ÂUGHT Magazine

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ÂUGHT Magazine Âught magazine is a platform that seeks and manifests the talented and masterly magicians of modern culture. The only idol we worship is otherness.

Aught Magazine is a herald of freedom and abandonment. The only rule we follow is ‘come as you are’. It is a flight of imagination. It is a celebration of the grotesque. We look beyond mainstream photography, art, fashion or music. We delve deep into the totality of the subculture. We welcome marginal concepts. We praise methods of provocative self-expression. Our team is endlessly seeking for striking and surreal concepts.

It’s been a while but we’re back! We are pleased to share our latest interview with the remarkable artist, DJ, and music...

It’s been a while but we’re back!

We are pleased to share our latest interview with the remarkable artist, DJ, and music producer parrish smith. The artist shares his thoughts on why it’s important, and at times difficult, to stay true to the self, what will truly matter at the end of life, how beauty can be found in some of the darkest places, and much more.

Click and read the interview below

Parrish Smith is a Dutch artist, DJ, and music producer of Surinamese origin, known for his raw, experimental, and unapologetic approach to music.


Projekt Gestalten for ÂUGHT Magazine."Music helps me organize my thoughts, have ideas, play little scenarios in my mind ...

Projekt Gestalten for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"Music helps me organize my thoughts, have ideas, play little scenarios in my mind about the past, present, or future. To think about things that maybe could have happened differently, things that never are going to happen or things that should have happened instead."

RU: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-projekt-gestalten/

Diego Garcia - Brazilian producer and DJ, known under the alias Projekt Gestalten and The Princess of Death. Head of the q***r VRAAA label

Lubomir Bakchev for ÂUGHT Magazine. "Today people no longer live in dreams, they live in technology. Everyone is on thei...

Lubomir Bakchev for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"Today people no longer live in dreams, they live in technology. Everyone is on their own computer. I think that these are people with no dreams at all. They already have everything on their phone. Their brains are busy around the clock, and to be honest, these modern people scare me."

ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-lubomir-bakchev/
RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-lyubomir-bakshev/

a French director of photography who filmed with such cult directors as Eric Rochant, Abdellatif Kechiche, Volker Schlöndorff, Julie Delpy

Abramovych Igor for ÂUGHT Magazine."‎In the art world, everything is possible – art unites actors, musicians, politician...

Abramovych Igor for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"‎In the art world, everything is possible – art unites actors, musicians, politicians. The only thing you need is a strong character and sociability. If you can communicate with everyone – it will greatly help you in most aspects of life."

RU: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-igor-abramovich/
ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-igor-abramovych/

советник директора Института проблем современного искусства НАИ Украины, искусствовед, арт-дилер, один из главных представителей Украины на всех ключевых мировых...

Дивіться нове інтерв'ю з українським політиком та доктором історичних наук Володимиром Литвином. Володимир Михайлович ро...

Дивіться нове інтерв'ю з українським політиком та доктором історичних наук Володимиром Литвином. Володимир Михайлович розповів про страхи та помилки минулого, про внутрішні сумніви та роздуми про сенс буття, про те чому так важливо цінувати свою сім'ю та чому необхідно більше часу проводити з близькими.


Watch our new interview with Ukrainian politician and Doctor of Historical Sciences Volodymyr Lytvyn. Mr. Lytvyn spoke about his fears and the mistakes of the past, about his inner doubts and thoughts on the meaning of life, about why it's so vital to value your family, and why it's so necessary to spend more time with your loved ones.

Володимир Литвин — український політик, академік Національної Академії Наук України, доктор історичних наук, професор, колишній голова Адміністрації Президен...


Незабаром вийде наше відео інтерв'ю з Володимиром Литвином — українським політиком, колишнім головою Адміністрації Президента та спікером Верховної Ради, доктором історичних наук та професором. Підписуйтесь на наш YouTube канал, щоб не пропустити прем'єру та нові відео -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS⠀

Our video interview with Volodymyr Lytvyn, a Ukrainian politician, former head of the Presidential Administration and speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, doctor of historical sciences and professor, will be released soon. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't miss the premiere as well as future videos -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS

Eric Cloutier for ÂUGHT Magazine."While it’s wise to reflect on how you could have done things differently, or what the ...

Eric Cloutier for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"While it’s wise to reflect on how you could have done things differently, or what the potential other outcomes could have been if you’d made a different choice or action, too much rearward focus will keep you from enjoying what lies ahead, or, more importantly, what is right there in front of you now."

ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-eric-cloutier/
RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-eric-cloutier/

a Berlin-based DJ and music producer

Konstantin Doroshenko for ÂUGHT Magazine.′′Art is the most humanistic activity by its nature since only humans of all li...

Konstantin Doroshenko for ÂUGHT Magazine.

′′Art is the most humanistic activity by its nature since only humans of all living creatures on the planet produce art. Only humans feel the urge to create something absolutely non-utilitarian. As long as humanity exists, art will grow, change, and reproduce."

RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-konstantin-doroshenko/
ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-konstantin-doroshenko/

Украинский критик, куратор современного искусства, публицист

Карен Чифталарян (управляющий партнер в Standart NV Investment Banking , CEO в WEFUTURE LIMITED и Show4me — новый герой ...

Карен Чифталарян (управляющий партнер в Standart NV Investment Banking , CEO в WEFUTURE LIMITED и Show4me — новый герой нашего видео интервью. В беседе Карен рассуждает о важности неудач и критического мышления, рассказывает чему он научился благодаря своим бизнес проектам и размышляет о грани добра и зла. Об этом и многом другом смотрите по ссылке на нашем YouTube канале!

Our video interview with Karen A. Chiftalaryan, the managing partner at Standart NV Investment Banking, CEO at WEFUTURE LIMITED and show4me is now up on our YouTube channel. Karen discusses the importance of failing and critical thinking, shares what he learned from his business projects, and reflects on the line between good and evil. Uncover more via the link below and feel free to subscribe!

Карен Чифталарян - управляющий партнер в Standart NV Investment Banking, CEO в WeFuture Limited и Show4me. 00:00 - Масштаб личности02:18 - Выдающиеся личност...


Карен Чифталарян (управляющий партнер в Standart NV Investment Banking, CEO в 𝗪𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘 𝗟𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗗 и Show4me) стал героем нашего нового видео-интервью, которое в скором времени выйдет на нашем 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲-канале. Подписывайтесь! -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS⠀

𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗔. 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗮𝗻, the Managing Partner at Standart NV Investment Banking 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗡𝗩 𝗜𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, and CEO at 𝗪𝗘𝗙𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘 𝗟𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗧𝗘𝗗 and Show4me is our next video interview guest, which you can soon watch on our 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗹. Subscribe and stay tuned! -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS


Интервью с основателем криптобиржи Whitebit и ведущим Гагарин Show Владимиром Ноcовым вскоре будет доступно на нашем 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 канале -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS
Подписывайтесь на канал и следите за обновлениями!

Our interview with 𝗩𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗺𝗶𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝘀𝗼𝘃, the CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange company Whitebit and the host of 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 will soon be available on our 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗹 -> https://bit.ly/3thwJnS
Feel free to subscribe and watch out for updates!

Vlad Ivanenko, the owner and editor-in-chief of Pl***oy Ukraine is the guest of our latest video interview. The conversa...

Vlad Ivanenko, the owner and editor-in-chief of Pl***oy Ukraine is the guest of our latest video interview. The conversation shifted with an incredible amplitude and included a variety of timeless topics, such as human happiness, woe from wit, the romance of being, and why one ought to complicate life. Uncover more by watching the full video via the link below. Enjoy the video and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Влад Иваненко - владелец и главный редактор Pl***oy Украина. 00:24 - Счастье02:35 - Хороший человек03:01 - Хорошие качества03:59 - Мудак04:57 - Прощение05:33...


Наша беседа с Главным редактором Pl***oy Украина Владом Иваненко вскоре будет доступна на нашем YouTube канале --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9 .Подписывайтесь и следите за обновлениями!


The full interview with the Editor-in-chief Pl***oy Ukraine Vlad Ivanenko will soon be up on our YouTube channel. Stay tuned and subscribe! --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9

Vulkanski for ÂUGHT Magazine."Do the absolute maximum of what that you can here on Earth. Life is a beautiful game that ...

Vulkanski for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"Do the absolute maximum of what that you can here on Earth. Life is a beautiful game that we are a part of. In Georgian, one of the synonyms of human life is “Tsutisofeli” which translates to “just a minute in this world”. This word shows us, that we don’t have a lot of time and it’s very unwise to spend our ‘minute’ here while holding onto negative and anxious thoughts."

RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-vulkanski/

a Georgian DJ, music producer, and resident at the KHIDI club in Tbilisi

Having won the title of the “Best International Residential High Rise Development” of 2020-2021 for Taryan Towers, Artur...

Having won the title of the “Best International Residential High Rise Development” of 2020-2021 for Taryan Towers, Artur Mkhitaryan has proven that dreams of an unattainable future can become a reality if one is willing to be open to innovations and sets courageous goals. In our video interview, the young businessman and CEO of the real estate development company Taryan Group talks about the difference between dreams vs goals, how he sees the possible development of the future, where he seeks inspiration and attains wisdom, and why it’s so important to believe that everyone is capable of greatness.

Watch the full video on our YouTube channel and feel free to subscribe in order not to miss our future episodes - > https://bit.ly/3knWpg8 - ENG SUBS AVAILABLE

Артур Мхитарян - украинский бизнесмен, основатель, генеральный директор инвестиционной и девелоперской компании Taryan Group.00:00 - Тяжелые времена01:38 - В...


Наша беседа с предпринимателем и визионером Артуром Мхитаряном вскоре будет доступна на нашем YouTube канале --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9
Подписывайтесь и не пропускайте новые видео!
The full interview with the visionary property developer Artur Mkhitaryan will soon be up on our YouTube channel --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9
Subscribe and don't miss new videos!

Balrog for ÂUGHT Magazine."Wild and crazy ideas are given credence because people’s views spread so quickly before they ...

Balrog for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"Wild and crazy ideas are given credence because people’s views spread so quickly before they are challenged. The idea that people who have dedicated their life to creating a marvel of science are then abused and discredited by people who have read a few articles online. It’s madness and is very depressing."

RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-balrog/

British producer, DJ, and owner of the Khazad Records music label.

Angel Angelov for ÂUGHT Magazine."If talking about what I’ve seen while working on Insiders and Байконур. Вторгнення [Br...

Angel Angelov for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"If talking about what I’ve seen while working on Insiders and Байконур. Вторгнення [Breaking into Baikonur] then it’s the beauty of the flow of time. It was an immersion in that space, in those places that are as if out of time. They froze in time. When you get inside these objects – be it underground bunkers, dead factories, or the space canned station, you seem to enter into another space, you seem to fall into the past. You are just out of space, out of time. And you see how time affects it. It’s cool because it’s a frozen moment. A peeling wall, a rusty huge plane – all the results of time. And when you see the results of time, you begin to value time."

ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-angel-angelov/

Українскький режисер та оператор, найбілш відомий проєктом Insiders Project та документальним фільмом «Байконур. Вторгнення»

Karen Chiftalaryan [Show4me] for ÂUGHT Magazine."I don’t believe in success stories. Therefore, after reading how Mark Z...

Karen Chiftalaryan [Show4me] for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"I don’t believe in success stories. Therefore, after reading how Mark Zuckerberg achieved success, or Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk, you will never be the same. Because all success stories tell the story of the person’s last project which happened to be successful. Yet how much they went through, how many times they fell, got up from their knees, and moved on in order for one of the projects to become successful... No one talks about it."

ENG: https://aughtmag.com/en/interview-karen-a-chiftalaryan/

управляющий партнер в Standart NV Investment Banking, CEO в WEFUTURE LIMITED и show4me

Arabian Panther for ÂUGHT Magazine."Wearing the reversed keffiyeh during my performance allows me to “anonymize” myself,...

Arabian Panther for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"Wearing the reversed keffiyeh during my performance allows me to “anonymize” myself, putting the character in the spotlight instead of me. It also allows the crowd to face a symbol most people are afraid of or ignorant about."

RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-arabian-panther/

Experience Arabian Panther's performance at Outside Festival 2021 this Saturday in Kyiv.

a DJ, live artist, and music producer

We once again talked to the wondrous Daria Astafieva, yet this time on video. Dasha shared her thoughts on the importanc...

We once again talked to the wondrous Daria Astafieva, yet this time on video. Dasha shared her thoughts on the importance of good deeds, spoke about how she feels in the world, and discussed what you should not waste your life on.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't miss future episodes - > https://bit.ly/3knWpg8 - ENG SUBS AVAILABLE

Даша Астафьева - украинская певица, модель, актриса, ведущая и владелица титула Playmate of the Month юбилейного 55-го выпуска журнала Pl***oy. Âught Magazi...


Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал и смотрите беседы с нашими захватывающими героями --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9
Интервью с великолепной Дарьей Астафьевой выходит 15 июля.


Subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't miss conversations with our enchanting guests --> https://bit.ly/2TaAuO9
The full interview with Daria Astafieva - the 55th Anniversary Playmate of Pl***oy, singer, model, actress, and TV host airs on the 15th of July. Stay tuned.

Regal for ÂUGHT Magazine."We are in a state of constant evolution and constant search for new things. Trying to improve ...

Regal for ÂUGHT Magazine.

"We are in a state of constant evolution and constant search for new things. Trying to improve and grow more and more as an artist and as a human being while focusing on the future sometimes leads you to forget about the past. In order to know where we want to go, we need to keep in mind where we come from – a place where we will always belong somehow."

RUS: https://aughtmag.com/ru/intervyu-regal/

a music producer, DJ, and founder of the Involve Records imprint based in Madrid



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Âught Magazine

Anything at all – the closest definition of the word ‘aught’. We are Âught. Our purpose is to avoid the repeated and customary portrayals of creators and artists. We desire to unveil the unexpected, and at times, the bizarre characteristics of their marvelous beings. We seek the peculiar, the odd, the witty, the absurd. Yet we equally embrace the profound and the intellectual.

Whatever we discover in the abyss of ourselves is the thing that shapes our entities. We stumble through a dark forest to uncover what makes us unique, yet at the same time, we all share a universal human experience. The depth and marvel of that experience is entirely up to us.

The world is full of illusions, opinions, prejudices and assumptions. Such is the nature of mankind. Time itself is not a constant. Perception is ever-changing. Our tastes and the people around us change. We change ourselves. The only thing that remains untouched is our own presence within ourselves. We shape our own realities and live by them. This is the basis of Âught. It is vital for us to recognize your world as you perceive it. To understand the way you understand yourself. To see the world through your eyes. No limits, no restrictions, no condemnations.

Selfishness and self-absorption are depicted as ‘bad’ qualities. Yet by virtue of egoism Âught was created. We selfishly choose people that interest us, basing our choice on the worlds that they create.