Well it looks like we will be ordering some extra chairs for my weekend, as the venue holds more than chairs available at the shelter and tickets are selling oout fast. Do book soon if you want to come. Going to post a little tease later about something we have just seen in our cases that i will talk about on the first day. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/problem-behaviors-in-dogs-things-we-have-gotten-wrong-for-so-long-tickets-864792717297?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR1SbtLimh2mnl_2Eb-WYmqW82GHCmta0VFKLSnUHh15QlAIO6whrmYV5oA_aem_AajhjZazyljBVR7AUCW2eAq7ehqD9_AZXsNjCfnO-C6_Tm_-bG1SZ7sy7pWBwW5P47xtugD8yZ4OGewDTDFJpnoH
How anxiety has blinded us to frustration and why we have put too much focus on triggers.