under such misfeasance and nonfeasance. This issue may be the most serious issue we do not discuss much. And that is deliberate, too.”
For quite a while the U.S. had taken pride in the fact it had long, undefended borders with Canada and Mexico, but the trust that allowed that to happen has been lost.
A recent slide show on the Internet showed European medieval towns. They were notable for their ramparts, other fortifications and watch towers. Based on unfortunate experience, those citizens thought first of their own protection, not some overly optimistic hope that whoever came down the road had the best of intentions.
Lessons in life from the Trojan Horse to the Alamo to the World Trade Center suggest that realism requires caution. Unfortunately that is where we are back to today. Walls are needed, as even Biden knows within his fenced White House and the security protecting it that he denies to Americans in the Southwest.
Yes, Biden and his administration need their own walls, but the most suitable ones would be at a penal institution before they can do more damage to this nation.



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