"Orcs and Aliens" is a sci-fi/fantasy-horror magazine published by Future Fantasy Publications. One of our chief focuses is on emerging artists and writers. WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING ART AND WRITING SUBMISSIONS FOR OUR FIRST ISSUE. Short Story
We will accept short story submissions that fall under 10,000 words in the genres of fantasy and science fiction. They may contain elements of horror as long as
it is directly related to the aforementioned genres. In your submission, please include the following. Times New Roman or Courier twelve point font, double-spaced. Page count / author name at the top of each page. Word count
An email where the author can be reached. Genre
Any accompanying artwork. Email [email protected] with the subject line “Future Fantasy Magazine Submission – Short Story”. Poetry
We accept poetry in the fantasy, science fiction, and cross-genred horror categories as well. Poems must be no longer than three pages in length. Authors may submit 1 poem that is three pages in length, or up to 5 poems that are 1 page in length per issue. Please not that all five may not be featured in the same issue, should we choose to accept them all. Email [email protected] with the subject line “Future Fantasy Magazine Submission – Poetry”. Art
We accept art in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror categories. Art must be sent as a high quality .JPEG (no blurry or pixelated pictures, please), and must be a decent size. No thumbnails. Artists may submit up to 3 pieces of art per issue. Note, all art may not be featured in the same issue. Email [email protected] with the subject line “Future Fantasy Magazine Submission – Art”. Novel Excerpts
We will accept novel excerpts in the categories of fantasy, science fiction, and the cross-genre of horror. Novel excerpts must follow the exact requirements for short story submission, and must be no longer than 10,000 words. Along with your submission, please send cover art as a high-quality .JPEG as well as any links and information as to where your book can be found. Email [email protected] with the subject line “Future Fantasy Magazine Submission – Novel Excerpt”. For further information / questions / comments, contact our staff:
Brian Wagner (Senior Sci-fi / poetry editor): [email protected]
Sarah Shaw (Editor-in-chief): [email protected]
Alan Keathley (Senior Fantasy Editor): [email protected]
Chris Pearson (Senior General Editor): [email protected]