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Its engaged writers seek to provide access to those ideas, trends and information which impact the progress of the world's peoples toward a happier, better life.

The false flag, July 27, 2024FADI LAMAFor over a century, false flags operations have been found to be ideal for initiat...

The false flag, July 27, 2024
For over a century, false flags operations have been found to be ideal for initiating wars. On July 27, 2024 Hezbollah attacked an Israeli military base in the occupied Golan Heights, something that Hezbollah has been doing repeatedly during the past nine months.
Shortly after the Hezbollah attack a missile from an Israeli base in the Golan Heights hit a football (soccer) field killing 12 Syrian Druze civilians in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. An Israeli paramedic of the MDA (Red Star of David) told Al Araby television correspondent Christine Rinawi, that eyewitnesses informed him that it was an interceptor missile from the Israeli Iron Dome aerial defense system. Other eyewitnesses informed Rinawi that the missile was from a nearby Israeli military base.
Hezbollah denied that any of their missiles or drones hit the football field.

The Propaganda, July 27, 2024

Success of false flags hinges on immediately following up with the requisite narrative, hence immediately following the incident, Western propaganda outlets, in unison as usual, put the blame on Hezbollah.

The Reality
Naturally the headlines did not mention that the casualties were Syrian Arabs of the Druze Muslim faith, leading Western and global audiences to believe that the missile attack was by Hezbollah and that the casualties were civilian Israeli Jews.

Of course, none of the media mention that Majdal Shams residents have a long history of resisting Israeli occupation:

On February 14, 1982, the Arab-Druze residents of the Golan declared a general strike during which they confronted Israeli occupation forces. Protests simultaneously took place in the city of Quneitra on the Syrian side of the border. The general strike went on for 19 weeks until the government promised not to force Israeli identity cards on the Druze population of the occupied territory. Arab-Druze Syrian citizens of the Golan Heights, numbering today around 23,000, have largely refrained from accepting Israeli citizenship and have even sanctioned those among them who have chosen to do so.

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World Court Opinion On Illegal Israeli Occupation Gives Tools To End GenocideBy Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. July...

World Court Opinion On Illegal Israeli Occupation Gives Tools To End Genocide
By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. July 30, 2024
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On July 18, 2024, the World Court (aka the International Court of Justice) issued an advisory opinion that found Israel to be an illegal occupation of Palestine and that the settlements must be dismantled, Palestinians must be allowed to return to their homes and they must be paid reparations. International human rights lawyer Francis Boyle talks to Clearing the FOG about how the court’s opinion came about, what it means and how it can be used by activists in their communities to end the genocide in Palestine. Boyle explains why now is the time to escalate out actions and end the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Honor and GloryAlfred de Zayas"While cycling this summer through France, Italy and Switzerland it struck me how many war...

Honor and Glory
Alfred de Zayas
"While cycling this summer through France, Italy and Switzerland it struck me how many war memorials, plaques, statues to generals and admirals grace the streets and boulevards, even of small towns. Personally, I have much respect for true patriotism, for self-sacrifice and individual heroism. I bow my head in reverence and remembrance of the suffering of prior generations, not only soldiers but also civilians – all victims of war and failed diplomacy. At the same time, I am troubled by the pervasive cult of death and the absence of careful reflection about how wars come about. I was concerned by the absence of monuments to pay tribute to pacifists and peace-makers like Henri La Fontaine (International Peace Bureau), Leo Tolstoy, Aristide Briand, Frank Kellogg[1], Gustav Stresemann. Nowhere did I see a monument to conscientious objectors to militarism and merchants of death[2]. What does this tell us about our societies? About our civilization?..."


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NATO’s Civilian Bases by JOAN ROELOFSWhy has NATO been so generally accepted in Europe by almost all the major political...

NATO’s Civilian Bases by JOAN ROELOFS
Why has NATO been so generally accepted in Europe by almost all the major political parties and especially puzzling, the social democratic ones? Its economic costs, illegal aggressive wars, environmental damage, and the risks of nuclear annihilation would seem to make it a prime platform item. Well-informed political activists are unlikely to believe that an invasion of Switzerland or Denmark is imminent.
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ICJ's Decision on the Occupation Goes Beyond Israel's Worst FearsIsrael's fundamental arguments about its long-term occu...

ICJ's Decision on the Occupation Goes Beyond Israel's Worst Fears
Israel's fundamental arguments about its long-term occupation of the West Bank and Gaza are undermined in the ICJ's advisory opinion, which essentially arms countries, institutions and corporations with justification to penalize Israel. Ignoring it shouldn't be an option
The key points in the ICJ’s opinion
Israel's ongoing presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is deemed illegal.

Israel must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible.

Israel should immediately cease settlement expansion and evacuate all settlers from the occupied areas.

Israel is required to make reparations for the damage caused to the local and lawful population in the Palestinian territories.

The international community and organizations have a duty not to recognize the Israeli presence in the territories as legal and to avoid supporting its maintenance.

The UN should consider what actions are necessary to end the Israeli presence in the territories as soon as possible.

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Why Is the West Preparing for War?Paul Craig Roberts"...what is clear is that Washington is pushing both Europe and Russ...

Why Is the West Preparing for War?
Paul Craig Roberts

"...what is clear is that Washington is pushing both Europe and Russia into preparing for war, and is itself preparing. The US Senate has joined the House of Representatives in creating a draft registration system from which to field a conscripted army. The Senate’s version includes women in the draft, as equal treatment requires. Clearly, Washington sees the need for a larger army than a volunteer army can provide.

Now that the Biden regime is supplying F-16s and long-range missiles to Ukraine, weapon systems that Biden said would never be given to the Ukrainians, along with targeting information, clearly Washington’s intent is to further widen the war by carrying it deep into civilian areas of Russia. Simultaneously, Washington is using its NGOs in Georgia to orchestrate a color revolution there in order to open a second front against Russia. Putin’s slow forever war in Ukraine has played directly into Washington’s hands.

China is the main focus of Washington’s strategy of isolating Russia. At the recent NATO Summit China was accused of being a “decisive enabler” of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. By allegedly supplying armaments to Russia, China is accused of challenging “our interests, security and values.”

I would have expected a different Chinese reply than was made. China should have said to Washington/NATO: “You started the conflict and your weapons systems and French troops are supporting and widening the conflict. You have blocked all efforts to end the conflict; yet you dare accuse us of responsibility for it.”

Instead, the Chinese disavowed supplying Russia with any military support.

This is an extremely weak response. It suggests that all the Russian-Chinese assurance of a “no-limits partnership” is just words. An appropriate response from China would have been: “We are considering sending 500,000 of our best soldiers to serve under Russian command in Ukraine and have called up another million men for military training.”

A response such as this is what would end the conflict before the dumbsh*t hegemonic West puts us all in a war of annihilation.,,"

Get PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS' books here:

About China / A.B. Abrams"From the 2010s China increasingly showed signs of strong advantages over its closest economic ...

About China / A.B. Abrams
"From the 2010s China increasingly showed signs of strong advantages over its closest economic rivals in terms of the general education of its population and the concentration of skills and talent among its citizens which were vital to its ability to compete in high tech. This could be measured in many ways, including the number of patents being filed, the number of science and technology related papers being published and cited, and the performances of children in schools, with almost all metrics consistently pointing to a fast-growing Chinese edge. Taking as an example the number of peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals, which is considered the most basic barometer of a country's research and development activity, China overtook the U.S. in the 2016-2018 period, publishing 19.9 percent of the world’s total at 305,927. This was 18 times the country’s own average for 1996-1998, and 3.6 times that from the 2006-2008 period, with the rate of growth indicating that China would likely double the U.S. figure before 2030. Like in many metrics of technological competition the two countries were very much in a league of their own, with third place held by Germany at just 67,041 papers—less than a quarter of the U.S. figure of 281,487 papers. "

The Summit of the FutureJeffrey D. Sachs   |   June 21, 2024   | The New World Economy "The world’s geopolitical system ...

The Summit of the Future

Jeffrey D. Sachs | June 21, 2024 | The New World Economy

"The world’s geopolitical system is not delivering what we want or need. Sustainable development is our declared goal, meaning economic prosperity, social justice, environmental sustainability, and peace. Yet our reality is continued poverty amidst plenty, widening inequalities, deepening environmental crises, and war. To get back on track, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has wisely called for a Summit of the Future (SOTF) at the United Nations on September 22-23, a call that has been endorsed by the 193 UN Member states.

The core idea of the Summit of the Future is that humanity is facing a set of unprecedented challenges that can only be solved through global cooperation. The crisis of human-induced climate change (especially the warming of the planet) cannot be solved by any one country alone. Nor can the crises of wars (such as in Ukraine and Gaza) or the geopolitical tensions (between the US and China) be settled by one or two countries alone. Each country, even the major powers including the US, China, Russia, India, and others are part of a complex global structure of power, economics, and politics that requires truly global solutions."

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DE ZAYAS book BUILDING A JUST WORLD ORDER addresses how to build a better UN. Get it here:

Hunter Biden wants his father to continue the presidential race, says the New York Times.According to the publication, H...

Hunter Biden wants his father to continue the presidential race, says the New York Times.

According to the publication, Hunter has been the most vocal in urging the U.S. President to resist the pressure he faced after the debates.

Hunter Biden wants Americans to see his father as he knows him - "sharp and knowledgeable, not a stumbling, aging president."

We'd like Americans to see them as FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS reveals them.

From Ha'aretzIsrael Cannot Reoccupy and Judaize the Gaza Strip"In the areas that have been seized – along Gaza's borders...

From Ha'aretz
Israel Cannot Reoccupy and Judaize the Gaza Strip

"In the areas that have been seized – along Gaza's borders with Israel and Egypt and in the east-west Netzarim Corridor bisecting the Strip south of Gaza City – Palestinians are barred from entering, residential buildings were destroyed, vegetation has been uprooted and the Israel Defense Forces built a new road with four bases constructed along it. "This is an effort toward a prolonged occupation," the report quotes a senior officer as saying.
Buffer zone and control corridor: What the Israeli army's entrenchment in Gaza looks like
UN: Almost all buildings in Israel's buffer zone in Gaza were destroyed
1.7 million Gazans fled their homes. They have nowhere to return to
The religious right and its supporters in the army will not settle for seizing territory purely out of military considerations and meeting the war's stated goals: the elimination of Hamas, the return of the hostages and the reconstruction of the border-area communities. Religious officers and soldiers, with the encouragement of right-wing politicians, rabbis and activists, have been calling for months to renew Jewish settlement in the Strip.
Videos from Gaza were spread on social networks and right-wing news channels showing the opening of a synagogue, a mezuzah installed, graffiti urging resettlement and the printing of Torah-based literature in areas where the army operates.
The official policy is to shy from declarations of a permanent Israeli occupation of Gaza, which are liable to trigger opposition abroad. Responding to actions by soldiers encouraging Jewish resettlement in Gaza, an IDF statement quoted in the report called them "serious incidents that do not align with the IDF's values and directives and do not contribute to the war's goals."

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From Ha'aretzIsrael Cannot Reoccupy and Judaize the Gaza Strip"In the areas that have been seized – along Gaza's borders...

From Ha'aretz
Israel Cannot Reoccupy and Judaize the Gaza Strip

"In the areas that have been seized – along Gaza's borders with Israel and Egypt and in the east-west Netzarim Corridor bisecting the Strip south of Gaza City – Palestinians are barred from entering, residential buildings were destroyed, vegetation has been uprooted and the Israel Defense Forces built a new road with four bases constructed along it. "This is an effort toward a prolonged occupation," the report quotes a senior officer as saying.

Buffer zone and control corridor: What the Israeli army's entrenchment in Gaza looks like
UN: Almost all buildings in Israel's buffer zone in Gaza were destroyed
1.7 million Gazans fled their homes. They have nowhere to return to
The religious right and its supporters in the army will not settle for seizing territory purely out of military considerations and meeting the war's stated goals: the elimination of Hamas, the return of the hostages and the reconstruction of the border-area communities. Religious officers and soldiers, with the encouragement of right-wing politicians, rabbis and activists, have been calling for months to renew Jewish settlement in the Strip.

Videos from Gaza were spread on social networks and right-wing news channels showing the opening of a synagogue, a mezuzah installed, graffiti urging resettlement and the printing of Torah-based literature in areas where the army operates.

The official policy is to shy from declarations of a permanent Israeli occupation of Gaza, which are liable to trigger opposition abroad. Responding to actions by soldiers encouraging Jewish resettlement in Gaza, an IDF statement quoted in the report called them "serious incidents that do not align with the IDF's values and directives and do not contribute to the war's goals."

Fadi Lama: Money Powers & West Collapsing Into Dystopia as East Rises

Fadi Lama: Money Powers & West Collapsing Into Dystopia as East Rises


Fadi Lama discusses his fantastic book "Why the West Can't Win" and the Money Powers that rule the world. He explains how everything in the West is fake and a Virtual Reality (e.g. fake democracy, fak

The Collapse of ZionismILAN PAPPÉHamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old buildi...

The Collapse of Zionism

Hamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old building. The cracks were already beginning to show, but they are now visible in its very foundations. More than 120 years since its inception, could the Zionist project in Palestine – the idea of imposing a Jewish state on an Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern country – be facing the prospect of collapse? Historically, a plethora of factors can cause a state to capsize. It can result from constant attacks by neighbouring countries or from chronic civil war. It can follow the breakdown of public institutions, which become incapable of providing services to citizens. Often it begins as a slow process of disintegration that gathers momentum and then, in a short period of time, brings down structures that once appeared solid and steadfast.

The difficulty lies in spotting the early indicators. Here, I will argue that these are clearer than ever in the case of Israel. We are witnessing a historical process – or, more accurately, the beginnings of one – that is likely to culminate in the downfall of Zionism. And, if my diagnosis is correct, then we are also entering a particularly dangerous conjuncture. For once Israel realizes the magnitude of the crisis, it will unleash ferocious and uninhibited force to try to contain it, as did the South African apartheid regime during its final days.

A first indicator is the fracturing of Israeli Jewish society. At present it is composed of two rival camps which are unable to find common ground. The rift stems from the anomalies of defining Judaism as nationalism. While Jewish identity in Israel has sometimes seemed little more than a subject of theoretical debate between religious and secular factions, it has now become a struggle over the character of the public sphere and the state itself. This is being fought not only in the media but also in the streets.

More here:"

Israel Is Officially Annexing the West BankA quiet bureaucratic maneuver by Netanyahu’s government has begun transferrin...

Israel Is Officially Annexing the West Bank
A quiet bureaucratic maneuver by Netanyahu’s government has begun transferring control over the occupied territory from military to civilian leadership—violating international law.
By Michael Sfard, an Israeli lawyer specializing in international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
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"This is the background for the Netanyahu government’s recent decision to change the official governance structure of the West Bank by transferring many administrative powers from military to civilian command. Its moves should assuage any remaining doubts that Israel is in the process of fully annexing the West Bank—de jure.

In late February, Smotrich—an avowed homophobe and proponent of Jewish superiority—signed an agreement with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to transfer a number of governmental powers in the West Bank from the territory’s military commander to Smotrich. (In addition to serving as finance minister, Smotrich is also a minister in the Defense Ministry.) The move was agreed upon in the coalition agreement between Likud and the Religious Zionist Party...
Some of the agreement’s clauses obfuscate the transfer of powers by presenting the de facto governor as subordinate to the defense minister. But the defense minister will have veto power only in extreme cases—such as on large-scale demolitions in Palestinian areas—and, either way, these decisions will bypass the military commander. Smotrich is not hiding the fact that he intends to extend the powers of the Israeli government into settlements by dismantling the Civil Administration altogether, which would grant Israeli authorities direct jurisdiction over the West Bank.

The agreement also states that the de facto governor will work to expand the dual legal system in the West Bank by allowing Knesset legislation to apply more fully to Israeli settlers, while Palestinians will remain under military law. Legal advisors will be tasked to draft military orders that will officially apply Israeli legislation to settlers, a process dubbed “channeling” because military law channels Knesset law to the occupied territory.
The world’s silence in the face of these developments is a particularly dangerous manifestation of Israel’s exceptionalism in the international arena. The United States and other Western countries’ apathy toward Israel’s changing legal regime in the West Bank poses grave real-life consequences for Palestinians under occupation. But the international community’s blunder is not new. It has been a feature—not a bug—of the system since day one of Israel’s occupation...."

Save Ukraine from American meddlingBY JEFFREY SACHS,ht tps://

Save Ukraine from American meddling
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Ukraine can only be saved at the negotiating table, not on the battlefield. Sadly, this point is not understood by Ukrainian politicians such as Oleg Dunda, a member of Ukraine’s parliament, who recently wrote an oped on this site against my repeated call for negotiations.

Dunda believes that the U.S. will save Ukraine from Russia. The opposite is true. Ukraine actually needs to be saved from the U.S.

THE SUSPECT BODY COUNTThe death toll in Gaza is much higher than we're being toldSEYMOUR HERSH

The death toll in Gaza is much higher than we're being told
"... prominent American public health official who spoke to me acknowledged that he was also concerned about the numbers of unreported dead in Gaza. In a crisis, he said, “we can start with a name-by-name count, but pretty soon the numbers of killed and missing exceed the capacity of any such approach, especially when the counters are being killed and the records [are] at risk.” He said that various postwar academic studies of mortality during the siege of Mosul—when a US-led coalition fought a door-to-door fight in 2017 against the Islamic State in Iraq, killing as many 11,000 civilians—“showed the large loss of life from the use of high-velocity weapons in urban areas. So we should expect similar in Gaza.”

Other data suggest that the published death figures are seriously misleading. Save the Children, an international child protection agency, issued a report this month estimating that as many as 21,000 children in Gaza are “trapped beneath rubble, detained, buried in unmarked graves, or lost from their families.” Other children, the agency said, “have been forcibly disappeared, including an unknown number detained and forcibly transferred out of Gaza” with their whereabouts unknown to the families “amidst reports of ill-treatment and torture.”..."

SCOTT RITTER:  PUTIN OUTFOXES BLINKEN take on significance of Putin No...

Amazing take on significance of Putin North Korea and Vietnam trips, a strategic engagement that changes EVERYTHING.

Get his latest book:

Also relevant: WHY THE WEST CAN'T WIN



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