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Chaos!  Confusion!  Lawsuits and Trials!  Assassination attempt!  Switch of presidential candidates!  Accusations!  Who ...

Chaos! Confusion! Lawsuits and Trials! Assassination attempt! Switch of presidential candidates! Accusations! Who do you believe? The Never-Trumpers would have you believe this election is all about Trump. It's not. They would advocate that he should not even be a candidate because of his past moral failings. The sad issue about American politics today is that it is hard to find many candidates for any office that practice moral purity. ...

Chaos! Confusion! Lawsuits and Trials! Assassination attempt! Switch of presidential candidates! Accusations! Who do you believe? The Never-Trumpers would have you believe this election is al…

There Will Come A TimeThere will come a time when the Lord of all will rebuke many and see to it that peace reigns supre...

There Will Come A Time

There will come a time when the Lord of all will rebuke many and see to it that peace reigns supreme among all those who are His children.

Regardless of man's weaknesses and tendency towards following sin, when Christ returns, all the evils of this world and of man will be done forever.

The Lord will give His final rebuke of man and all the nations that have broken His laws. He will no longer permit the folly of our sins to continue further.

The materials once used for war and destruction will now nurture and grow the Lord's creation, no longer allowing man or a nation to destroy themselves for foolish and hostile gain.

There will come a time when the judge of all creation will see fit to condemn the guilty and free those saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. It's on that day for which all His children eagerly await.

Isaiah 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

In That DayThe day of Christ's return will be filled with glory and shame, and regardless of whatever status someone has...

In That Day

The day of Christ's return will be filled with glory and shame, and regardless of whatever status someone has in this lifetime, everyone will be filled with great amounts of humility in that day.

On the day of Christ's return, we will witness a profound transformation. The once lofty and rich, who may have forgotten the essence of a humble spirit, will be brought to their knees, acknowledging the Lord of all.

We'll also see God's already humble and meek-natured servants eagerly bow in submission and reverence for the all-knowing and all-powerful God of all creation.

Upon Christ's return, there will be no mistake, misinterpretation, or confusion about who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

Isaiah 2:11 The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

There is a desperate need for Jesus, in this chaotic world around us. As believers, we have become so focused, that we’r...

There is a desperate need for Jesus, in this chaotic world around us. As believers, we have become so focused, that we’re losing sight of what’s important. Knowing we’re born into a sinful life, our minds are often vulnerable at a price. Should we choose the opposite of Him, we gradually begin dying from within. The price that Jesus gave for us that day,...

There is a desperate need for Jesus, in this chaotic world around us. As believers, we have become so focused, that we’re losing sight of what’s important. Knowing we’re born into a sinful life, ou…

PSALM 14 诗篇 14 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none ...

PSALM 14 诗篇 14 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. 愚顽人心里说:“没有神。”他们都是邪恶,行了可憎恶的事,没有一个人行善。 PSALM 53 诗篇 53 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. 愚顽人心里说,没有神。他们都是邪恶,行了可憎恶的罪孽,没有一个人行善。 Why I Am Not An Atheist…...

PSALM 14 诗篇 14 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. 愚顽人心里说:“没有神。”他们都是邪恶,行了可憎恶的事,没有一个人行善。 PSALM 53 诗篇 53 The fool s…

In Perfect Love, No Fear In the shadow of the valley, where darkness seems to creep, God’s love surrounds us, His promis...

In Perfect Love, No Fear In the shadow of the valley, where darkness seems to creep, God’s love surrounds us, His promises we keep. Through the trials and the pain, in sickness and in health, His perfect love casts out fear, our greatest wealth. When the night is darkest, and hope seems far away, His light shines the brightest, turning night into day....

In Perfect Love, No Fear In the shadow of the valley, where darkness seems to creep, God’s love surrounds us, His promises we keep. Through the trials and the pain, in sickness and in health, His p…

Doing All Things With Decency And Orderwo defining things that demonstrate our fellowship in Christ are our attempts to ...

Doing All Things With Decency And Order

wo defining things that demonstrate our fellowship in Christ are our attempts to do everything with a certain level of decency and order.

It's important to remember and know that because of our sinful natures, we will fail at times and that we can't achieve perfection in our actions. The Lord understands and accepts this about us.

However, our goal should always be to bring honor and glory to our Father in Heaven. By keeping our eternal goals in mind, we can always strive to represent our Lord well, no matter where or what we do.

When we approach every situation, keeping in mind that we want to represent God's Kingdom well, doing all things with a certain level of decency and order in our everyday lives pleases the Lord and helps us grow closer to Him.

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

Recently I flicked on the television right at the time when the United States and France were competing for the Olympic ...

Recently I flicked on the television right at the time when the United States and France were competing for the Olympic gold medal in women’s basketball. There were about 5 minutes left in the game, and the score was no more than 2 or 3 points apart. One team would pull ahead, then the other. It was a game where every point mattered!...

Recently I flicked on the television right at the time when the United States and France were competing for the Olympic gold medal in women’s basketball. There were about 5 minutes left in the game…

We Must Be Of The Same MindOne of the tenets of being a faithful Christian is our ability to carry our cross for Christ ...

We Must Be Of The Same Mind

One of the tenets of being a faithful Christian is our ability to carry our cross for Christ and not only talk the talk but walk the walk.

As we all know or understand, embracing Christ's path can be challenging. On the contrary, following Christ will likely be the most difficult thing we ever do.

We're called to repent and sin no more. We're called to continually be more like Christ as we grow in our relationship with Him.

We're called to take up our cross for Christ, which means being bold and deliberate, just as Jesus was, regardless of the consequences.

If we genuinely want to serve the Lord, we must be of the same mind as the Lord Jesus Christ to endure whatever may come and not compromise the truth of His Word.

May all of us, through all our faults and battles with sin, continually grow to be more like Christ with each passing day, ultimately getting us closer and more disciplined to think and be more like our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 4:1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

North Wisconsin. Cool summer camp. Seventy years ago at Crescent Lake Bible Camp near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, I met the ...

North Wisconsin. Cool summer camp. Seventy years ago at Crescent Lake Bible Camp near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, I met the Lord. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) It wasn’t a sudden experience. It was a long time coming. The Lord abundantly blessed me, even though I didn’t realize it then....

North Wisconsin. Cool summer camp. Seventy years ago at Crescent Lake Bible Camp near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, I met the Lord. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that w…

The Words Of The Wise Vs. A FoolAs Christians, our lives are no longer solely about ourselves.  After being saved, we ar...

The Words Of The Wise Vs. A Fool

As Christians, our lives are no longer solely about ourselves. After being saved, we are now entrusted with the responsibility of representing the Lord in our actions, words, and appearance.

Now more than ever, as representatives of God's Kingdom, we want to serve Him above ourselves and no longer tolerate the foolish things that we used to say or do.

Will we make mistakes? Certainly. Will our sinful natures get the best of us at times? No doubt, but when we do folly, we want to repent of our blunders, grow in our relationship with God, and move forward.

We now desire the wisdom and knowledge of God and not the understanding of man. We no longer want the words of a foolish and worldly man but the wisdom and meekness of a God-fearing, gracious man who loves the Lord.

As Christ's followers, we want to be wise and gracious, giving honor and glory to God in the highest throughout our lives. We should only listen to the Lord and like-minded men and women of God who desire to please Christ, not themselves or the world. Let the fools be fools, and we'll stick to the wisdom of the Lord.

Ecclesiastes 10:12 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

Work is something all Christians are called to do. Since the beginning man was called by God to keep the garden He creat...

Work is something all Christians are called to do. Since the beginning man was called by God to keep the garden He created. Gen 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. This is a quote from the Matthew Henry concise commentary on this particular verse. ...

Work is something all Christians are called to do. Since the beginning man was called by God to keep the garden He created. Gen 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of E…

Waiting For Everything To Be PerfectWe all know someone, or we are that person, who tends to wait for the circumstances ...

Waiting For Everything To Be Perfect

We all know someone, or we are that person, who tends to wait for the circumstances to be perfect or nearly perfect before taking action.

We also know that if anything in life is to be accomplished for the Kingdom of God, the situation will most likely never be close to perfect to move forward with our mission for the Lord.

Are we going to be servants waiting for the perfect time, place, or circumstance to fulfill our mission and goals for the Lord? If we are, we're likely to accomplish only a little in life and never move forward with the great commission given to us by our Lord.

The bottom line: stop waiting for the perfect moment to move forward with anything in life. Nothing is perfect except for the One who can make what appears to be impossible today possible tomorrow.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory and Honor
© John Kevitz

Genesis 25:31-32 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and w...

Genesis 25:31-32 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? And he sold his birthright unto Jacob. One of the delights of being a school chaplain is preparing a gift for the outgoing grade 6 children for their end of year Graduation Ceremony....

Genesis 25:31-32 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? And he sold his birthright unto Ja…

Christine’s Journey Christine, a dedicated RN, found herself in a challenging situation when she became homeless. She wa...

Christine’s Journey Christine, a dedicated RN, found herself in a challenging situation when she became homeless. She was forced to leave her job as an ER nurse when COVID hit - due to not wanting to take the "jab" as she called it. And wasn't against vaccines, just experimental ones that didn't have proper documentation or back up. She was a very scientific and compelling individual, that needed proof, backup and evidence to support the need to vaccinate, and the results....

Christine’s Journey Christine, a dedicated RN, found herself in a challenging situation when she became homeless. She was forced to leave her job as an ER nurse when COVID hit – due to not wa…

Reading Nehemiah Chapter 1 阅读《尼希米记》第一章 1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. Now it happened in the month of Chi...

Reading Nehemiah Chapter 1 阅读《尼希米记》第一章 1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the citadel, 哈迦利亚的儿子尼希米的言语如下:亚达薛西王二十年基斯流月,我在书珊城的宫中。 2 that Hanani, one of my brothers, came with certain men from Judah. And I asked them concerning the Jews who escaped, who had survived the exile, and concerning Jerusalem....

Reading Nehemiah Chapter 1 阅读《尼希米记》第一章 1 The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. Now it happened in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Susa the citadel, 哈迦利亚的儿子尼希米的言语如下:亚达…

Do We Fear Him Not?It's truly amazing how arrogant and cocky the people of the world can be and the dismissive nature ma...

Do We Fear Him Not?

It's truly amazing how arrogant and cocky the people of the world can be and the dismissive nature many have regarding God's power and might.

When the followers of Christ pray and reflect on how everything that makes us function all depends on the Lord and that without Him, there is nothing, it's truly humbling.

Witnessing the depravity and outright rebellion against God and His teaching today assures us that most people don't recognize or realize that every breath they take depends on the One giving them life.

Do we fear God? The evidence shows that many take their surroundings, security, and preservation for granted, not giving the Lord any thanks or showing any gratitude for what He has given or done for us.

For all those who don't fear the Lord and continually reject Him, the harsh reality of God's judgment will remind them of their error more than likely sooner than they would prefer.

On the other hand, those who humble themselves before an almighty God will be blessed and given the prosperity and relationship with their Creator that only a few will find.

Jeremiah 5:22 Fear ye not me? saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

Nehemiah 尼希米记 God's Man 神的人 The Salvation Army was founded by a Methodist Preacher by the name of William Booth.  Its mi...

Nehemiah 尼希米记 God's Man 神的人 The Salvation Army was founded by a Methodist Preacher by the name of William Booth. Its mission was to share the message of repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Booth sent many people all over England burdened to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He sent two women Kate and Mary Jackson to Leeds to oversee a mission there. ...

Nehemiah 尼希米记 God’s Man 神的人 The Salvation Army was founded by a Methodist Preacher by the name of William Booth. Its mission was to share the message of repentance and salvation through Jesu…

There’s An Evil That We’ve All SeenAs Christians, we are united in our understanding that all of us, without exception, ...

There’s An Evil That We’ve All Seen

As Christians, we are united in our understanding that all of us, without exception, are sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God. This shared recognition underscores the universal need for repentance.

Yet, for the unsaved and most in authority positions, the understanding and humbleness needed to do all things for the glory of God's Kingdom comes drastically short.

The evidence of a culture that has rejected the Lord and His truth is shown through those in authority positions making clear and distinct rulings in contrast to what our Lord teaches.

If we want to live with the freedom that the Lord intended for everyone, we must adhere to the truth of our existence, the undeniable fact of Jesus Christ as Lord, and the commandments set in place by our Creator.

There's an evil that we've all seen or witnessed from those who reject God and don't fear Him. Only through the power of His Spirit will men rise up and worship and serve Christ above themselves and other men.

Ecclesiastes 10:5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler: (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

Have you had situations in your life that really required an answer to your prayers? Perhaps you need a strong faith in ...

Have you had situations in your life that really required an answer to your prayers? Perhaps you need a strong faith in God’s financial provision, or guidance, or taking a step of faith. Is there some adverse circumstance with no resolution which will only be rectified through answered prayer and total dependence on God? George Muller (pronounced “Mewler”) was a man of tremendous faith who lived in the 19th century....

Have you had situations in your life that really required an answer to your prayers? Perhaps you need a strong faith in God’s financial provision, or guidance, or taking a step of faith. Is there s…

Over two thousand years ago, there ensued a battle for our souls. A war for the heart of all humankind, as it was tugged...

Over two thousand years ago, there ensued a battle for our souls. A war for the heart of all humankind, as it was tugged on by the strings of time. Knowing that time was in God’s hands, the tug of war ensued at His command. Even though the Messiah, His Son, had come, Jesus’ demise would soon seem to be undone....

Over two thousand years ago, there ensued a battle for our souls. A war for the heart of all humankind, as it was tugged on by the strings of time. Knowing that time was in God’s hands, the tug of …

The Glory Of Children Are Their Christian FathersIt's undeniable that we live in an age where the position of the father...

The Glory Of Children Are Their Christian Fathers

It's undeniable that we live in an age where the position of the father in the family home has been demeaned and brought down to a lower level than God ever intended.

The value and irreplaceable importance of a good Christian father in a child's home is so vital to the sustainability of the family, church, and community that it's now becoming increasingly apparent and undeniable to those who are watching.

If we want to return to a more prosperous and blessed family, church, and country, the return of the Christian father leading the home is unquestionable.

The glory of every child is the knowledge and understanding of having a good Christian father leading the home and a God-fearing and nurturing mother supporting his lead.

If we want to bring glory and honor to the Lord above, let's start from within the walls of our own homes and encourage and support all upstanding men whose first desire is to serve the Lord and then their families.

Proverbs 17:6 Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction...

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Catherine Booth did not have an enviable life. Her mother was a rigid, narrow, and sometimes neurotic woman of stern principles, who gave her daughter little liberty to be a child....

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoro…

Clara’s Journey of Faith Introduction Clara, an 86-year-old widow, finds herself navigating the complexities of today’s ...

Clara’s Journey of Faith Introduction Clara, an 86-year-old widow, finds herself navigating the complexities of today’s world, which often feels foreign and frightening. Her children live in another state, leaving her to face the challenges of loneliness and societal changes alone. Yet, Clara’s faith remains her anchor, guiding her through the stormy seas of modern life....

Clara’s Journey of Faith Introduction Clara, an 86-year-old widow, finds herself navigating the complexities of today’s world, which often feels foreign and frightening. Her children live in anothe…

We All Drink From The Same RockThroughout history, those privileged to drink from the Rock of Life (Jesus Christ) have m...

We All Drink From The Same Rock

Throughout history, those privileged to drink from the Rock of Life (Jesus Christ) have made wise and honorable decisions, honoring Him, or they have turned from the truth or returned to practicing their past sins.

We all have the opportunity to either practice and abide by what we know is genuine or return to what we know is sinful and wrong.

God gives us every chance to avoid sin by teaching us the history and errors of others who have come before us throughout His Word.

We all the opportunity to drink from the same Rock that provides the nourishment that nothing else on this earth can provide. Will we drink the water of life and rarely stray from His truth, or will we needlessly suffer the unyielding consequences of turning our backs on what He's taught us?

The choice is ours; free will has been given to us all, but if we love the Lord above ourselves and have been saved, the endless call upon our hearts to serve Christ above all else never ends.

We must embrace the Lord and His teachings and never again be misled, deceived, or have our peace of mind voluntarily taken from us.

1 Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

Among all the religions of the world, Christianity is one of diversity, inclusiveness, and equality. It is diverse becau...

Among all the religions of the world, Christianity is one of diversity, inclusiveness, and equality. It is diverse because it consists of people from all races, cultures, and other religious backgrounds. No matter what nation one goes to, someone of the Christian faith will be there, with maybe a few exceptions. There are churches where people of different colors worship together....

Among all the religions of the world, Christianity is one of diversity, inclusiveness, and equality. It is diverse because it consists of people from all races, cultures, and other religious backgr…

Embracing Courage in the Midst of Darkness The Bible is replete with powerful scriptures that remind us of God’s unwaver...

Embracing Courage in the Midst of Darkness The Bible is replete with powerful scriptures that remind us of God’s unwavering presence and His command to fear not. In Deuteronomy 31:8 we are assured: “And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.”...

Embracing Courage in the Midst of Darkness The Bible is replete with powerful scriptures that remind us of God’s unwavering presence and His command to fear not. In Deuteronomy 31:8 we are assured:…

Don’t Get Cocky!We've all witnessed someone fall from grace, or we've experienced it ourselves whenever we get just a li...

Don’t Get Cocky!

We've all witnessed someone fall from grace, or we've experienced it ourselves whenever we get just a little bit too cocky or confident in the strength of our faith or our position with God.

One of the most challenging things for us to deal with is the constant battle of human pride and arrogance taking hold when we all know that if we're focused on the Spirit of God, those two things are usually kept in check.

However, when we allow the conceit of our abilities and perceived position to fog our better judgment, the Lord is more than willing and able to quickly put us in check regarding our actual position in life.

Therefore, may we never allow all that God so generously provides us, such as His blessings, talents, and gifts, to cloud our judgment or replace our humble position with Him and those around us. In other words, let's always maintain a meek heart and never get cocky.

1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. (KJV)

For Christ's Glory And Honor
© John Kevitz

The first Olympic Games began in Olympia, Greece, in 776 B.C. It began with a 600-feet foot race which, according to lit...

The first Olympic Games began in Olympia, Greece, in 776 B.C. It began with a 600-feet foot race which, according to literary traditions, was the only event for 13 centuries. Some sources say it might have started even earlier. This dating places the Olympic Games several hundred years before the time of Jesus and the writing of the New Testament. It also means that the 600-feet foot race was going on at the time which the Apostle Paul wrote the words in…...

The first Olympic Games began in Olympia, Greece, in 776 B.C. It began with a 600-feet foot race which, according to literary traditions, was the only event for 13 centuries. Some sources say it mi…

Interview with Michelle, a Bible Class Teacher for Children aged 5-7.  She is my neighbor's niece and was visiting when ...

Interview with Michelle, a Bible Class Teacher for Children aged 5-7. She is my neighbor's niece and was visiting when we started chatting outside, it was a lovely day. She had children Bibles in her hand, and we just got to speaking about God, and how quickly children memorize Bible verses, and how they're like sponges absorbing it so readily. From there I thought, why not bring this to TBL as an interview....

Interview with Michelle, a Bible Class Teacher for Children aged 5-7. She is my neighbor’s niece and was visiting when we started chatting outside, it was a lovely day. She had children Bibl…



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