Adrienne Richardson - Powerplay Media

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  • Adrienne Richardson - Powerplay Media

Adrienne Richardson - Powerplay Media I help business owners generate leads and sales using Facebook & Instagram Ads

Adrienne Richardson is a lead gen expert, specializing specifically in Facebook Advertising. Her specialty is helping her clients get more leads and sales through high-converting Facebook ads. Her happy clients are getting more sales calls with qualified leads, registrants for their webinars, and buyers for their products -- resulting in millions of dollars of new revenue. As a result, Adrienne ha

s become a go-to online marketing strategist for businesses that want to add more commas and zeros to their profits. A successful businesswoman, Adrienne has built two successful businesses, including a print magazine. She was also an Air Force paramedic for seven years, where delivering babies and saving lives prepared her well for the unpredictable whims of online marketing.

If you saw my nightstand at any given time, you'd find a Jenga-sized tower of books! 😆I'm guilty of being one of those, ...

If you saw my nightstand at any given time, you'd find a Jenga-sized tower of books! 😆

I'm guilty of being one of those, "I buy more books than have I the time to read..." kind of people.

I wanted to share 3 of my favorites reads of 2024 so far... these books have had a huge impact on me both in business and in my personal life.

I highly recommend these to anyone that wants to grow as a leader, improve their mental toughness and become a more resilient person.

1️⃣ The Gap & The Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin P. Hardy

This is probably one of my top 3 most favorite books EVER. It applies to all things in both life and business. Most of us are measuring our success backwards, which leaves us always feeling like we have to do more and be more. It leads to burnout and lack of fulfillment. Switching how you look at success and changing what you focus on, can literally turn your life around overnight and help you achieve more and do it with more joy and happiness.

2️⃣ Mind Shift by Erwin Raphael McManus

I love every book, podcast and sermon by Erwin. I'm a mega-fan. But this book is special because mental toughness is a necessity in business. Without it, you will struggle through challenges, be crushed by the hard times and struggle to overcome the ups and downs of business. I was fired up and ready to take on the world by the time I finished this book! Highly, highly recommend this one to anyone whether you run a business or not.

3️⃣ How People Grow by Dr. Henry Cloud

If you're in the coaching business, you've likely experienced a client or two who just couldn't turn things around no matter how much you helped them. Why do some people experience true transformation and some always continue to struggle? Dr. Cloud provides the solution to how people actually grow and how you as a leader can help them make true life changes. This one is a must-read for coaches, therapists and leaders.

What are some of your favorite books you've read this year that have helped you grow personally or in your business?

Here's why setting the RIGHT goals is important when you launch...

Here's why setting the RIGHT goals is important when you launch...


Police Officers witness the worst of humanity every day and they hardly have time to process some of the horrific things they’ve just seen before they’re off to their next call.

Over time, in order to cope with the dark things they interact with, they shove down the trauma deep inside and never talk about it. In fact, talking about it isn’t safe, because they could lose their jobs if their peers or boss think they’re not mentally tough.

So they find other ways to numb the feelings. Numb the pain. Numb the trauma.

This doesn’t only happen to men and women in law enforcement. We all do it. But ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.

It continues to fester… until some day, you’re forced to face it. And by that time, it’s often ruined many parts of your life.

If you’ve ever been afraid to speak up to a boss, a friend, or a spouse about an internal suffering that you’re carrying, I invite you to listen to this episode of The Resilience Factor with Chris Webb. He shares some incredible tools to cope with trauma and find the courage and strength to ask for help.

Comment TRF11 and I'll send you the link to listen now.


Growing up Justin was an athletic, but overweight kid who had an immense joy and love for sports.

As he entered his teenage years and started training for hockey, he began losing weight and received a lot of applause and recognition from his peers, instead of the usual criticism and bullying he had been experiencing.

These positive affirmations about his appearance led Justin to a near-fatal battle with anorexia, depriving his body of proper nutrition for years in an effort to avoid gaining back the weight.

During our conversation Justin shares many valuable and meaningful lessons he’s learned on his journey from anorexia and how he found strength in vulnerability.

We talk about everything from realizing your self-worth, when to trust others, overcoming insecurity, doubt, the power behind taking ownership and the freedom that comes from speaking up for what you believe in.

This is one of my favorite episodes so far.

Justin shares so many incredible lessons we can all learn from - you don’t want to miss this one.

Comment TRF15 below and I'll send you the links to the episode or find it wherever you listen to podcasts.


The time has come. We’ve reached the end of season 1 of The Resilience Factor Podcast. I have been overjoyed with the response I’ve received from our listeners about how the show has helped them through difficult times, inspired them to take action in their lives and even find hope for a bright future.

To mark this celebratory moment, I’ve asked my friend and client, Rick Pino to join me on this week’s episode of The Resilience Factor.

After experiencing a major setback in his business that would cost him thousands of dollars, he was faced with the ultimate decision - embrace the challenge and innovate - or lose his business.

He persevered and as a result, his business skyrocketed!

Rick shares the invaluable lessons and wisdom he's gained throughout his career and tells us exactly how he’s been able to level up in both business AND in life using the ‘Be, Do, Have, Give’ Formula and why internal growth is key to achieving external results.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or someone striving for personal growth, this method applies to marriage, parenting, business, health, and even friendships. Everyone can benefit from it.

I personally left this episode feeling better about my business and more hopeful about the future. The conversation we shared in this episode will leave you inspired and excited and ready to crush it in all areas of your life.

Comment TRF19 to hear his story now!


On this week's episode of The Resilience Factor, I interviewed Amy Post.

Nearly a decade ago, life for Amy, her husband and 2 kids was going well. But her world was turned upside down when her daughter was diagnosed with malignant liver cancer at just 3 years old.

Amy took on the job of becoming an advocate for her daughter’s treatment as she underwent a liver transplant, several rounds of chemotherapy, infusions, transfusions and stent placements.

Despite this incredibly painful and uncertain time for her family, Amy fought for improvements in the hospital system and remained hopeful for her daughter’s life.

In this episode, Amy shares how leaning into discomfort helped her navigate such a difficult time and how the power of perspective and living in the moment gave her the strength to show up every day.

If you or someone you know is going through a difficult health battle, I know her story will fill you with hope and faith for the future.

Comment TRF18 to listen now.

I'm throwing a huge 4th of July Extravaganza for the NEXT 4 DAYS packed with massive discounts that will CHANGE. THE. GA...

I'm throwing a huge 4th of July Extravaganza for the NEXT 4 DAYS packed with massive discounts that will CHANGE. THE. GAME. for you this summer (and through the end of 2024).

From troubleshooting problems to scaling to targeting... I've even knocked a couple thousand off a virtual VIP Day with yours truly. This mid-year sale is your chance for massive savings on expert Facebook ad coaching & training.

There are 6 incredible ADvantages available - choose one or grab them all!

1️⃣ Cash Creation Clinic: Learn quick cash infusion strategies and create captivating offers. Get ready for a revenue explosion with 77% OFF!

2️⃣ 30 Days to Scale: Save hours of frustration and wasted money - find winning audiences and ad creatives in 30 days or less! Sparks will fly when you grab this today for just $44!

3️⃣ Data Decoder: To achieve profitable ads you must know how to track AND interpret the story the data is telling you. Learn how to confidently make strategic decisions no matter what your budget or goals are and turn your losing campaigns into WINNERS! Save over $150 this week!

4️⃣ 7-Day Ad Makeover: Get a real-life look at how I transformed 9 failing Facebook Ad Campaigns into lead-generating machines in just 7 days! Look over my shoulder and discover how to turn your own nightmare campaigns in ROI Powerhouses. Get it now for only $44!

5️⃣ Done-For-You Targeting: Overwhelmed by all of the targeting options? Unsure about where to start? Let my team curate 3 custom COLD TRAFFIC target audiences tailored to YOUR niche. Grab it as fast as you can at a mind-blowing 40% OFF! (Only 10 spots available)

6️⃣ Virtual VIP Day: Tap into this brain responsible for helping clients produce over $90,000,000 in sales. Together we'll create your personalized marketing plan for world domination (or something close to it)! This is a white-glove, bespoke experience - no two are the same. I will custom-tailor the day to your needs. There are only 3 spots available, grab yours NOW and save 34% OFF!

The sale ends this Friday, July 5th at midnight.

👉 Go to to shop now!


You may know Kim Vargas as the wife of Pete Vargas, owner of Advance Your Reach. She and I have become close friends over the last couple of years and I knew I wanted to share her unbelievable story with you.

Despite the unimaginable hardships and challenges Kim has faced in her life, there is a confidence about her that I admire and a quiet strength she holds that is truly remarkable.

In this episode of The Resilience Factor, we dive deep into the details of some of the many challenges she and Pete have faced including her Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis diagnosis and the impact it had on her daily life in her early 20’s, the journey to grow her family through adoption, unexpected heartbreak she and her husband faced and a stroke that nearly ended her life.

Kim has such a sense of peace and calmness about her that most people lose when they are put through trying times. She has not let it harden her heart and her wisdom and experience shared in our discussion around perspective, hope and gratitude is something everyone needs to hear.

I can’t wait for you to get to know her and learn more about her story.

Comment TRF14 and I'll send you the link to listen right now.

3 rules you should always follow when it comes to Ad Creatives 👇What do you struggle with the most when choosing creativ...

3 rules you should always follow when it comes to Ad Creatives 👇

What do you struggle with the most when choosing creatives? Let me know in the comments...

In my experience, when you sell a low-ticket offer a lot of your high-ticket clients will come from the folks that bough...

In my experience, when you sell a low-ticket offer a lot of your high-ticket clients will come from the folks that bought your low-ticket offer.

When they've had an amazing experience with you at a low price, it's natural for them to want to keep working with you at a higher level.

Your low-ticket offer is also a great down-sell for your high-ticket prospects who aren't a good fit or can't afford it.

Low-ticket helps to establish you as an authority which showcases your expertise and makes people want to continue buying from you.

Consider that myth... BUSTED!💥

Do you have high and low ticket offers? Has anyone ever told you that you couldn't or shouldn't have both? Let me know in the comments 👇


I'm so excited to introduce you to Shana Bresnahan on the latest episode of The Resilience Factor.

Shana grew up in Brentwood, TN just outside of Nashville. From the outside looking in, her family was perfect. They were known very well in their small community, she was successful in school, top of her class and cheer captain.

But her world was turned upside down in 8th grade when her father was incarcerated. Her family was no longer loved and welcomed by her community, her teachers turned on her and she learned at a young age that while community has the incredible power to heal, it has just as much power to hurt.

In this episode she shares the coping mechanisms she turned to at a young age, how faith played a significant role in her healing and the life-changing power of discovering her true identity.

We talk about everything from forgiveness, setting boundaries in relationships and keeping a book of evidence to chronicle our struggles and triumphs so that we never forget how much we’ve overcome and are reminded of our growing resilience and strength.

Comment TRF17 to get the link to the full episode now or find it wherever you listen to podcasts.


Jenny C. Cohen has a long list of huge accomplishments like being a multi #1 international bestselling author, actor, voiceover artist, and comedian as well as having a Master’s Degree in Occupational Therapy, and a long list of other professional certifications.

But behind the scenes of this impressive list is a story of breast cancer, IVF treatments to conceive her twins, her husband’s cancer diagnosis and so many more painful life challenges.

In the episode, we dive deep into the details of how she made it through so much heartbreak and setback and built the resilience that helped her become the strong woman, wife and mother she is today.

I was surprised to learn just how much physical movement can help heal our bodies past trauma and old wounds.

Comment TRF10 below and I'll send you the link to listen now.

Here's why you're not getting results with your Facebook ads... Choosing the WRONG targeting in your ads will make your ...

Here's why you're not getting results with your Facebook ads...

Choosing the WRONG targeting in your ads will make your cost per click go up… your cost per conversion go up… and fill your list full of people who don’t want what you've got.

Even with all the recent changes Meta has made (👋 hello Advantage+ Targeting)... WHO you tell Facebook to show your ads to still matters in 2024.

When your targeting is done RIGHT… your ad costs can drop by as much as 50%!

And you’ll build a list of POWER LEADS: people who have the problem you solve and are looking for a solution.

Me and my team have just 20 spots available for Done For You Targeting this month AND I'm dropping the price 33% (for the next 72 hours only).

These spots SOLD OUT last month so don't wait.

This is your shortcut to getting a thriving ad campaign that brings in more leads and more sales with less overwhelm!

Comment “FLASH33” below and to save your spot.


Reminder: If you're running Facebook ads, make sure your payment method on file to charge ad spend is current and up to date.

That means there's money in the account OR credit available to be charged.

Over the years I've had clients email me in a panic because Facebook turned their ads off. When I pop into their ad account to investigate it's usually because the payment method on file failed.

Avoid the smackdown and keep your payment up to date.


I’d like to believe that I would somehow still be able to go on with life if I lost my whole family, but honestly, I don’t know that I could.

I don’t even know how I would get out of bed, let alone, ever have a smile on my face ever again.

Ron DeHaas faced that exact scenario when his wife and two young children were killed in a fiery car accident.

Rather than him going into a deep depression and giving up hope of ever experiencing joy again… he created a business that saves marriages and families.

In 2000, Ron founded Covenant Eyes, Inc. and has helped over 300,000 men and women change their lives by overcoming addictions to p*rnography.

His story is an inspirational journey of redemption, faith and hope.

If you or anyone in your life has faced deep grief, addiction or hopelessness, this episode is for you.

Comment TRF09 below and I'll send you the link to listen.

3 rules to follow when choosing ad creatives for your Facebook campaigns👇

3 rules to follow when choosing ad creatives for your Facebook campaigns👇

What's the MOST important thing your ads need to do for your audience?They need to build TRUST.🤝Especially right now. Wi...

What's the MOST important thing your ads need to do for your audience?

They need to build TRUST.🤝

Especially right now. Without trust, you cannot turn cold traffic into a buyer.

TRUST has to be there in everything that you're doing, from your ad copy to your landing page, in order for your audience to buy.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to start building trust is to show your audience that you understand their problem better than they do.

When you can talk about the problem they have with a deep level of understanding, they automatically assume you know more than they do and that you're an expert.

Take a look at your ad and landing page copy - are you using language that describes the way your audience experiences their problem in their everyday life? Is it so specific that they instantly know you're an expert on the topic?

If you answered no to either of those questions and want my team's help revising your copy, comment "PPC" below 👇

The fastest way to get your ad account banned is to violate Facebook's Terms of Service. Here's how to avoid getting the...

The fastest way to get your ad account banned is to violate Facebook's Terms of Service. Here's how to avoid getting the smackdown from Zuckerberg ⬆️


That's what happens when you hire the best of the best to manage your Facebook ads 😎

Your ads are on fire and now you're ready to start scaling and increasing the budget. The most important thing to rememb...

Your ads are on fire and now you're ready to start scaling and increasing the budget.

The most important thing to remember is not to rush it.

Doubling or tripling ad spend overnight can agitate the algorithm and you want to avoid that as much as possible.

💡Here's what I recommend: increase the budget by 20% every few days.

It creates more stability for the algorithm and improves your likelihood of better results over time.

Save this post + share it with a fellow business owner if you found it helpful.


Ever wonder if running ads for a local business is different than ads for a business that can work with clients ANYWHERE? Watch this☝️

Every Wednesday I jump on Zoom for live group Power Hour calls to talk targeting, budgeting, scaling, creatives and overall marketing strategy.

Comment or DM me the word PPC and I'll send you more info about how you can join.

In celebration of my 46th Birthday, I put together a special gift just for you! Comment BDAY now to get the link. If you...

In celebration of my 46th Birthday, I put together a special gift just for you! Comment BDAY now to get the link.

If you’ve been struggling to dial your current ads in or want the help of an expert to scale your ads that are already crushing it, you can grab an exclusive 3-Month Access Pass to Powerplayers Club.

I'm giving everyone 46% OFF until midnight Thursday!

This 3-Month Pass locks in your membership through the end of August... but you won't have to wait until June 1st to get started because I'm giving you 2 weeks of early access for FREE.

So rather than 13 weeks of support, you’ll get 15!

Plus, I’ll also gift you a FREE 15-minute S.O.S. call to use when you have an urgent problem or want my direct 1:1 feedback.

I don't do 1:1 coaching anymore so this is a really special treat.

Powerplayers Club is normally $397/month - the price for all of these goodies combined together would cost you over $1,600, but you’ll get it all for 46% off the regular price!

This bundle goes away at midnight on Thursday - don’t wait.

Comment BDAY below and I’ll send you the link to join the party!


🎉It's my Birthday and I have a gift for YOU!

Comment BDAY now to get your link to join the party.


👀 Want a behind-the-scenes look at what makes a Facebook ad successful?
Comment TRANSFORM and I'll send you the link to the video!

I've got something special cooking this week and I'm sharing ALL of the details on Friday. Comment VIP and I'll add you ...

I've got something special cooking this week and I'm sharing ALL of the details on Friday.

Comment VIP and I'll add you to my VIP List and make sure you're the first to know before everyone else 😄

Want to watch me completely TRANSFORM 3 failing Facebook Ad funnels? Get a behind-the-scenes look at how I took turned t...

Want to watch me completely TRANSFORM 3 failing Facebook Ad funnels?

Get a behind-the-scenes look at how I took turned these duds into lead generating studs, in just 7 days!

I'm inviting you to get a real-life look at the before and after results to see exactly how I was able to bring the ads for these funnels back to life:

✔️ 3-Day Challenge
✔️ Free Trial
✔️ Book a Call

You'll also discover my analytical approach to troubleshooting problems, plus I'll share the secrets to turning your own nightmare campaigns into ROI powerhouses.

Comment "TRANSFORM" below and I'll send you the link to access now!

Want a behind-the-scenes look at what makes a successful Facebook ad campaign? 👀I took 3 failing ad campaigns and comple...

Want a behind-the-scenes look at what makes a successful Facebook ad campaign? 👀

I took 3 failing ad campaigns and completely TRANSFORMED them in just 7 days, turning them into lead generating machines.

Now, I'm inviting you to get a real-life look at the before and after results.

See exactly how I was able to bring the ads back to life for a 3-day challenge funnel, free trial funnel & book a call funnel.

You'll also discover my analytical approach to troubleshooting problems, plus I'll share the secrets to turning your own nightmare campaigns into ROI powerhouses.

Comment "TRANSFORM" below and I'll send you the link to access now!

Ever wonder why you see great results with your ads one day and the next day it dips?Well that's because Facebook is a m...

Ever wonder why you see great results with your ads one day and the next day it dips?

Well that's because Facebook is a machine and it's algorithm operates based on human behavior.

When things like natural disasters, elections or holidays are happening and people are distracted it causes them to either be more present or less present on the platform.

Human behavior dictates how your ads will perform.

It's important to understand how the machine operates, it will help you have better success with ads in the long run and not be as frustrated with those ebbs and flows.

If you're struggling to get your ads dialed in and want to get my eyes on them, comment "PPC" below and I'll send you more info.

Are you struggling to find your target audience on Facebook? Tired of spending countless hours doing research to find th...

Are you struggling to find your target audience on Facebook? Tired of spending countless hours doing research to find the interests and demographics?

Who you show your ads to will make or break the success of your ads and if you're targeting the wrong people, will cost you a lot of money.

My Audience Targeting Cheat Sheet has over 2,000 targeting options, vetted and categorized to bring you high-quality leads from your Facebook and Instagram ads.

These are the exact targeting selections I use for my private ads management clients.

Comment "TARGETING" and I'll send you a free copy.



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