If you're on Ko-Fi and appreciate #OSR, #DnD, #TTRPG and general tabletop creators, why not give me a follow? https://hxpr.to/kofi
#DMTips: when coming up with stuff for your #DnD #DnD5E #TTRPG campaign, it’s worth thinking about what the purpose is: what does it do for your game? Try to look at it dispassionately. Does this thing that you want to do add something positive? If not, reconsider.
Heading back Into bat country from #clericon
My first con game is a wrap! 😁👍 #clericon #osr #ttrpg
#DMTips: Sandbox vs Narrative Gaming - I see a lot of confusion in the #DnD #DnD5E #TTRPG sphere about sandbox play vs narrative play. Here's a 🌳 botanical analogy. Yes it’s imperfect and general but I think it’s a good starting point for discussions on the topic.
I have arrived in Canada for #clericon, no thanks to the agent at the border! #vlog
Use the b/x halfling as an #osr #ttrpg hunter class? #hexedpress
If you're on Ko-Fi and appreciate #OSR, #DnD, #TTRPG and general tabletop creators, why not give me a follow? https://hxpr.to/kofi
#DMTips: Negative consequences are not punishments. A punishment is a penalty levied against a behavior because of the nature of the behavior. A consequence is a ramification of an action based on its result. #DnD #DnD5E #TTRPG
If you're on Ko-Fi and appreciate #OSR, #DnD, #TTRPG and general tabletop creators, why not give me a follow? https://hxpr.to/kofi
#DMTips: when coming up with stuff for your #DnD #DnD5E #TTRPG campaign, it’s worth thinking about what the purpose is: what does it do for your game? Try to look at it dispassionately. Does this thing that you want to do add something positive? If not, reconsider.