Seattle Shrimp Tank Podcast

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Seattle Shrimp Tank Podcast Nationally syndicated podcast on iHeart and iTunes for business and entrepreneurship.

Focusing in how your response to events impacts the outcome. A legacy from my friend.

Focusing in how your response to events impacts the outcome. A legacy from my friend.

The Monday Missive No. 746 / June 24, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   E+R=O E+R=O My friend Dave Snyder was an avid reader and content ju**ie when it came to topics like leadership an

Discover the resilience, patience, and growth required to nurture connections with family, friends, colleagues, and more...

Discover the resilience, patience, and growth required to nurture connections with family, friends, colleagues, and more. Don't miss out on this insightful read that emphasizes why relationships are the cornerstone of success.

Dive in now and unlock the secrets to building stronger bonds in every aspect of your life!

The Monday Missive No. 745 / June 17, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   The Power of Relationships: Keys to Success in Life and Business This week, Barb and I will be celebrating 38 yea

Leashed or Unleashed? How puppy training concepts can help you develop your employees faster and better!  https://conta....

Leashed or Unleashed? How puppy training concepts can help you develop your employees faster and better!

The Monday Missive No. 744 / June 10, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   (Un)leashed? Sit. Wait. Come. Okay! Since becoming the owner of a puppy again last Tuesday, I’ve been on the fast

Chasing children and how it can teach you to live fearlessly!

Chasing children and how it can teach you to live fearlessly!

The Monday Missive No. 743 / June 3, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Fast Times 8,843 steps. That’s what my Apple Watch fitness tracker told me I had at about 3:15 pm on Saturday. Whi


This week’s memo is my annual special message for Memorial Day.

In memorium. In memory of. Remembrance.

All words that signify and define the word, “memorial.”

I can’t imaging what it would have felt like on June 6, 1944.

To be 21 years old, standing on a Navy ship, and set to be on a landing party to the beaches in Normandy. The odds said that you’d be a casualty and you knew it.

The chill of the wind and the rain in the Atlantic just off the shore of France, and far away from wherever you hailed from.

By the time the fighting was over, there would be 4,414 confirmed dead, and over 10,000 casualties. That scene I describe can certainly be played out over centuries. Men and women facing certain death, yet risking all for country.

My dad spent 30 years in the Navy and served in World War II. He wasn’t at Normandy, but was at the North African Invasion and of course survived the war.

He was always quick to point out that Memorial Day was not the day to honor those that served, but those that died. Those that gave the greatest sacrifice.

Veterans Day is the day to honor all who served and serve. Memorial Day is the day to honor the fallen.

I’ve never forgotten that.

Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil War and a desire to honor the dead. During the first national celebration on May 30, 1868, former Union General and sitting Ohio Congressman (and future President of the United States) James Garfield made a speech where 20,000 graves were “decorated” for both Union and Confederate soldiers.

Today we honor all those that have fallen in wars, conflicts, and service from the Revolutionary War to the present.

Let’s all remember this as we take a holiday break from our labors to recall those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can.

In memorium. In memory of. Remembrance.

Memorial Day Special Message

Memorial Day Special Message

The Monday Missive No. 742 / May 27, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Memorial Day This week’s memo is my annual special message for Memorial Day. Best wishes to you and your loved one

Saying Goodbye to Bella

Saying Goodbye to Bella

The Monday Missive No. 741 / May 20, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Goodbye Bella Dogs have been an integral part of my life and business. Our family has had a dog in the house since

Ready to step out of your comfort zone? Dive into the "Acceptance Zone" with my latest piece, where I share personal sto...

Ready to step out of your comfort zone? Dive into the "Acceptance Zone" with my latest piece, where I share personal stories from Toastmasters to the speaking stage, revealing how embracing challenges can lead to profound growth.

Discover the power of the "Acceptance Zone" and how it can transform fear into triumph in both your personal and professional life. Whether you're delivering a pitch, setting ambitious goals, or wrestling with self-doubt, learn to navigate uncertainty with confidence.

The Monday Missive No. 740 / May 13, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Embracing the Acceptance Zone At some point, we've all heard that stepping out of our comfort zone is beneficial.

Remember the good old days when a power outage meant a little extra candlelight and conversation? Fast forward to now: N...

Remember the good old days when a power outage meant a little extra candlelight and conversation? Fast forward to now: No internet = No work. Last Friday's regional blackout was a stark reminder of just how wired—and vulnerable—we've become.

It’s more than just inconvenient; it's a business stopper. But hey, these things are rare, right? Wrong! Don't wait for the next outage to throw your plans into chaos.

Let’s talk resilience. How prepared are you really for life's unexpected curveballs? It's not just about having a backup generator but building a business that withstands storms, literal and figurative.

Check out the link in bio to discover crucial tips for bulletproofing your business and life against the next big outage. Don’t get left in the dark—get prepared!

The Monday Missive No. 739 / May 6, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   When the Lights Go Out: Navigating Business and Life in Any Calamity If you’re like me - or at least of a generatio

Ready to strip back the complexity of your professional pitch? Discover the power of simplicity in our latest article, w...

Ready to strip back the complexity of your professional pitch? Discover the power of simplicity in our latest article, where you learn to communicate your value clearly and quickly—like you're explaining it to a third grader. Ideal for business networking and everyday interactions, this guide will help you build stronger, more meaningful relationships. Dive in now and start simplifying every aspect of your life and work!

The Monday Missive No. 738 / April 29, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Turning Complex Into Simple You have 20 minutes to write an introduction for yourself. Go! I was in a class rece

Dive into my 785-day journey with Wordle and discover how it's not just a game, but a gateway to mastering problem-solvi...

Dive into my 785-day journey with Wordle and discover how it's not just a game, but a gateway to mastering problem-solving skills in business.

Check it out and see why every business should be leveraging fun for serious skill-building. Let's solve the daily puzzles of business together!

The Monday Missive No. 737 / April 22, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   From Wordle to Workforce: Enhancing Business Skills One Puzzle at a Time! My family got me to try Wordle 785 day

Who said business can't be a blast? Whether it's a Masters viewing party or a casual meet-up, every moment is a chance t...

Who said business can't be a blast? Whether it's a Masters viewing party or a casual meet-up, every moment is a chance to strengthen bonds and build your business. Don't miss out—your next big breakthrough could be just one party away!

The Monday Missive No. 736 / April 15, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Celebrating Connections: How to Parlay a Party into Professional Prosperity As a lifelong avid golfer and fan, M

Next up on The Shrimp Tank!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for April 10th Hello everyone! Due to ongoing technical issues with Facebook allowing me to stream on the show's page, f

Ever thought a decision was blatantly wrong, only to discover it was spot-on from another angle? Dive into a story where...

Ever thought a decision was blatantly wrong, only to discover it was spot-on from another angle? Dive into a story where the game of basketball mirrors life's complex judgments. A whistle, a foul, and a realization that not everything is as it appears at first glance. It's a journey from the heated moments on the court to the reflective calm of hindsight, proving that in basketball, as in life, the full picture often requires a shift in perspective.

Check out the full story and discover why every angle matters - not just in sports, but in every decision we face.

The Monday Missive No. 735 / April 8, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   It's All About the Angles Standing up. Hands on my hips. Incredulous. I was fuming. It was 2006 and I was coachin

Just shot a +1 at Harbour Town on Hilton Head today. The Virtual Reality Hilton Head, that is 😎My best ever score on Gol...

Just shot a +1 at Harbour Town on Hilton Head today.

The Virtual Reality Hilton Head, that is 😎

My best ever score on Golf+ Meta VR. I'm actually playing at 4.3 handicap on this game. Someday, maybe it will transfer over to my “real reality” game.

Until then, I will chase scratch here. Funny, I was pretty nervous over my five foot par putt on 18 to secure the score.

Anyone on Golf+ that’s up for a round, ping me. The weather is always good (unless we make it really windy on purpose!)

By the way, I know Matt Cole would have rejoiced over this. He got me hooked on this silly but really fun game. He always wanted to know how I played. Thanks, Matt!

And, when asked where I get my first hole in one, my family thinks it comes on VR versus real. Hoping for the latter…next up tomorrow at Kitsap GCC.

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for April 3rd Hello everyone! Due to ongoing technical issues with Facebook allowing me to stream on the show's page, fo

Meet the newest "boss" in the family...

Meet the newest "boss" in the family...

The Monday Missive No. 734 / April 1, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Meet the New Boss Have you ever heard of a Bassoodle? Yeah, me neither. But I guess I have now, so you get to rea

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for March 27th Hello everyone! Due to ongoing technical issues with Facebook allowing me to stream on the show's page, f

In a world quick to judge and slow to question, our journey through the sandbox of life is a testament to the power of c...

In a world quick to judge and slow to question, our journey through the sandbox of life is a testament to the power of curiosity. From the importance of asking over telling to the simple act of caring, this week's article dives into the essence of human connection and exploration. Why curiosity beats judgment and how compassion is a discipline worth mastering. Join me in rethinking how we interact with the world and each other. Let's make our sandbox a better place. Keep chasing unleashed.

The Monday Missive No. 733 / March 25, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Random Digressions... Sometimes my mind works in sound bytes rather than the creation of a story that leads to a

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for March 20th Hello everyone! Due to ongoing technical issues with Facebook allowing me to stream on the show's page, f

What do you want "MORE" of in life? It's directly in front of you today.

What do you want "MORE" of in life? It's directly in front of you today.

The Monday Missive No. 732 / March 18, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   More... St. Patrick’s Day 2011. It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since I last heard my dad’s voice. It w

My latest column for the Kitsap Sun examines how we can use leap years to understand where we've been and what we should...

My latest column for the Kitsap Sun examines how we can use leap years to understand where we've been and what we should be planning for in both business and life. Check it out!

In February 2020 none of us could have guessed what was coming -- it's time to get ahead of the change that's next.

Coming up next on the Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Coming up next on the Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for March 13th Hello everyone! Due to scheduling conflicts and technology issues, the last two podcast episodes were rec

Four years ago, the world stood still, but it also set the stage for monumental change. We've pivoted from closed doors ...

Four years ago, the world stood still, but it also set the stage for monumental change. We've pivoted from closed doors to open windows of opportunity, embraced technology in ways we never imagined, and redefined what 'normal' means in our lives and businesses. Discover how the leap year of 2020 was not just about challenges, but also about the incredible transformations that ensued. Let's explore together how we can skate towards the future, inspired by the past.

The Monday Missive No. 731 / March11, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Leap Year Lookback: Pivots, Pandemics, and the Path Forward March 11, 2020. Four years ago. What a difference a l

In every moment, there's a story waiting to be heard, a connection waiting to be made. This week, I share the legacy of ...

In every moment, there's a story waiting to be heard, a connection waiting to be made. This week, I share the legacy of a remarkable person, my brother-in-law Matt, who taught us the unparalleled power of being present. Matt's journey, filled with courage, camaraderie, and the quiet moments reminds us to cherish every conversation, every laugh, and every shared silence. Let's celebrate the stories that bind us, the moments that define us, and the spirits that continue to inspire us.

The Monday Missive No. 730 / March 4, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Rating oysters at The Brooklyn in Seattle several years ago... One of the few of my friends who'd slurp down this

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for February 28th Latest Episode: Shobi Zietlow Referral Staffing Solutions Hello Dan, Check out what's coming up this w

Ever found yourself staring at your feet while trying to move forward? Last night, as I coached my granddaughters on the...

Ever found yourself staring at your feet while trying to move forward? Last night, as I coached my granddaughters on their scooters, a life lesson unfolded right on our sidewalk. The secret to mastering not just scootering but life and business? Keeping your eyes fixed on where you want to go, not where you currently are.

In my latest article, "Eyes Ahead," I dive into the parallels between a Sunday evening lesson and the journey of navigating your career and business aspirations. Discover how shifting your focus from the immediate to the horizon can transform your approach, boost your confidence, and steer you towards your goals.

The Monday Missive No. 729 / February 26, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Eyes Ahead: Mastering the Art of Forward Focus in Life and Business “Keep your eyes looking forward in the di

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Next up on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for February 21st Latest Episode: Lael Sturm Ogmentor Hello Dan, Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank

"In a moment that captures the essence of true sportsmanship, Jordan Spieth's recent act goes beyond the golf course—it'...

"In a moment that captures the essence of true sportsmanship, Jordan Spieth's recent act goes beyond the golf course—it's a lesson in integrity for us all. My latest article delves into how owning our mistakes is not just a rule of the game but a fundamental aspect of leadership and trust in business. Dive into the story where accountability meets the fairway, and discover how these lessons can transform our professional and personal lives.

The Monday Missive No. 728 / February 19, 2024 Dan Weedin's Chasing Unleashed®   Signing Off on Integrity: Lessons in Accountability Something happened this past weekend that I’m not sure I’

Coming up next on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Coming up next on The Shrimp Tank Podcast!

Check out what's coming up this week on The Shrimp Tank Podcast     In The Tank for February 14th Latest Episode: Lindsey Carnett Marketing Maven Hello Dan, Check out what's coming up this week on The



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Shrimp Tank Podcast - Seattle

Meet The Brightest Entrepreneurs From Today and Tomorrow…

The Shrimp Tank brings you interviews with some of the most successful CEOs and business owners in the Puget Sound area to learn the ins and outs of starting and running a successful business.

We are part of a nationally syndicated podcast enterprise and are affiliated with both iHeart Radio and iTunes.

We broadcast live every other Wednesday from the Business Accelerants™ studio in Tacoma. We have great sponsors to our show: