“I think I’m slightly impulsive, sometimes organised and always in search of a bargain!”
For the average paid young professional, like myself, staying on trend and trying to look good can be pricey… I’m always thinking about how I can re-wear my favourite items of clothing without people noticing on social media that ‘he always wears that’. I tend to spend time frantically hunting through the sal
e racks for those items people hide at the back for that right pair of jeans that ‘aren’t too much’, or that tee I desperately want before everyone else! With E-blasts crashing into inboxes daily, Tweets soaring down your news feed and Instagram posts pappin’ the high street’s best deals, the fashion-loving-inner me, is in its element. Bargains now search for us, it’s just knowing where, when and how. For those who would rather not venture into town on a Saturday, hopefully, by staying ‘in the loop’ it can be simple to head in the right direction, be in and out the shop quickly, wallet intact and looking fly.