Founded in 1954 by a group of New York Intellectuals, the magazine set out to "dissent from the bleak atmosphere of conformism that pervades the political and intellectual life of the United States ...The accent of Dissent will be radical. Dissent has published essays by Hannah Arendt, Erich Fromm, Daniel Bell, Paul Goodman, Günter Grass, Michael Harrington, Dwight Macdonald, C. Wright Mills, Czes
law Milosz, Norman Mailer, Amos Oz, Richard Rorty, Ignazio Silone, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Cornel West, Ellen Willis, Richard Wright, Marshall Berman, Paul Berman, David Bromwich, Todd Gitlin, Jürgen Habermas, Hendrik Hertzberg, Irving Howe, Michael Ignatieff, Alfred Kazin, Benjamin Kunkel, Norman Mailer, C. Wright Mills, Louis Menand, Martha Nussbaum, Amos Oz, George Packer, Samantha Power.