(1 hour 45 mins) south of St. Louis, Beav understood this journey would not be easy because Charleston, is home to a high crime rate and known as a place where “hoop dreams deflate like a true fiends weight” (Jay-Z 01) most never make it out much less, get a chance to live out their dreams. So once Beav received praise from Alonzo Lee (formerly of the Trakstarz) and began building records with “Th
e Creative team,” he realized that dreams can come true. Beav has a single about to drop “Issues” and a string of other bangers to follow up with. It is Beavs’ intention to reach out and build a fan interactive following, where fans get the feel that they are part his movement. Fans that follow Beav will get a comprehensive look at what it takes to become a star in today’s “social media driven” society. Be sure to hit the blogs up give your opinions about Beav. Songs can be found in all digital distribution outlets. Making music and shooting videos make up a small part of what has to be done, to build a music career. Beav understands that it takes a plan to have longevity in the music industry, “gotta stack plate up then I get my seconds later.” (Beav “Money Talks”) Follow Beav as he continues to power moves to the top. Nothing in life comes easy but nothing in life is impossible either. Beavs’ rise, is the text book “rags to riches .” The twists and turns can leave you breathless but the exhilaration of being part something special, is even more memorable. Follow Beav become a fan get a ringside seat as he pushes towards greatness.