What is Truth
Sometimes it's hard to know what is true and what isn't.
There is so much misinformation out there that it's easy to get confused.
So where do we go to find spiritual truth?
How do we discern truth from error?
Let's talk about it today and see if God has given us a way to know.
Our Plans & God's Plans
There's an old saying that God laughs as we make plans.
I'm not sure if that's exactly accurate, but I do know our plans for the future are never certain.
We make our plans, but God makes plans for us as well.
Sometimes the two conflict.
So, what do we do?
Let's talk about it and see if we can come to a clearer understanding...
United, Not the Same
Christ said we should be 'One.'
Does that mean in order to be unified we all have to be the same?
Of course not.
His Apostles weren't the same.
They had different strengths and weaknesses just like all of us.
So how can we be united while still being individuals and seeing the world differently?
I found a couple of excellent ideas...
House Hunters
I've had a few people ask me about it, so I figured I should just come right out and admit the truth.
Yes, my family and I were on an episode of House Hunters.
It's true.
I'm a reality TV veteran.
And since, even though it was years ago, they continue to air the rerun, I figured I should address the elephant in the room...
Back to School!!!!!!!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I'm NOT talking about Christmas!
Back to School!!!!!!
Now, I love my kids, but it's always nice when they head back to class.
Also, (and what I wanted to talk about today) is it gives us all a little more structure, which I think makes a huge difference in our lives.
Let's take a closer look!
iPhone VS Samsung
Families are being torn apart!
Civilization is about to collapse!
The fight isn't worth it!
Just pick a cellphone plan and be done with it!
Spiritual Workout?
I used to love working out.
Okay, I still like working out...just not like I used to.
I realized sometimes that pattern follows me into spiritual matters too.
What does that look like?
Let's see if we can figure it out.
What Does That Word Mean?!?
Oh my gosh!
Sometimes I think I know what something means, and then suddenly I realize I don't.
'Meek' is one of those words.
Do you really understand the true meaning of the word 'Meek?'
I didn't.
Let's talk about it!
Am I Enough for God?
Am I enough for God?
I've been asking that question to myself for a long time.
It's easy to think we're not doing enough and that everyone is doing so much more than us.
But is that true?
Let's take a look and find out!
Extraverted Listening?
I'm an extrovert.
A shocker, I know.
But I've been thinking about how I get energy from social situations and how other people don't.
I've also been paying attention to how I have a weakness when it comes to being quiet and listening.
Can I become a better listener while still being extroverted?
I guess I'm going to find out!
The Comfort of Friendship
Pain is a part of life.
It sucks.
But when friends are involved, the pain doesn't seem so crushing.
That's what I discovered when I went through the most difficult and damaging part of my life.
Without my besties I don't think I would have made it.
Hold on a Little Longer
My son has been going through a difficult time as he tries to serve the Lord.
In a recent letter he talked about how as he was feeling low, he felt the love of our Savior in a key moment.
It didn't solve his problems, but it reminded him that he could hold on as long as he knew God had his back.
That feeling of strength in the moment we need it is such an important aspect of spiritual endurance.
Let's look more closely at this gift, and how we can embrace it in our lives.
Mortal Instruments
God uses imperfect people.
I've been reading in the Book of Acts lately, and I see Peter and how much he grew from being a simple fisherman into a warrior for Christ.
He was flawed and imperfect just like all of us.
It is incredibly inspiring!
It shows us that despite our sins and mistakes, our limited vision and skewed perspectives, that we can still serve God.
Like Peter, we can perform miracles.
Never doubt yourself when you're in the service of God!
Patriotic Unity
July tends to be a month where we think more about our nation.
That makes sence with Independence Day.
I wanted to look at that today and see how we can love our contry AND love each other, instead of constantly judging each other pased off out beliefs, both religious and political.
I love this nation, but I think I personally can do better loving the people who make up this nation.
Patti on Friendship
Yes...teenagers suck the life out of you.
Life's Detours
Life doesn't go according to plan.
As kids and teenagers we look forward to everything happening exactly the way we want.
What do we do when those grand designs crash and burn?
What do we do when our life doesn't end up anywhere near where we thought it would?
I'd like you to meet my Aunt Karen.
She is a wonderful woman, but will be the first to admit that her life has taken detours she never expected, and has ended up quite different than she would have wanted.
What has that meant for her?
Well, I'll ask!