Each news is fact-checked by our internal newsroom in London. Blasting News gives voice to the voiceless, therefore bringing unbiased and plural perspectives to its engaged audience. Blasting News’ firm belief is that accurate information can be reported only through openness and plurality. Blasting News has an ambitious objective: to report trustworthy news created by an independent, open communi
ty of contributors, ranging from professional journalists to passionate writers, independently of one’s opinion, angle and views. It is a democratic, but curated, news platform where everyone has a voice. As a consequence, Blasting News’ mission is:
- To give to its contributors an international, curated, and professional platform to let their voices be heard.
- To give to its readers from around the world an independent, authoritative, trustworthy, and unbiased international news platform where they can find a plurality of points of view in the same unique space. Blasting News has been selected and funded by Google Innovation Fund (DNI) to revolutionize digital information in Europe. UNITED STATES: [email protected]
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