She's Fierce, She's Anointed, She's Godly, She's Gracious, She's Poised, She's Relentless, She's Patient, She's A SURVIVOR and She's Even Sexy ;-)
She's YOUR Community Leader...She's YOUR National Leader...She's YOUR Global Leader...She's the Woman BEHIND that beloved "Athlete and/or Celebrity"...She's a Women Who's SURVIVED Insurmountable Circumstances....AND we're HONORING THEM ALL! Saturday, O
ctober 21st 2017 during BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! The Essence Of A Woman SHERO Awards pays tribute to a group of Phenomenal WOMEN all while raising "FUNDS" to support "The HELPPPPing Hands Foundation" a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Proceeds will benefit BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS...
The HONOREES were ALL invited by "HAND-DELIEVERD" customized invitations, to a Pre-Luncheon two weeks prior at a private estate. There, a Photo-Session took place for the centerfold story in Gospel Truth Magazine. The ladies were presented a "SHE BOOK" (pictured above) to remind them of ALL they Represent and Do on a day to day basis. A costume SCROLL ITINERARY was attached to the SHE BOOK with a Detailed Description of the Event that was to follow! The Private Estate Pre-Luncheon was just a glimpse of what was in store for the Ladies during The Essence Of A Woman Awards Luncheon
On the actual Event Day, the Ladies gathered in a VIP ROOM fit for the Oscars, once the Extravaganza began EACH Ladies was ESCORTED in by her Husband as the crowd of almost 2,500 people cheered. It was a GRAND Entrance for a GRAND Celebration! The crowd dined on a 3-Course Meal while enjoying some out the HOTTEST Gospel Artist along with Comedian who grace the stage and had the crowd in laughter. It was 3 hours of worship, laughter and joy as each guest received a special gift along with a complimentary Souvenir Booklet featuring the Ladies Photo Shoot and Cover Story. After a personal 3 min. DVD piece ran on the JUMBO screens throughout the ballroom featuring the works of each Lady. One by One they took the stage and received a Custom Framed Photo of their Photo Shoot from the Pre-Luncheon the week prior! Each HONOREE had an opportunity to speak and express her gratitude on such a glories occasion. These LADIES are PHENOMENAL WOMEN doing incredible things in the community and around the nation! The Essence Of A Woman SHERO Awards is coming BACK to a CITY near YOU every year during BREAST CANER AWARENESS MONTH!