Techniques of Solomonic Magic
Dr. Stephen Skinner
Available from Amazon at ISBN : 978-9810943-10-3
Pages : 378. Illustrations : 20 Colour & 48 B/W. 30 Tables.
Published : 2015.
An analysis of the practice of Solomonic magic from the 7th to the 19th century as found in classic grimoires like Hygromanteia and Key of Solomon.
This volume is about the actual methods of Solomonic magic (a major part of the grimoire tradition) used in Alexandria and how they havebeen passed via Byzantium (the Hygromanteia), to the Latin Clavicula Salomonis and its English incarnation as the Key of Solomon. Jewish techniques like the use of pentacles, oil and water skrying were added along the way. Amazingly, this transmission has involved very few changes and the ‘technology of magic’ has remained firmly intact. This book covers specific practical magical techniques such as the invocation of the gods, the binding of demons, the use of the four demon Kings, and the construction of the circle and lamen. The requirements ofpurity, sexual abstinence, and fasting have changed little in the last 2000 years, and the real reasons for them are explained. The use of amulets,talismans and phylacteries or lamens is outlined along with their methods of construction. Solomonic evocation is explained with reasons given for each step including the use of thwarting angels, and the binding, imprisoning and licensing of spirits. Practical considerations such as the facing directions and timing of evocations, choice of incense, cutting of the wand, utilisation of rings and statues, use of the Table of Evocation, and the acquisition of a familiarspirit are explained. Techniques of Solomonic Magic is based on the magicians’ own handbooks rather than the opinions of theologians, historians, anthropologists, sociologists or legislators. The emphasis is on what magicians did and why. Tools used by magicians in 7th centuryAlexandria, 15th century Constantinople and 19th century London are very much the same. More than 70 illustrations of magical equipment like the wand, the sword, wax images and magical gems, drawn from a wide range of manuscripts are reproduced and explained. This is the most detailed analysis of practical Solomonic magic, from the inside, ever written.