Seeking Low-Budget Fiction Scripts for a LA-Based Production (Lead 7725)
We are looking for completed, feature-length, live-action fictional scripts with a low budget and limited locations. Scripts submitted must be able to be filmed in the Los Angeles area, and we are open to most genres, but we are not considering animation, musicals, or historical scripts.
At this time we are only considering scripts that have placed in a contest or festival, have received good coverage, or are from a previously produced, optioned, or hired writer, so please make a note in the personal message space if this applies to your script when submitting.
Our budget it not to exceed $350,000. Only non-WGA writers should submit at this time.
NOTE: Access to writers' scripts on InkTip is normally restricted to producers who have already produced at least one feature film; however, we realize that every producer who got a first feature off the ground had to find that script somewhere. So, instead of providing access to scripts on InkTip, we offer leads to writers about up-and-coming producers who show real potential and who provided good references in an effort to help our writers connect with such producers. Note that this is one such lead.
To find out about this company AND submit to this lead:
1) Go to https://www.inktip.com/leads/
2) Copy/Paste this code: svvm3erykc