Farewell to David Lynch, a true auteur and master of his cinematic and artistic craft. He has been a huge influence on me for many years to the point that I helped to create a David Lynch Club in my university days (with the help of Karen Horsley). It’s always sad to see someone you admire pass on but that’s life unfortunately. It gives added perspective to the works that they leave behind, helping us to create new connections to their works and the people we know who also admired them.
My most cherished possessions in relation to his films are the Japanese DVD of Eraserhead (1977), the Twin Peaks: From Z to A boxset and the cardboard cutout of Dale Cooper that I got when the Twin Peaks stars came to Melbourne a few years back (he now sits on my wall in the theatre room watching whatever I watch on the TV). Lynch was a wonderful artist and alongside many other people I will miss his presence in our strange and often painful world.