Don't think you can bully him.
Don't think you can bully him.
The little girl was r.a.p.e.d but her parents' heartbreaking indifference.
The little girl was r.a.p.e.d but her parents' heartbreaking indifference.
The squad has to deal with the explosion that happened in the heart of the city.
The squad has to deal with the explosion that happened in the heart of the city.
The father tried to bring his daughter back from the d.e.a.d.
The father tried to bring his daughter back from the d.e.a.d.
l.i.q.u.i.d.a.t.i.o.n between gangs
l.i.q.u.i.d.a.t.i.o.n between gangs
The t.r.a.g.i.c plane crash is a challenge for the squad.
The t.r.a.g.i.c plane crash is a challenge for the squad.
Carelessness leads to bad results.
Carelessness leads to bad results.
The woman was locked up for 7 years by a d.e.h.u.m.a.n.i.z.e.d man.
The woman was locked up for 7 years by a d.e.h.u.m.a.n.i.z.e.d man.
The fearless callousness of a mother.
The fearless callousness of a mother.
Never anger others if you don't want a bad ending.
Never anger others if you don't want a bad ending.
Grace and Carlos must save a woman literally trapped in a domestic a.b.u.s.e situation.
Grace and Carlos must save a woman literally trapped in a domestic a.b.u.s.e situation.
The 126 arrive at a horrific highway crash that threatens the lives of a father and daughter.
The 126 arrive at a horrific highway crash that threatens the lives of a father and daughter.