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Health -USA A platform for microbiology students and other medical students who need any help in microbiology fields and subjects of microbiology course.

Gulab Devi Educational Complex, Lahore.

COLD LOVING BACTERIA IN ICE:1.  INTRODUCTION:- Did you know that our Earth is quite a frozen planet? In fact, about half...


- Did you know that our Earth is quite a frozen planet? In fact, about half of Earth’s land environments are seasonally or permanently covered in snow or ice! Brrr! From the North Pole to the South Pole, from the ice caps on mountaintops to icebergs floating on the sea, cold habitats are everywhere, and they make up the frozen part of the Earth called the CRYOSPHERE Places on the Earth where water is frozen as ice or snow.
- Extremely cold temperatures in the cryosphere make it especially challenging for microbesLiving things that are very small and can only be seen through a microscope. Examples of microbes are bacteria, algae, protozoa and viruses. to survive. In a cold environment, it is very difficult to find water, which is essential for life, because most of the water turns into solid ice.
- It is also difficult for organisms to find food and generate energy in the cryosphere, because the chemical reactions that keep living things alive happen more slowly in the cold.

- Frozen environments were once thought to be lifeless. Scientists initially thought that microbes in frozen environments were brought there by the wind and were “asleep” due to the cold.
- However, they later found that permanently frozen environments contain a lot of living microbes. Some of these microbes were found to have adapted in special ways (over a long period of time) to survive in the snow and ice. These microbes are called psychrophiles. Microbes, especially bacteria, that have adapted to life in cold environments.
- The term comes from the Greek “psychros” meaning “cold and frozen” and “philia” meaning “loving.”, which means “cold-loving” in Greek.
- Microbes cannot survive in solid ice. So far, all the communities of psychrophiles found within ice, from ice sheets to glaciers, survive inside very tiny veins of liquid water trapped in the ice when it forms.

-A. Psychrophilic bacteria have ways to survive in cold conditions. One of the most basic challenges to living in the cold is that everything takes more time, including nutrient movement and important chemical reactions. Therefore, to get enough food from the water around them, many psychrophiles increase the number of transporters on the cell surface, which actively grab nutrients from the surroundings.

B. Another problem associated with this frozen environment is ice formation. Just as 70% of the human body is made up of water, most bacteria cells are also full of water, which can easily turn into ice crystals at freezing temperatures. Ice crystals inside living cells are dangerous because they grow outward like little thorns, eventually piercing the bacteria from the inside out and killing them. Psychrophiles have therefore evolved multiple strategies to avoid this gruesome fate. For instance, they take in dissolved salts and sugars to lower the freezing temperature of water inside themselves. Some species also have special antifreeze proteins that attach to any forming ice crystals and lower their freezing point, preventing their growth. These strategies reduce the danger of living in the cold.

C. Psychrophiles also have enzymesThe workers of the cell; proteins that help chemical reaction to happen. that are different from those of non-psychrophile bacteria. Enzymes are like the factory workers inside cells. Each type of enzyme carries out an essential chemical reaction, keeping the bacteria alive and happy. Enzymes only work best within a small range of temperatures called the optimum temperature. To keep the psychrophiles alive at freezing temperatures, enzymes called cold-active enzymesEnzymes that work the fastest at temperatures of 20°C (68°F) or below. have evolved, which have an optimum temperature of 20°C or less.

Many scientists are also putting our growing knowledge of psychrophiles to use in new technologies. Cold-active enzymes, for example, have already been used to increase the effectiveness of industrial processes, such as fruit processing, that take place at low temperatures (so that the fruit does not spoil). Scientists have also identified many of the active chemicals in psychrophiles that help them respond to the cold. We can use these chemicals in medicines to treat infections and even cancer. Additionally, with psychrophiles so well-adapted to surviving in harsh environments with poor nutrients, they can break down pretty much anything they get access to. This means psychrophiles might be very useful for breaking down plastics and treating waste. Psychrophiles are as useful as they are diverse.

KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS DUE TO ADENOVIRUS:1. INTRODUCTION:- Conjunctivitis refers to the inflammation of the conjunctiva, w...


- Conjunctivitis refers to the inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is a membrane that covers the sclera and inside of the eyelids.
- The inflammation results in a pink or red coloration of the eye hence the disease being commonly referred to as “pink eye”.
- Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) is a highly contagious form of viral conjunctivitis.
- EKC is caused by a group of viruses known as adenoviruses that in addition to infections of the ocular surface, are responsible for causing infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system illnesses such as the common cold virus.


- Conjunctival hyperemia/erythema (redness) of bulbar conjunctiva
- Conjunctival hyperemia/erythema (redness) of palpebral conjunctiva
- Follicular reaction
- Chemosis (conjunctival edema)
- Epithelial keratitis
- Subepithelial infiltrates
- Membranes or pseudomembranes
- Dacrocystitis
- Clear or yellow discharge from the eye(s)
- Ocular itchiness and irritation
- Photophobia
- Epiphora (excessive tearing)
- Foreign body sensation
- Blurred vision/loss of visual acuity

- Lymphadenopathy (swollen nymph nodes, specifically the preauricular lymph nodes)
- Fever
- Headache
- Fatigue

- Most people who get sick from an adenovirus will get over the infection without any major complications.
- However, anyone can develop acute bronchitis or pneumonia.
- Also, your risk of developing complications may be greater if you have a weakened immune system, heart disease, or lung disease.
- In rare cases, adenoviruses may lead to hospitalization or death.

- Adenovirus D (AdV) is a lytic, nonenveloped double-stranded DNA virus with a genome encoding more than 40 structural and nonstructural proteins.
- Classification of AdV’s into its serotype groups (A-G) is based on hemagluttination properties, tissue tropism, serology, DNA homology, and host-receptor usage.
- The presence of AdV on the ocular surface causes secretion of IL-8 (IL-8 is an important protein related to inflammation, where it plays a key role in the recruitment of neutrophils and other immune cells to the site of infection)from ocular surface epithelial cells and eventually leads to internalization and replication of the virus.

- One of the best ways to prevent adenoviral conjunctivitis is to avoid touching your eyes with unwashed hands.
- You can also avoid getting sick with the adenoviruses that cause this subtype of conjunctivitis by staying away from others who may be ill.
- Additionally, it is important to wash your hands for at least 20 secondsTrusted Source at a time before eating or touching your face.

HENIPAVIRUS:1. INFECTIOUS AGENT:- Enveloped, single-stranded RNA viruses in the genus Henipavirus, family Paramyxovirus ...

- Enveloped, single-stranded RNA viruses in the genus Henipavirus, family Paramyxovirus can infect humans.
- Of the 6 identified Henipavirus species, Hendra virus and Nipah virus are highly virulent emerging pathogens that cause outbreaks in humans and are associated with high case-fatality ratios.

- Pteropid fruit bats (flying foxes) are Henipavirus reservoir hosts.
- Hendra virus is transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected horses or body fluids or tissues of infected horses; horses are infected through exposure to bat urine.
- Hendra virus is not transmitted person-to-person or directly from bats to humans.
- Nipah virus is transmitted through contact with infected pigs or bats; consumption of date palm sap or fallen fruit contaminated with bat excretions is another route of exposure.
- Person-to-person transmission of Nipah virus has been reported through close contact with infected people, including respiratory droplets.

- Incubation period is ≈5–16 days (and rarely ≤2 months).
- Both Hendra and Nipah virus infections can cause a severe influenza-like illness with dizziness, headache, fever, and myalgias.
- The disease can progress to severe encephalitis with confusion, abnormal reflexes, seizures, and coma; respiratory symptoms also might be present.
- Relapsing or late-onset encephalitis can occur months or years after acute illness.

- Laboratory diagnosis is made by using a combination of tests, including ELISA of serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); reverse transcription PCR of serum, CSF, or throat swabs; and virus isolation from CSF or throat swabs.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can test specimens from patients suspected to be infected with a Henipavirus.

- No specific antiviral treatment is available for Henipavirus infections.
- Therapy consists of supportive care and management of complications. Ribavirin has shown in vitro effectiveness, but its clinical usefulness is unknown.
- A monoclonal serotherapy has been proposed for Hendra in Australia.

ROTAVIRUS:INTRODUCTION:- Rotavirus is a double-stranded RNA virus of the familyReoviridae. - The virus is composed of th...

- Rotavirus is a double-stranded RNA virus of the family
- The virus is composed of three concentric shells that enclose 11 gene segments.
- The outermost shell contains two important proteins: VP7, or G-protein, and VP4, or P-protein.
- VP7 and VP4 induce neutralizing antibodies that are believed
to be involved in immune protection.
- Rotavirus is very stable and may remain viable in the
environment for weeks or months if disinfection does not occur.

- The virus enters the body through the mouth.
- Viral replication occurs in the villous epithelium of the small intestine.
- Up to two-thirds of children with severe rotavirus gastroenteritis show the presence of rotavirus antigen in serum (antigenemia) and
children can have rotavirus RNA detected in serum.
- Infection may result in decreased intestinal absorption of
sodium, glucose, and water, and decreased levels of intestinal
lactase, alkaline phosphatase, and sucrase activity, and may lead
to isotonic diarrhea.
- The immune correlates of protection from rotavirus are not
fully understood.
- Cell-mediated immunity probably plays a role in protection and
in recovery from infection.
- Recovery from a first rotavirus infection usually does not
lead to permanent immunity.
- Reinfection can occur at any age.

- The incubation period for rotavirus diarrhea is short, usually
less than 48 hours.
- The clinical manifestations of infection vary and depend on whether it is the first infection or reinfection.
- Infection may be asymptomatic, may cause self-limited watery
diarrhea, or may result in severe dehydrating diarrhea with fever
and vomiting.
- Up to one-third of infected children may have a temperature greater than 39°C (102°F).
- The first infection after 3 months of age is generally the most severe.
- The gastrointestinal symptoms generally resolve in 3 to 7 days.

- Several commercial test kits are available for testing stool
samples that detect a rotavirus antigen (VP6) common to
human rotaviruses by enzyme linked immunoassay (EIA).
- These kits are simple to use, inexpensive, and very sensitive.
- Multi-pathogen polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays
for stool samples that include the ability to detect rotavirus RNA
are being increasingly used in clinical laboratories.

- Rotaviruses are shed in high concentration in the stool of
infected persons.
- Transmission is by fecal-oral route, both through close person-to-person contact and by fomites (such as toys and other environmental surfaces contaminated by stool).

Transmission of rotavirus through contaminated water or food
appears to be uncommon.

Phylogenetic AnalysisIntroduction:- Phylogenetic analysis is the study of the evolutionary development of a species or a...

Phylogenetic Analysis
- Phylogenetic analysis is the study of the evolutionary development of a species or a group of organisms or a particular characteristic of an organism.
- In phylogenetic analysis, branching diagrams are made to represent the evolutionary history or relationship between different species, organisms, or characteristics of an organism (genes, proteins, organs, etc.) that are developed from a common ancestor.
- The diagram made is known as a phylogenetic tree.

What is phylogenetic tree?
- A phylogenetic tree is a diagram that represents evolutionary relationships among organisms. Phylogenetic trees are hypotheses, not definitive facts.
- A phylogenetic tree, also known as phylogeny, is characterized by a series of branching points expanding from the last common ancestor (root) of all operational taxonomic units up to the most recent organisms (tips).

Parts of Phylogenetic tree:
- In a phylogenetic tree, leaves representing species, populations, individuals, or genes can be connected to nodes through branches (external branch).
- The branches represent the passage of genetic information between subsequent generations, and branch lengths denote genetic change or divergence.
- The degree of divergence is generally estimated using the average number of nucleotide substitutions per site.

Application of Phylogenetic Analysis:
1. Phylogenetic analysis provides an in-depth understanding of how species evolve through genetic changes.
2. Using phylogenetics, scientists can evaluate the path that connects a present-day organism with its ancestral origin, as well as can predict the genetic divergence that may occur in the future.
3. Phylogenetics has many applications in medical and biological fields, including forensic science, conservation biology, epidemiology, drug discovery and drug design, prediction of protein structure and function, and gene function prediction.
4. A more accurate estimation of the evolutionary relationship among species is now possible in a molecular phylogenetic analysis using gene sequencing data.
5. Regarding public health applications, molecular phylogenetic analysis can be employed to gather information about pathogen outbreaks.
6. In conservation biology, phylogenetic analysis can predict which species are becoming extinct, and thus, should be taken care of.
7. Phylogenetic analysis can be useful in comparative genomics, which studies the relationship between genomes of different species.
8. Phylogenetic screening of pharmacologically related species can help identify closely related members of a species with pharmacological significance.
9. In microbiology, phylogenetic analysis can be applied to identify and classify various microorganisms, including bacteria.
10. Phylogenetics can be used to evaluate the reciprocal evolutionary interaction between microorganisms, as well as to identify mechanisms.

cDNA LIBRARY:INTRODUCTION:- A copy of DNA generated from messenger RNA (mRNA) with the help of enzyme reverse transcript...


- A copy of DNA generated from messenger RNA (mRNA) with the help of enzyme reverse transcriptase is termed as cDNA.
- A set of cDNA fragments, each of which has been cloned into a separate vector molecule, which constitute a some portion of transcriptome of the organism and stored as a library is known as a cDNA library.
- cDNA does not have introns, and hence can be expressed in prokaryotic cells.

- To construct cDNA libraries, DNA copies from mRNA sequences of organism are produced and then they are cloned.
- The term cDNA is given as all the DNA in the library are complementary to the mRNAs and are produced by reverse transcription of mRNAs.
- Most eukaryotic DNA consists of repeated sequences that are not transcribed into mRNA, and in a cDNA library the sequences are not represented.

1. Extraction of mRNA from the eukaryotic cell
2. cDNA construction
3. cDNA cloning

- Firstly, the mRNA from the remaining RNAs is collected and purified.
- Many other methods are available for purifying RNA like trizol extrac­tion and column purification.
- By using oligomeric dT nucleotide coated resins, column purification is performed where only the mRNA that has the poly-A tail can bind.
- By using oligomeric dT nucleotide coated resins, column purification is performed where only the mRNA that has the poly-A tail can bind.
- The remaining RNAs are eluted.
- The mRNA is eluted using eluting buffer and also some heat to sepa­rate the mRNA strands from oligo-dT.

- mRNA is only a few percent of a eukaryotic cell; most is rRNA. But that small amount of mRNA can be separated from other cellular RNAs by virtue of their 3’ poly(A) tails. Simply pass a total RNA extract over an oligo-d(T) column.
- The strings of thymidine (T) can H-bond with the poly(A) tails of mRNAs, tethering them to the column.
- All RNAs without a 3’ poly(A) tail will flow through the column as waste.
- A second buffer is passed over the column to destabilize the A-T H-bonds to allow elution of an mRNA fraction.
- When free’ oligo d(T) is added to the eluted mRNA, it forms H-bonds with the poly(A) tails of the mRNAs, serving as a primer for the synthesis of cDNA copies of the poly(A) mRNAs originally in the cells.
- Finally, four deoxynucleotide DNA precursors and reverse transcriptase (originally isolated from chicken retrovirus-infected cells) are added to start reverse transcription.
- After heating to separate the cDNAs from the mRNAs, the cDNA is replicated to produce double-stranded, or (ds)cDNA.
- Synthesis of the second cDNA strand is also catalyzed by reverse transcriptase! The enzyme recognizes DNA as well as RNA templates, and has the same 5’-to-3’ DNA polymerizing activity as DNA polymerases.


- In the end, the methods of RNaseH and homopolymer tailing generate a collection of double-stranded, blunt-ended cDNA molecules.
- The vector molecules must now be bound to them.
- This could be achieved by blunt-ended ligation, digestion with the relevant enzyme and ligation into the vector, or by adding linkers.

- The homopolymer tailing technique can be adapted by using primers that are adjusted to incorporate restrictions.
- The 3 ‘end of the first cDNA strand, recently synthesized, is tailed with C’s.
- An oligo-dG primer, again preceded by a sail site within the oligonucleotide’s short double-stranded region, is then used for second-strand synthesis.
- The use of an oligonucleotide containing a double-stranded region is necessary in this process.
- Such oligonucleotides are formed by separately synthesizing the two strands and then allowing them to anneal with each other.

- Another idea is to re-use terminal transferase.
- Treatment with terminal transferase and dCTP of blunt-ended double-stranded cDNA leads to the polymerization of several C residues (typically 20 or so) to 3′ hydroxyl at each end.
- The terminal transferase and dGTP treatment of the vector leads to the inclusion of several G residues on the ends of the vector. It is possible to use dATP and dTTP alternatively.
- It is now possible to anneal the vector and cDNA, and the base-paired region is often so extensive that DNA ligase treatment is unnecessary.
- There may actually be gaps rather than nicks at the edges of the vector insert, but once the recombinant molecules have been inserted into a host, these are repaired by physiological processes.

There are two major benefits of a cDNA library.
- First, it is enriched with fragments from genes that have been actively transcribed.
- Second, introns do not disrupt the cloned sequences; if the goal is to create a eukaryotic protein in bacteria, introns will pose a problem, since most bacteria have no means of eliminating the introns.

- A cDNA library has the drawback that it only includes sequences that are present in mature mRNA.
- There are no introns and any other sequences that are modified during transcription; sequences that are not transcribed into RNA, such as promoters and enhancers, are also not present in a library of cDNA.

CUTIVATION OF PARASITES:POST 1INTRODUCTION:- Parasite cultivation techniques constitute a substantial segment of present...


- Parasite cultivation techniques constitute a substantial segment of present-day study of parasites, especially of protozoa.
- In most of the parasitic infections, culture is not a routine identification technique.
- However, culture is useful for clinching the diagnosis in some protozoan parasitic infections.
- E.g. in case of Central Nervous System infections by free living amoebae; and also culture has immense role in research related to pathogenic parasites.
- Parasite cultivation techniques are complex procedures involving a number of issues, some of which are known while some are still undefined.
- Most of the parasites have complex life-cycles with different morphological stages.
- To simulate the host environment, especially in an in vitro culture system can be extremely demanding, assuming one can actually determine all the relevant variables.
- Parasites are often fastidious and require medium components that may be toxic.

1. Xenic culture - It refers to culture of parasites grown in association with unknown microbiota.
- For example stool specimens cultured for E. histolytica in National Institute of Health medium. It is used for primary growth of parasites.
2. Monoxenic culture - If the parasites are grown with a single known bacterium, the culture is referred to as monoxenic.
- For example corneal biopsy specimens cultured with Escherichia coli as a means of recovering species of Acanthamoeba. It can be used for primary growth as well as a transitional phase in isolation.
3. Axenic culture - It is a pure culture without any bacterial associate or any other metabolizing cells. It is mainly used as isolation medium for the parasites, but can be used for primary growth also.
- For example TYI-S-33 medium in case of T. vaginalis.

- Luminal protists are first grown in xenic cultures, gradually weaned, then isolated in axenic cultures.
- While T. vaginalis and Giardia intestinalis can be established directly into axenic cultures, E. histolytica and Blastocystis hominis have never been grown axenically without first being established in xenic cultures.
- Dientamoeba fragilis and Balantidium coli have never been grown successfully in axenic culture to the best our knowledge.
- Some of the important media used for cultivating luminal parasitic protists are described in Table given below.
- Figure shows the flowchart of culturing luminal protists.

- Culture is useful for diagnosing difficult cases of leishmaniasis, particularly post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis.
- The commonly used media used for cultivation of hemoflagellates are summarized in Table.
- The nutritional requirements of these parasites has been determined using cultivation techniques.
- Haemoflagellate culture has not only provided a basis for selecting or designing antimicrobial agents that can be tailored to specific pathways, but has also helped in knowing mechanism of antigenic variation, defining immunogenic antigens, and developing attenuated strains that can be used for protecting humans and cattle from hemoflagellate-caused diseases.


MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS1. INTRODUCTION:- Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are bioelectrochemical devices that convert the chemic...


- Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are bioelectrochemical devices that convert the chemical energy present in organic or inorganic compounds into electric current by using microorganisms as the catalysts.
- MFCs have shown promise in wastewater treatment, including some larger scale projects, bioremediation or even as an alternative renewable energy source in remote areas.
- There is also an increase in research on MFC based biosensors, as well as more intricate combined BESs such as combined osmotic MFC and upflow microbial desalination cells.

- Many microorganisms have been found that possess the capability of transferring electrons, derived from metabolic activity, to an anode.
- For example, members of Proteobacteria,
Cytophagales, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria and yeasts are known to be capable of producing electricity.
A list of some of these organisms is given below:
a. Aeromonas hydrophila
b. Candida melibiosica
c. Escherichia coli
d. Erwinia dissolvens
e. Klebsiella pneumoniae
f. Lactobacillus plantarum
g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
h. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
i. Proteus mirabilis
j. Streptococcus lactis

- There are some unique characteristics of MFCs that make this technology more advantageous than other technologies.
(1) The MFCs provide comparatively higher conversion proficiency for chemical energy to electric current.
(2) The MFCs can produce fruitful results at varying temperature conditions (from 20 to 40 C) that makes MFC technology unique to other present bioenergy practices.
(3) During operation of MFCs, they do not require an external electric for aeration to provide oxygen (as electron acceptor) as the cathode can be passively aerated.

- The materials used to make it as anode need to be a conductive material.
- Also the material should be environment-friendly and chemically inert to the electrolyte (anolyte) in the anode chamber.
- The electrodes made up of carbon materials are widely used in the MFCs.
-For examples, graphite plates, graphite rods, graphite felt electrodes, graphite granules, carbon cloth, carbon brush and stainless steel, etc.
- The bare electrodes that have low surface area can be easily modified with conductive nanomaterials of higher surface area (e.g. graphene) for improved MFC performance.

- The cathode compartment contains the cathode material, a catalyst to increase the reduction of electrons and an electron acceptor.
- The electrode materials used as the anode as mentioned above are/can be used as the cathode.
- Moreover, a catalyst (e.g. platinum) is employed to the cathode electrode to increase the rate of oxygen reduction when oxygen is used as the electron acceptor.
- In contrast, ferricyanide(K3[Fe (CN)6]) is a precisely common electron acceptor and has been widely used in MFCs due to its decent enactment.
- A catalyst is not required at the cathode when ferricyanide is used as the electron acceptor in MFCs.
- But the use of ferricyanide also has some limitations in MFCs, e.g. the inadequate reoxidation by oxygen, which needs the catholyte to be frequently changed.

- An ion exchange membrane is generally used in an MFC between the anode and the cathode chamber, e.g. proton exchange membrane (PEM) that allows the passage of protons or specific cations from the anode to the cathode compartment.
- The best frequently used PEM is Nafion.
- However, in place of Nafion, Ultrex CMI-7000 is also suitable for MFC applications and is ominously more economical than Nafion.

- In order to produce electricity, MFCs anaerobically oxidizes biodegradable substrates, such as waste materials or acetate, generating electrical current through extracellular electron
transfer to the anode.
- A two-chambered MFC is one of the most common set-ups and is made up of a cathode chamber and an anode chamber, separated by a proton exchange membrane (PEM).
- Microorganisms are grown in the anode chamber, either as a biofilm or as a suspended culture.
- While the cathode is then exposed to an electron acceptor to facilitate an electrical current.
- The two cells are typically separated by a PEM, allowing protons to migrate to the cathode.



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