We are not affiliated with any government agency. We have three volunteers who try to maintain this page during our own breakfasts, our lunches and dinners while most people are on the roads. If you believe we need to report more traffic accidents, please note that we do not have cameras around town at every intersection, except for YOU. Please share what you see (safely) to our page for others to
see (Posts to Page). This isn't a perfect system, but it's all that is available with the volunteers we have. If you would like to volunteer, please message this page. More individuals will mean a better product for our community. We provide traffic, road and pertinent safety information for ROCK COUNTY, WI, and COMMUTING AREAS outside of the county. During peak travel times, like holidays, we will also report what we can for regional airports and other transportation needs. Weather is a major factor for drivers and residents. During severe weather, this page will help track storms by radar, notify of hail entering areas, and flash flooding. Scientific information as to why cars float in small amounts of water in a flash flood can help drivers understand why they shouldn't attempt a crossing. We also post information about national campaigns, such as Motorcycle Awareness Week, Lightning Awareness Week, etc., as the safety of Rock County citizens (and our visitors) is the main reason for this page. There will also be posts about automotive recalls, child seat reviews and other topics pertinent to vehicle owners. Because we live in a community, Public Service Announcements (PSA) will be shared, such as events around the county. Knowing when these events happen will 1) advertise the event and 2) notify drivers of more foot traffic in those areas -- and when. Other public service actions we provide include Amber Alerts, Silver Alerts and other missing persons, or stolen vehicles and those involved in a hit and run for Law Enforcement. If you have knowledge of a traffic incident or other pertinent information for commuters, please contact us, but do not text and drive. Please post on this page, send as a message to this page, or send a tweet to https://twitter.com/RockCo_Traffic . We will try to relay your message in a timely manner, if the board volunteers are active. This site and the Twitter account are not staffed 24/7 and staffed only by volunteers. We try to accommodate peak morning commutes and during hazardous weather conditions the best we can. If you would like to volunteer for this page and/or the Twitter account, send a private message (see button on main FB page). We would especially like to have individuals who can assist during mornings and/or evening rush hours. However, anytime of day accidents can happen, as the snow can fall during work hours. If you need to 'self-report' an incident to Janesville Police, use this form: http://cms.ci.janesville.wi.us/iFrame_Apps/IncidentReportForm.aspx
(No info available for Beloit reporting.) Mile marker list for Wisc portion of I90: http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/road/exits-i90.htm
Current WI Road Conditions: http://bit.ly/18rQkWe
Current IL Road Conditions: http://bit.ly/18YSPdA
Wx Radar: http://1.usa.gov/1v0Qqh8
Tips on how to stay safe if stranded in your car. http://fb.me/1UFEVXRGe. Notify the Sheriff's Office if you abandon your car, so their deputies do not start looking for the missing occupants. Janesville residents can get additional snow emergency information from the City's website or by calling 755-SNOW. To report problems or concerns, please call the City Services Center at 755-3110. City of Beloit: All snow/ice related requests refer to the Operations Facility at 608-364-2929. Rock County: Highway Division Phone 608-757-5450 7A-4P. Sheriff's Office: Phone 608-757-8000
Watch The Weather Channel live stream during storm conditions at http://wxch.nl/1zg4uXH
We hope we can serve your traffic, automotive and commuting needs as best as we can with our time of day restraints. Welcome!