James Worthy Shares the Key to Making Music that Resonates on Jacqueline Valdez Live
For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com
Samantha Star Interview preview on X-Pole with Jacqueline ValdezAerial artist shares her journey! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #samanthastar #polecon #poledancer #xpole #bodyandpole#@X-Pole US @bodyandpolenewyork
Fitz Koehler on Surviving Cancer preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveAuthor of My Noisy Cancer Comeback shares how to stay positive! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #cancer #author #fitzkoehler #positive
John Tull on How to Take Control of Your Thoughts preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveMotivational Speaker on How to Empower Yourself to Make a Difference! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #johntull #gators #makeadifference #empower @JohnTullTikTok
Shawndria Dennison Discusses Sisterhood on Jacqueline Valdez LiveCEO of H.E.R. Empire on How to Find Your Confidence and Be Empowered! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #herempire #shawndriadennison #empowerment #empower #confidence @herbyshawndria
Francesca Ellana on Running a Media Company preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveMillenial host opens up about beauty pageants and talk show host tips! @francescaellana For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #francescaellana #popfuzion #livingdayton #pageants #beauty
Lexi Williams from Aloha Glamour on How To Live Life in Color on Jacqueline Valdez LiveFashion designer shares her story and experiences in dealing with a loss which has become her biggest inspiration! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #lexiwilliams #alohaglamour #lifeincolor #loss #designer #fashion @Aloha Glamour
Vita Devoid Shares the Secrets of Burlesque Dance preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveLA Burlesque dancer shares how to create your own path in entertainment! For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #burlesque #fandancer #impersonator #vitadevoid #entertainment @Vita DeVoid
Lacie Cupani of Cupani Fashion Shares Life as A Fashion Designer preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveCrotchet Fashion Designer shares her journey! @cupanifashion For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #cupanifashion #laciecupani #crochet #designer #fashionweek #parisfashionweek #newyorkfashion
Marion Crampe on Discovering New Ways of Movement Preview on Jacqueline Valdez LiveHair Hanging and Aerialist shares her journey! @marioncrampe @xpoleus To learn more about Jacqueline Valdez, visit Jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #celebrityinterview #youtube #manifest #lifetips #hairhanging #marioncrampe #xpole #poledance
Danielle Hawkins Interview preview on X-Pole with Jacqueline ValdezPole Dancer and Derby roller skater shares her journey of uniting both sports! @itsmshawkins2u @xpoleus For more information on Jacqueline Valdez, please visit jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #daniellehawkins #xpole #poledancing #rollerskating #polesport #athlete #pole
Ashley Antoinette Interview preview on Sheen Talk with Jacqueline ValdezNY best selling author on Turning Pain Into Beauty! @ashleyantoinette To learn more about Jacqueline Valdez, visit Jacquelinevaldez.com#jacquelinevaldez #jacquelinevaldezlive #talkshow #viral #radio #host #media #poleballerina #sheenmagazine #podcast #celebritynews #facebooklive #twitter #interviews #inspiration #gainesville #florida #motivationalspeaker #Entrepreneur #createthelifeyouwant #author #ashleyantoinette #books #beauty #pain