Enjoy the live performance video by unique guitarist Gwenifer Raymond recorded at weyrerTon
If you want access to the full 7:49 min video, visit our Bandcamp Link in comments) and purchase the limited edition VPC.
#guitar #amaricana #gweniferraymond #liveperformance #weyrerton #vinylpostcard #livemusic
Check @gweniferraymond and ‘The Three Deaths Of Red Spectre’ ! OUT March 17 💫 preorder-> linkinbio💋
We recorded this impressive one-take performance in May 2022 @weyrerton . The full 7 minute instrumental solo performance is going to be exclusively released on @vinylpostcards_official format. The card features the full track as audio in its grooves and video digitally via the app.
A big thank you goes out to the guys of @unter_ton who booked Gwenifer for a concert in Innsbruck and enabled the whole collaboration! 🙏🏼
#postmanslove #gweniferraymond #onetake #soloperformance #guitarvirtuoso #weyrerton
These days all things seem to happen all of a sudden and unexpected.
So here is our next Postmanslove release with @any_m_f ! 👉🏼linkinbio
A disturbingly bass heavy track that makes you feel amazing and awkward at the same time.
The incisive vocals by Maya in combination with the deep and absorbing production by @kentrixmusic create a one of a kind vibe. This is serious tension!
The artwork is provided by @carlosblanchardphoto
He captured this stirring picture of the sky. Submerged in greyscale, it created the fitting visual atmosphere for this Postmanslove release.
#anymf #anymotherf**ker #mayamusicsucks #bassmusic #kentrixmusic #postmanslove
Audiopharmacy - COLIBERATE
💥. Out NOW!!! 💥
We are super happy and excited to share our first official release after the relaunch of Postmanslove!
So grateful to be working with the lovely and super creative people of Audiopharmacy. Their musicality and output is an inspiration on so many levels!
Please have a listen to this great track on our bandcamp.
The Vinylpostcard comes with a superb artwork and two additional songs via the @vinylpostcards_official web app or AR app. There is lots of stuff and insights to discover!
Desirae Harp
Ras K Dee
Gina Madrid
Azeem Ward
Produced + Mix:
Teao Sense
NoA- | ¥@$
Cam2 & cut Martin Bayer
Actor bike Justin Najm
Actor 1 Kenneth Winkler
Cherish the postman - he brings the love! 💖
#audiopharmacy #postmanslove #coliberate #outnow #releaseday #happyreleaseday #hiphop #consciousrap #alternativehiphop #abstracthiphop #oakland #california #innsbruck #austria #worldwide #newsingle #lovespeakproductions #teaosense #raskdee #ginamadrid #vinylpostcards #vinylpostcard
Food for heart and brain comes with the inspiring single “Be Together” of 2econd class citizen!
The track is featuring Leroy Horns on the saxophone and suits your wall and record player equally thanks to Aarons beautiful artwork.
Check the full track on our bandcamp ⬇️ and make sure to safe yourself a copy of this limited edition of only a 100 Vinylpostcards!
Besides the single on the card you can expect two further tracks exclusively via the Vinylpostcards App.