Our Thinking Clearly podcast ( #100-Foundations and Future of Critical Thinking-with guest Kevin deLaplante) has published, and you can listen to and/or download it at: https://thinkingclearly.libsyn.com/ or at any of your favorite podcatcher sites.
We discuss a variety of topics with Kevin deLaplante, PhD. Kevin is a former tenured professor of Philosophy at Iowa State University and is currently an independent educator and consultant whose mission is to: “empower individuals and businesses by helping them upgrade their critical thinking, decision-making, communication and persuasion skills.” Topics include: why critical thinking is important and how we can get more people to do it; a description of the fundamental skills involved in critical thinking and where to start learning them; how to add to your skills if you are already a critical thinker; the dual-process model of thinking; and recent models and theories of human cognition such as: the Predictive Processing Model and Extended Mind Theory.
Additional Links:
• Kevin’s Personal website: https://kevindelaplante.com/
• Kevin’s Argument Ninja Dojo: https://www.argumentninja.com/
• The Critical Thinker Academy: https://criticalthinkeracademy.com/p/unlock-every-course
• Kevin’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFLCAm7HCyw6DEY9jvOMTvA
• The Critical Thinker Podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrjUmL6HaIVSE0QagRwNb6jW05kaZF4f
• Kevin’s LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevindelaplante/