Bob Charles

Bob Charles The "Bob Charles Show" is a unique Talk Show with a Twist.

The "Bob Charles Show" is a unique Talk Show with a Twist.

On the Show we talk about problems in our country and allot more including, Ancient Civilizations, Quantum Science, Paranormal, Spiritual and New Age, Past Lives, Ancient Crystal Skulls, Conspiracy and our little buddy ET (UFO's), Current Events and what is going on in our World everyday. We also have Special Guests that are the ingredients of our community that make America a Better Place to live

for everyone. My Guests come from all over the world ( Hawaii, France, Africa, Bosnia, England, and More ) and Love being on with me because of the Relaxed Interview Environment. Before a Career in Broadcasting Bob was a Lead Singer and College Bred Musician for 35 years. Bob's last Band of 11 years Touring the World was "Turning Point" Probably one of the Best Origional Bands in America for many Years before Retiring to the Communication Business as a Informative Radio Broadcaster.

Is political interference a crime?  This is what's going on brought on by the Democrats, all these Prosecutors are all d...

Is political interference a crime? This is what's going on brought on by the Democrats, all these Prosecutors are all doing things that are against the Law but they keep getting away with in because most people don't look up the Laws that don't interfere with peoples lives but you'll see a lot of people with opinions that have nothing to do with the Law against what's going on.
Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, ... 79% as of 06/30 would vote for Trump today.

I've seen many many years of BS in Politics but this one took the cake.  Biden declared to a crowd in Durham, North Caro...

I've seen many many years of BS in Politics but this one took the cake. Biden declared to a crowd in Durham, North Carolina that the years have taken a toll on him during his first campaign rally since the debate, the Washington Times reported on Friday.
Joe said:
“I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t talk as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the Truth,” the 81-year-old president said. “I know how to get things done.”

This year we will be attempting to raise funds we need to get a Worldwide Morning Show off the Ground...   Everyone's He...

This year we will be attempting to raise funds we need to get a Worldwide Morning Show off the Ground... Everyone's Help is Necessary ASAP We have until the End of July and also Interested in Advertisers
You can help by following the Link -

I'm Bob Charles is the host of "Pyramid One World Radio," a show that focuses on a… Bob Charles needs your support for Support Bob Charles' Morning Radio Show

So OK  you buy a Green Machine EV that probably cost you about 70K maybe 60K if it's on Sale and you take a Long Drive a...

So OK you buy a Green Machine EV that probably cost you about 70K maybe 60K if it's on Sale and you take a Long Drive and your car says it needs a Charge, But there's no Charge Cable because being Full Copper which can be sold for big money the Cable are Gone, now what do you do ? Call AAA and they'll charge it for you at a cost more then the Charging Machine and for that Stop it just also cost you about three Hours. Now if it was a Gas car it would have been 5 Minutes and your back on the road, so what does your time cost you not to mention the Monthly Cost of the Car ?? That's around $1,100 not counting the Interest on a 48 Month Loan. Go EV Go Broke. SEE THE CHARGERS !! NO CABLES THEY WERE STOLEN..


It Seems that the 1st Amendment don't count on facebook... In my posting I put down the Links that would allow you to listen to Pyramid One World Radio 24 X 7 But it was pulled down Three times... here's the reasons and if you want the Listener Links that were taken down from here just go to Google and Search for pyramid one radio / WIX click on that and all the Info is there.
They say:
We don't allow people to use misleading links or content to trick people to visit, or stay on, a website.
Examples of things we don't allow
Telling people they must like a Page to access content on another site
Using irrelevant pop-ups on websites, to prevent people from leaving easily
Disguising a link as something on our platform, like a poll or video, to get clicks

I wonder if this is against the Community Guidelines ???

I wonder if this is against the Community Guidelines ???

Sometimes even I get a Little upset that the Constitution and the 1st Amendment are Erased.Why can't Real Americans Spea...

Sometimes even I get a Little upset that the Constitution and the 1st Amendment are Erased.
Why can't Real Americans Speak Freely without Reprising from our Government, now I'm not implying that you can't Speak I do get upset when you have to speak a certain way as in ( Pronouns, Race, Talking about people in Power, ETC

The issue of free speech and concerns about government reprisal is a complex and often debated topic. Here are some key points to consider:

First Amendment Rights: In the United States, the First Amendment of the Constitution protects the right to free speech. This means that, generally, the government cannot censor or punish individuals for their speech.

Legal Limits: There are, however, some legal limits to free speech. For instance, speech that incites violence, constitutes hate speech, or involves threats can be restricted by law. Additionally, there are regulations around defamation, obscenity, and false advertising.

Government Actions: Concerns about reprisal can arise when individuals feel that expressing their views might lead to negative consequences from the government, such as job loss, legal action, or other forms of retaliation. This concern can be particularly pronounced in cases involving whistleblowers or political dissenters.

Private Sector: It's also important to note that while the First Amendment protects against government action, it does not apply to private companies or employers. This means that individuals can face consequences from their employers for things they say or do outside of work.

Recent Debates: In recent years, there have been many debates about the balance between free speech and other societal values, such as public safety and combating misinformation. Some argue that certain speech should be restricted to protect these values, while others see this as a slippery slope toward censorship.

Political Climate: The political climate can also influence perceptions of free speech. In times of heightened political tension, there may be more accusations of government reprisal or censorship. Did you ever see on here the note " AGAINST COMMUNITY GUIDELINES ? " Who's the Community ? What are the Guidelines ? And most of the time, it's my opinion.
Ladies and Gentlemen - A time of Awakening is here so Wake the hell up.... and Remember do your homework before you post that someones own opinions are wrong as they may be 100% correct

I hear this could be America before the November Election

I hear this could be America before the November Election #

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Armored vehicles rammed into the doors of Bolivia’s government palace on Wednesday as President Luis Arce said his country faced an apparent attempted coup. In a sense, the uprising was the culmination of tensions that have been brewing in Bolivia for months, with protester...


Bob Charles from Pyramid One World Radio Network is proposing a Worldwide Meditation Day. Every Person in the World ( Yes all of them ) to Meditate and Clean your chakra's in just 20 Minutes.

When a chakra is blocked, movement can be beneficial to releasing it. Yoga is a fantastic way to do this as it encourages the flow of energy back into your body. ( Online we'll do Meditation ) Using certain essential oils is a great way to rebalance your chakras. Burning these oils in your home is a way you can work to unblock your chakras yourself.

The World should have a Worldwide Meditation Day

A Worldwide Meditation Day sounds like a wonderful idea! Such a day could promote mental health and well-being across the globe, encouraging people to take a moment to pause, reflect, and find inner peace. Here are a few steps that could help in establishing this day:

Raise Awareness: Use social media, blogs, and influencers to spread the word about the benefits of meditation and the need for a dedicated day.
Collaborate with Organizations: Partner with mental health organizations, yoga studios, meditation apps, and spiritual communities to promote the initiative.
Petition for Official Recognition: Start a petition to get formal recognition from governments and international bodies like the United Nations.
Organize Events: Plan global meditation events, virtual meditation sessions, and community gatherings to celebrate the day.
Educate: Provide resources and workshops to educate people on different meditation techniques and their benefits.

What do you think would be the best way to kickstart such an initiative?

I had a Ton of people in South America and Europe and (2) from America ( Easy knowing where Americas brains are attached...

I had a Ton of people in South America and Europe and (2) from America ( Easy knowing where Americas brains are attached to.
BUT They all had Great questions so I put together one big answer which should cover everything. Love to Ya'all

Pyramid One World Radio, hosted by Bob Charles, typically covers a range of subjects including but not limited to:

Paranormal Phenomena: Discussions on ghosts, UFOs, and other unexplained events.
Alternative Medicine: Topics on holistic healing, herbal remedies, and alternative therapies.
Spirituality and Consciousness: Conversations about spiritual growth, meditation, and higher consciousness.
Conspiracy Theories: Exploration of various conspiracy theories and hidden truths.
Environmental Issues: Topics on sustainability, environmental protection, and climate change.
Self-Improvement: Insights on personal development, motivation, and achieving a better life balance.
Interviews with Experts: Featuring guests who are experts in various fields such as metaphysics, alternative science, and personal development.

Bob Charles aims to provide a platform for discussing unconventional and thought-provoking topics that are often overlooked by mainstream media.
A Place where good Conversation, LOVE and Truth come together to form a solid Radio Platform... C - U - There

Another Listener had yet Another Question so Let me answer it as Educated as I can based on the last 50 Years of Preside...

Another Listener had yet Another Question so Let me answer it as Educated as I can based on the last 50 Years of Presidential Voting

How can we be sure our Presidential Voting is Honest

Ensuring the honesty and integrity of presidential voting involves a combination of legal frameworks, technological safeguards, and procedural transparency. Here are several key measures that help ensure fair elections:
1. Legal Frameworks

Election Laws: Strong laws at the federal, state, and local levels regulate all aspects of the voting process, including voter registration, casting ballots, and counting votes.
Oversight Bodies: Independent electoral commissions and oversight bodies ensure that elections are conducted fairly and impartially.

2. Voter Registration

Accurate Voter Rolls: Regularly updating voter registration lists to remove ineligible voters (e.g., those who have moved or died) helps prevent fraud.
Voter ID Laws: Requiring voters to present identification at polling places can help ensure that only eligible voters cast ballots, although this must be balanced against ensuring access for all eligible voters.

3. Voting Technology

Secure Voting Machines: Using voting machines that have been tested and certified for security helps prevent tampering.
Paper Ballots: Having a paper trail that can be audited provides a way to verify electronic vote counts.
Cybersecurity Measures: Protecting voting systems from hacking with robust cybersecurity protocols is essential.

4. Transparency and Observation

Election Observers: Allowing nonpartisan observers to monitor polling places and vote counting processes helps ensure transparency.
Public Audits: Conducting post-election audits, where a random sample of paper ballots is counted by hand to verify electronic results, can detect and correct errors or fraud.

5. Voter Access and Education - ONLY REAL Americans, Yes Real Americans can vote in a U.S. Presidential Election.. The Media is saying Biden is allowing Illegals to Register to vote in November so Wouldn't that be against the Law ?? Not To Mention against the Constitution.

Voter Education: Providing clear information on how to register and vote ensures that all eligible voters can participate.
Accessibility: Ensuring that polling places are accessible to people with disabilities and providing alternative voting methods (e.g., mail-in ballots) for those who cannot vote in person.

6. Chain of Custody Procedures

Ballot Handling: Strict procedures for handling and transporting ballots ensure that they are not tampered with.
Secure Storage: Keeping ballots in secure facilities before and after the election prevents unauthorized access.

7. Legal Recourse -- This practice was forgotten for the 2020 Election

Dispute Resolution: Having clear procedures for resolving election disputes and addressing allegations of fraud through the courts provides a way to address issues that arise.

8. Public Confidence

Transparency: Openly communicating the steps being taken to secure elections and addressing any issues that arise can help build public trust in the electoral process.

International Best Practices

International Standards: Adhering to international best practices and standards for democratic elections can enhance credibility.
External Monitoring: Inviting international observers to monitor elections can provide an additional layer of assurance.

These measures, combined with ongoing efforts to improve and adapt to new challenges, help ensure that presidential voting is honest and credible.

YO YO YO PEOPLES  --  There is Talk going around about the Presidential Debate happening soon.   Look at it another way....

YO YO YO PEOPLES -- There is Talk going around about the Presidential Debate happening soon. Look at it another way. Say for instance CNN was not hosting a Presidential Debate and Newsmax was. Since CNN Hosts will be asking each Questions that will be asking what will your Administration do if you win the election. ( Remember, almost all of the Reporter Hosts on the CNN SHOW have publicly and on TV said they do not care for Trump yet these are the Clowns that will be asking the questions ) God I'm still laughing at that one, It's calling the kettle Black, or Heck I got my Credentials as a Journalist from a Cheerio's Box. ) Be for Nothing I do believe President Trump will with ease shut down the Left CNN Attitude Down while Joe messes his pants and shakes hands with available Ghosts,,, But what really could happen ?

Predicting the winner of a debate, especially between high-profile figures like Donald Trump and Joe Biden, is challenging due to the subjective nature of debates. The perception of who wins can depend on various factors, including individual biases, media coverage, and the specific issues discussed during the debate, not to mention if Joe will be awake for the Complete Debate.

Each candidate's performance will be evaluated based on their ability to communicate their policies, respond to questions, and handle their opponent's attacks. Public opinion polls and media analysis post-debate can offer some insight into who is perceived to have won, but there won't be a definitive answer that satisfies everyone. For Trump here is the Washington D.C. Archive Records of what Trump Accomplished while in the White House, this is a .GOV site that is the National Record of Trump's time in Office. Then look up the Accomplishments for Joe Biden for his time in Office so far, Answer "ZERO"

Pioneered groundbreaking treatments and therapies that reduced the mortality rate by 85 percent, saving over 2 million lives.

How can Love cure the world or If every person and Country respected each other without any Hate even ET ALIENS would fl...

How can Love cure the world or If every person and Country respected each other without any Hate even ET ALIENS would fly to Live here. And not just me but John said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” - John 13:34-35, KJV
So for CRYING-OUT-LOUD listen, Practice Love ( It don't come easy ), then Love with your Whole Mind, and Whole Soul.

Love can play a transformative role in addressing many of the world's problems through various means:

Promoting Compassion and Empathy: When people act with love, they are more likely to consider others' perspectives, leading to greater understanding and cooperation.

Reducing Conflict and Violence: Love fosters peaceful interactions and can help mediate and resolve conflicts, whether they are interpersonal or between nations.

Encouraging Altruism and Generosity: Love inspires people to help others, leading to acts of kindness, charity, and volunteerism, which can alleviate suffering and improve quality of life.

Building Stronger Communities: Communities built on love and mutual respect are more resilient and supportive, creating a foundation for collective well-being and progress.

Supporting Mental Health: Love and supportive relationships are crucial for mental health, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

Sustaining the Environment: Love for the planet and future generations can drive sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

In essence, love can create a more harmonious, just, and compassionate world, addressing root causes of many global issues.


A Very Nice Person asked me yesterday out of the Blue that since I'm the LOVE Bunny How can Love Cure the things going on in the World, and after collecting some thoughts my reply was: PS I'll bet my Socks that everyone who reads this already know how to Love, but just haven't turned it on yet.

Love can play a transformative role in addressing many of the world's problems through various means:

Promoting Compassion and Empathy: When people act with love, they are more likely to consider others' perspectives, leading to greater understanding and cooperation.

Reducing Conflict and Violence: Love fosters peaceful interactions and can help mediate and resolve conflicts, whether they are interpersonal or between nations.

Encouraging Altruism and Generosity: Love inspires people to help others, leading to acts of kindness, charity, and volunteerism, which can alleviate suffering and improve quality of life.

Building Stronger Communities: Communities built on love and mutual respect are more resilient and supportive, creating a foundation for collective well-being and progress.

Supporting Mental Health: Love and supportive relationships are crucial for mental health, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.

Sustaining the Environment: Love for the planet and future generations can drive sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

In essence, love can create a more harmonious, just, and compassionate world, addressing root causes of many global issues.

PLAY THIS WHILE YOU READ !!!   --  I sang this back in the 80's power of love has the pot...

PLAY THIS WHILE YOU READ !!! -- I sang this back in the 80's
The power of love has the potential to create significant positive change in the world. Love fosters empathy, compassion, and understanding, which can help bridge divides, resolve conflicts, and promote cooperation. On an individual level, love can inspire personal growth, healing, and resilience. When love motivates collective action, it can drive social movements, community-building, and humanitarian efforts, leading to a more just and harmonious society. While it might not solve all problems, the influence of love can undoubtedly contribute to a better world.

I have to Laugh and Cry, I posted my feelings on Love and Not one person had a comment.  Remember, No Love in the World ...

I have to Laugh and Cry, I posted my feelings on Love and Not one person had a comment. Remember, No Love in the World and we're done for. Can you Imagine for a second, if everyone agreed to live and help each other in everything except the Negative Vibes now coming from people who just gave up on Humanity instead of believing in just Two Words " I AM" But I do Love everyone and the World so let's try this again, here ya go ! You can email your comments to [email protected]

Bob Charles, the renowned broadcaster on Pyramid One World Radio
Network, has been vocal about his belief that love possesses the power
to heal and transform the world. Through his captivating shows, he
passionately advocates for the profound impact of love on society and
individuals. Charles' message resonates with many listeners, drawing
attention to the potential of love as a unifying and transformative
force in our global community. His words echo a sentiment that
transcends boundaries and speaks to the innate human desire for
connection and compassion.

Love, often viewed as a universal language, has the remarkable ability
to transcend differences and foster understanding among people from
diverse backgrounds. Charles' emphasis on the healing properties of
love highlights its potential to mend broken relationships, inspire
positive change, and cultivate a more harmonious world. By promoting
love as a catalyst for social harmony and personal growth, Bob Charles
encourages his audience to embrace empathy, kindness, and forgiveness
in their interactions with others.

Bob Charles' advocacy for the transformative power of love serves as a
beacon of hope in a world often plagued by division and discord. His
message resonates with individuals seeking to make a difference and
spread positivity in their communities. Through his engaging
broadcasts, Charles sparks conversations about the profound impact of
love on our collective well-being, inspiring listeners to nurture
compassion and empathy in their daily lives.

Let me Float this by everyone.   There are now 13 Countries that want to attack anything that has an American Scent or F...

Let me Float this by everyone. There are now 13 Countries that want to attack anything that has an American Scent or Flag on it.
Taiwan ? Yep - The Ukraine ? Yep right after Joe gave permission to attack Russia with our Weapons making Ukraine Soldiers Third Party Workers for America... Wake Up People... And Oh by the way, at the last count a little over 1000 Chinese Males over 21 Years Old has come over our Open Border and according to the Chinese Underground News they are coming to set up Headquarters in every American State so that all 50 States can be taken over in 48 Hours without a Shot...On the other hand Putin says America has Overstepped their last action against Russia and it's payback time. BUT STILL THERE'S AMERICANS THAT SAY NAH THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.. You know they said that before Pearl Harbor. Wake the Hell up and get on the phone and tell Washington they work for Americans and America not their Personal Bank Accounts of which people Voted in Two years ago making a Start of $174,000.00 do you ?
NOW TWO YEARS LATER - Most of the New Congress Persons have a Million or Two in their on Shore and Off Shore accounts So lets see now they do have Home bills so Lets take the $174K down to $150K after home Bills that would be $300,000.00 in the pocket in Two years, however congressmen Now in Two Years have made Million or Two, Ladies and Gentlemen will you please tell me where their Millions came from ? PLEASE ! I'm thinking I should run for office because that's the only job in America that you can make 10 Times your Salary and not go to jail ! I'm going to Washington


The Question asked was ( OH BOY) What do you ask someone you want to make Love to.... Now usually I just say Get real Dude or Dudette just blub it out but I did send an Answer....

Ladies and Gentlemen, I know it's Sunday but while doing my regular cleaning out the Trash in Mail I came over one that I had to address and I mailed them and said "You Kidding Right" ? But I guess they wanted an Answer... So Here Goes !

When expressing romantic or intimate feelings to someone, it's vital
to approach the situation with respect, empathy, and clear
communication. Using words that convey your emotions and intentions
sincerely and respectfully is key in such situations. It's important
to prioritize consent, mutual understanding, and open dialogue to
ensure that both parties are comfortable and on the same page.
Building a foundation of trust, honesty, and emotional connection can
help create a safe and respectful environment for expressing your
desires and feelings towards someone you wish to be intimate with.
Remember to listen actively to their responses, be mindful of their
boundaries, and prioritize their comfort and well-being above all
Now if that's the Answer fine. But I must say the best way is just let the energy around you to take over and Don't say a thing !

Hi World - I've seen some people's interest in NDA's or Near Death Experiences so I know it's SUNDAY but It's Hot Out an...

Hi World - I've seen some people's interest in NDA's or Near Death Experiences so I know it's SUNDAY but It's Hot Out and it looks like rain in Florida so let me take a stab at the Subject that I'm very familiar with as I was there and did that ! I wrote this fast but I think it's all there.


Near-death experiences (NDEs) have long fascinated and perplexed
individuals worldwide. These profound encounters provide a glimpse
into the enigmatic realm beyond our understanding, offering a
tantalizing peek into what may lie on the other side. Accounts of
individuals who have faced the brink of death only to return to the
earthly realm brim with mystique and wonder, sparking contemplation
about the nature of existence and the afterlife.

The accounts of those who have undergone NDEs often share common
elements, such as feelings of peace, light, and a sense of being drawn
towards a higher power or a transcendent realm. These experiences
challenge conventional beliefs about life and death, stirring
philosophical inquiries about the essence of consciousness and the
mysteries of the universe.

Despite the diversity of cultural and religious beliefs surrounding
NDEs, one common thread unites these accounts: a profound
transformation in the individual's perspective on life, death, and the
purpose of existence. The notion of being sent back to continue one's
journey after a brush with death underscores the idea of a higher
purpose or destiny guiding each individual through their life's path.

In the tapestry of human experience, near-death experiences stand as
poignant reminders of the fragility and resilience of the human
spirit. Whether viewed through a scientific, spiritual, or
philosophical lens, these encounters offer a profound insight into the
mysteries that lie beyond the veil of mortal understanding.

I was going to do some shopping for the week and I thought I'd check out their Weekly Flyer for prices on Products.  But...

I was going to do some shopping for the week and I thought I'd check out their Weekly Flyer for prices on Products. But "PUBLIX" now, due to their very high prices compared to other stores in the area, Publix does not list prices in their flyers... So I wrote them about the missing prices and an "A I " Wrote me back with excuses. That's pretty good when an "A I " can have excuses.. Here was my Conversation as per their Chat Bot

How can I help? If you’d like to start over at any time, simply type, “Start Over."
at 6/23/2024 1:02:08 PM
Pick one of the following
You said Where are the Prices, This is the Third week I'm going to Harveys and Walmarts because at least when I make my Shopping list I have to know how much to bring to the store... What are you hiding in Prices ?????????? Gouching ?? at 6/23/2024 1:03:53 PM
Bot said Pricing is only displayed for items currently on sale and those available for purchase through In-Store Pickup at www.publix.comLink opens in new window.

If you need to check the price of a specific product prior to shopping, please call to speak with an associate at your store. Your store's phone number can be found at opens in new window. We are always looking for ways to improve our customer’s online experience and will be sure to share your comments with the appropriate team. at 6/23/2024 1:03:54 PM
You may react with the following
Helpful Not helpful
Bot said
Is there anything else I can help with? Feel free to ask a question, or click the button below to start over.
at 6/23/2024 1:04:25 PM
Pick one of the following
You said We'll go to more Honest Grocery's that list prices so you can compare shop at 6/23/2024 1:04:29 PM
Bot said
I'm still learning and don't have that exact response for you yet. Here are some topics that may be related to your question. If these don't help, please contact us here.

So next time you go to Publix load up your cash or Credit card Available Money cause you'll need it !

We’re sorry! We can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for. This can happen when you have an expired link, or one that has moved.

I got a Note from a Guy in France after Translating the Note it was about WWIIII wrote back:  The possibility of World W...

I got a Note from a Guy in France after Translating the Note it was about WWIII
I wrote back: The possibility of World War III is a topic that generates significant
speculation and concern. However, it's crucial to approach such
predictions with a careful and nuanced perspective. While tensions
exist in various parts of the world, the outbreak of a global conflict
on the scale of a world war is uncertain and depends on numerous
factors. International relations, diplomacy, and conflict resolution
efforts play pivotal roles in preventing such catastrophic events.
It's essential for countries to prioritize dialogue, negotiation, and
peaceful solutions to resolve conflicts and maintain global stability.
Rather than focusing on doomsday scenarios, it is more constructive to work towards peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding among nations. Just remember to vote with you Heart, Mind, & Soul on Nov.5th because the Current Occupant in the White House don't Give a Darn for anyone making under $400,000.00 a Year or Don't look the other way when Occupants break their own and our LAWS... There really is a God and I was really close to him once, just Start Praying.
Love and Blessings
Bob Charles

Bob Charles - Pyramid One Radio

Since I was Talking about LOVE on my Show I received a Lot of Questions regarding Dating Site here's my answer:TRUE NATU...

Since I was Talking about LOVE on my Show I received a Lot of Questions regarding Dating Site here's my answer:

Dating sites can be a mixed bag when it comes to authenticity. While
some are legitimate and foster genuine connections, others
unfortunately engage in deceptive practices. Placing your text-only
number in an ad does not guarantee that only real people will reach
out to you. Scammers often exploit various platforms, including dating
sites, to target unsuspecting individuals. It's essential to exercise
caution and be vigilant when sharing personal information online.
Conducting thorough research on the dating site, reading reviews, and
verifying the identities of individuals before engaging further can
help mitigate potential risks. Remember, maintaining a healthy dose of
skepticism and prioritizing your safety are paramount in the digital
dating landscape. Trust me my Friends, I put my "TEXT ONLY" number on a few sites to check to see if people either Read instructions or the site Blocks you because you did not pay Your amount of from $25 to $99 for a month of Dates,
NO WAY JOSE' And here's why. I put up a profile and wrote in the Personal info that there was a direct way to content me ASAP that number is 863-222-4199 And in big bold letters it said This is a TEXT NUMBER ONLY - DO NOT CALL -- And guess what ? I received about 9 Telephone calls, no one read anything and you guessed it I did not receive one text.. So there you go, if you want to meet someone Go Fishing.. WE ARE ALL ONE, SEE THE LIGHT THAT POWERS OUR SOUL



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