The BRICS Summit in Kazan: A Manifesto for a Rational World Order
Alfred de Zayas
"The Kazan Declaration of 23 October 2024, adopted at the 16th BRICS Summit[1] hosted by Russia in the city of Kazan on the Volga river from 22 to 24 October and attended by 36 countries[2], constitutes a pivotal moment for humanity. There is hope in the air, a certain optimism that we can gradually change the paradigm, marshal the world disorder, move away from bloc-mentality, abandon confrontational politics, phase out dependence on the US-dollar, and craft a coherent policy to enhance trade, social and cultural exchange in tandem with the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter and in the spirit of the UNESCO Constitution[3].
True enough, US and NATO provocations and war-mongering are not likely to disappear anytime soon. In fact, judging by what we read in the mainstream media, there is a surge in bellicose rhetoric in the West and a real danger that continued escalation will drive humanity to Apocalypse — in which case the UN Charter and the Kazan Declaration will not matter, because we will no longer inhabit planet Earth. Civilizations are not eternal. The Assyrian, Persian, Etruscan, Maya[4] civilizations all went under. We could wake up dead tomorrow – if we do not prevent a nuclear confrontation. As John Lennon sang, “War is over – if you want it”.[5]
While tensions will persist for years, the very existence of BRICS and the future-oriented Kazan Summit offer an alternative to Western nihilism. BRICS has just added 13 new members, and there are dozens more who want to join. This is eloquent proof that the world is changing and will continue to evolve away from US hegemonic fantasies. Indeed, BRICS is far more representative of global realities than the EU or the G-7. The thirteen new members are Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Vietnam – a panorama that encompasses all continents.
Unlike the UN Summit of the Future and Pact for the Future[6] of 20-22 September 2024, the Kazan Declaration with its 134 paragraphs constitutes a major step in the development of a multipolar world order and a reaffirmation of the will of the Global Majority to strengthen international peace and security through multilateralism. A return to the principles and purposes of the UN is possible when enough states commit to resolve all differences through diplomacy and exercise good faith instead of continuing to practice a “culture of cheating”[7]. ..."
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