Since the dawn of humanity, our connection to the Earth has been the cornerstone of our existence. In the past, our reliance on nature not only ensured the human race’s survival and sustenance but also shaped cultures across the globe.
While most people now live in urban settings that obscure our connection to the natural world, there are still tribes and communities in Egypt that choose to live in harmony with nature. For millennia, they have depended on scarce natural resources to create lives and have learned to conserve these resources for future generations.
This project is a journey across some of Egypt's protected areas through the Eco Egypt Experiences campaign. We will explore how the intimate relationship between people and the Earth has shaped the lives of 11 tribes and local communities, influencing their traditions, ways of life, and values.
Countdown begins! Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and stay tuned for the first mesmerizing episode!
UNDP Egypt
وزارة البيئة - Ministry of Environment