"The Library of Congress database provides the following summary of the journal's scope and focus:
The journal is international and multidisciplinary in scope and provides a forum for theorists, researchers, and practitioners around the globe to share their ideas and findings. An important purpose is to stimulate and facilitate interaction between researchers and practitioners who are interested
in the stimulation of dialogical processes in a globalizing world. A central notion is the ’’dialogical self’’ that brings together, in innovative ways, theoretical traditions regarding ’self’ and ’dialogue’. The journal has the following aims: a) The construction and further development of dialogical self theory and other theories which deal directly with the relationship between self, identity, and dialogue. (b) The development of scientific methods for assessment, promotion and evaluation of dialogical processes in connection to the development of self and identity. (c) Bringing together theories, methods, research, and practice from different psychological subdisciplines which deal with the topics mentioned under a and b. The following psychological subdisciplines are considered to be particularly relevant to this goal: personality psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, cultural psychology, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, and personnel psychology. (d) Taking advantage of developments in other disciplines that are considered as relevant to the processes of self, identity, and dialogue. The following disciplines are regarded as particularly relevant: Sociology, cultural anthropology, brain sciences, philosophy, ethics, political science, linguistics, history, economy, and other disciplines that deal with the different ways in which persons, groups, and cultures are involved in processes of communication and exchange on a global scale. Along these lines, the journal aims at the development of a ’dialogical science’ as a future goal. In addition to substantive theoretical and empirical analyses, the journal welcomes discussions, recommendations, and evaluation studies. Submissions are invited from all fields mentioned above and from the full range of methodologies and epistemological traditions. The journal provides multiple bridges across nations." http://ijds.lemoyne.edu/
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