Avoiding conflict may feel easier, but Robert Bordone breaks down how long-term avoidance can create even larger problems.
Tune in to the latest episode of #FriendsLikeUs , with Marina Franklin and Comedian Nonye Brown-West, to learn strategies for effective communication and conflict resilience! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
Want to learn more about conflict management, check out Bob's upcoming book here! http://conflictresiliencebook.com
#marinafranklin #friendslikeuspodcast #comedy #friends #bobbordone #nonyebrownwest #conversations #NegotiationSkills #conflictresolution #conflictmanagement
What do you know about Claudia Hampton? Check out Dr. Donna J. Nicol's new book "Black Woman on Board," which highlights Claudia Hampton's work that helped to implement affarmitive action in schools.
Make sure to tune into our favorite episodes of 2024!! Hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring amazing friend Comedian Nonye Brown-West! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeuspodcast #comedy #friends #newyear2025 #newyear #DonnaJNicol #NonyeBrownWest #claudiahampton #blackwomenonboard #brownvboardofeducation
History, resilience, and a vision for the future - that's what you'll find with Jelani Bauman on the latest episode. Tune in and feel the pulse of jazz's enduring legacy. 🎷✨ #JazzEducation #newalbum
Tune into this weeks conversation, as always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend Comedian Nonye Brown-West ! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #lanibsupreme #nonyebrownwest #thefutureisbright #quincyjones #music
Do you know about the Oceanic Breath? If not no better way to learn from the magnifect Jasmine Marie the founder of black girls breathing!
Tune into this weeks conversation about the significance of mental health, Jasmine's new book "Black Girls Breathing," combating chronic stress, and more. As always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend Hollie Harper. Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
Plus, if you preorder Jasmine’s new book at a black owned bookstore you can enjoy 50% off your first three months with code Friends50! ❤️
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #hollieharper #jasminemarie #blackgirlsbreathing #oceanicbreath #breathwork #breathworkhealing
Comedian Nonye Brown-West called it early. On election night many were talking about the Black Male vote, when actuality not enough were talking about the block of White Women that still ended up voting for Trump.
Tune into this weeks conversation, as always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend Vanessa Fraction ! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #vanessafraction #nonyebrownwest #ActionFractionOnAir #2024Election #SocialSecurity #economics #VoterTurnout #whitewomen
Tune in to latest episode where we talk about the importance of voting in this election. Von Decarlo shares how she is voting for a candidate who will do good by the people., and embraces humanity, compassion, and love. The stakes are higher than ever for this upcoming election!!
Make sure to catch the full episode of #FriendsLikeUs with Kenice Mobley and lovely host Marina Franklin! And make sure to vote! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #votingrights #voting #KamalaHarris #KamalaHarris2024 #politics #VonDecarlo #Kenicemobley #comedy
The stakes are higher than ever for this upcoming election!! Listen in on this clip, to learn how Subhah Agarwal is voting to protect her and her future!
Make sure to catch the full episode of #FriendsLikeUs with Kaneez Surka and lovely host Marina Franklin! And make sure to vote! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#SubhahAgarwal #KaneezSurka #marinafranklin #votingrights #voting #KamalaHarris #KamalaHarris2024 #politics
There can be a lot of problems with Hollywood, but it's not as crazy as some can make it out to be. Tune into this episode of #FriendsLikeUs with host Marina Franklin and friends of the podcast Akeem Woods & Mia Jackson, for the full scope on all things #Hollywood #Fame #Scandal and more!
Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#funny #mayoradams #EricAdams #pdiddynews #puffdaddy #politics
What better way to celebrate #cancerawarenessmonth by going to Jenny L. Saldaña Hooray for Boobies, this Sunday October 6th at 6PM at The Stand Comedy Club and Restaurant! It's a night where stand-ups stand up to breast cancer, and the proceeds go to supporting the American Cancer Society! And remember to schedule those mammograms!!
And check out this episode of Friends always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin and featuring wonderful friend Abbi Crutchfield! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #AbbiCrutchfield #jennySaldaña #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #thestandnyc
Join in as Donna J. Nicol explains why affirmative action and DEI initaitves were created! Listen to the full episode for the untold stories of navigating race & representation in academia. Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
Make sure to tune in for insights you won't hear anywhere else! As always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend Comedian Nonye Brown-West!
#marinafranklin #FriendsLikeUs #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #DonnaJNicol #nonyebrownwest #claudiahampton #DEI #antidiscrimination #diversityequityandinclusion
Accountability matters! Parents must safeguard their children's environment. Hear Vanessa Fraction speak on the importance of responsible parenting and gun violence in our latest episode. 🎧 #GunControl #Parenting #podcast
Tune into this very imprtant conversation, as always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend Keith Price's Curtain Call! Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #keithprice
#vanessafraction #glennclose #gunlawssavelives #responsibility #gunviolenceawareness
DEI is for everyone!
Tune in for the latest episode of Friends Like Us, to hear guest Daisy Auger-Dominguez shares her experiences and insights on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work. Its a conversation you dont want to miss!
As always hosted by the wonderful Marina Franklin featuring wonderful friend and Zainab Johnson, who you can catch on her latest comedy tour!
Link to listen here https://linktr.ee/marinayfranklin, link in our bio☝🏽
#marinafranklin #friendslikeus #friendslikeuspodcast #podcast #newpodcastepisode #Zainab #zainabjohnson #daisyaugerdominguez #burntouttolitip #DEI #sabbatical