
Nitch Welcome to nitchme. We create social awareness and presence for business owners on social media plat Welcome to Nitchme.

We create social awareness and presence for business owners on social media platforms. Our goal is to share your Brand Story with everyone out there, while enjoying what you do.

As we enter into a new year, it is a time for reflection and renewal.*It is a chance to let go of the past and embrace t...

As we enter into a new year, it is a time for reflection and renewal.
It is a chance to let go of the past and embrace the future with hope and determination.
It is an opportunity to set new goals, make positive changes, and strive for growth and improvement.
The new year is a blank slate, full of possibilities and potential.
It is a time to embrace change and embrace the unknown, with courage and resilience.
It is a time to be grateful for the blessings of the past and to look forward with optimism and enthusiasm.
So let us embrace the new year with open hearts and minds, and make it a year of progress, success, and fulfillment.
Let us make the most of every moment and seize every opportunity that comes our way.
Let us be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others, and let us work together to create a brighter and more promising future for all.
Happy New Year,
Travis Santos and The Nitchme Team

If you’re not sure, start thinking. Because it’s not as far fetched as it might sound.The total estimated advertising re...

If you’re not sure, start thinking. Because it’s not as far fetched as it might sound.

The total estimated advertising reach available this year on Instagram is 928 million people. It might cost a hefty number in ad spending, but the number itself is astounding.

Instagram provides a way to reach anybody in the world in such a unique way.

You can transform your entire business by talking to customers in an intimate way through relationship building, interactive content, and so much more.

No matter how niche your business might be, there is an audience to advertise to that fits your customer profile on Instagram.

Instagram also touts engagement rates between 2% and 7%. Much higher than other competing social media platforms. So we have to ask…

What is your current Instagram strategy for business?

Women dominate the Instagram world. They traditionally have higher follower counts but the most staggering statistic is ...

Women dominate the Instagram world. They traditionally have higher follower counts but the most staggering statistic is something different.

Women receive five times more likes on the average photo than men receive.

While Instagram has always been predominantly a female platform, this statistic shows just how large the gap really is. The world of male influencers is much more difficult.

Although, it is important to remember that total likes on a photo is not the only metric that matters.

It also creates opportunities on the platform too. Men can do cross-promotions with female influencers to gain exposure to a wider audience. This tactic has grown in popularity recently with many influencers trying this out.

However, females will reign supreme for the time being. 38% of all women online use Instagram. In comparison, only 28% of all men online go on Instagram.

Ladies… Keep it up!

In fact, 47% of millennials use Instagram as a messaging app. We are starting to see a shift on these platforms. They ar...

In fact, 47% of millennials use Instagram as a messaging app. We are starting to see a shift on these platforms.

They are more than just information. Users are looking for a communication-centric social network. They want to engage with others on the platform.

This provides an immense opportunity for businesses. DM your millennial customers. They will answer. And they might even post your message to their followers.

That’s increased exposure for your brand. All by sending one simple DM.

Use your DMs as an opportunity to humanize your brand and communicate one-on-one with users. It is a chance to collect feedback and build relationships with customers.

The best strategy is to incorporate photos, videos, and GIFs into your DMs.

Be quick to respond to customer service requests and always show you care about the customer.

You can even create quick reply templates in the Instagram app. This helps to respond to common problems quickly.

Test different strategies to find what works best for your business.

Just remember - Stay active!

It might seem like Instagram is so crowded. It’s difficult to stand out. But did you know? Only 5% of accounts post once...

It might seem like Instagram is so crowded. It’s difficult to stand out.
But did you know?
Only 5% of accounts post once or more per day.

That’s a very low number. The competition for businesses to gain traction and succeed on Instagram is much lower than we think.

The Instagram algorithm favors businesses that post high-quality content with frequency. They want users to stay on the apps, so with strong engagement rates, you will be seen more.

The low supply of content for the high demand for consumption needs you to post every day.

In fact, accounts that posted 7+ posts per week saw the highest growth in followers with over 56% higher than those posting less.

Building more content creates consistent growth for your brand.

Don’t fear the unknown. Just be consistent!

Instagram accounts for over one-quarter of Facebook’s total ad revenue. As a comparison, YouTube only accounts for 2% of...

Instagram accounts for over one-quarter of Facebook’s total ad revenue. As a comparison, YouTube only accounts for 2% of Google’s total revenue.

This just shows how powerful of a platform Instagram has grown to become.

Instagram users are loyal and devote so much time per day to using the app. This creates advertising opportunities for Instagram to make their money on every user.

This explosive growth in ad revenue can be attributed to the collaboration with creators Instagram has devoted resources to. There have been deals developed to give creators a share of the revenue for their continued content creation on the platform.

Users with massive followings who have loyal audiences are the perfect target for collaboration for the Instagram team.

The integration between Facebook and Instagram was also made seamlessly to allow for easier multi-platform use. The goal is to allow businesses to run ads on both platforms without much confusion. Clearly, it’s working.

As the engagement rates on Instagram continue to rise, it makes you wonder if it will ever become bigger than Facebook itself.

Instagram users come to the platform to see something new. Ideally, they want to be WOW’d. The growing popularity of hac...

Instagram users come to the platform to see something new. Ideally, they want to be WOW’d.

The growing popularity of hack videos or how-to tutorials continues to explode and rank as the top-performing videos on Instagram. Businesses and brands are starting to take notice too.

To get started.. Start thinking of things you can teach your audience.

For example, fitness brands can post how-to stretch videos before a run. The opportunities are endless.

The key is to make it centered around a common problem a customer of yours will face. The short video solves this problem by providing an easy-to-understand solution.

As consumers, we want the quick result delivered to us in a short, but informative way.

With video consumption on Instagram continually on the rise, consistent creation of new videos will drive traffic to your Instagram page for better engagement rates.

Get creative and start teaching!

Instagram is sneakily becoming a leading platform for American adults to get their news. The number has steadily risen a...

Instagram is sneakily becoming a leading platform for American adults to get their news. The number has steadily risen and currently, 14% of American adults use Instagram as a primary news source.

Does that seem low?

The number for Twitter is 17%. Twitter is widely considered the number one social media platform for news. Instagram is closing in quickly.

As new algorithm changes occur, brands are finding new ways to share relevant news on the platform for users to consume and engage with.

With the adoption of Instagram as a reliable source for news, businesses need to find ways to incorporate this into their strategies.

For example, Shopify uses its Instagram page as a way to incorporate its own brand voice into relevant news topics.

The key is to add a human element to your page.

Be yourself!

American Express used a forward-thinking and creative approach to latch onto the popularity of Coachella to drive engage...

American Express used a forward-thinking and creative approach to latch onto the popularity of Coachella to drive engagement for a brand awareness campaign. With the use of a hashtag.

. Not only does a hashtag allow Instagram users to click and view all the photos shared with the hashtag. It also creates an easy-to-track method to gauge the campaign’s success.

The goal of the campaign? To drive awareness about new prizes and other features for American Express members who used their Amex information to register on the Coachella app.

Simple, right? But how did they do it?

Well, American Express was able to get high-level celebrities to post relevant photos using the hashtag.

Brands have finally figured out how valued the dedicated audiences to celebrities are. Their influence is invaluable and shares on Instagram spread quicker than any other form of advertisement.

The campaign generated over 140,000 likes and 15 million unique views.

That’s 75 times more people than the average Coachella attendance. Not bad, right?

It took Airbnb 12 years to go from a small startup to a 100 billion-dollar company. A large portion of this growth can b...

It took Airbnb 12 years to go from a small startup to a 100 billion-dollar company. A large portion of this growth can be attributed to creative Instagram marketing campaigns.

Airbnb is quick to take notice of new trends. A perfect example of this is influencer marketing and its quick ability to incorporate it into their strategy.

The initiative began in late 2015. Here’s how they did it…

Mariah Carey was the first major celebrity to book a luxury Airbnb stay. The marketing team didn’t waste this opportunity. They were able to collaborate with Mariah for a sponsored IG post that garnered nearly 50,000 likes and comments.

The explosion in exposure opened up a new world for Airbnb.

Airbnb began sponsoring posts from key celebrities in exchange for luxury stays in Airbnbs. The goal was to reach a wider audience and change the perception of the company.

If you want luxury, choose Airbnb.

The strategy went even further to events when Lady Gaga posted a photo of her Airbnb in Houston at the Super Bowl.

Or when the likes of Wiz Khalifa and Drake did the same for Coachella.

It took 37 posts for Airbnb to reach a total of 966 million Instagram users in 2 years.

Tapping into other people’s audiences is a great way to achieve explosive growth.

With so many social media platforms, businesses struggle to pick one and try to focus on them all. This is an unsustaina...

With so many social media platforms, businesses struggle to pick one and try to focus on them all. This is an unsustainable strategy. Scattered efforts across the platforms will have you underperforming.

So what can you do?

The best decision is to pick one platform and go all in. Grow your brand here and after you gain traction, work outward and incorporate more social media into your business strategy.

We recommend Instagram. And it’s not even close.

The engagement rates on Instagram are 15 times higher than those on Facebook.

Considering Twitter? Instagram has engagement rates 20 times higher than them too.

The Instagram platform continues to evolve with new features that make it even easier to communicate with customers.

Photos and videos also reign supreme. It is a platform where consumers go to find new products and escape reality for a bit.

The businesses that can tell their own brand story creatively will win.

There has never been a better time to go all-in on your Instagram marketing than right now.

It’s simple. Use Instagram Ads and optimize your ad layout for high converting call-to-action buttons. 62% of all Instag...

It’s simple. Use Instagram Ads and optimize your ad layout for high converting call-to-action buttons.

62% of all Instagram users have clicked on a call-to-action button below an ad before. Think about how many people that equates to. The numbers are remarkable.

The best way to get your ads performing this well is through A/B testing and continuous optimization.

The Instagram Ads platform allows you to set up A/B tests and try different buttons on your ads. You can change the test, the colors, or the location to name a few.

It is critical to use A/B tests to gather data and see what performs the best. Once you find that winner, double down and watch the conversions roll in.

Some awesome ways to use Instagram Ads is by using retargeting methods to display ads to your profile followers and website visitors.

Putting your brand in front of the people that care about it will increase both your conversions and brand awareness.

Don’t be afraid to over-promote your business. It really works.

Instagram has started to test a new feature that stops showing the total number of likes a specific post receives. Since...

Instagram has started to test a new feature that stops showing the total number of likes a specific post receives. Since the creation of Instagram, this has been a key metric to gauge how a post performs on the platform.

That could be changing for good.

The efforts have been launched and remain in beta testing as a smaller percentage of the total number of Instagram features are experiencing the new feature in action. And the feedback is astoundingly negative.

In fact, creators are 223% more likely to say that their follower growth has slowed down since the new feature has launched on their profile. The experiment is not inspiring confidence in major influencers on the platform.

What does this mean for the future of Instagram?

It may take some time to adjust too. But Instagram hopes the change will level the playing field and remove the negative stigma around the need for likes on posts.

The only way to keep growing your account is through high-quality content and engaging with your audience.

Stay at it!

If it seems like there is always a bikini or a 6-pack in front of you on Instagram, it’s because there is. Fitness posts...

If it seems like there is always a bikini or a 6-pack in front of you on Instagram, it’s because there is. Fitness posts have a stronghold over the Instagram world with more feature posts and better engagement rates.

The domination of the fitness industry has created a fight for followers. Other brands are forced to compete for attention.

This industry generates 73% of all Instagram stories posted by business accounts. With the number of stories posted daily, this is a massive number for a single industry.

Other industries should take notice and begin integrating stories into their own niche, it clearly works.

Some industries suffer because they are less reliant on visuals than others. But there is always an opportunity to create a visual element.

The key is to make a habit of posting several times a day. You will start to gain followers and generate more engagement per post as you increase the quality and consistency of your efforts.

Always fight for that one extra rep!

Instagram is continuously innovating to try and mimic the success that Tik Tok has found in creating viral media. It sta...

Instagram is continuously innovating to try and mimic the success that Tik Tok has found in creating viral media. It started with Tik Tok putting their logo at the bottom of user videos so when they are shared, Tik Tok receives plenty of exposure.

This tiny feature resulted in a lot of the success Tik Tok has made thus far. The growth of Tik Tok led Instagram to launch a new feature known as Reels. It is the video side of the platform where users can create content and share it with others.

Instagram’s latest feature is Remix on Reels. This feature is generating a lot of buzz as it allows users to simultaneously display two videos side by side on the screen.

Engagement rates are skyrocketing and the sharability of videos continues to increase too.

While Instagram still has work to do to dethrone Tik Tok in this niche, the progress they are making is worth keeping an eye on.

The question for the future will be can the innovation continue or will they only keep poaching features from Tik Tok?

All product businesses should be using Instagram as an alternative internet storefront to sell products. There is a mass...

All product businesses should be using Instagram as an alternative internet storefront to sell products. There is a massive audience already congregating right in the app eager to purchase cool new products they’ve never heard of.

By using shoppable posts, you can boost brand traffic by over 2,600% and watch your conversions skyrocket.

Instagram shopping continues to add new features that make it easier for sellers to appeal to new users right on the app.

There are so many users who come to find new products and Instagram provides sellers with an endorsement that makes it more likely those users will convert and buy.

If you haven’t yet, it is time to set up your shoppable posts and watch the sales come rolling in.

Can you imagine paying $1.3 million for an Instagram post? How about earning that amount? Well, it’s happening. This is ...

Can you imagine paying $1.3 million for an Instagram post? How about earning that amount?

Well, it’s happening. This is Kylie Jenner’s rate to post a promotional Instagram post for a business, brand, or event.

It’s not only because of her massive following on Instagram. But it is because of how loyal her fanbase really is. Her endorsement of a product or service means so much to those followers that they would be willing to buy what she promotes almost instantly.

The high price tag may seem a bit ridiculous, but brands clearly see the value in spending the capital.

She remains the highest-paid influencer on Instagram carrying this price tag. Of course, there is no way every business can afford such a lucrative marketing strategy.

But it serves as a great reminder of why influencer marketing on Instagram needs to be factored into your brand’s overall marketing strategy.

Tap into devoted audiences to make valuable sales.

Instagram is well known for being a platform to empower models and influencers in all spaces. One category that reigns s...

Instagram is well known for being a platform to empower models and influencers in all spaces. One category that reigns supreme on the platform is the fashion industry.

In fact, Fashion brands dominate Instagram with 35 million followers across all major players in the space. And that number grows every day.

is also one of the top three most regularly used hashtags on Instagram with over 1 billion posts.

Fashion has become so popular on Instagram that department store chains are now partnering with fashion bloggers to promote new initiatives and increase the visibility of their brand.

It’s also worth mentioning the micro-influencers in the space too. They hold much smaller audiences, but they are loyal followers. Micro-influencers are an excellent way to expose your brand at a lower cost.

77% of fashion micro-influencers prefer Instagram over any competing social media platform. This blows away any other industry.
In comparison, only 31% of entertainment/pop culture micro-influencers prefer Instagram as their top social platform.

The visual aspect of fashion makes it the perfect partner for Instagram.

Can you guess who achieved 1 million followers in the shortest time span? We can give a hint. She “was on a break”. Ok, ...

Can you guess who achieved 1 million followers in the shortest time span?

We can give a hint. She “was on a break”. Ok, maybe that didn’t help.

They called it “The Aniston Effect”. Yup. Jennifer Aniston reached 1 million followers in 5 hours 16 minutes in October 2019 when she decided to finally join Instagram.

Not only did her own profile growth explode, but she caused a massive increase for all of her costars on Friends too. They each gained a million followers of their own over the following weeks too.

This might sound intimidating at first for a small business. How could you compete?

The key is to remember that you aren’t competing. Instead, leverage these influencers in your own strategy.

Figure out what type of pop culture your audience likes and incorporate it into your strategy.

Creativity always wins.

There is no better place to promote products than on Instagram. The power of influencers only continues to grow. 83% of ...

There is no better place to promote products than on Instagram. The power of influencers only continues to grow.

83% of Instagram users say Instagram helps them find new products. Both brands and influencers have the power to promote products and make the platform shoppable.

The data shows growth will only continue as Instagram finds new ways to empower creators to promote products too.

Whether it is organic or through paid ads, it works.

62% of Instagram users have clicked on a call-to-action button underneath an ad. This tells you that the advertising powers are strong and that users are ready to convert.

21% of people on Instagram buy monthly when seeing products in Instagram ads. Instagram is an extremely reliable place to sell.

The users even convert off the platform. 33% of Instagram users have bought something online using a discount code they found on Instagram.

Don’t stop promoting your products. The customers will find you.

Instagram now ranks as the second most used platform for B2C companies and the third most used platform by B2B companies...

Instagram now ranks as the second most used platform for B2C companies and the third most used platform by B2B companies. Brands of all kinds are relying on the platform to reach new audiences and grow their businesses.

While Facebook remains the most used due to its advertising capabilities, Instagram continues to close the gap.

B2B and B2C marketers vary in their use of social platforms, but Instagram continues to increase its dominance as a marketing platform.

7 in 10 (69%) marketers say they will increase their organic activity on Instagram, compared to only 2% saying they have plans to decrease their efforts on Instagram this year.

The increase doesn’t stop with organic usage either. Instagram Ads will see a boost in paid usage as 55% of respondents say they plan to increase spending. A low number of 1% say they will decrease their Instagram Ads usage.

Now is the time to bet big on Instagram for your business.

Instagram tools are cheap ways to increase your effectiveness on the platform. From editing software to auto-scheduling ...

Instagram tools are cheap ways to increase your effectiveness on the platform. From editing software to auto-scheduling your posts, you can automate many of the small tedious tasks for your business to improve both engagement and time efficiency.

1. Higher engagement

There is no specific engagement formula to get more likes and comments. Instead, you can use Instagram tools to engage with your audience better and increase your conversions.

There are tools that will engage with similar accounts, add long-tail hashtags to your posts, write your Instagram captions better, and reply to comments for you. All things that help improve your engagement rates.

2. Automation

The best thing about Instagram tools is automation. You can use tools that automatically follow new counts and Instagram bots never sleep.

When you automate interactions, your account growth will skyrocket through automatic posting, commenting, and liking. These bots even unfollow accounts that didn’t follow you back. There is no shortage of features they provide.

3. Better content

Instagram tools also help you make better content. You can edit photos and videos to look nicer on feeds that attract viewers natively.

You can also run contests, live video shows, and create behind-the-scenes content using these tools. All things that are proven to create better page engagement.

With recent events occurring with the election and the rising popularity of politics in the US, news and politics have b...

With recent events occurring with the election and the rising popularity of politics in the US, news and politics have become the second most influenced topic on Instagram.

In fact, the numbers are staggering. Posts relating to these topics saw 59% increases in daily followers.

This means that everyday influencers in this niche see a 59% increase in their follower counts. Crazy, right?

While it was once a common practice to avoid controversial topics on social platforms, the times are changing. The risk in political posts for your business exists, but the amount of engagement these posts draw ranks near the top.

Customers like to see the authentic side of a business, and sometimes this means expressing support for news events or political beliefs.

While these numbers may be skewed due to 2020 being a highly watched political race, we don’t expect the growth to slow down as new interest and wider coverage continues to grow.

Instagram Insights is a feature available on all Business Accounts that provides in-depth analytics about your profile, ...

Instagram Insights is a feature available on all Business Accounts that provides in-depth analytics about your profile, audience, and engagement rates on your profile and posts.

You can use this data to fine-tune your strategy and better serve your audience. Here are a few tested ways to make it work for you.

Start by measuring your reach inside the analytics tab. You will be able to see how many profile visits you get, how many followers you have, and more information about exactly how many people you can reach with your content.

Next, take a look at conversions like website clicks. Are people going to your website from your profile? If this number is low, you may need to implement ways to attract visitors to your website more often.

Look at your content interactions and see what type of actions are being taken on your posts. Are they being shared with others? Are there a lot of comments? What happens when you post? This helps you find out.

You can even use the discover data feature to find out how your posts show up.

There are so many ways to use Instagram Insights to your advantage. Don’t allow your business to fall behind.

With new tools emerging, you can finally create a single place with all of your important links. For example, brands hav...

With new tools emerging, you can finally create a single place with all of your important links.

For example, brands have started to rely on Linktree as a way to place their links in one place for users. Because Instagram bios limit where you can send users, build out a Linktree profile with all of your website and relevant social links in one place.

Once a user clicks on your Linktree link, they are brought to a landing page that displays all of your links. From there, they can choose to go to your website, a specific sale, your Twitter, or anywhere else you would like to send them.

Affiliate marketers have hacked the Linktree model to promote numerous products here to their audiences. It gives them a cheaper way to send followers to different places without the cost of a website or the limited availability of only having a bio.

Consider how Linktree could be used for your business and get started driving more conversions today!

Did you know that 70% of Instagram stories are watched with the sound on? This creates a tremendous opportunity for busi...

Did you know that 70% of Instagram stories are watched with the sound on?

This creates a tremendous opportunity for business pages and advertisers. With users listening to your stories, you can quickly engage with them before they click on the next story.

Start your stories with a compelling sound that makes a user want to watch the rest. Combine this with the full-screen visibility and your options are endless.

Whether you are doing this with an ad or organically, you can use Instagram stories as an amazing way to increase engagement from your followers.

Tap into your brand and become a natural storyteller and you will see your brand’s social media presence explode.

Did you know that 70% of Instagram posts do not get seen? The Instagram algorithm is a tricky thing to figure out. Const...

Did you know that 70% of Instagram posts do not get seen?

The Instagram algorithm is a tricky thing to figure out. Constant updates make it unpredictable and some users can see their engagement rates drop significantly if the algorithm starts showing their posts less to followers.

So exactly how do you avoid this?

Well first, you need to remember that the primary goal of Instagram is to monetize all content as efficiently as possible. This is what the end goal of the algorithm is.

They do this by keeping users on the app as long as possible. That is why the algorithm awards great content that users love. The more engagement posts get, the more often it gets shown.

This means you should reply to users’ comments as quickly as you can. Post daily, including both posts and stories. Post live videos or answer your DMs. Do things that keep all of your followers engaged with your content.

Instagram rewards users with high engagement.

Avoid using repetitive hashtags too. It comes off as spammy and negatively impacts your score with the algorithm.

Stay consistent and treat your followers like close friends and the algorithm will reward you.

An ongoing issue for internet advertisers on social media is fake accounts. Being charged for clicks by fake accounts is...

An ongoing issue for internet advertisers on social media is fake accounts. Being charged for clicks by fake accounts is unethical and something advertisers want to avoid.

Consider the number of accounts on Instagram. Of that massive number, 8% of all those accounts are actually fake.

This is not to say you shouldn’t advertise on Instagram. There are plenty of ways to engage with real audiences and make a positive impact on your business.

However, it is an interesting number to remember.

Instagram continues to monitor the platform and develop new ways to isolate fake accounts at scale. But of course, they appear every day.

The best way to approach advertising on Instagram is with optimism but always remain cautious. Take important steps like identifying your target audience before anything, to make sure your ads are extremely specific.

Good luck!

With the exploding of Instagram stories, the most popular upload on Instagram is a selfie. There are over 290 million se...

With the exploding of Instagram stories, the most popular upload on Instagram is a selfie.

There are over 290 million selfies on Instagram and that number grows every single day.

Brands, both personal and business, rely on authenticity and being real with your audience. Selfies are a great way to make this happen.

Influencers use selfies as a quick way to post content and stay relevant on their feeds. But you might be wondering, how can a business use selfies?

Well, the owners of the company use selfies as a way to introduce team members and build a more personable connection with followers.

There are plenty of ways to make it work. Use a selfie video to promote new products or upcoming sales.

Creativity is the ultimate key to your next selfie post



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