Inspired and guided by Jim Hoy, we began publishing the Cedar Key News in May of 2002, as an online newspaper. Remarkably, our online visits have reached well into the thousands weekly and continue to remain high, evidence that our community and many people outside Levy County, and as far away as Canada, look to Cedar Key News for timely and important news. In May of 2004, we added a biweekly prin
t edition so that visitors and citizens who do not have ready access to online news could stay up-to-date on local events. We then circulated 1,650 free copies of our print edition and distributed them from Cedar Key to Otter Creek and to all Levy County Libraries. Because we are a non-profit organization, we donate our annual surplus to local charities. One year, we were able to donate $1,000 to the Celebration of the Arts in Cedar Key. As of this January 2013, low revenues necessitated that we temporarily suspend our print edition; our last issue was January 3. Currently, our only employee, a website manager, uploads items daily to our online newspaper ( We are seeking a second employee to sell advertisements, initially online but with the ultimate goal of returning to the print edition coupled with our online edition. Resumption of the print edition would require services of a print layout manager, as well as the cost of printing and distribution. Our great news is our new, more energetic, user-friendly website for CKN.